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Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel followed along quietly as he explained a little of what happened, while she examined him with her spell. She frowned deeply a moment before hiding it from the young man and the other two. She waited till the trail got more secluded before she gently laid a hand on his arm to get him to stop. "Bronna but it seems there may be some truth to their claims, though you might not know it." She moved to stand in front of him and get a better look at him, checking on if it had effected him physically yet.

"Sorry hon, but it seems someone with a supernatural origin has sunk their hooks into you. Seems you are under the effects of some minor spells. Compulsions mostly it seems." She then gently laid a hand upon his arm once more to reassure him. "Not to worry though hon, I can cleanse you of them with some work. Has anyone new or unusual visit you or your town recently?" She was frowning now though as she watched to see if the young man had any compulsions about being cured of them.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia blinks at the story Bronna told. "So something happened? What happened?"

When her mom mentioned the compulsion, Naia got a little worried. Mentioning that might not be too good, they didn't know what was going on or why! Clearly magic was involved but maybe the compulsion was to protect someone... Or not. Guess they;d need to do some investigating to find out.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri narrows her eyes and frowns slightly. Mental magic, huh? Seems this boy had been touched by it, according to Nireniel. Ceri couldn't say she was entirely surprised. It would explain a few thoughts running through her head. She was convinced at least that Bronna himself meant no harm. The person pulling his strings, however, worried her. As a mental magic user herself, she knew how dangerous it was to mess with the mind. On occasions, she'd killed weaker folk while extracting knowledge from them. Instinct was telling her to run, to take Nireniel, Naia, and Karelia and get out of whatever foul scheme must have been building. But knowing her travel companions, the kitsune knew that her companions wouldn't be able to ignore the plight of those in trouble. After all, it had been what got them to meet in the first place.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 96/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh...." Bronna stalled a bit at Ceri's insistent demand and Nireniel's announcement of what she'd found while subtly examining him. "Well... N-no, no one strange has come through... And they all thought that I... Made one of their sisters... Um... Take her.... Clothes off... But I didn't! She wasn't even naked all the way, and I certainly didn't use magic to do it!"
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri nods, sympathizing a bit. While not exactly the same situation, she'd been accused of using magic to seduce people many times in the past. Sometimes, people just didn't want to own up to being horny and liked to pretend they were enchanted into it. Okay, there were times she'd used her powers and pheromones to sneak a quick meal in, but unlike most people, she needed sex to survive. "See, Bronna. You've given us something to work with, and now we can help you much easier," Ceri smiles softly. So an enchanter then. Someone who set up the child as a patsy, and likely erased their tracks with magic. Troublesome. She'd insist that her traveling companions stuck together. Being alone was just asking to get mind screwed.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia blinks at the confession, tilting her head in confusion. "Well this is all very strange indeed. I think you'd be better at figuring this out than me mom, you're the magicky smart one. Guess we should look into this. Huh. So what all happened there, Bronna? Better the descriptions we get, easier we can figure it out.," says Naia with a smile and shrug.

She kept up with her family, musing curiously. What on earth was going on here? See, this is why everywhere need magics, so you could have magics to figure out who was being bad with magics.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel frowned but nodded at their words. "Still let us get inside so we can avoid too many strange looks while we talk about this." She then gently patted Bronna's bottom to urge him to continue leading them to his home or where ever he was holing up. "Once we are somewhere quiet we can talk of this at more length as well as cure you of what ever magic ins compelling you. Alright?" She gave the youth a kind and gentle smile to show she was willing to help him.

She gave Naia a smile as well and gently rubbed her arm. "Not to worry hun, we will figure this out." Smiling as she continued to follow the young man.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 96/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

"O-okay," Bronna retorted, falling silent unless the others while he took them on the route to sneak them - and himself - back into town. They didn't pass any signs that might indicate what the place was called, having missed any on the road since they'd come by air. Bronna's entrance turned out to be an old, drained aqueduct, now overgrown with vegetation that the young man easily led the disguised trio through, which brought them into a drained basin underground. It was slightly unpleasant to the smell, like old rot and distant sewage, but was also fairly clear and led up to an old, rusty metal ladder that seemed to ascend up into a building.

He led the way, going up the ladder first, and they emerged one by one into what seemed to be some sort of an abandoned warehouse, a short ways into the town's high stone walls. "Well... This is how I get in and out... When I don't want people to know anyway. I don't stay here though, it's gross. We've got to go through some places with a lot of people, but they shouldn't be too problematic I don't think," he explained before leading them carefully towards one of the large sliding doors into and out of the abandoned building, but instead of opening it - it had a chain across the doors - he carefully slid over to a set of nearby windows. He stepped up onto a box in front of the window and carefully pried the dirty pane out of its moorings, placed it aside, and clambered out.

They emerged into a narrow, dirty alleyway, the foul scents of urine and urban decay and old rusty metal filling the air here. A vagrant was lying on a pile of rags nearby, sleeping off the result of the bottle he clutched protectively in his arms beneath a raggedy blanket just a short ways away. Ragged brown hair, now going gray, concealed his features, but his chest rose and fell slowly to indicate his steady breathing. "C'mon.... This way," he said softly, padding quietly over to the mouth of the alleyway, going left from the window and away from the sleeping vagrant.

"Just.... Act natural," he said after carefully glancing out around the street, looking both ways. He stepped out, brushing off his clothes again, and started forward into the streets. It wasn't long before they came upon more populated streets, leaving the abandoned rows of warehouses and the like and entering ones seemingly in use. Many men were working here, most often moving boxes from place to place or loading them onto wagons, and initially they mostly ignored Bronna and his trio of companions beyond a few curious looks or lascivious smirks. It was likely enough that none of them weren't accustomed to such looks with the possible exception of Naia, however, and with Karelia hiding out of sight no one seemed inclined to bother them, It was hardly unheard of for young folk around Bronna's age to lead travelers to lodgings in unfamiliar towns, especially when such men were unable or unwilling to do the hard manual labor so commonly left to the young men of lower class here in Badaria.

It wasn't long before they did enter a spot of trouble, however, when Bronna seemingly ran into a work crew that was familiar with him by more than sight. "Hey, Bronna!" one of the bunch said, an oily, sweaty man in brown breeches a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, exposing tanned, muscular arms and legs. He was conventionally handsome, though perhaps not notably so if one compared him to demons or sidhe, being more on the rugged side, and had short black hair that was stood in thick curls. He was part of a crew of six or so other men, all of whom took note of Bronna's appearance and the trail of women following him. All were dark of hair, though in varying shades, and their skin similarly ranged form almost Crolian pale, to tanned, to olivine like the speaker's, to darker even than his. About half had facial hair, usually consisting of a short beard and mustache that blended together in a lien around their lips, and though they did offer some variety in height as well all had the burly muscles of men who had been at manual labor for long enough to acclimate to it well.

Bronna jumped at the mention of his name, and almost looked like he was going to bolt, but then hesitantly turned towards the man who had addressed him. "H... H-hi... Felix," he said carefully as the man gently lowered a large crate onto a pallet on the back of a cart and then abandoned his work to come over towards them. None of the others joined them, but they did watch the exchange, curiosity, concern, and distrust afforded to various men in varying levels. "Well well well!" Felix said jovially, "what have we got here, eh?"

He shot a charming grin across the trio, though whether or not it was effective was up to them. "How'd you end up in such pleasant company, huh?" he said, still in that jovial voice. "Uhm... Uhh... Well... I, uhhh, you see," Bronna stuttered, obviously not coming up with a convincing lie quickly enough despite his earlier advice. "Hah, I'd have thought you wouldn't go for the guide business after what happened last time... I hear the guards are STILL looking for you over that carriage incident!" The workman clapped Bronna on the back in the midst of his interruption, almost making his knees buckle, "you'd best be careful, THREE gorgeous women might be too much for a little squirt like you to handle!" He tousled Bronna's hair, despite that the younger man was only perhaps a foot shorter at most and likely only a handful of years younger. Then he leaned in, but the three would hear him yet courtesy of their variety of supernatural senses; "Hey, Bron... I've been hearing some stuff about you lately... Some stuff I don't like... Now, I don't necessarily believe any of it, but you're still keeping your nose clean, right?"

Bronna looked nervous, and quietly stuttered; "Uh-uh-uhm... Y-yeah, of course Felix!" Frowning slightly, Felix put a hand on his shoulder, "good, good... I know I don't need to tell you how bad it'd be if what I heard about you and that Faerys girl are true. I don't want to assume that... Well, you'd be the type of man who'd do that sort of thing. Right? I mean, how could I trust you - like I do - if you were doing that kind of stuff, huh?" Bronna glanced nervously at the three of them, almost pleadingly in a way, and then said; "Y-yeah... You don't need to worry though. I didn't do any of that stuff... People are just trying to cause trouble!"
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel followed along after the human, though she could not hide a frown as the slipped into the underground tunnel. "Hopefully next time it will be a route a little more pleasant." Once they emerged into the fresh air, she took a few deep breaths, even if it was only a few steps up from the tunnel. She gave him a small nod and let him continue to lead them into the city.Hearing the man call to Bronna she turned to look at him curiously, idly wondering if they might have to cut their visit short. Though seeing it was only someone who knew him made her relax a little bit.

Putting a kind smile on she stepped up beside Bronna, a hand gently rubbing the center of the nervous man's back to try and put him at ease. "He is our guide in this new town. Though not to worry sir, no magic is being used on us." She then tapped her chin in thought a moment. Leaning forward with a small frown to whisper something conspiratorially to the man who identified himself as Felix. "You know how it is, you get a gal all alone and she is just about to get undressed ready to give you her first time..." She then claps suddenly for emphasis. "And bam, her old man walks in and catches you. Then suddenly it is all your fault." Leaning back to give him a curious look. "I bet you know how it is."
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri does her best to disguise her disgust at the secret way she was being led through. Of course, she knew it was probably the most practical choice so she kept it to herself mostly unless one was familiar enough to see a few agitated hints. The smell was what was getting her. She had a bit of a sensitive nose, so even moving through the slums made it wrinkle. She seems much more relaxed when the group manages to find the more civilized areas. She was much more used to lascivious stares and wandering eyes than the overgrown aqueducts and slums.

Ceri bristles subtly as the group is intercepted by a few of Bronna's associates. While her smile is friendly, it's only to hide her fangs. Perhaps it was her fault for standing out with her beauty. Then again, the group as a whole were quite attractive. Hiding it may have been a fruitless exercise. She watches as Nireniel steps in on Bronna's behalf, listening to her exchange with the worker she now knew as Felix.

I could pick that answer from his brain, if you'd like, Ceri thought to herself as she responded to the smile with one of her own. A predator's mask. Ceri found it force of habit to consider men who looked upon her, prey. They all wanted the same thing after all. Could she blame them? Perhaps not entirely. She knew how beautiful she was. Still, a kitsune had to eat. ""We all do things a little crazy after a few drinks. Some people just don't to admit that a few drinks is enough to remove some clothing," Ceri giggles, adding on to Nireniel's case.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia saw the homelessman as they moved, her looking down at him sadly. How could humans allow such a thing? She knew resources were tight for their species since the invasion, but her understanding was this existed before then too. She wanted to help, but she wasn't sure how she could? Sadly, much as she wished she could, she couldn't fix every problem she found. Not as long as her kind was considered a monster by his species.

The various gazes would be new to Naia. But then, she also didn't think much of them either. Not from being used to them, but simply because the context was lost on her. After all, she looked at most people she saw, so why wouldn't they look back?

Soon, they found a different group with a person who knew Bronna! Bronna didn't seem thrilled though.

Naia blinks, frowning a bit at the exchange. She... didn't think what her mom and Ceri were doing might be helpful in this case, but she couldn't contradict them now. She instead looked over the situation, studying the dynamics with interest. She'd never seen such a confusing engagement. He seemed to be putting on displays of camaraderie, but his body language and actions spoke more of physical intimidation than any closeness. How confusing. Was this really how humans interacted with each other? Should she be doing the same to blend in? Hm.

She'd watch to see if her mother and Ceri's idea played out as they liked. She'd keep this lesson in mind though.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 96/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

"Oh really? Playing tour guide now are we lil'Bron?" The workman said to Bronna, patting him on the shoulder, "Well, you certainly know how to pick your customers..." Felix trailed off as Nereniel leaned forward, frowning thoughtfully, and when she had finished he glanced back at Bronna, and then at her. Ceri spoke up before he responded, and though his frown remained the relatively empathic trio read the acceptance of their story passing over their mark, though he still seemed a little troubled. He even smiled at Ceri, "eheh, well... I'd be lying if I said I'd never been in that sort of situation myself at one point or another! It's just a little weird thinking about Bronna here being old enough to get into that sort of thing."

He ruffled Bronna's hair, and the younger man glared at him and swept it all back over his head. "Well, like I said, you'd better keep yourself out of trouble Bronna! I heard some people were a bit miffed and were looking for you, so you'd better either keep to the quiet side streets or to the main ones. Don't wanna get spotted on Pearl street and cornered in the Racks, eh? Have fun playing tour guide!" Felix gave Bronna one last pat on the shoulder and then stepped back, though before they parted he looked to Ceri, Naia, and Nereniel and said; "Hey, I gotta get back to work, but maybe if you're in town for the night little Bronna can guide you to the party, eh? It's my birthday, and I'm always up for more birthday kisses!"

The handsome workman- or at least handsome for a lower class human workman, which admittedly wasn't much if Nirenial wanted to compare him to her favored lover, the sidhe knight who had sired many of her children - offered them a smile and a wave. "You take care of yourself kid," He repeated, and then returned to his glowering comrades.

"Bye Felix," Bronna said, before turning back onto the route they'd been going before the interruption and heading off at a quickened pace. He took the next left and promptly started fuming, hands clenching into fists and dark muttering that none of them could comprehend - though Ceri picked out a curse or two - sputtering from his lips. "It's not his birthday you know!" He finally said, grinding his teeth angrily. "He's just trying to get more GIRLS to show up to the dumb parties he always goes to... Him and his... Bonehead asshole friends!" His pace slowed as he got farther away from the workers, and a block or so down he turned left, going back down towards the way they'd come as if just wandering aimlessly, his eyes cast toward the ground and more angry muttering spilling forth from his mouth.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri watches the exchange impassively, keeping her expression cool and detached. She was tempted to take Felix up on his offer and eat him later, but the man probably had little magical aptitude and would make a poor tail. As he ruffles Bronna's hair, her ear twitches ever so slightly. Through his mannerisms and way of speaking, she figured him to be very easy prey. But not for right now. Birthday or not, he was likely the sort to be noticed when missing. And while suspicions on her might not be of much concern, with the people already after Bronna, the situation would only get worse from there. As Felix leaves, Ceri eyes him like a cat eyeing a canary. You got lucky this time, boy.

Ceri continues after Bronna without a word, though she definitely notices his foul mood. Smiling softly, she puts a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, forget them, alright? They want girls? Let them have them. The girls dumb enough to fall for guys like that will only ever be girls. You want women with brains. And don't worry about the 'boneheads'. You want to get back at them? Get smart. In five years, they'll still be working in the docks. Become a merchant, an you can boss them around while they carry your stuff."
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 96/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

Ceri's response to his whining mollified Bronna, albeit not entirely. He still scowled, and moved with sharper, more wild motions, but after a moment he stopped and sighed. He shook his head and then looked around, eyeing the empty streets, and then grunted; "This way." They wandered through some more streets, passing no one whatsoever. Bronna was careful, peaking around every corner, and taking them around a few places that had people in them, before taking them down another wide alleyway and finally stopping in front of a run down looking concrete building. Such buildings were only ever seen in Badaria, the material not commonly used over stone or wood or clay bricks anywhere but here, and the ugly construction more meant to withstand the rigors of industrial work than the notion of letting people living there enjoy appealing aesthetics.

"Alright.... This... This is where I live. I know it's a bit of an eyesore, but... Well, it's home. I have to take care of myself, and as far as I know, no one actually owns the place. It's also where... Some things happened. You can stay safe here, and there's someone that I think you should meet." He glanced around, and then went past the door and over to a window, "wait here a minute, I'll unlock the door for you."

Bronna then scrambled onto a box, and into a narrow window. Were they not able to change their shape, it would have been hard for any of them - particularly the busty Nireniel - to fit through it, but all of them being natural shapeshifters might allow them to follow him if they wished... With Bronna's permission or not. They might also take a moment to talk among themselves as well, if any of them had anything they wanted to say out of their host's earshot.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri waits patiently, in no real rush to follow him for now, though she turned to Nireniel and Naia. "Okay, I don't need to be psychic to know something is odd about this situation. Any thoughts?" She was starting to piece her own suspicions about the boy together. Perhaps Bronna wasn't so innocent, but she'd find out soon enough after hearing more of the story. And meeting whoever it was that Bronna was bringing.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia had followed along quietly, unsure what to make of all of this. While she had plenty of experience with her family, she didn't have much experience with people at large. She was having trouble reconciling the man she had seen with the man Bronna seemed to see. He didn't seem... That bad. Or was she missing something? She must be, given his reaction. Hm.

In either case she followed him and waited outside. When Ceri spoke up, she smiles at her. "Well, mom said he's enchanted in some manner. So I guess we'll meet the one who did it? If it's bad, I'll protect you, don't worry. And if it's good, then there isn't need to worry, right?"

She was definitely hoping for it being good. She really didn't enjoy fighting people, but she'd do so if it meant protecting people.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri blinks back at Naia upon hearing her reassurance. "I'm always going to worry, sweetie. But, less so when I'm with you and Nireniel," Ceri replies with a soft sigh, though she gives Naia a smile, "Thank you though." It calms her a bit at the reminder that she wasn't alone anymore. She wasn't used to having people at her back very often in a nonphysical way. Even less so with people she trusted. Still, that didn't mean she couldn't be cautious. Being as subtle as she can, she exerts a small amount of her psychic power to wrap herself in a psychic shield just powerful enough for her to maintain it during a conversation. She'd wait for Bronna to bring his acquaintance over. But if he was an enchanter, she wasn't going to walk in unprepared.

Using 3 EP for Psychic shield on herself. Since the upkeeps is X-3, it's essentially free to upkeep, right?
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 96/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 93/96, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 3

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 20/81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 108/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

With Ceri offering minor mental preparation and Naia and Nireniel remaining relaxed, they wouldn't have to wait too long before the nearby door clicked, and it was pulled open to reveal Bronna standing there. He gestured wordlessly for them to follow, and past him they could see a small room that looked something like a kitchen. The floor was somewhat dirty, but not entirely filthy as one might expect from a place that was entirely abandoned, and the rest of the room followed similar patterns of messiness and light grime but not outright filth. Whether or not the trio would actually follow Bronna into his little sanctum without any questions, however, was up to them.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri decides to poke with the first question, cautiously following Bronna in while maintaining her psychic barrier. Her eyes immediately scan the corners of the room, and potential hiding places. Experience taught her places like this were a good place to get ambushed and kidnapped. "So, Bronna. Who is this friend of yours?" An innocent enough question. But one that would help her gauge the boy's motives for now. Or perhaps give away something fishy.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia looked about a bit as she moved curiously. This place need a good cleaning. Maybe she'd do that afterwards.

For now she followed, since Ceri was asking the probably relevant question. She was ready to protect her friend and mother, but she wasn't going to jump to conclusions either.

She really really wanted to take a mop to everything really badly though. Really really badly. And then to him. And then dress him up.

She shook her head. Now was not the time to get distracted by cute things!