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The Whole Truth (Stratiros)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Tina Bistet had been stonewalled all day. The military had not been allowing many reporters into the area, in fact most of the coverage was being done by ones who had already been in the city, and were now desperately trying to stay alive while still doing their job. The few that did get sent in with convoy's had alot more credentials then Tina. So after a few hours, it became apparent that the only way she'd be getting in is if she snuck in.

Fortunately, the area being a desert and everything, it wasn't hard to drive away for a few miles, cut across the open sands, then circle back towards the city. Tina had an offroad 4x4 jeep she could use for this, was was just crossing the "security perimiter" when all of a sudden there was a bright flash in front of her. As she was forced to sheild her eyes, her car hit a cactus, smashing the front end and causing the car to die. When she recovered, the sky was a wierd reddish-blue color. If she looked behind her, Tina would see that there was infact a blueish staticy dome impacting the ground about a mile behind her. Her head hurt from the impact, but it would soon fade as she regained her senses.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina sat up shaking her head. "What was that? Uhhh..." She store at the sky a few moments before shaking her head and turning her attention to the jeep. Popping the hood and seeing the rush of steam come out she yelled."Shit, I hadn't even finished paying this off." She pulled her bag out of the car and took the camera out. Taking a quick snap of the sky, Tina started walking towards the city picking her fallen hat up off of the sand and putting it back on her head. "I'd better find something there."
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

(mechanical or electric camera. Yes, is important ;) )
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

(electric main, mechanical back up)
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

The camera did not work as it usually did, it took a few flicking of switches to even get the shutter moving. There was no easy way to tell what was wrong, but all electronic componates were not working.

Ahead of Tina the desert went on for quite a ways. The city itself, and even the suburbs were still over the horizon. Walking straight across it might not be such a good idea, at least without supplies. About ten miles to her right was where the road she had been stopped on should be, which might make for some better travling. However, no doubt the military would not be happy with her, if she was caught.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Messing with her camera once more before giving up she pulled out her spare and snapped a shot. "Hope I don't run out of film."

With the city not even in sight she headed for the road, after all there weren't only military vehicles. And if there were... well it'd be better than dieing in the desert. At least she hoped it would be.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

It was still a long walk, even just to the road, and Tina was starting to get tired when it finally came into view. Thankfully, it just so happened there was a small gas station with a residential trailer next to it at this spot along it. Better then just a deserted section. However, something was wrong. The lights were off, for one. While the people might have left when the disaster started, there wasn't even a military garrison here, though Tina might have caught sight of a jeep parked on the other side of the building, where she couldn't see it very well...
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina sat down for a second to rest as she caught sight of the gas station. "Wow, good luck there." Standing up she walked towards it wary, it was odd that this place had been abandoned. She crept up to the station itself first, looking in the windows to find food or water. Better to get supplies in case she needed to walk the rest of the way.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina was rather quiet as she moved in on the gas station, the desert was silent around her. It wasn't hard to be quiet in the sand, but the unnatural stillness was a bit creepy. The station itself was just as dead, through the large windows the reporter could see that everything was just as it should be, stocked and clean, but no movement inside whatsoever, like a still photograph. From this close position, Tina could see that the trailer was likewise dark and quiet.

There was a clue to what might have happened though. Both buildings, though the trailer technically wasn't a building per se, had wires coming from them that went around back of the gas station, probably to a generator or something. There was not a power line running along the road here, despite the fact that this wasn't just some mom and pop store, but a major chain station. Though looking closely, the place might be new, and the line just hadn't been run out yet.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

She looked around the empty station for a few seconds before sighting her quarry. Tina went to the drink stands and pulled out a chilled bottle of water. she drenched herself to cool off, and took one more to drink as she moved. This place was a bit of a mystery, and you can't just leave one of those unsolved. She went back outside of the station and followed the wires around.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina had been quite loud while moving through the station, searching it. Not to mention this one had a physical, metal bell to alert a cashier to a customer instead of the electroic type. As the reporter turned to leave, she was confronted with a nervious and jittery looking solider standing in the door, aiming his rifle inside. "What's going on in here, who's in here!" He yelled, eyes not quite focusing on Tina in the dark.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

'Crap...' Tina thought when she heard him come in. She placed her bag on the ground behind a stand and slowly turned to the soldier arms raised. "Please don't shoot I was just trying to find shelter." 'He looks pretty young... maybe new.. I should be able to talk my way through.' Tina started walking towards him slowly, not conscious of how see-through her shirt was at the moment her small breasts stood out, nipples showing through plainly.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

The man tensed on the gun a bit. "But you know you're not supposed to be bast the blockaid. What were you doing out here?" His voice was a bit calmer, relaxing as he realized it was just a civilian in the room with him. Still, he was intent on doing his job, and still a bit nervious for some reason.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

"I was brought here to help with research, but we ran into problems out in the desert.. Something was there and.... I ran." Tina said forcing a bit of a choke in her speech, she'd acted in college and was hoping her skills wouldn't have decayed too much. After a few moments she spoke up again. "Could I get your name sir?
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

The solider lowered his gun, believing her but still jittery. "Uhhh, yeah, all the electronics died, not just things running from the offroader, but our handheld radios and headsets too... we sent half of our sentry group back to see what was up..." He turned, looking out across the desert, but seeing nothing. "Were you out there, very far? I didn't think anything was supposed to be out there." He didn't sound suspicious, he was just stating a fact, but Tina would still have to be careful when talking with him and any other soliders here.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

"We were pretty far out there, the doctor thought that something in the city was giving him interference, so we headed to the desert." Tina continued mind racing, trying to remember her intro to physics and chemistry courses. "But it seems like the power works at this station. Did you do it? wiring something like that up is very impressive." She continued trying to get his attention off of her story.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

"What, the power works here, did you try the lights?" The solider went and flicked the light switch a few times, but nothing happened. Fortunately he still wasn't suspcious, he actually seemed kind of distracted. "Eh, wishful thinking? Uhh, maybe we should go out back, Jenkins will want to know what the noise was too..." No doubt he wasn't alone here.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

"I saw the wires and thought it was," Tina would've sighed normally, but instead grabbed her bag. "Ok, let's go see him then." She waited for the soldier to take the lead.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

"Her." The solider only said this one word, but hurried outside and around back. Tina soon saw that the other solider on duty here was indeed a woman, medium height, but a small frame. She was bent over the open hood of their vehicle, fiddling with some wires. The back of her helmet read "Cpl. S. Jenkins" "What was it Henderson? I assume the lack of a further disturbance means all is okay?" Her voice was much calmer, and indeed, she didn't even look up from what she was doing until the man tapped her on the shoulder and pointed to Tina. "Huh, are you lost, Miss?" The woman put her hands to her hips and gave her a somewhat suspicious look. The man seemed to calm down a bit now that he was back to the vehicle.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

As they went outside Tina tried to improve her appearance as much as she could, and tried to project an aura of confidence about her story. "I'm a bit lost yes, I was hoping you could bring me back to the city, but nothing seems to be working." After speaking she stood there waiting for the Corporal to respond, trying to remain as serious as she could.