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The Wreck of HR 9657(TentanariX)


Dec 21, 2009
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The Wreck of HR 9657
Dungeon Level: 1

(OOC: This is a Level 1 dungeon meant for more balanced characters. Combat is slightly de-emphasized. Replace the Spirit and Magic stats with Tech and Knowledge. Notable fetishes are tentacles, impregnation, and plants.)

Desired Posting Speed: My posting speed is fairly variable, but will be no less than once every other day, and some days I can make several in one day.
Desired Post Length: One or two paragraphs, the more you give me the more I can give back.

The year is 1253 A.E.(3748 A.D.). An age of exploration and development. Very few humans have no augmentations, either biological or mechanical. As a whole, humanity has established nothing smaller than a colony on every habitable planet found within 100 light years and many of them 500 away. Every year, more research and scouting ships fly into unknown space, searching for more planets, and trying to answer the ancient question. Are we alone in the universe? The answer isn't promising. Many lifeforms have been found, from bacteria, to plants, even simple animals. Unfortunately, none had anything resembling sapience.

Two months ago. The Blue Albatross reported that it found something. It had traveled a long way outside of mapped and patrolled space to make such a discovery. People were overjoyed. This was great news for the Iris Corporation, already a leader in scientific research; being the first to make contact with an intelligent species would do wonders.

Two weeks ago all contact was lost. The Albatross fell completely off the radar outside of explored space. While this was hardly a rare occurrence, as the days continued passing, people began to get worried.

Yesterday, the Iris Corporation began publicly sending offers to any with the skill and willingness to find their ship and retrieve it's data logs.

Today, a video screen flashes on. A soft voice asks. "Accept incoming call?"
Re: The Wreck of HR 9657(TentanariX)

Sarah was eating lunch in her dining room of her ship, when she the com channel beep, indicating that an incoming message was being broadcast over to her. She would walk over to the panel and hit receive call button. "Yes I will accept the call. What is your business?" She asked formally as the video screen came to life.
Re: The Wreck of HR 9657(TentanariX)

The screen flicks on revealing a young man's face. He looks in his mid twenties. Clean shaven and wearing a fine suit. His only visible bio-mods are pale green hair and cat's eyes, simple cosmetics.

"Good day Miss O'Roruke. My name's Michael Bryton. I work for the Iris Corporation, Department of Public Affairs," He speaks fairly quickly, "As I'm sure you've heard, we've run into some bad luck lately." He falls silent, everyone with even a basic interest in the news has heard about the Blue Albatross.

"We're offering a reward for the retrieval of it's primary data module," He continues not letting you get a word in edge wise, "And you just so happen to fall on a list of people we feel are specifically suited for the task. Because of this you're been granted access to some more... privileged... information about the incident." Michael begins to type something as he speaks.

"To begin. The reward for the hard drive is currently 500,000 credits."

An unheard of number for such a task. Live captures of dangerous criminals will occasionally reach that amount.

"Secondly, well..." He finishes whatever he was typing and a file transfer notification appears on the bottom of your screen.

"That file has a list of crew and a map of the ship. The Albatross ought to be in the Veryk Cluster." A large area, several light years across. If the ship wasn't transmitting it'd require a lot of luck to find. They must have a more accurate location. On the other hand your ship should be able to detect the ship from a fair distance.

Paths: Fly out immediately to search for the ship Explore ; Flirt with Michael to get more information Naughty(Tech)

Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP- 7 20/20
Explore and Stamina - 8 20/20
Tech and Know how - 5 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 30/30
Last edited:
Re: The Wreck of HR 9657(TentanariX)

Hmmm..... the Veryk Cluster huh? Dammit, that sector is huge and would take forever and a lot of luck to find one ship there. She thought before she started removing the top part of her armor revealing her skintight bodysuit underneath, her nipples standing out through the material as she would begin to try to seduce some more information out of the cat eyed man. "Hmmm, You wouldn;t happen to have anything else you might be able to tell me that would make this a bit easier, Michael? It is your ship after all." She would ask seductively as she then went to remove her top, revealing her average sized, but shapely and perky breasts to him.

(Flirt with Michael to get more Information.)
Re: The Wreck of HR 9657(TentanariX)

Flirt with Michael to get more information(Naughty 16, Tech 21)
Roll of 14 + 5 = 19; pass by 3

He chuckles at your initial statement. "Yes, it is a rather large sector, but we have fai..." Removing the armor managed to make him a bit tongue tied. "Well.. I'm certain that you could..." You question seems to catch the man off guard.

"Well you see. some things are classified I can't just..." Michael's face grows bright red as you start ot pull your top off. "Well I guess..." His eyes remain fixed on your breasts as they are finally freed from the suit. "It would be a shame for us to loose such lovely bre... I mean such a talented woman." With a knowing smile and a simple tug on the bottom half of the suit he gives in.

"I really sh-houldn't say this but... the last transmition was from HR 9657." He finally stammers out the information you needed.

At this point it becomes obvious that Michael has nothing else he can give you. Giving him a pleasant good bye you can turn your attention to the file he sent.

It gives you a simple rundown of the ship, where the major facilities are and a crew list. The ship was staffed by mostly research personnel, doctors, scientists, engineers, etc. A scant security team, it would barely be considered correct for a ship half the Albatross's size. The strange things is, about 80% of the staff is female.

You have more time to mull over the details on your trip.


One week later

After searching the system for a few days you finally find the Blue Albatross , a massive ship nearly a kilometer long and 1/2 that wide, orbiting a rocky planet. Nothing looks out of the ordinary, except the lack of transmissions. The hull is completely intact, the engines are on, in fact it looks like their local communications network is still active, though it doesn't respond to any messages.

The docking bay doors are closed.

Paths: Blow open the doors and fly through Combat(Explore) ; Hack into their network and open the doors Tech

Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP- 7 20/20
Explore and Stamina - 8 20/20
Tech and Know how - 5 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 30/30
Re: The Wreck of HR 9657(TentanariX)

I had better try to hack into the computer and open this thing electronically if I can, they might dock my pay if I damage the ship during this job. Sarah thinks to herself as she gets onto the control panel and attempts to the unlock the door rather then blowing a hole in it. Im not that great with computers, but still I would rather be safe then sorry, thats a huge reward for this job.

Hack into their network and open the doors Tech
Re: The Wreck of HR 9657(TentanariX)

Hack the doors (Tech 17, Tech *1.5)
Sarah's roll is 5 + 5 = 10; Fail by 7
Sarah takes 7(primary)+ 10(secondary) = 17 knowledge damage:

Trying to connect to their network was the first hurdle. though she knew it would be hard Sarah wasn't expecting to need a 64 character password. It took nearly half an hour of increasingly annoying computer use to even connect. Once she was in Sarah realized that she didn't even have access to an account that had could open the doors. Unfortunately for the bounty hunter, there were hundreds on accounts of the computer and she needed to search until she found the correct one.

She finally seemed to have something on the 17th, this was a security officer. After an hour of getting researcher after researcher it might finally be over. If only she could guess the damn password! Whoever this was knew their computer security, after pounding every easy option in Sarah finally resorted to punching her keyboard.

And it worked, whoever this was used a string of random characters. finally calming down Sarah got a look at their desktop. Though there were two strange things.

The first is a text document named 'READ NOW!' open on the Desktop, the second is the override for the doors, already opened. The text file reads as follows.

"To whomever reads this,

This is Captain Marie Tompson, head security officer of the Blue Albatross. something has gone horribly wrong. We discovered a strain of seemingly intelligent life and had taken two specimens on board. One of them got loose two days ago, my entire team was on high alert, searching the ship for it. They didn't find it until it was too late. Over the course of several hours since it escaped various technicians started disappearing. All of them were female. We've been unable to locate them thus far, I fear the worst. In case none of us make it out of this alive I've something above ppoleaesesened hehelppp-"

The log ends there. Opening the doors is a very simple process, there's only one button to press. As Sarah guides her ship in she notices something very wrong. Her scanners report that life support is still on, but the artificial gravity is not functioning. Leaving her ship behind she pushed off, propelling herself through a nearby door.

Thanks to the map she was given Sarah knows the correct way to the main lab. No gravity makes navigating annoying, but not too difficult. However, she receives a shock after rounding a corner. In the middle of the hallway is a web of vines. They stretch across the entire hall, but there are a few openings between them. many of the vines are covered by large purple flowers, reminiscent of lilies. The fastest route to the elevator is through the vines. However, if she remembers the map right there is another, longer route.

Paths: Move through the vines Naughty(Combat) ; Take the other route Explore *Hidden*

Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP- 7 20/20
Explore and Stamina - 8 20/20
Tech and Know how - 5 13/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 30/30
Re: The Wreck of HR 9657(TentanariX)

Hmm, I have no idea if those vines are sentient or not. Or if there is anything venomous about them. The other route would take longer but it might spare me any unpleasantness that might come from trying to force my way past these plants. She thought to herself before doubling back and uturning away from the vines, her laser pistol out at the ready and set on its most powerful and deadly setting, bounding off the walls as she traversed through the ship on her way down the other route the map had shown her.
Re: The Wreck of HR 9657(TentanariX)

Find a different route (Explore 17, Tech 21)
Sarah's roll is 14 + 8 = 22; pass by 5

Sarah bounded off the walls with speed and efficiency. Each leap taking her all the way down the next hallway. However, halfway through her trip more of the vines from before started to appear. On one jump she landed in a patch of them, but lept away before they could even react. As the vines began to cross the hallway her marksmanship was tested. A thick vine was only an inch in diameter. Yet they all fell to her laser.

After 10 minutes of frantic jumping and shooting Sarah finally reached the elevator. Arms flying out to grab the edges of the open hole, she barely managed to stop herself from flying through the open doors and into a nest of vines. The mess inside seemed to move towards her before she pushed away and managed to drop to the ground.

Looking at the wall Sarah noticed a broken panel, more vines came out of it. At a closer inspection however it seemed like the elevator's circuit had been disconnected. she now came to a tough decision. She needed to get down the elevator shaft. Sarah could either try it as it was now, or try fixing the circuit and hope the elevator would still work. The former put her at the mercy of the vines, and the later required her to use only what was on her person to make a circuit.

Paths: Dive down the shaft Naughty(Explore) ; Try to re-connect the circuit Tech(Naughty)

Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP- 7 20/20
Explore and Stamina - 8 20/20
Tech and Know how - 5 13/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 30/30
Re: The Wreck of HR 9657(TentanariX)

Damn! More of these creepy ass annoying fucking vines! She cursed inwardly to herself as she gave the control panel a quick glance over. damn. I hate tech. I'm more of an explorer and solider then a techie. If I mess up I'm betting credits to IOU's that those things will come out and give me hell. So either way I have to mess with these damned vines. Oh fuck it, im just going to jump in, if they attack me, I'll just have to hope I can fight them off. She thought to herself as head her pistol in a defensive manner and jumped down into the elevator shaft, moving forward in her quest.

Dive down the shaft Naughty(Explore)
Re: The Wreck of HR 9657(TentanariX)

Dive down the shaft(Naughty 18, Explore x1)
Sarah's roll was 5 + 5 = 10; fail by 8
Sarah looses 8 lewd and 8 stamina

Diving into the elevator Sarah notices something for the first time. she never been near the flowers before. One brushes by her face within the first few seconds of her flight. The smell is sickeningly sweet, but has a strange effect of the woman. she feels the cheek that it touched grow warm and she also feels herself grow wet, down there. One of the thicker vines tries to grab an arm, it's shot in short order. However, the distraction allowed another vine to grab her leg, jarring the bounty hunter.

Sarah barely manages to hold onto her pistol, turning up she can see many more vines drifting her way. firing much more erratically she manages to destroy many of them, but Sarah finds herself helpless against these numbers. In short order the plants have both arms and legs tied up, with her laser pointing towards the wall uselessly.

As more of the pollen falls onto her face Sarah can't help, but wonder what the plant is going to do. Her answer comes quickly as she feels a slender vine slip under neath her collar. The vine is slimy, but it's touch caused her skin to heat up like the pollen. The vine snakes around her breasts, sliding past her nipples on it's way down.

Sarah can feel the vine press against her pussy, but it goes no further. The plant seems content to simply slid it back and forth, softly caressing Sarah's clit.

Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP- 7 20/20
Explore and Stamina - 8 12/20
Tech and Know how - 5 13/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 22/30

(I figure we could play this out for a bit.)
Re: The Wreck of HR 9657(TentanariX)

Sarah would continue to fight against the vines trying to break her arms free from them and get to where she could fire off some more shots from her laser to hopefully get her way through the mess of vines and find the crew. Trying to ignore the growing dampness between her legs and fight off her hormones and complete her job claiming the 500000 credit reward.