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This is the way the world ends...

Re: This is the way the world ends...

"Seriously?" Jess asked, giving the facial expression to match. "Yeah, alright, sure!" She said in her best giggly voice, smiling broadly at Delilah, with every intention to stumble her before they even made it out the door. And her brother as well, for good measure. The thought made her smile just a bit wider.
Re: This is the way the world ends...

Delor rolled his eyes before going back to his silent scowling against the wall.

Delilah gave an excited squeal before dropping to her knees and hugging the small woman. "This is so exciting! I can't wait to see what this other-worlder is like!"
Re: This is the way the world ends...

Hoten stood quietly reading his book, his tonuge flicking out from his lips every so often as he listened to the bickering and the team dividing.

However, when mention of a library team came up, he actually lowered his book to look over at Ms. Ramielle. "I will be on the library team. No one knows his way around a book better than I." he states, then raises his book back up to cover his face, before flipping a page and waiting for anything else that the teacher or the dean might say.
Re: This is the way the world ends...

Jess jumped a bit at the hug, that was unexpected. "Yeah, s'gonna be weird, I bet." She said slowly, trying to loosen her arms enough to hug back, or even pat a shoulder.
Re: This is the way the world ends...

Toring didn't have to think for long about which team he wanted to join. "I'll be going with the field team. Doubt I'll be of much use in the library, especially doing magic research." He got up and stretched before strolling over to Delor and Delilah, keeping a respectful distance to the elves. If nothing else, he could hunt and provide some physical protection. Not to mention he had to keep Delor from murdering Jess.
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Re: This is the way the world ends...

Calcius makes his way towards the growing field team.

"I'll be more use in the field. I'm uh... not that good at reading."
Re: This is the way the world ends...

Grave couldn't help but smirk as he listened to Jess and her squabbling with Toring. He remembered that particular event - in fact, many people talked about this shortly after it happened, some of them hoping the trickster got torn apart. He mostly ignored Servante - he had trouble understanding the Selkie's social logic. He focused his attention on Dean's explanation, memorizing it as he listened. He didn't attempt to review and analyze it until the Dean was done talking, to make sure he didn't lose any details. Afterwards, he leaned back in his chair, fully focused on digesting the information. As such, he nearly missed the presentation, though he managed to catch enough of it to get what's going on. By the time Cynder was finally done, it seemed several people have already volunteered for field work. Oh well. "So we're some kind of chosen ones, huh? I guess I'll go to the library, then. I'm fairly good at working with books." Truth be told, he didn't mind working on either team, even though he was used to conducting research on his own. It usually meant less restrictions.
Re: This is the way the world ends...

Bibble looks around at people moving and leaving and freaks out. "Whats going on, What did I miss!? LIBRARY!" after this impromptu spazz attack the distraught Bibble runs as fast as she can to the library, not with any real Idea whats going on. She had spaced out so hard that the little alchemist had missed most of everything said after taking interest in the ceiling and had simply keyed on the word Library....
Re: This is the way the world ends...

Professor Ramielle watches the groups and shoots the Dean a look of "oh, brother." Still, she was happy the lycan and telepath were going to see the otherworlder -- the telepath could attempt communication and the lycan... well, neither the lycan nor the otherworlder could use magic. That could prove educational.

She calls out to the departing students, "I'm going to grab a few materials -- I'll be by to check on both teams." She vanishes.
Re: This is the way the world ends...

Delor yawned and gestured to the others while Delilah bounced eagerly ahead.

The dean smiled at their retreating backs, proud of the way his students handled themselves. He could go home now.
Re: This is the way the world ends...

And there it was, quick as lighting. A knife appeared from under Jess' sleeve and embedded itself about an inch in front of Delilah's back foot when she moved to bring it forward.

Once the situation played itself out, the diminuative woman strode over and removed the dagger, offering Delilah a hand up if she was still on the floor. "Good joke, eh?" She said with her best malicious grin.
Re: This is the way the world ends...

"Books or interrogatin an off-wworlder?" Servante mutters to himself, a look of distain on his face. "Guess I'll see wwhat the fuss wwith this off-wworlder is all about." He says finally as the group begins to split itself up, he never really did enjoy reading.
Re: This is the way the world ends...

Delilah laughed and giggled as she hauled herself off of the floor and gave Jess another huge hug. "You always know how to get me laughing! I'd just started to think serious thoughts and look what you did." The Cave Elf chuckled some more and started to follow behind Jess and her brother.