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The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

"Mmmm, yeah, we'll we can't leave either. Even if this worked, we can't leave this place undefended..." The solider went back to fiddling around under the hood. "You can grab a snack from over on that crate, but I doubt you'll be going anywhere for awhile." She nodded over at a large, army issued storecrate against a small outbuilding about 10 meters away, there was a bicycle in the sand, half burried near it. The male solider walked a short distance, staring off towards the city, still jumpy.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

"I see." Tina said softly, letting a bit of her disappointment reach her voice. She then went over to the crate and grabbed the most appetizing thing she saw to start snacking on, sat down, and waited. Tina tried to take a closer look at the bike, without seeming that interested, trying to gauge if she could make it to the city on the thing or if it were too damaged. If she could, she would do was wait until the soldiers slept and get going.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

The soliders kept doing what they were doing as the reporter snacked away from them. Tina's musings were interupted, however, when all of a sudden one of the gas pumps just exploded. She saw the other two dive for cover a sthe shock wave hit, knocking her back off where she was sitting.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina fell backwards when the pump blew, ear's ringing form the explosion. Clapping her hands over them she got up and checked to make sure the soldiers were ok, before peering around the building to see what happened.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

The two were just getting back to their feet as there was another explosion. This time Tina saw the cause. A strange, glowing ball of blue plasma came out of the sky and struck the ground, about half way between the last explosion and where the Corperal was on the ground at. It was hard to see where it was coming from, but it arced liked a projectile, despite looking like energy.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

"Crap, look out." Tina yelled, scrambling to put distance between her and the soldiers as she did. She ran, always looking at them, trying to put the station between her and whatever was shooting.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Sand was hard to run in, and the shock waves kept pushing Tina down. This side of the station were a few small rolling hills, if the reporter wasn't careful she'd fall down one. The sand and hills did make some nice cover, though, and Tina did manage to get to a "safe" distance for the moment. The solider's however, were not so lucky.

On a large hill down the road towards the city, the cause of the explosions showed itself. Two strange beasts came over the top, sort of humanoid, but with a long, gun shaped rear end, walking on all fours. The two others saw them and ran to take cover on that side of the gas station, readying weapons. The things were still to far away, though, and the soliders were kind of shook up, so they couldn't hit the beasts. They started to turn, aiming their strange anatomy towards the humans, ignoring the small amount of gunfire.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina froze for a few seconds when she saw the creatures. Her mind simply didn't want to process something like this existing, When another shock-wave threw on her ass again she snapped out of it. Pulling her back up, now main,camera out of her bag Tina took several pictures of the creatures before putting it away again. After seeing them point their... guns... at the others Tina wanted to yell out, but didn't for fear of distracting the soldiers. She simply made sure she had some degree of cover from the strange creatures and waited.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina got out of sight, but could still here everything. There was a steady *pop pop pop* as the soliders fired off round after round, then a sudden, deafening roar, then dead silence. It sounded like one of the plasma orbs exploding, but a bit difference. Either way, there wasn't any more firing of any kind coming from up above the small dune the reporter was hiding behind.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina sat there, listening intently and counting to herself. She glanced around looking for a stick, or metal rod, or something she could use to defend herself and peaked over the sand dune when she reached 30, muttering to herself softly. "Please be alive, please be alive, please be alive."
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Nothing was at hand, though Tina could make out the sand covered bicycle over aways, as a concrete indicator of where exactly she'd fled to in the panic. She'd have to be satisfied with just taking a little peek.

Up top the scene was pretty bad. The soliders must have had an ammo dump near where they were at, or maybe a supply of anti-tank weapons, because there was now a large crater right where they'd be holding up. Thankfully, there was no sign of the no doubt dead humans, they were simply gone, nice and clean, blood and gore wise at least. There was a pretty large pile of debris, and the gas station looked a bit singed. The two monsters were slowly crawling towards the station, moving in to check it out. They seemed unaware that there was a third human down in the valley.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina muttered a short prayer for the fallen soldiers before turning her attention to the creatures. There was no way she could fight them and win, but they probably couldn't move that fast. All she had to do was wait for them to be out of sight, get the bike and run to the city. with that plan Tina took to hiding again, waiting for the opportune moment to grab the bike.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

The monsters walked down to the crater, looking at, maybe sniffing, Tina couldn't really tell. They circled it a few times, but were satisifed quickly, turning their attention to the somewhat damaged gas station itself. One went right for it, it could be heard breaking some glass accidentally as it worked its way in, the other veered off a bit, checking out the surroundings, but not going far from its partner.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

As soon as she could Tina started working,creeping over and uncovering the bike as quietly as she could, always keeping an eye towards the creatures. "Please just stay in the station." She'd say under her breath as she scooped sand off of her ticket out of here.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

More noises of random objects being knocked over came from the station, but it seemed to be a good sign, as the monsters were more interested in the junk inside then in coming around back, for now. Tina made it to the bike, it wasn't covered up all that much, but it'd still take work to dig it out and not accidentally reburry it in the sand. The reporter could also see a few spare rifles propped up against the back of the building from this vantage point as she worked.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Though the creatures seemed to be occupied for the moment, Tina didn't want to start working without some form of protection so she went and grabbed one of the guns. Tina'd never been much of a gun person, she barely knew more than point it at things you want dead and pull the trigger. However, she had watched enough TV to know what a safety was, and to her eternal embarrassment it took her nearly a minute to find it on one of these. With protection taken care of she set to work on getting the bike out.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

(Failed stealth check)

As Tina ran to get the rifle she had the misfortune to trip on a metal shard. Not very big in itself, but it unbalanced her footing, causing her to stumble into the side of the station with a loud metallic thud. The monsters were out of view, but the reporter could hear one let out a high pitches screetch. They knew someone else was left alive!
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

"Owww" Tina yelped as she collided with the side of the station, immediately regretting it when she heard the screech. She scrambled to get the rifle and pointed it to the side of the station she heard the sound from and waited. "Maybe they can't fire their cannons at close range." She muttered to herself trying to feel better about fighting two monsters that the soldiers couldn't beat.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

While not exactly a final answer, the monsters could be heard walking around the side of the building at a quick rate, one ahead of the other as they'd been seperated. The first would be rounding the corner any second, it didn't sound like it was going to slow down. Tina might have a chance to catch it off guard and attack first, or still have time to run, though there wasn't really any place to go.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina took a few deep breaths to steady herself, it would be coming around the corner soon and if she didn't hit the thing she was dead. She pulled the rifle up to her shoulder and waited, ready to shoot it when it came around the corner.