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The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

There were no movements or sounds, only the blowing wind as Tina waited before getting closer. The door was unlocked, but heavy. Fighting against gravity was hard. She could get it open, but she'd either have to find something to prop it open, or slide in herself, though the abundant debris would make that an easy task.

Tina could at least survey inside now. There was a big mess, blood from at least three people, but only one dead body. The driver was still strapped in, a young man wearing a military uniform. His side arm was laying on the other door, and some spare ammo was in his pocket right where Tina could quickly snatch it.

The back seats were empty, however, and one saftey belt even looked like it had been cut with a knife. There had been survivors, at the very least, even if they weren't here right now.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina nearly threw up at the grisly scene, but managed to keep her cool, barely. "Wow, that's..." She grabbed the man's side arm and ammo then thanked his body for it and wished him the best wherever he was now. Briefly looking at the back seats she hoped that the people cut themselves free and got away somewhere, rather than being taken.

With that done she closed the door again. It wouldn't be right to just let something come in and do things to that man's corpse. Taking a swing of water to wash the smell out of her mouth Tina continued on her bike, more cautiously looking out for things along the highway now.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

The wind was starting to blow, making it hard to ride, especially once the sand started to get in Tina's face. Up ahead the burning, twisted remains of the city was comming into better view. It really felt like travling through a wasteland.

However, while the skyscrapers had been the first part to be seen, soon Tina was in range of something slightly more welcome. Some small, industrial buildings that would at the very least offer a wind block, and could perhaps offer more, if Tina was feeling daring.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

As she rode further Tina found herself wishing she'd brought sunglasses, her hair and clothes were feeling a bit matted from the dust. The wind and the sand were only getting worse. She was about to simply wait it out when she saw the buildings nearby.

"Finally some cover." She said as she went up to the buildings and tried to find her way inside. Hopefully she'd find some running water, or maybe even a shower in there. She felt like she'd give anything for a bit more comfort.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Some buildings were boarded up. Not recently either, but as signs of urban decay. Tina still had a good slew to pick from though. One small, storage unit was unlocked, granting easy entrance, though it was dark inside so the reporter couldn't scope it out beforehand.

There was another similar building that had a few offices attached to it. Tina could see that the inside was clear through the big windows in the office section, but the main door had a chain and padlock over it, despite signs of recent use. A safer choice, but she'd need to work to get in.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

When she arrived at the buildings Tina was exhausted so when she saw the open one she just pulled up next to it and leaned the bike against the side. "Lucky break for once." She leaned on the wall to rest for a few moments, then pulled out her flashlight and flipped it on, hoping it still worked.

Not caring if she had light or not Tina went into the building calling out as she did so. "Hello, is anyone inside!"
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

The device just clicked with the switch, producing no light. As she relaxed from the ride and began to search the building Tina became aware of a loud, rasping breathing coming from inside. Calling out, it sucked in a sharp breath and cried out, sounding human, but feral at the same time.

Ahead was a partially open door that the sounds leaked out from behind. Scuffling could be heard as whatever Tina had alerted came towards her. She had time to prepare, but no doubt she was in for a fight.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Tina cursed and tossed her flashlight to the side. Nothing ever worked when you wanted it to. When she heard the breathing she called out again, "Hello."

Then the cry came and she backed up. "Shit, shit, shit, shit." The reported continued cursing as she swung the rifle over her shoulder and pressed her back against a wall. She couldn't see well and didn't want whatever this thing was to get behind her.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

Out of the darkness a giant spider lunged at Tina! She didn't see it until it was too late, though the first hints of movement had begun to register with her. Her first sight of it was its ugly face with dripping goo dripping from its "mouth", right up in her face!

Not all was lost as it grappled with her, though. It did push her rifle down a bit, enough so that it'd be useless in the fight, but the wall behind her meant that while it had a hold of her, it was unable to force her to the ground just yet. Tina was still standing, and that was something.
Re: The Whole Truth (Stratiros)

"Ahh!" Tina screamed and tried to turn her gun on the spider, though she only managed to get the barrel pushed to one side as its bulk got close to her. She caught a glimpse of what the creature's face looked like and screamed.

"Ahh, get away." The reporter yelled as she failed against it, trying to kick the spider away from her. She tried to avoid kicking it in the mouth, even if that would be a sensitive area, because of the goo.
Trying to break the grapple.