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The Works of Toonpimp

Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I'm not, well initially I wasn't, responding to you.

I'm sorry, i guess i'm a little paranoid.

they make you look like a fucking child.
you shouldn't hate on him. Hell, you should be respecting him because he delivers a finished product.

Jokes aside, i haven't antagonized toffi, as he seems to have understood(why not you?), and i sure never attacked him directly, why are you so set on thinking i'm doing that?

On a closing note, i doubt you even cared to try to understand my reasons since you consider me a troll, so just spouting about them not being valid without putting some effort to prove it, it's sad.
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

If it's such a CLOSING NOTE, then why not just quit while you're ahead?
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!


Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

This tread is now about cats...

Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Good evening, I'm coming out of lurker status for this. Everyone's getting worked up over TP V Toffi and arguing this way and that, but each author tailors their games to different auidences. While there are some valid arguments over personality/follow through, ultimately you have platformers/furry/monsters as opposed to fighting/yuri/futa. I gotta admit, I thought both did a pretty good job with what they do, I just happen to like Toffi's genres more.
I'm deviating a bit here, what I am trying to say is, they're completely different games. It's fine to like one or the other or both, or even to argue who's the better person, but no need to compare and contrast. I honestly don't know how Toffi came up so completely in a thread for Toonpimp. I'd say keep this thread on topic about Toonpimp, then make or go to an existing thread for Toffi to praise/critique. I could be overtired and missing it, but if there is a thread for Toffi, please direct me there so I can go fanboy over how much I love his work :).
P.s> Sorry if I came off like an A-hole, and hello to ULMF peoples!
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

This is nunu butting in to say that i've read everything youve all sqid and appoint oni my arbiter
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Good evening, I'm coming out of lurker status for this. Everyone's getting worked up over TP V Toffi and arguing this way and that, but each author tailors their games to different auidences. While there are some valid arguments over personality/follow through, ultimately you have platformers/furry/monsters as opposed to fighting/yuri/futa. I gotta admit, I thought both did a pretty good job with what they do, I just happen to like Toffi's genres more.
I'm deviating a bit here, what I am trying to say is, they're completely different games. It's fine to like one or the other or both, or even to argue who's the better person, but no need to compare and contrast. I honestly don't know how Toffi came up so completely in a thread for Toonpimp. I'd say keep this thread on topic about Toonpimp, then make or go to an existing thread for Toffi to praise/critique. I could be overtired and missing it, but if there is a thread for Toffi, please direct me there so I can go fanboy over how much I love his work :).
P.s> Sorry if I came off like an A-hole, and hello to ULMF peoples!

I agree, best post of the whole thread.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Even if we disscus about if Toffi or TP is good or bad.
Just pick on you own nose, the thing is, they are creating something.
But what are you doing?

Trolling about stuff you couldn´t have done yourself? Shame on you.

I am pretty sure they wanted their work to be way better but like all
things you would do, you will get to a point wich is going to be a pain in the ass and you will take the easiest way to get past it.

It is just one goes a longer way than the other one.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Even if we disscus about if Toffi or TP is good or bad.
Just pick on you own nose, the thing is, they are creating something.
But what are you doing?

Trolling about stuff you couldn´t have done yourself? Shame on you.

I'm sorry, but I see this type of argument all the time and I just want to point out that it is the worst possible way I have ever heard for defending anything, ever.

Are we not allowed to make fun of Rebecca Black just because none of us (that I know of) has ever made a music video?

Are we not allowed to despise Michael Bay for raping our childhood for profit because none of us have millions to pour into a box office movie?

You are fully open to be judged and critiqued upon the work you submit to the public. If you can't take it, you can (as TP has demonstrated) go on childish rants and demand more money from your constantly dwindling fanbase... or you can man (or woman) up and learn from what people didn't like about your game and make your future products better.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Free porn in English, yo. Take it when you can get it.

If this shit was in moonspeak, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

By quality works his stuff is a bit low class. But personally I find bitching about free hentai run or rape games to be a very terrible idea. It's a rare breed and if anything he should be encouraged to create more.

I'd also play them in moonspeak honestly.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Lol honestly if I didn't enjoy the games he made I'd be done with him here and now. Gona go and delete my account because I spoke up about how much of a child he's acting like, because he's bitching and complaining about the lurkers and everyone else. Or how he's thinking of making his stuff pay to play when if he really wanted to do that he would have already, and not kept repeating himself over and over again as if nobody ever heard what he said the first time.

Toonpimp keep up the great work on your games, but you can do screw a doorknob for all I care.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Well here goes, and coming from somebody who actually CAN make shit...

I like ROR games as much as the next guy, but there are limits to be considered when (and it's been said before, I'm sure) everything in a series that you make is just the same damn macaroni sculpture, painted a different shade of the same dry piss yellow. As far as TP is concerned, there is nothing really differentiating one ROR game from the next. It's just the same animation type, gameplay, and control being recycled again and again never really getting better and sometimes only getting worse.

Take eluku for example. Yes we get constant renditions of the same game, but it only ever gets better, sporting improvements and innovation as far as gameplay, animations, and enemies are concerned with every update. You would probably only ever want to play the latest Fairy Fighting as opposed to an earlier version. But who exactly thinks that TP's polly game is that much different from showtime ronda or any several of his other games. You can probably take or leave any of them over the others, easy.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

You are fully open to be judged and critiqued upon the work you submit to the public. If you can't take it, you can (as TP has demonstrated) go on childish rants and demand more money from your constantly dwindling fanbase... or you can man (or woman) up and learn from what people didn't like about your game and make your future products better.

Indeed. I don't have to be a chef to know bad food when I eat it, and I think I've got the right to say so. :rolleyes:

As far as complaining about TP's work, I don't think we have to pretend it's good just to soothe TP's ego so he'll keep making games. Critique exists for a reason, and ideally it should drive people to see what's wrong with the work they've been doing and work on improving it. Or they can can take it personally, insist it's the critic's fault for not liking it, insult everybody and keep doing what you're doing. And charge people for it. I'm not talking about anyone in particular, why would you think that? ;)
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

This is why I don't romanticize the Roman forums, because it was probably the real version of people with time on their hands to sit around and talk shit about stuff that either benefited them in some small way, but not ENOUGH, or talk down on things which never affected them anyways.

Seriously. If I had to deal with you people screaming and whining that I was taking too much time on a game, or that it wasn't good enough for specifically you, I'd either ban you off my forum or murder you in your home. I'd call it a virtual mitzvah.

It's why I work on my project quietly and don't release shit. It's why I never release my edits or animations, either. Seriously, I think it was precious when shit was talked behind closed doors.

Now, you come into a public forum and just spread crap as much as you want without shame or reprimand? I can't go into ONE forum page and find something that isn't ransacked with shit? I can't find one corner of the internet where someone hasn't found a picture and pissed on it, just to say Kilroy was there?

"You" know who you are. And if you don't know, I hope someone's had the honesty to tell you, because you need to shut your FUCKING mouth and go convert to a faith that requires you to be QUIET, and PATIENT and hum shit on a mountain somewhere. For the rest of you, you coo'. =/
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Why was this thing bumped anyway? Just so people could give their opinions on how this game that doesn't effect them sucks and others can tell people off for those opinions that don't effect them either? Funny how these stances are never actually thought out so that they don't break their own rules.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

You know after all this talk on Toonpimp I have yet to see anyone touch on his up and coming projects. I find that quite odd on a thread dedicated to talking about his work.

Link to his blog which seems to double as his work in progress center.


P.S. To Mods: Do I need to put links that lead to other non-download and or forum sites in spoiler tags? It just seems a little facetious since I'm only pointing you in different direction and not giving you anything.
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