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The Writers Club

Re: The Writers Club

Sup Kel :D

Another pointer for you is to use Spoiler Tabs to keep things from spreading through a huge chunk of the page. You can use it as follows

Replace the . with a / and that will spoiler your msg. Mess around with it if you want.
Well that explains how I do that. Thanks for saving me the bother of asking. ;)

Also don't be afraid of posting your ideas in the main Thread as this place is mainly used by people who need help writing ideas, which you don't lol.
Oh. Ok.
Re: The Writers Club

wish some one would do a another samui from naruto this time with incest like Samui fucking her brother Atsui
Re: The Writers Club

hiya all

Very much interested in this thread as I enjoy creating, rather busy with my business but hoping to write some ideas for games.

Got some train fellow ideas, not fully developed but idea is basically Danny meets Tsuande, Danny meets Mrs Claus. I was thinking I use these ideas just to work out the writing format for ideas, which I can see in this thread.

Not had a real good look through thread yet, but need to learn how to write the mini-game side you see in some games.

I also got some other ideas as well, related to phone sex, nerds, halloween and sure I can come up with many ideas.

Part of me that would love to learn how to make my own games, but not 100% sure where you even start on that. :)
Re: The Writers Club

I've recently been able to put some work into a script for my "Incredible Bulk: Banging Rampage" game concept. The following is up to, but not including, the first sex scene.

looks great so far. I like the mini-game idea as well, very interested to see how it finishes.
Re: The Writers Club

Welcome :D

First off you should save any and all Holiday events until those Season actually are in well Season lol.

Try to narrow all your ideas into 3 right now. I can talk with you on which one you may like more and guide you into writing it.

I am here to help so just let me know :D
Re: The Writers Club

Welcome :D

First off you should save any and all Holiday events until those Season actually are in well Season lol.

Try to narrow all your ideas into 3 right now. I can talk with you on which one you may like more and guide you into writing it.

I am here to help so just let me know :D

But its halloween, halloween is good for all year around :D

The phone sex and nerds is a diff story from the halloween one I thought off.
Re: The Writers Club

Like I said before what are the 3 ideas that you want to do that don't have Holidays associated with them? The artists like to just focus on what is at hand, Russians man lol :rolleyes:
Re: The Writers Club

Like I said before what are the 3 ideas that you want to do that don't have Holidays associated with them? The artists like to just focus on what is at hand, Russians man lol :rolleyes:

really depends on who made the Train Fellow games and if there even a chance of new version of they games being made.

I don't know if the creator of them is still around making games, so not sure what idea to go with first.

It either be a train fellow game idea


The Phone Sex idea (which might be called "Debbie's Adventure" , not sure yet), would be a number of games for this story I think.

what you think I should go with?

I have Sunday's to do some work on ideas.
Re: The Writers Club

Vadim makes the Train Fellow games and he might be up for doing another.

With that out of the way, time to decide on what you want to do with the idea.

What is the setting, characters, and what kind of scenes do you want?
Re: The Writers Club

Vadim makes the Train Fellow games and he might be up for doing another.

With that out of the way, time to decide on what you want to do with the idea.

What is the setting, characters, and what kind of scenes do you want?

I see if I can write up the idea on Sunday for Train Fellow idea.

Actually I should check to see who makes the games with Mrs Claus and Tsuande , if its not Vadim, could mean not be able to do the idea.
Re: The Writers Club

Mrs Clause games are made by Serega. Like I was saying though using characters from season may not work out too well. The artists may end up deleting your idea since they don't want to work on a Xmas game in say Spring.
Re: The Writers Club

yeah am aware off that, was going go with Tsuande
Re: The Writers Club

Groovy. Let me know if you need any further help between now and Sunday.
Re: The Writers Club

sadly work not allowing me a Sunday off this week, so not able to start putting together script for Train Fellow idea I had.

But have decided it be Train Fellow 4 - Danny Meets Mizuki

Hopefully I find time over next few days to write up 1st draft :)
Re: The Writers Club

Turns out I had time today to write this.

Tis the first draft and my first try, so not sure how best to write the game and sex scenes.

I had images linked in but am not allowed to post URLS :(

Train Fellow 4 – Danny Meets Mizuki


Female Stranger: (really doesn't matter who she is, as long as shes hot)


Mizuki: She must be in a short skirt that allows for peeking up, also top must allow for peeking down.

Danny: Shorts and t-shirt.

Baka: Shorts and sleeveless shirt, but doesn't matter to much what he wearing.

Scene 1: Intro

We see Danny standing on a train platform looking happy and carrying a back pack.

Danny: “oh god, its been too long since I been on a train, am so excited”

Danny takes out a bottle from his back pack.

Bottle: (exact same one seen in School of Rape)

Danny: “Finding this dam aftershave took longer than finding a decent song by that Kanye whatever his name is again”

Danny spots a very attractive woman in a short skirt walking towards him, he smiles at her but she looks repulsed and quickly walks away.

Danny: “I just don't understand it, am better looking than that Jessie Timberfake but woman always ignore me.”

Danny then looks down at the bottle still in his hand

Danny: “But, soon as I put on some of this after shave and go on a train, woman find me irresistible.”

We see a train arriving at the station and Danny goes on to the train.

Scene 2:

We see Danny walking down a corridor on the train.

Danny: “We are on a train , now time for some aftershave , then off to see the wizard of shenanigans”

Danny stops and puts some after shave on, then starts to walk again. He all of a sudden stops when he hears a door open, then a familiar voice.

Baka: OK Mizuki, I shall return with refreshments soon.

Baka walks down the corridor and through a door, Danny slowly walks forward and peeks into the compartment where he sees Mizuki sitting reading a magazine, Danny quickly hides.

Danny: “holy shizzle sticks, its Mizuki

Danny peeks again, then hides

Danny: “OMG, I am about to meet Mizuki”

Danny suddenly looks thoughtful

Danny: “For a woman like her, I better put on more aftershave”

Danny puts on more aftershave, then goes into the compartment.

Scene 3:

Mizuki looks up from her magazine as she hears the compartment door open.

Mizuki: “Baka, you are back, wait, you are not Baka, who are you? And why are you in here?”

Danny: “No am not Baka, I am Danny and just had to say hello too one of the most famous and big boob... “

Danny Pauses

Danny: “Beautiful , yes Beautiful is what I mean”

Misuki: “why thank you, that is very kind of you to say, but Baka will be back soon , you must leave right away”

Danny: “oh, I was hoping I could sit for a minute”

Misuki: “well I guess, but... wait, what is that wonderful smell?”

Danny sits down

Danny: “oh that is me, I got new after shave, you like it”

Misuki looks puzzled and disturbed

Misuki: “yes its nice”

Misuki (thinking to herself): why do I suddenly feel horny and want this Danny so bad, I must resist temptation and try an ignore him.

Scene 4: Game 1:

Danny checks out Mizuki breasts by looking right at them while she is looking at a magazine on her lap, Mizuki is trying hard not to look at Danny by reading her magazine, but occasionally looks right at Danny.

Danny must not be caught to raise the bar and we see a close up look of Mizuki's breasts in the corner of the scene.

Scene 5: Game 2:

We now see Danny has a slight bulge in his shorts, and Mizuki has raised the magazine from her lap to in front of her face, but unknowingly she has spread her legs somewhat.

Danny pretends to rummage through his backpack but is actually looking up Mizuki's skirt at her pussy.

Mizuki will occasional look at Danny and he must not get caught to raise the bar, yet again we see a close-up of Mizuki's pussy in the corner.

After the bar is full, Danny's penis pops out his shorts, just as Mizuki looks at him.

Scene 6 – Sex Scene 1 – Blowjob

Danny is standing with his shorts around his ankle, and Mizuki is on her knees given him a blow job with her breasts out.

Speed: Easy, Medium, Hard

Scene 7 – Sex Scene 2 – Sex

Mizuki has her hands on the back of her chair while standing and leaning over, her skirt is gone and Danny is riding her from behind.

Speed: Easy, Medium, Hard – Cum

As Danny finishes, we suddenly hear.


Scene 8 – Sex Scene 3: Blowjob + Sex

Danny is standing on the right side of the compartment, with Baka on the left side of the compartment and Mizuki in the middle.

Mizuki is given one a blow job and the other is riding her.

There is a button that allows you to swap Baka and Danny around.

Scene 9 – Sex Scene 4: Sex + Anal

Baka is sitting down with Mizuki on top riding his cock and Danny is behind riding her anally.

There is a button that allows you to swap Baka and Danny around.

Scene 10 - Outro

We see Danny getting off the train and standing on the platform with a huge grin on his face.

Danny: I don't know why and I don't care, but I love this aftershave I bought from the Indian Shamans.

Re: The Writers Club

Turns out I had time today to write this.

Tis the first draft and my first try, so not sure how best to write the game and sex scenes.
At a cursory glance, your layout looks fine, no need to change it.

With sex scenes 2, 3 and 4, I would advise specifying what you mean by 'sex', because for me, just saying 'sex' is a little confusing. That is to say, is there just vaginal penetration, vaginal and anal, or just anal.

I had images linked in but am not allowed to post URLS :(
Also, you should be able to post links now. As, if I recall correctly, all you need is to have 15 posts. Which you now have.
Re: The Writers Club

ah didn't realize I was actually making my 15th post

an yeah prob should put "Vaginal" instead of sex

Re: The Writers Club

Alright, added Image Links and bit of editing.

So thoughts? finished?

Train Fellow 4 – Danny Meets Mizuki


Female Stranger: (really doesn't matter who she is)


Mizuki: She must be in a short skirt that allows for peeking up, also top must allow for peeking down.

Danny: Shorts and t-shirt. (The wardrobe he has in above screenshot would be fine)

Baka: Shorts and sleeveless shirt, but doesn't matter to much what he wearing.

Scene 1: Intro

We see Danny standing on a train platform looking happy and carrying a back pack.

Danny: “oh god, its been too long since I been on a train, am so excited”

Danny takes out a bottle from his back pack.

Bottle: (exact same one seen in School of Rape)

Danny: “Finding this dam aftershave took longer than finding a decent song by that Kanye whatever his name is again”

Danny spots a very attractive woman in a short skirt walking towards him, he smiles at her but she looks repulsed and quickly walks away.

Danny: “I just don't understand it, am better looking than that Jessie Timberfake but woman always ignore me.”

Danny then looks down at the bottle still in his hand

Danny: “But, soon as I put on some of this after shave and go on a train, woman find me irresistible.”

We see a train arriving at the station and Danny goes on to the train.

Scene 2:

We see Danny walking down a corridor on the train.

Danny: “We are on a train , now time for some aftershave , then off to see the wizard of shenanigans”

Danny stops and puts some after shave on, then starts to walk again. He all of a sudden stops when he hears a door open, then a familiar voice.

Baka: OK Mizuki, I shall return with refreshments soon.

Baka walks down the corridor and through a door, Danny slowly walks forward and peeks into the compartment where he sees Mizuki sitting reading a magazine, Danny quickly hides.

Danny: “holy shizzle sticks, its Mizuki

Danny peeks again, then hides

Danny: “OMG, I am about to meet Mizuki”

Danny suddenly looks thoughtful

Danny: “For a woman like her, I better put on more aftershave”

Danny puts on more aftershave, then goes into the compartment.

Scene 3:

Mizuki looks up from her magazine as she hears the compartment door open.

Mizuki: “Baka, you are back, wait, you are not Baka, who are you? And why are you in here?”

Danny: “No am not Baka, I am Danny and just had to say hello too one of the most famous and big boob... “

Danny Pauses

Danny: “Beautiful , yes Beautiful is what I mean”

Misuki: “why thank you, that is very kind of you to say, but Baka will be back soon , you must leave right away”

Danny: “oh, I was hoping I could sit for a minute”

Misuki: “well I guess, but... wait, what is that wonderful smell?”

Danny sits down

Danny: “oh that is me, I got new after shave, you like it”

Misuki looks puzzled and disturbed

Misuki: “yes its nice”

Misuki (thinking to herself): why do I suddenly feel horny and want this Danny so bad, I must resist temptation and try an ignore him.

Scene 4: Game 1:

Danny checks out Mizuki breasts by looking right at them while she is looking at a magazine on her lap, Mizuki is trying hard not to look at Danny by reading her magazine, but occasionally looks right at Danny.

Danny must not be caught to raise the bar and we see a close up look of Mizuki's breasts in the corner of the scene.

Scene 5: Game 2:

We now see Danny has a slight bulge in his shorts, and Mizuki has raised the magazine from her lap to in front of her face, but unknowingly she has spread her legs somewhat.

Danny pretends to rummage through his backpack but is actually looking up Mizuki's skirt at her pussy.

Mizuki will occasional look at Danny and he must not get caught to raise the bar, yet again we see a close-up of Mizuki's pussy in the corner.

After the bar is full, Danny's penis pops out his shorts, just as Mizuki looks at him.

Scene 6 – Sex Scene 1 – Blowjob

Image Example:

Danny is standing with his shorts around his ankle, and Mizuki is on her knees given him a blow job with her breasts out.

Speed: Easy, Medium, Hard

Scene 7 – Sex Scene 2 – Vaginal

Image Example:

Mizuki has her hands on the back of her chair while standing and leaning over, her skirt is gone and Danny is riding her from behind.

Speed: Easy, Medium, Hard – Cum

As Danny finishes, we suddenly hear.


Scene 8 – Sex Scene 3: Blowjob + Vaginal

Image Example:

Danny is standing on the right side of the compartment, with Baka on the left side of the compartment and Mizuki in the middle.

Mizuki is given one a blow job and the other is riding her.

There is a button that allows you to swap Baka and Danny around.

Scene 9 – Sex Scene 4: Vaginal + Anal

Image Example:

Baka is sitting down with Mizuki on top riding his cock and Danny is behind riding her anally.

There is a button that allows you to swap Baka and Danny around.

Scene 10 - Outro

We see Danny getting off the train and standing on the platform with a huge grin on his face.

Danny: I don't know why and I don't care, but I love this aftershave I bought from the Indian Shamans.

Last edited:
Re: The Writers Club

Everything looks great. You may want to add Images that best represent what you want to the sex scenes. English is the MnF artists second language so pictures go a long way to make sure nothing is lost in translation.

Other than that you are all good.