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Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel chuckles softly and nods. "Of course dear. If I don't, you would put yourself forth as our knight in shining armour anyway. Not to worry, I trust you with my life." Flying and holding her little slime as she enjoy the sea of green beneath them and the sun upon her skin. The demoness was quite happy to stay up among the clouds where they were safe from beast and fae, even if they were more open minded to her kind.

She was fairly quiet through out their flight. Though upon seeing some people chasing someone down below them she pointed down and made a sound to attract the others attention. She then dived down to get a better look of the chase to gauge whether they needed to step in or whether to stay out of it.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri was too enthralled by the architecture to notice the group at first, but upon hearing Nireniel break the silence of flying, she turns to see what's got her companion's attention. She couldn't make out any fine details, but it looked like someone was being chased. Malevolent thoughts springing to life behind her narrowed eyes, she cautiously follows Nireniel closer. This situation was beginning to look hauntingly familiar. Likely a group of humans picking on someone who couldn't fight back. Typical. This time, hopefully there wouldn't be an inquisitor amongst them. No one to stop Ceri from taking out her deep seated aggression. Secretly she hoped that the group would be a detestable lot so there'd be less chance of Nireniel or Naia objecting to her cutting loose on the mob.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 100/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

Getting closer to the scene, the one being chased turned out to be a boy, young, something that was perhaps odd to the demons and kitsune who all spent no more than a handful of years in that vulnerable state. As a human he was probably in his mid teens, and the group chasing after him were about the same age and a little older, though that didn't make the battery of sticks and occasional hurled rock any less severe. A particularly well aimed rock from a tomboyish young woman took their victim in the back of the head, and he went down in a heap, stunned, while the rest of the group closed in with makeshift weapons raised.

One of them, a younger boy with big brown eyes, called out and pointed toward them as they dove closer. The crowd stopped short and looked up, fear replacing their anger, and some of them backed away. Their target was at least momentarily ignored, but he also didn't seem to be moving much, having curled up and partially covered his head with his hands.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia did indeed spot the chase occurring and followed the others down to it. Getting close, a child assaulted by other children? What madness was this?! She promptly dropped down between him and the mob. She held her shield ready though did not draw her weapon. It'd not be needed here.

"It takes a special kind of scum to gang up on someone running away. Get out of here before I send you back to your parents spanked silly.," she said sternly, glaring at them, "Your parents should be ashamed of all of you."
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Children. Damn. As much as she detested this sort of behavior, Ceri found her ire deflated a bit. She was still ticked off at the little shits, however, landing next to Naia with a fanged grin. "We're being nice by leaving it at a spanking, by the way," Ceri giggles, honey in her smile but razors in her glare. She would never hurt a child beyond a spanking, but scaring the crap out of them was fair game.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel frowned deeply at the sight of the mob hurting the poor boy. Had his mother been around, she fully would have expected her to smack the bullies upside the head. She landed down next to the dazed boy, her hands gently checking to make sure he was alright before giving an angry glare to the other teens. She then lightly scooped him up into his arm, her wings shielding from any other sticks and stones they might be daring enough to throw.

"Yes, I think they deserve a nice spanking for their naughty behaviour."
Still glaring at the children in anger. She then looked down to the small boy in her arms and lightly caressed his cheek a moment. Letting light and warm magic fill him and mend him of any wounds he might have suffered by the other children's hands.

Lay Hands on the boy and heal him. Spending 4 ep on it. And cure him of any negative statuses if he has any.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 96/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

Landing in between the boy and his assailants, Naia found her confrontational attitude largely met with fear. While she might not be a full demon, seeing a winged woman of her stature clad in black armor standing before them, the young humans couldn't tell the difference. The sight of more, the obviously demonic Nireniel and the completely unnatural Ceri backing Naia up, only prompted more fear from the attacking group. Shouts interrupted, mostly gibberish about demoms and orders to flee, and the group beat a hasty retreat... Mostly.

One young man tried to stay, rage and hate in his dark eyes and his brow furrowed. He picked up a rock, and though two of his companions went for him he hurled it before they could reach him. Luckily it sailed over Naia entirely, landed somewhere next to the downed young man, and the angry young man's companions grabbed him under the arms and dragged him away before he could pick up another.

The battered young man shivered and groaned in pain as Nireniel brushed her fingers against him, her magics flowing into his body and healing his wounds. Nothing he had received was crippling or fatal, luckily, and the bruises and cuts he'd received from his run in with the mob healed up under her touch. He was a somewhat scraggly young man, sallow faced and bony, his trousers and thick grey shirt both ripped and dirty with numerous stains. He rose from his protective ball hesitantly, and his fright initially deepened upon sighting the crowd of women around him.

"Wh-wh-wh-who are you?" he stuttered, his voice high and nasal, quaking with fear and now only remembered pain.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel frowned as the rock sailed close to her, though seeing that the fleeing trouble makers she turned her attention to the young man before her. Giving him a small kind smile and speaking softly to him. "I would tell you my name, but for my kind it can be troublesome if someone we don't trust knows it. For now, just consider us your kind protectors." She would help him stand with a gentle hand, though she would not stop him if he should try to bolt on them. "I have healed the scrapes and wounds they caused you."

She gave the others a curious look before turning back to the young man. "Not to worry young man, if we had meant you harm, we would have hurt your pursuers and I would not heal you." She then stepped back and gestured towards the town. "You are free to go when you wish." She then waited a moment to see what he would do, and if he chose to stay and linger with them she would ask him the question bugging her and her companions. "Why where they chasing and hurting you?"
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri waits patiently for the boy's reply. Every instinct was screaming for her tto get away as soon as possible, given her last encounter with an angry mob. Looking to her companions, she softly clears her throat, "I hate to be the stick in the mud, but we should conclude this meeting swiftly. Before a mob or worse shows up. Apologies, child but I'm sure you know our kind isn't exactly welcome here." The kitsune spreads her wings, looking about nervously, violet eyes alight with worry and caution.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 96/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

"I... Suppose that that makes sense," the young man said, his nervousness fading slightly. "I'm.... Bronna," he said after lingering a moment, eyes darting nervously from one to another among the group. He looked almost panicked when Ceri reminded the others of the urgency of their departure, completely skipping over Nereniel's question for the time being as he hastily said; "N-no! You... You don't have to... I mean... I know someplace you could stay! If we could... Get back into town... Without being seen!"
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia glared angrily as one of the children ignored her warning, and took a step forwards as they quickly scattered. Brats.

She turned back as her mother and Ceri did what they could for the child, Bronna it seemed. She tilted her head curiously at his quick explanation. "Getting in unseen or hiding in plain sight? We can look like whomever we want, but do you need to get in unseen? That... The adults don't condone this sort of behavior there, do they?"

She was curious why he was so eager for them to stay, though he probably didn't have many friends... And she had no illusions this display would not repeat soon as they weren't there to grant reprisals. Something had to be done.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

"We three can shapeshift, but one of us doesn't have that particular ability," Ceri whispers, her wings fluttering in increasingly clear agitation, her fox tail rigid and alert, "And we're still in Badaria. Land of the zealots and killing of all things not human. Like us." She didn't like this one bit. The last thing she wanted was to go to an enclosed space in an unfamiliar town, with a boy she'd just met. She'd been down that road, and it had only ended in misery. The boy's insistence and haste were only feeding her paranoia built up over a long history of betrayal and abuse. Looking to Bronna, she goes tight lipped, not wanting to appear hostile, but she's clearly uneasy with the situation. "Child, answer my friend's question first. Why were those kids after you?" Was she being unreasonable? Perhaps. But she'd rather be paranoid than fall prey to the likes of man once more. The fact that she'd finally found people worth trusting made her caution all the more urgent. She didn't want Nireniel, Naia, or Karelia to suffer anything she had been through, and she would go to great lengths to make sure that never happened.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel smiled and gave the young man a small nod. "Yes, we have skills that can allow us to enter your village unseen. But before we come with you, please tell us why they were after you and why you are so eager to take us home with you." She glanced to the others a moment before returning her attention to the youth. A hand gesturing to her womanly, but very demonic nature. "For reasons you can see, most humans don't take too kindly to my kind. For your safety and ours, we would like to know before we go anywhere with you into town."

She took a quick glance towards the nearby town and thought a moment about the fleeing one they had sent off. She decided to assume a more human form in case they other came back with company. She settled on a pale skinned crimson haired version of herself. She also gently asked Karalie to hide in her pack. She gestured for the other two to also assume a more human form.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri waits on Bronna's reply, using her shapeshifting ability to cause her wings, ears, and tail to sink back into herself. For all intents and purposes, she looked like a pretty human. She didn't need much of a makeover, though she alters a few of her features to throw off those who might have seen her true face. She grows taller, her features sharpening a little, looking more mature than girlish. Her body also takes on a more athletic look like that of a runner though she keeps her natural litheness out of a touch of pride. Her long hair shortens to a pretty layered do that stops at her shoulders.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 96/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

"W-well... Uhm," he hesitated at Ceri's insistence, going red in the face and not quite meeting the kitsune's gaze. At that point he would take any distraction he could get from the kitsune's piercing gaze, and answered Naia's question first; "Well... In without drawing attention... You know, so that nobody sees me." She glanced between them, but obviously could go no longer without giving them some sort of answer. "I... Was... Accused of witchcraft, so they... They were going to kill me... But I didn't do it! I swear!"
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri's gaze softens a bit, knowing what it was like to suffer in such a way. She'd seduced a young nobleman at one point. He was more than happy to bend her over his bedside, but when his fiance had smfound out, he had accused her of witchcraft. She'd nearly taken a pitchfork to the back on her way out of town thanks to that. Not many fond memories of that trip. She nods, accepting Bronna's explanation, "See child? That wasn't so hard, was it? In order to gain trust, you have to give some first. Anyways, we wouldn't care if you had practiced witchcraft. Here, if you travel between us, I'm sure we'll be more than enough to distract prying eyes from you." The kitsune smiles softly, an enchanting expression on her dazzling pretty face.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia watches curiously, frowning a little at Ceri's hard gaze, but smiled once answers came forth. "I dunno what qualifies as witchcraft, but it's not like we're not magic already. So what happened? You can tell us as we go."

She concentrated, slowly changing herself to become a tanned if still muscular human woman with several scars and short cropped hair and green eyes.

"Think this will pass?"
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel smiled and nodded as she looked to Naia a moment before she made sure Karalie was hidden away in her pack. "Yes dear, that will do nicely. Just make sure to appear fully human." She turned back to Bronna. "Well with us, you have no need to fear even if you are a witch. As you saw just moments ago." She then stepped close to him to get a better look of him and casting a quick spell to see if the youth had any magical or spiritual potential. "Don't worry, nothing to be worried about, just examining if you ar as magically gifted as they think." She gave him a kind smile and gently patted his shoulder to show she wasn't bothered by what she might find.

"So Bronna shall you lead the way? It is rude to keep three lovely ladies waiting on you. And while we walk you can speak of the parts that we missed before coming from on high to rescue you." Smiling as she slung her pack up onto her back with a slight wobble before correcting herself. Seemed it was becoming a thing for her and her daughter, swoop down from sky and rescue people.

Casting the arcane spell Examine on him.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 96/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

"Uhhh.... N-no, I suppose not," Bronna replied sheepishly, not quite looking at Ceri as she shifted into a more normal appearance. Indeed, he never quite looked directly at any of them while they were changing their shapes, though he did seem to covertly eye them up once they had all assumed less inhuman appearances. He took up position in the center of the group as the now disguised kitsune instructed, though he walked somewhat gingerly and glanced about skittishly.

"Uhm... Yeah, right this way," he said, starting forward hesitantly, stopping a few steps ahead if they didn't immediately follow in his wake. As they walked, quickly leaving the main open path he'd been chased down to take a narrower, more secluded trail through the woods, he would explain; "Well, huhm... They thought that I was the one... Who, uhm... They thought I did something to someone, but I didn't! And they said I used magic to do it."

He would elaborate as they questioned him further, and in the meantime they would travel through the woods, Karelia bouncing at Naia's hip for now, while Nireniel's magic would reveal something odd. Though he was completely human, he seemed to be under the effects of subtle magic, minor compulsions. There was nothing drastic that she could ascertain, nothing immediately and obviously sinister, but someone at least had been in Bronna's head recently. There were also the telltale signs of mutation, of corruption stirring in his body and slowly warping his soul, though as yet it was only minor. Unless Nireniel stopped them with this revelation, however, he would continue on as if oblivious of her magic, which he most likely was.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri continues on, keeping an eye on the boy as well as looking out for trouble, her attention going back and forth from Bronna to her surroundings as subtly as she can. As Bronna resumes being vague, the kitsune's suspicions start to rise again. The temptation to use her psychic powers flits at the corner of her mind, but she knew the side effects could be lethal if the boy resisted. And she didn't want to hurt him. "Child, you're going to need to be specific. What did they think you did, and to whom?" As much as she could sympathize, she wasn't going to let one scrap of vital information pass her by.