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The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Huldah grunted as claws found her belly, lines of pain etching across her skin. She had taken worse hits before, however, and swung back. The scaled creature had faded from sight again, so instead of trying to guess as where it was, the hulking woman simply swept her weapon in a great arc around her, looking to find and injure the creature in the same moment.

Whirlwind attack. +57, 2d8+38 damage, -10 to my own dodge. no idea what my stats are like, if it's reasonable to drop five or ten points of the to hit with Supreme Might, then go for it, idunno. XD
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Huldah: HP = 20/72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Injured

Grapple: Zahra wins and escapes.

Attack: Huldah hits.
Damage: 5 + 5 + 38 - 10 = 38 damage.

Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 6 + 23 - 6 = 26 damage.

Spinning in a circle, Huldah's club collided with a pair of the aliens, first smashing the skull of the one that was trying to get behind her and causing it to thump to the ground with a splatter of blood and bone, and then catching the second in the shoulder hard enough to leave its arm hanging limply at its side, the creature now mostly wounded. It slashed at her with its good arm, growling, and tore into her shoulder, leaving her clothes falling aside no more armoring her, but even as bloodied as she was the pain and blood loss wasn't yet crippling.

Zahra, in the meantime, would see the camouflaged creature's jaws opening as if it intended to bite her, and with a twist she managed to drag her arms out of its grasp and planted a foot into its chest, pushing it away. Its camouflage flared briefly, but she could still mostly see it.
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Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

In a quick motion Zahra managed to twist her arms free of the alien creature and at the same time kick out, hitting it right in the chest and knocking it backwards a step or two. It wasn't enough to try and retrieve her bow, but she could see the hunter now, and there was only one path left to her. She reached for her belt and pulled free the curved dagger she carried with her, in almost the same motion lunging at the leering reptile and aiming for the point where she believed its heart was, hoping to stab it to death quickly. In the back of her mind she knew that these things were probably more durable than to fall in an instant, but she couldn't think about that right now, she could only concentrate on controlling what she could control.

2d6 + 21 Damage, d20 + 45 to-hit

I think that's right, anyway.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Her weapon thumping twice against the creatures hiding around her, Huldah's grin of satisfactionfaction was cut short as the still-conscious creature lashed out at her, scoring a hit on her shoulder, drawing more blood and severing the cloth strap keeping her breasts held close. She didn't have time to worry about that, however, grimacing slightly as she hefted her club again, swinging down at the final creature.

Assuming she hit, she'd grip at the wound on her belly, glancing back to her companions. Verna was nowhere to be found, and Zahra was in close with the third creature. Letting out a small growl, she advanced in that direction, hefting her club.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 41/60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Injured

Huldah: HP = 20/72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Injured

Zahra stab.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 21 - 10 = 16 damage.

Attack: Huldah hits.
Damage: Enough.

The hunter tries to bite Zahra.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 8 + 3 + 23 - 5 - 10 = 19 damage.
Resistance: Zahra wins.

Lashing out with her backup knife, Zahra felt the blade bite into the hunter, and saw an upwelling of fresh blood. It only barely recoiled, however, before lunging at the catgirl again. It bit down into her shoulder, but she was only grazed by its saw-like teeth, instead feeling two longer fangs puncturing her flesh, felt a horrible numbing sensation begin spread, though as it pulled away the feeling didn't leave her too weak to continue fighting. Huldah smashed the other wounded hunter's skull before turning towards Zahra, seeing the bite and advancing on it, leaving it fighting both of them at once.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra couldn't see the results of the fight Huldah was putting up, there was no time to avert her focus at all. The foul reptile in front of her couldn't dodge out of the way of her blade, which sank nicely into it, though these things were far too tough to show themselves troubled by a blow like that. The creature didn't skip a beat, biting her in the shoulder and trying to inject something into her with a pair of fangs... Just as it hadn't flinched neither did the catgirl, that numbing feeling spreading from her shoulder only spurring her on and making her fight back more desperately! She lunged forward with her dagger again, counting on being one step faster than the hunter and putting her blade between its ribs, assuming it even had any.

2d6 + 21 Damage, d20 + 45 to-hit
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

The Gemini whirled after downing her second opponent, letting out a sound approaching a growl as she advanced on the third one, accosting her friend. Grimacing in pain at her own injuries, she hefted her club, swinging it like a bat to try and hit the lizard off of Zahra.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 41/60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Injured

Huldah: HP = 20/72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Injured

Zahra stab.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 5 + 21 - 10 = 20 damage.

Attack: Huldah hits.
Damage: Enough.

Lunging with her blade, Zahra felt the thin blade slide into the hunter's flesh, but its thick hide slowed it and kept her from going deep enough to hit anything vital. Huldah, in the meantime, came up and smashed her club over its head, caving in its head and causing it to crumple to the ground. That left them alone in the alley just beyond the wall, with silence and a rising sense of foreboding their only company.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Huldah's started to calm as the lizard attacking Zahra crumpled, grunting a bit as the pain of her own injuries came back to the front of her mind, her heavy breast sway ing free now that the clothree bin ding them had beenough torn through. "I saw three. Pretty sure we got them all, but if anything else saw or heard us, they'll be bringing more this way." She said in a worried tone, looking to see if her companion had any obvious wounds on her. "Where'd the old cat go?"
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra's dagger found a mark, but not a particularly good one, sinking into the hunter with minimal harm. Thankfully she wasn't the only one there. Huldah's club connected with the reptilian creature's head, smashing it in and immediately dropping the thing. Before he had even hit the ground the catgirl hissed "ge'back 'ere" into the air, angry at the old cat for having disappeared on them. "'at was alla 'em I'm tinkin' but I could be wrong. Needa get outta 'ere."
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 41/60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Injured

Huldah: HP = 20/72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Injured

(Gain 2 experience.)

"Are you two alright?" Verja called, appearing from the second story window of a nearby clay building. He peaked out, and his wrinkled brow furrowed as he looked over Hulah's blooded form and now bare chest. "Hurry! Get up here, out of sight! Those creatures most assuredly heard something of that scuffle and will be on the way to investigate!" He pointed towards a nearby doorway, just off to the side, but the pair could opt to turn tail and head back out the way they'd come if they preferred, or try to bolt and find someplace that might be somewhere other than right next to where they'd had their fight.
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Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Huldah's glanced over at their third, then back at Zahra. Shrugging, she started towards the door. Either way, they'd have to collect Verja she figured. "We should go. There will be more next time." She told the mage when she entered, looking at him and remaining by the door.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

"No" Zahra hissed at the old cat as she glared up at him, moving quickly toward the door he indicated despite her misgivings about his sanity and sense for strategy. He was still their only way out of this, after all, or at least the only way that didn't bring them back to square one, in the middle of the hostile desert without provisions. "We needa get outta 'ere."
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 41/60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Injured

Huldah: HP = 20/72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Injured

"Out of here!?" Verja exclaimed incredulously at Zahra once the two had ascended the stairs they found inside to join him, barely keeping his voice down. "Why, this is the very reason we came here! Had you forgotten? We need to attract the control aliens to see if the enchantments placed upon your friend here are still active!" There was still time to argue, a careful glance out the window revealing that nothing had come to investigate the dead hunters, but there was no telling how long that would remain the case. They would have to go back out the door they'd come in though if they wanted to leave, however, as there hadn't been any back door that either of them had been able to spot while coming in, and any alternative exits besides the windows would require exploration of the building to find.

The clay construct they were in was a housing block, of sorts, a series of small interconnected rooms where the lower class who were just above slaves slept and ate. It was four stories tall, and a doorway on the left and directly ahead, the latter leading down a hallway to a small kitchen and the former opening into a larger communal chamber with some collapsed tables. The floor they were on seemed to be made up of a honeycomb of small cells, offering a bit of privacy and a few small cubby holes in which the occupants might keep their effects.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

"Might not last long enough." Huldah mentioned, still gripping the worse of her two wounds. Deciding to try and do something over standing still, she started plodding about the room, keeping an eye on the windows as she inspected the cubbies, looking for anything of use.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra's left eye twitched as she listened to what Verja said. "Awful conf'dent" she muttered as she slunk back out of the room, searching for a better exit strategy than the door they'd come in from, checking in the direction of the communal area first, though she wouldn't get out of easy running range of the others and she kept her bow at the ready. She liked this plan less and less as time went on. It sounded like certain death to her if the crazy coot had done something wrong and Huldah was still able to be controlled by one of the magical aliens. She was pretty convinced getting close enough to one of those to fight it was a death sentence in and of itself. She had lived through this disaster thus far mostly by being conservative and taking no more risk than necessary to do her part to harass the aliens.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 41/60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Injured

Huldah: HP = 20/72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Injured

Perception: ???
With both Zarah and Huldah searching the immediate area carefully while Verja settled into a corner, the two would hear nothing from outside. No movement, no sloshing of slimes or sliding ooze of grabbers moving across the ground, none of the near-silent rasp of claws against stone that might signal a hunter creeping up on them, nor the subtle hum of a floating elder lord. The long moments passed in unsettling quiet, and in the meantime the pair searched their surroundings. Unfortunately, the place had little to offer as far as either of them could determine, Huldah finding nothing among the cubicles in the room Verja had decided to hide in save dust, scraps of cloth, and bits of crumbling clay while Zahra found much the same.

Verja seemed perfectly relaxed, was even smiling as he knelt down and fiddled with something pulled from a bag he'd carried at his hip. The old cat hummed and hawed over it for a few minutes, poking at what looked like nothing besides a slab of metal and occasionally fiddling with the lenses of his glasses, while the two of them made their cautious but fruitless searches.

"Ahhhh.... Hummm... But wait! Ahhh, no.... No.... No no no.... Ahhh, yes, there... Would that work? No... No, much too dangerous... But what about... Ahhh, no no... Hm, but maybe... Yes... Yes... Yessss.... Ahhh, perfect perfect perfect!"

With a final congratulatory shake of his fist, Verja put away the strange device and sprung to his feet. "Quickly! There's no time to waste!" He whispered urgently, "We must go up two floors, climb out a window and onto the roof of the next building! If we can get there within approximately three and a half minutes.... We may find what we're looking for and be out of here in time for tea! And with a minimum of danger to boot!"
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra's ears twitched with every little sound she heard as she searched the building, sensing danger everywhere... but there were no aliens in the immediate vicinity, or at least no outward signs of them. There was nothing in the buildings to be found either, though, nothing more than little bits and pieces of cloth and broken pottery left over from its previous inhabitants. Not even an exit that she could see. That was troubling, which made Verja's relaxed and almost happy attitude infuriating. She had no idea what he was mumbling about either, but knowing him it was probably something terrifying... Indeed he soon stood, putting away the bizarre instruments he had brought out and whispering that they had to get going immediately, to get ultimately to the roof of the building next door. Zahra's ears flattened a little bit, her tail getting a touch bushy. "On top?" she hissed quietly, though she quickly made her way towards him. It was like he wanted them to be seen by every alien in the whole damn city! He seemed to have a plan, though, as insane as he was, and she didn't have any means of getting out of this place besides him, so there wasn't any point in objecting too strenuously.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Huldah frowned at the old cat and his antics, but seeing that Zahra planned to go along with it, the Gemini shrugged and followed as well. "Moving would be better than staying here, at least." She commented simply.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 41/60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Injured

Huldah: HP = 20/72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Injured

Perception: ???

Despite the dangers that they were facing, Verja seemed entirely at ease as the two opted not to argue against his apparently suicidal plan. "Lets go then!" The old cat said excitedly, leading the way back towards the door. Through the hallways, up a set of narrow stairs with no railings, then another, and finally he went to a window in one of the living cubbies. "We'll have to climb up... Be careful!" He said, before practically leaping out the window and catching himself on something above. There was a ledge, and Verja flailed his legs wildly for a moment before hoisting himself up.

Up above was a flat rooftop, barely sloped, with only a narrow wall on the edge for cover. One of the floating alien blobs that seemed able to drop numbers of enemies was hovering above the rooftop, seemingly inert, but directly below it was a number of blobs of slime. About a half dozen amorphous masses of gray ooze sat in a circle around a single larger violet one, the more dangerous variety of slime writhing slightly where the others were more or less completely still.