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The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

(lol, even at point blank, your aim sucks)

Tina's lack of military training really showed, she got the jump on the monster, but the recoil foiled her attempt. Her first shot was just a miss, but holding the trigger down cause her to be forced back and lift the muzzle up, the rifle had been set on full auto. Tina wasted 15 shots before she regained control and brought the gun back down, three bullets slamming into the turning monster. For using over half her ammo, the beast was simply seriously injured. Good, it itself, as the thing tried to scamper away, however it kept falling down in pain, but soon its buddy would round the corner, now aware that the human was dangerous. It could be heard going around farther, so it wouldn't turn the blind corner into the reporter, but instead be farther away, where it'd be harder to hit.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

(Lol, yeah.)

Tina shifted the gun over on her shoulder, a slight pain showed her that a bruise was already forming. She glanced at the first monster for a second, and decided that making sure she was ready for the second was more important right now. Moving over to the wall Tina pressed herself up against it to reduce the number of directions her aim could jump and keep her on target.

(Prepare action for shooting the other thing, if that works)
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

The other monster actually seemed to be using cover, in a stunning display of inteligence, hiding behind some of the debris as it moved while the other continued to limp off to hide. Tina could take a shot at it and finish it off, as shooting at the covered comrade would prove beyond her skills without a doubt. The monster knew not to let the reporter get a good shot off, or at least perfered not to be shot, it seemed, so maybe she could just keep it pinned, while she did whatever else she had to.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Grimacing at the apparently more intelligent of the monsters Tina turned her rifle to the already injured one, took aim, and fired in as smooth a motion as she could muster.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Her aim was alot better this time, maybe used to the recoil now, maybe just calmer, it was hard to tell. Bullets flew forth from the rifle, utterly destroying the injured creature, now that the shots were on target. It fell in a withered heap a few meters away from Tina with a rattling death cry. Its companion also let out a cry, one that sounded rather angry. It shfited in position, but did not break from cover.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Realigning herself Tina scanned the cover for the monster, waiting until most of it was revealed to shoot.

Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

The tense standoff went on for almost a minute before Tina has a good chance to hit. She held the trigger down and six bullets came forth before all of a sudden the gun clicked, out of ammo. Fortunately, the first half of her burst had been well aimed, before the recoil really kicked in. The monster was hit twice solidly and grazed once more, but across the head. It screamed, as much as a monster could, and fell to the ground, twitching. It was still alive, and actually still trying to get back up, but Tina must have hit some vital organs inside, because it seemed down for the count.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

"Wow." Tina stammered out as she collapsed, panting. After getting a few seconds to catch her breath she ran over to the remaining rifles, picked up another loaded one and went to finish the creature off. It was badly wounded, and while it did attack her and kill the soldiers, it would be cruel to just let it lay there in pain.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

The beast howled out in pain, and perhaps fear, as Tina drew nearer to finish it off. It tried to skitter away, but couldn't in such an injured state. Tina got no resistance in killing it, only needing a single bullet or a well placed blow with the butt of the gun before she'd be alone at the gas station, everyone else dead. On the bright side, she'd finally have time to do as she pleased.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Breathing deeply Tina raised the rifle to her shoulder and shot once, finishing off the creature. After it stopped moving she collapsed, falling onto the soft sand, the adrenaline that kept her moving through the fight dying down. After taking a moment to catch her breath she looked around the area, trying to find something that'd make getting the bike easier.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Many pieces of debris could be used as a make-shift shovel, or maybe even a lever to help get the bike out of the sand. It'd take some doing and some work on Tina's part, but it'd make life easier. The whole place was a mess, the only thing still standing completely was the soldier's vehicle, the building didn't look very stable any more after having taken damage to one of the corners.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina took a few more minutes to catch her breath, thinking about what she just experienced. She'd heard there were monsters, but assumed it was just a rumor. The creature laying there dead, dissuaded her of this opinion. She took a quick picture of the monster and looked at the vehicle, before turning away, that would be way too suspicious.

After taking another drink of water Tina started working of pulling the bike out of the ground, taking breaks if she needed to in the shade cast by the vehicle.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

It only took 15 minutes to dig out, but it seemed like longer, as it was such hard work. Nothing came along to disturb Tina during this time, besides the harsh desert wind. It was sort of cooling, but also seemed to have a lot of sand in it today, making it sting every once in awhile. The wind made a little noise, accompanied by the creeking of the damaged building, the soundtrack for Tina's struggle.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

As she worked Tina couldn't help but wish that she still had her mp3 player. Even so she worked through the sand and soon enough got the bike out. She moved over to the fallen creatures and took a picture of each before moving over to the road and starting on her way.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

It was a long, warm, dry, boring stretch of road. Tina quickly broke a sweat, even though the sun was starting to go down. She'd been riding for fourty minutes without anything note occuring, but then she saw smoke rising on the horizon. Not just a little bit, as if from one building, but almost a literal wall of it in the sky. Something big, or maybe many things, were burning in the city. It was almost enough to cause pause.

At the very least, it was distracting, and Tina failed to see the rock on the road that cause her to spin out and crash into the sandy ditch. She hit her head on something hard and metal, the impact caused a loud "clang" to resound across the desert. Fortunately, the reporter was only stunned for a second or two, and soon felt well enough to get up and dust herself off, the cool feeling of metal on her head serving to keep her alert.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina panted as she rode the bike. This was much more exercise, in worse of an environment than she was used. As she rode she kept her eyes on the road, looking for pot holes, random stones, and other such obstructions. She was unaware enough that when she finally looked up again her mind blanked. "Wha?" She said staring at the apparently burning city.

This was just enough of a distraction to cause her to hit something and take a spill from her bike. Rubbing the sore part of her head Tina looked around, trying to find the object that caused her to fall.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

As she looked around on the road, the first thing Tina saw were several large, wierd shaped rocks. However, as her daze faded, she realized these were actually metal parts of some kind of vehicle. Maybe just a generic car, though they were all twisted and dirtied by the desert, so unless Tina really cleaned them off or found an expert all of a sudden, getting more info then that would be impossible. The metal was aranged kind of in a trail on the road, but there were also some parts off in the sand and around the drainage ditches.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina initially cringed when she saw the debris, whatever had destroyed this vehicle must have been a terrible. Then she noticed that it was arranged. "Well that's odd."

She leaned the bike against one of the larger bits and pulled out her rifle, something just didn't fit here. Staying lower to the ground she followed the trail, keeping alert for any sort of trouble.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

The line of debris took her back a bit and across the road. Tina had the perfect position to watch in front of her for danger, though she was also very exposed herself. However, there was nothing close by to disturb her anytime soon, so it didn't really matter.

Right in the depression in the ditch was the main body of some kind of limo. "Some kind" because it armor plating, normally hidden by the black pain unless right up next to it. The paint had faded from being blasted with sand, though. The vehicle was on its side because the ground was uneven, the driver's side doors were closest to Tina, shut. She could not see inside because the glass was heavily tinted.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

"That's weird." Tina took a quick picture and set her rifle down on a piece of debris. "Hello, is anyone there?" She called out to the car moving closer. It was a bad crash, but someone could have survived, she thought. "I'm going to try opening the door." Tina called out and waited 5 seconds before attempting to open the driver's side doors.