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Things you're going to hell for.


Nov 10, 2008
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Post them here. No, visiting this site does not count. Nor do we want to know about your fapping.

Mine? The list goes on, but first and foremost in my mind currently is laughing my ass off at .
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Wow, I refuse to believe that website is anything but a joke.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Reading some of their literature, it's good natured.
But they did it in a hilariously bad way, I'll agree. I'm still tearing, it's that funny.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Blasphemy. Lots and lots of blasphemy. But then again I'm not a Christian anymore so it doesn't matter.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Ah who doesnt blasphemise these days? Its like a prerequisite to being this generations youth.

Though the things Im going to hell for? They are in plentiful quantities, though Im sure you'd not want to hear about the illegal ones xD Would destroying someone to the point that they moved out of the country just because of what you did be a reason that I'd go to hell for?
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

i'm probably going to hell for my insulting sarcasm and taking nothing as serious business.

Nunu: Well yeah i'll plow your mums face!
Hapless Victim: my mums dead.
Nunu: Then its gonna be so easy i might do it twice.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Blasphe you!
Blasphe everybody in the room!
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Hmm... being on this forum and posting on this forum?

What? It's true by the normal definition.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.


Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

well, if were going on christianity, it would be

1:being athiest
2:questioning religeon
3:look, you can dig whats left up if you like...
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Even if you're atheist, that doesn't mean you don't have morality - the two are completely different. But I'm not getting into that.

So anyone else seen this?

Re: Things you're going to hell for.

By current popular religions views, I'd be going to hell for not worshipping an all powerful paradoxical invisible man in the sky.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Alright, fine. I can insult atheism, too, but I choose not to.

But I digress, you're missing the point of this thread. It's not really a "what have you done that's against religious values" as "what have you done that you feel guilty about".
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Do so. Making fun of other peoples beliefs is good entertainment and helps people deal with their insecurities. I forget where I read the second part.....

Generally, people don't admit to things that they genuinely feel guilty for. Unless it's sex of course, then they can't stfu about it. :p

I've never done anything i feel guilty about, just things I'm ashamed of. You know?
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

By current popular religions views, I'd be going to hell for not worshipping an all powerful paradoxical invisible man in the sky.

Maybe you're atheist because you have no idea what the idea of a god is.

But I digress, I've done things I regret, but I live most of my life by a strict moral code. I would think such a religious authority would understand the difference between what I laugh at and what I care for.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Maybe you're atheist because you have no idea what the idea of a god is.

But I digress, I've done things I regret, but I live most of my life by a strict moral code. I would think such a religious authority would understand the difference between what I laugh at and what I care for.

I'm an atheist because I have no use for religion. I don't need a reward in some afterlife for doing what I believe is right. Nor do I need someone to ask for help if I find a situation that I can't handle, or someone to tell my problems to in private. Those are the only two realistic uses for religion, organized or otherwise, that might apply to me. If there is a god, or gods, or any such entity or cycle, or somesuch, it's done nothing that makes it worthy of worship or energy in my opinion. Every religion I've seen is too based in lies for me to accept anyway, so I'm basically doing exactly what the people who believe in god but don't give their belief system a name does, just without the god part.

Enough of that, less serious talk.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

Guilt is a wasted emotion. You feel guilty because it makes you feel good on the inside, a small confirmation that you know right from wrong. The feeling serves no other purpose, and I don't spend much time on it.

As to religion, I can't follow anything organized. I'm more of an agnostic myself.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

I can honestly and without a doubt say there is a god. Whether the Bible is accurate? Well, who can honestly know? But after doing a lot of meditation and thinking over the prospect... it makes more sense. I'm more of a deist than a theist though.

Back on topic, I played the tuba fat man walk behind a morbidly obese woman the other day. She turned around and started to chase me but I GOT IN THE CAR.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

yeah... we're not going to debate religion here so get back to the jokes.
Re: Things you're going to hell for.

It's not really a "what have you done that's against religious values" as "what have you done that you feel guilty about".

Oh, what we feel guilty about? Well then, theres only really one thing I feel guilty about that I can remember, the rest was done pretty much with a clear mind.