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Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Oh no, he wouldn't need to have pressured me or anything..." said Wenille, blushing. "And yeah, it was... I don't wanna brag, but, wow," she added, leaving it at that for the time being. Perhaps it was Eilinor's presence?

To the query about her necklace, she replied, "A little, but I mean, every enchanted trinket kind of does to begin with, right? Just this one a bit more than others, since it's so rare."

Finally, regarding Cleff, she didn't fight too hard to concede the point. "I guess you're right. Better than shocking himself--or you--while he's practicing applications in the middle of ... well, theory."


Arianne responded with melodic laughter. "Ahaha! My, I imagine! I'm glad that I don't have Cendricks as mine, but I've heard the horror stories," replied the girl. "I don't take very well to being yelled at like that so often. I'm sure I'd just hate it, too! I'm far too delicate for that sort of thing. Plus me, a battle mage... as if! I guarantee you, by choice or otherwise, that you will never find me on the roads or taverns in such a lowly position. Isn't that right, Brenn?"

"Yeup," replied her man with a chuckle. He gave Hiri a nod of acknowledgment, as did the other males in the vicinity. The Talean girl wouldn't feel anything extra in the glances sometimes placed her way, other than a feeling of general acceptance among those in the group.

"Definitely not my thing either," said Davend. "Hathwin is good, though."

"That's who we got for today, actually!" exclaimed Wenille. "Had an assistant with him and everything. It was a little weird at first, but he doesn't have this odd fetish for screaming at people, so I wasn't one to complain."

"Not a fan of Cendricks' screaming? Hrm... I guess I'm just used to it," remarked Rancent. "That style of discipline, that is."

"To each their own, right? Ehehe," Wenille chimed in nervously.

"Sure," said Davend, "but speaking of taste, I did make something this time around. Care to try?" As if rehearsed, one of the servants staffing the bar appeared with a silver platter, filled with treats. Each with a small, bite-sized pastry, and the members of the group took turns getting one for themselves. Hiri would find the dessert to be just a little tangy, with a hint of chocolate flavor and just enough breading to cushion the sweetness of it all.

"My," said Arianne. "I'm going to get fat if I hang around you too much when you actually bother to bring these sorts of things."

"Ohmffrrgh..." murmured Tria. She rolled her eyes upward and made a pleased smile.

"I think that means she approves," clarified Anwen. "They are quite nice."

"Thank you, I think! It's... just an experiment," explained Davend. "Though I mean, any details, criticisms? I know different people look for different things from their desserts..."

"Yeah, you'll make a great wife someday," teased Brenn, causing a small bout of laughter from the others.

Meanwhile, Galseth kissed Wenille on the cheek and bid her farewell for the time being, as he hurried up on stage to play with the band as he did before. The music and festivities soon begun. And while there were at least two dozen others, if not more, present at the party in addition to those Hiri had first recognized, the Wind Major seemed to fit right in with this particular group.

A partner dance had begun, and this one seemed a bit more dramatic and lively than the somewhat subdued, structured nature of the last one Hiri had partaken in. Mirto took Hiri's hand. "May I? Compared to last week's, this dance may be more your speed."

With her approval, he guided her to the floor, where others had also begun, and winked before leading her to dance. He was easy enough to follow, and yet he assured her: "Don't know the steps? Don't worry--you don't need to. In Grisalesca, is better to let your body follow the music, I always say. I much prefer these sorts of dances instead, don't you?"

Placing a hand on her hip, his movements proved precise, controlled, and yet fluid, perhaps expected of a duelist like himself. No matter where she felt like stepping, he never once stepped on her feet, and yet he seemed so close to her in bodily proximity. His guiding hand suggested that Hiri move her hips in rhythm with the lively beat, as he did the same. "Taleans do love to dance, don't they? It is good for couples... that way, you know how your partner moves their body, how they express themselves. So you know what to expect! Very... primal in nature," he explained. But from then on, he didn't need to elaborate, as the dance did the rest. Even Hiri, fit as she might have been from years on a ship, could work up a healthy sweat with such a lively dance--closer to the kinds that she was more accustomed to seeing.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Hiri happily settled into the background of the conversation, her eyes following the others as they spoke up about Cendricks and Hathwin, and giving voice to what appeared to be commonly held opinions, to which she would readily agree given her past experience. She thought about how nice this was, having been accepted into this inner circle at Bragi Hall after only a week of being at the school. Of course, she knew she might not be truly a member of that inner circle like they were - and like Wenille believed herself to be - but the fact that they so readily and casually included her was assuring. It left her feeling happy about herself, feeling that she'd been making the right choices.

She took the pastry from the silver tray and sniffed at it, often finding western desserts to be a bit sweet for her tastes, but after nibbling at it, discovered she quite liked the balance of flavors. She added her approving 'mmmm' to the chorus of other appreciative students and smiled at Davend.

"Don't listen to Brenn, Davend. Your pastry is very nice. You've got a real talent. I prefer fruity desserts though."

She would continue light conversation about food with Davend if such was his interest as the music started to play, but Mirto's offer of a dance was a pleasant surprise. The duelist had impressed her last weekend, even if she was a little intimidated by all the older, talented boys. She took his offered hand and let herself be led onto the floor.

"This music is... it's different from Talea. But the energy is the same. You're still going to have to teach me," she said, trying to maintain her calm. The nature of the music and something about the proximity to him made her blush ever so slightly, especially when he put his hand on her waist and began to lead her through the motions.

The dance was exhilarating and frightening at the same time. Mirto was skilled with his feet, and she was certain that next to him she must look like a baby water buffalo trying to balance itself for the first time. She held his arm and hand tightly, so as to not lose contact with his leading pushes and pulls. She saw the way his hips moved and knees bent to create a natural swivel - a sinuous quality to the motion of his body, and she made an effort to imitate him, swaying her hips as much as possible in time with the music. At least, she did so to her best approximation.

The effort of keeping the spacing between him and her, waiting for the delicate touches of his lead, all the while trying to make her hips move as wildly as his and not end up getting her feet tangled with his made her start to glisten with perspiration. And yet, she was grinning wildly before she knew it, enjoying the dance thoroughly.

"You've seen Talean dances?" She asked him breathily, mid-dance.

"I suppose it is important for couples to know that sort of thing," she agreed, not really knowing why she was doing so. She hadn't really given the idea much thought, but in the middle of the dance, she decided it was just better to nod and go along with Mirto's idea. She looked up at him and for the first time concentrated on his face rather than on his shoes. She'd gotten the hang of the basic steps and was now figuring it might be time to lend her own flare to things.

Other dancers, some more advanced than herself, had separated and were dancing in front of each other, roughly three paces apart, so she decided to take the initiative and push away from Mirto, freeing herself to move in front of him. Her dress was a bit constrictive for the typical movements for a Talean dance, but she stayed in one place and shimmied in front of him, swaying her hips in a circular motion and racing her hands in the air, shaking her head from side to side, so that her ponytail swished one way and then the other. She figured she might look ridiculous, but maybe her willingness to just dance would be approved? She stole a quick glance at Mirto to see how he was reacting. If she was being too silly, she figured she would just abort her plan and settle into a giggle fit before excusing herself, but if he went with it, she'd continue to dance until the music was over.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Fruity desserts? Oh, I'm sure, what with all of the amazing choices available in Talea! I'd love to visit, if only to sample all of those fruits. The best ones grow in hotter climates, so I hear, like junirants and pillyrhine. If you ever do go back, you should take me with."

"With an appetite like that, we're just surprised you aren't twice your weight by now," remarked Arianne. "So lucky you are, to be blessed with that blood."

"I'm more interested in seeing Davend at sea," commented Rancent. "Don't you get motion sickness?"

"Well, eheh, a little..."

The conversation didn't continue for long, however, as Mirto soon had Hiri on the dance floor with him. He at least seemed tolerant of her initial awkwardness, but once she began to swivel her hips in time with the music, showing at least some savvy to the art, he glanced down, then up, and grinned. "Ah, see. You learn quick! Nothing to be afraid of," said the duelist.

To her query about whether or not he had seen Talean style dances, he answered, "No. But I've seen a Talean dance now, thanks to you. Hopefully you won't be the only example for us sheltered Academy students to work off of, but if you are, it wouldn't be a bad one."

Then, Hiri took the initiative to separate herself from Mirto and follow suit with several of the other dancers. Her partner took it in stride and did something of his own, clapping on occasion to encourage her. If the girl ever felt silly, then the people around her, partner included, gave no indication that she should feel that way.

When the song had finished, he certainly didn't look disappointed or confused, but vaguely impressed. "As it turns out, you are better than you give yourself credit for. Though I can't say I expected you to let loose in front of me so quickly," commented Mirto. "... Not that I am complaining. That is, after all, the best thing a man can ask of a woman."

"My, you two sure know how to put on quite a show," complimented Arianne, giving light applause.

"Well, she certainly has more spirit than most girls around here," remarked Rancent, which earned him a huff from the blonde.

"Hey, I got moves too!" cried Tria in protest. "I just need a few drinks in me," she added.

"Oh, that sounds lovely," replied Arianne. "Speaking of which, with Wenille's recent induction, I was looking for a few new people to join our little group. Won't the lot of you? Tria, Anwen, Frey... Hiri?" It was then that Hiri noticed a thin silver chain about the girl's neck. A pendant, perhaps? Like Wenille's? It formed a 'V' down to hint that there might be a pendant attached, but whatever it was, it was tucked just out of sight, down into Arianne's cleavage.

"Ooh, ooh, I-I'm in!" gasped Tria. "Erhum... so what is this all about, anyway?"

"Call it something of a... club," explained Arianne. "Of course, we're rather selective about who enters, but those who do are welcomed in with open arms. With us, you'll have lasting friends, future business associates, and of course, proper connections. I've been looking for more girls to join us, anyhow."

A waiter arrived, seemingly on cue, with a tray full of colorful drinks kept in oddly small glasses. They had a fruity yet clearly alcoholic scent to them. "And you, Hiri. If you intend on carrying on your father's business at all, we would be glad to open access to many more ports on this end of the water for you. But more importantly, I just think you're absolutely lovely. Won't you spend more time with us? If you would, have a drink to celebrate the occasion." Tria picked one, as did Frey and Anwen. Wenille soon followed suit with an excited look in her eyes that she would aim towards her fellow Wind Major. Then, Davend and Rancent did the same. Mirto picked up a glass filled with purple liquid and raised it to Hiri with a grin.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"If you can stand the trip, Davend, it's all right with me if you want go to Talea on my father's ships. You might like the fruits, but you don't know spice until you've tasted our soups!"

The Talean giggled at the jokes thrown Davend's way after that, finding it amusing that the adventurous gourmand was possessed of such a strong metabolism. Some people were like that, she thought. People who could eat and eat and still not gain weight. She had a cousin like that - or was it a second cousin? It was such a large family back home that sometimes she got confused. They nicknamed him Skinny Mairo, because there was another cousin Mairo who was as pudgy as pudgy could be. Naturally the other one was known as Fat Mairo. Both of them were known for devouring meal after meal at the beach village's many feasts. The thought of food and memories of family at home touched her with a bout of nostalgia, but the moment was a fleeting one. Mirto had soon asked her to dance and brought the younger girl to the dance floor.

As she danced on her own, casting away her inhibitions and letting loose, she was encouraged to notice that she wasn't getting out and out terrible looks. People were smiling, clapping, and laughing in a good way. And when they'd stopped to catch their breaths after the dance, Mirto was kind with his words that seemed to have just a touch of flirtation to them, enough so at least that Hiri began to feel a little tingle of self-consciousness.

"Well I couldn't just let you show me up like all the other girls, could I?" Hiri answered.

She smirked but did so casting her eyes down and away. With a shake of her head, she flicked her frazzled ponytail behind her head and readjusted her glasses on her nose. Then she sighed, wishing she didn't have the spectacles on. She was convinced they made her look like an old maid.

Arianne approached, giving her own compliments, to which Hiri allowed herself a moment's preen, straightened herself out and tilting her chin slightly higher than it had been. Her smile was genuine, as it generally is when one is told they dance well.

The offer to join Arianne's group came as a surprise and Hiri arched her brows as Tria went positively giddy and agreed before knowing much more of the details. It did seem odd to the Talean that an exclusive club should be willing to sweep four girls up into it seemingly at random - but perhaps with Wenille joining she'd put in a good word for all of her friends too.

"Seeing as how I like hanging out with you guys on the weekends anyway... why wouldn't I say yes?" Hiri said, folding her arms and turning to look at the other girls, Anwen and Frey, as well as Wenille who tittered with excitement next to her.

With everyone scooping up the small glasses of colorful liquid, Hiri needed little encouragement to follow suit. She saw Mirto pick up a purple liquid glass and decided that if there were also a purple one, she would take it and raise it to him and the others too.

"To long friendships?" She offered, thinking that it might be a worthy toast, before she sipped the drink and then after trying it a bit to measure its strength, would tilt her head back and let it slide down her throat. It undoubtedly burned a little, given the alcohol content and she would try not to let her eyes water too much or embarrass herself by coughing.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Oh, yes," replied Arianne as she raised her small glass. "To long friendships. And those who will make this kingdom an even greater one in the future." With that, she downed the drink fearlessly yet elegantly, with one smooth gulp.

"Wow, that was... ambitious-sounding," commented Davend, making a slight face at first, perhaps due to the strength of the alcohol.

Arianne responded by raising a brow and giving him a smirk. "What? Did you think that some random commoners... or perhaps, someone like your roommate Trilbin, would be the one to run this country?"

"Well, no... but what does he have to do with this?"

"It doesn't, hon. It's just a comparison. I mean, just look at all of us. We're talented, intelligent, successful, of noble blood, and of course, gorgeous. If there is a more suitable group to carry this society forward, then I haven't met them yet."

"Tee-hee, I'm glad you have such confidence in us!" cried Tria, her cheeks already rosy from the drink. "Oooh... w-wow, this is a bit stronger than it looks!" she then added, blinking a few times with her smile crinkling a little. She seemed somewhat nervous, for a moment.

Then, Hiri felt it too, starting from the very pit of her stomach and rising up into her chest. A rush of nervous energy, as if she were about to do something exhiliarating yet risky--like looking over the edge of a tall building or the side of a ship with the intent to jump... or perhaps performing in front of a large crowd of people. Had the drinks been laced with something? It began to seem more and more likely as the odd feeling slowly took over the Wind Major's senses.

But then, before she could muster the courage to ask whether or not such a thing had been done, the feeling quickly turned into a rush of excitement, of intense happiness, as if all the pleasure receptors in her body began to fire off at once... one set, then another, and another after that. Her level of happiness, as it were, only steadily continued to rise for no apparent reason. Surely, finding a new group of friends and being graciously accepted into such a prestigious circle was good reason to be happy, but Hiri soon found herself growing disproportionately pleased, as if this was the greatest accomplishment in her life.

Suddenly, she felt connected to those around her. Everyone looked far more radiant, with the women in the immediate vicinity seeming far more beautiful, and the men looking more handsome than Hiri had ever remembered them being--not that they weren't in the first place, of course, but something had magnified it even further. She could taste the air in more detail, see more colors it seemed, and hear the music and all of it was just wonderfully pleasant. Was this what love was like? With everyone? Even some of those walking back and forth around her, though she didn't know their names, they all seemed like beautiful, amazing, worthy individuals.

Though she still stood a few feet from Arianne, Hiri could take in her scent as if she were cuddled up closely to the other girl... and she smelled wonderful, to say the least. Then, the blonde-haired one took a step towards her. And another. Then, seemingly in slow-motion, she raised a hand and placed it on Hiri's shoulder, which set off a chain reaction of pleasurable sensations all throughout the Talean's body. Though simple, the touch felt like it was the most intimate motion one had ever made towards her, and the following words she spoke felt like some sort of deep cosmic secret that she was imparting.

"We're all joined together now. It feels good, doesn't it?"

"Uuuhh... uhh-huhhh..." stammered Tria, whose eyes were somewhat glossed over. It was obvious that she was feeling rather similar effects. Anwen was a bit more subdued in showing her bodily reactions, while Frey seemed fascinated with the material of everyone's clothing. Wenille couldn't stop smiling.

"Let's connect," suggested Arianne, and motioned to the stairs that led upwards. Wenille's smile widened, as if she knew that the fun part was to start. And yet every step Hiri took, for whatever reason, made her feel more confident, more beautiful, more worthy of being in this group of gorgeous people. Mirto placed a hand on the bespectacled one's shoulder, triggering a similar feeling from when Arianne did the same, and gave her a nod with an engaged smile. His gentle, idle rubs upon her skin felt so good for some reason. While Hiri still had the clarity of mind to make her own decisions, her feelings of joy and ecstasy were no doubt doubled, tripled even, by the drink she had taken. She could feel her inhibitions dwindling by the second.

Arianne made a fancy, elegant motion with her index finger towards the far end of the crowd, and a select few of the people from that part of the lounge began to follow them upstairs. Maybe Galseth and his friends? It was hard to tell, as they were just all so pretty.

"Won't you girls follow us upstairs? This is where we have the connection initiation. Like what Wenille received the other week."

Wenille's blush grew, and she couldn't hide the grin upon her face. "I-It's... pretty intense," she added.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Hiri had to agree with Davend just a little with her initial reaction to Arianne's bold statement. It seemed rather intense for just a friendly weekend gathering, but then again, Arianne was an heiress of a political family, and it stood to reason that she would be a natural leader and say things like that. And from what Hiri had seen so far, it might be quite neat to have her circle of academy friends grown up and in seats of power, running the world together. She allowed herself to indulge in the momentary fantasy and smiled at Arianne. Tria then threw in her support and Hiri felt inclined to chime in.

"I, for one, support our fearless leader, Arianne!" Hiri giggled, raising her empty glass in a cheery mock salute, during which she accidentally knocked her glasses slightly askew by catching the edge of the container on the rim of her lens. She stifled a further laugh at her own expense and shrugged her shoulders helplessly as she readjusted her eye wear. "I mean, if someone has to run it, it might as well be people you like, right? We don't need someone like -- wuoh..."

Hiri's eyes widened at the feeling spreading from her stomach. A queasiness, as if she were facing death head on. Adrenaline flooded her system, and she caught herself staring forward towards Arianne, her own jaw going slightly slack. Shaking her head to avoid looking too stupid, she tried to regain her composure.

"Hnnh, wow, I just got a really odd feeling. Ooh... hehe..." The feeling of danger gave way suddenly to a rush of euphoria, and Hiri felt a wave of warmth and pleasantness fall over her, as though she were lounging happily on a hammock on the white sand beach of her home island in Talea, just as the last embers of the setting sun were fading to night, and the torch dancers were swaying their hips to the rhythmic drums and everyone looked like they were something out of a story. She felt that now about those around her. The girls and boys were all so much more larger than life, each one a wondrous beauty or a smoldering prince.

Her senses had come alive, her hearing her sight making everyone sound and seem as if they were enchanted and under a glamour. She could smell Arianne from a few feet away, and couldn't deny how amazing she seemed to be. And Mirto as well, looking more handsome than ever. This time she couldn't help herself from staring between the two of them, which must have prompted Arianne to step closer to the Talean.

The blonde put her slender hand on Hiri's shoulder, and the tan-skinned girl's senses erupted. That touch felt so good to her that it ought to have been taboo. It was so intimate, so caring -- so undeniably inviting. Instinctively, because it felt as though it would be rude not to, Hiri crossed her hand across her body and placed two fingers upon Arianne's forearm, wondering if her touch would provoke a similar effect.

"Connected? What - are we all? Was there something in the drinks?"

She asked the question benignly, without accusation in her tone. She was feeling giddy, and the touch that she shared with Arianne was bringing a wide smile to her lips, similar to Wenille. Then Mirto stepped beside her and touched her on the shoulder, which sent a flood of feelings through her and caused her to blush. As he led her across the room though, she felt more and more confident and exhilarated, and soon was glancing up at him, still blushing but not as embarrassed as she thought she should be. She even hooked a hand behind him and pressed her open palm on the small of his back.

Though she was ecstatic, a small sliver of foreboding caution did still exist in her mind and managed to slip a question through.

"What... what do you mean connect? There's more than this drink?" she asked timidly, directing her inquiry at Arianne as she seemed to know what was going on and what all this connection business was. Hiri did cast a sideways glance at Wenille when the fellow wind major made her comment.

"Does that mean... that when you and Galseth? Last week. You uh... connected?" Even in her haze of adrenaline fueled happiness, Hiri faltered in her movement toward the stairs, but ended up falling towards Mirto and leaning her body more fully upon him. The joy at feeling so close to Mirto on so many points of her body was intense, and Hiri moaned louder and with more sultriness than she ever wanted her friends to hear her.

"Hnnnh... sorry," she pushed herself slightly away from Mirto, but kept her hands upon his body, almost clutching at him as he led her after Arianne. Coming to the bottom of the stairs, she took Mirto by the hand and let him help her up the steps while she hiked her dress up slightly so as to not trip.

"Why do you call it connecting?"
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Hiri's otherwise innocent response of returning her touch caused the blonde girl's gaze to flit towards the Talean's hand.. and then, back up to make eye contact. Arianne's slight smile then widened just enough to show approval. Though the apparent leader of the group certainly looked to handle her drink much better than the first-timers, something had clearly changed about her after the round of drinks, indicating that she was no exception to their effects. Should the bespectacled one's touch linger too long, she'd find that the heiress would eventually draw back her arm, stifling a gasp as she bit her lower lip softly. It was every bit as intense for her as it was for Hiri.


"Nnnh... well, of course," replied Arianne casually to Hiri's question of whether or not the drinks had been spiked. "Oh, don't worry--it's all part of the initiation. You are with us, aren't you?" she then asked, to confirm her participation. "It's just to help you relax a little when we all... connect," Arianne went on to explain.


The other members of the group, particularly the other new recruits in Anwen, Tria, and Frey, had become far more touchy-feely than usual. While Wenille had attached herself to Galseth as they ascended the stairs, Tria had done the same, clinging to his other arm and tracing her fingertips along his side in loose circular patterns. While something like this might have offended the normally possessive Wind Major, Wenille was far too ecstatic to really bother with any meaningful protest. She found herself preoccupied with the fabric of his shirt, rubbing her cheek against the material and cooing in delight as if someone had tickled her. Tria was in a similar state. With the trio trailing just behind Hiri, Galseth glanced up at the islander girl and grinned knowingly.

"Hehe... yah, what did you -think- I meant by 'connect'? Don't play dumb now of all times," teased Wenille. "You're getting lucky too. All the guys here are elites. There isn't anyone here who isn't worthy!" 

Meanwhile, closer to the end of the train, Frey had preoccupied herself with Anwen, who also showed far less resistance than she might have otherwise. The short-haired blonde settled for feeling and groping her brunette friend all about, fascinated by the texture of her dress and her skin such that she couldn't care less about the apparent appropriateness of her actions. A deep blush had conquered Anwen's cheeks, and on her normally reserved face was a static expression of lust and satisfaction that Hiri had never seen nor could hardly imagine until now.


When the group made their way upstairs, they filtered into a larger room, still a relatively tight fit for the near-dozen students. Arianne calmly took a few steps forward and turned around, standing to face the collective, as if she had rehearsed such a maneuver. They had each gravitated into loose groups; Galseth with Tria and Wenille, a trio of Galseth's bandmates next to Frey and Anwen, and of course Mirto with Hiri, while Rancent stood just to the other side of the Talean. Davend and Brenn stood to either side of Arianne as she smiled and began to speak.


"Now, what I meant by 'connection', the most important part of our initiation, is this," she started, making an arclike gesture with both hands before settling them down to either side, as she gently grabbed a hold of both Brenn and Davends' crotches and began to fondle them shamelessly. The bulges at their trousers began to grow more defined. At the same time, Hiri felt Mirto's hands casually traveling up and down her body... and while every stroke felt amazing and perhaps arousing in its own right, it became quite clear--and perhaps sobering--to Hiri that this 'connection' was very clearly a sexual one in nature.


"While we are indeed elites of a prestigious Academy, we are still humans. The most intimate kind of contact two people can make is rather simple... and yet, it provokes the best feelings one can have on this plane. A different state of mind. Combined with the drink you just had, there is nothing quite like it," explained Arianne, gradually quickening the pace of her rubbing upon Davend and Brenn's clothed members. "By the time we are finished with all of this... we will be much closer for it. No secrets need be kept between our circle. As exclusive as we are, we only have each other to rely on. We will be one of openness, of shared fates, shared failure and shared triumph. Of shared pain... and shared pleasure."


With that, Davend and Brenn looked upon Arianne more hungrily and each of them began to help her out of her dress. Hiri felt some of the fasteners upon her own dress being undone, and a glance down would show her that Mirto had followed suit. "Relax, dear," assured the duelist. "If this is your first time, I will be sure to make it easier for you..." He continued to rub her back as he slowly but surely peeled the top portions of her outfit down towards the floor.

Wenille and Tria could be seen undressing Galseth with more urgency, only to lower themselves to their knees, while Arianne beckoned Anwen and Frey to where she was, directing them to a similar position to resume their initiation...
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Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Her moment of contact with Arianne lingered long enough for a slight blush to form on Hiri's cheeks before she awkwardly withdrew her arm. She noted how Arianne had enjoyed that intimate contact and could not deny that she had liked the way it felt as well. She returned to Mirto's side and became engrossed in walking with him, leaning her hip against his as they worked their way toward and up the stairs. She sniffed at his lean, muscular arms, picking up the scent of sweat from all the dancing they had done earlier. The duellist had become, for her, an object of fascination and no small amount of desire. Though she kept this fact unspoken for the time being.

Arianne's bold admission that she had spiked the drinks left Hiri at a loss for words. She felt she should be angry, but found that no such genuine emotion was there inside of her. The heiress had drank the same drug as she had, and this was clearly Arianne's idea of a good time. For her own part, Hiri was slowly allowing herself to agree. The intensity of all incoming stimuli had been amplified, and now as she stood next to a tall, sexy boy, the thought of how wonderful his hands would feel across her body flitted through her mind.

It was only a short time later that Wenille confirmed what all this preamble about connection was leading to. Then, as she walked up the stairs with her arm around Mirto's back, she became intensely aware of every movement that he made against her skin, and the way he was reciprocating her touch, as though promising all of the earthly delights that she was already imagining. Was this really the first boy that she was going to be with? The one that she would kiss and hold and... everything else beyond that? She looked up at him. He was handsome, accomplished, and possessed of a lithe, athletic form that she definitely favored. Moreover, the drug she had imbibed made him look even more alluring. He was without flaw. And yet, she could not shake the nagging truth that everything about this was going by in a daze, too fast and too slow all at once. Just as the drug was loosening her up, it was also depriving her of the true emotions she ought to have for a first time.

The dozen or so students made their way into the larger room upstairs. Hiri peered around, seeing if there was somewhere to sit or lie down. She stared around at the others; these were people who she had been in the process of befriending, and who were now, like her, plunging into an experience that was as frightening as it was exhilarating. Yet did she allow this to happen? A tiny welling of protest stirred inside of her. She hadn't asked for this. None of them had. Even Wenille, who now that Hiri thought about it, might have drunk something odd at that last party when she got with Galseth.

The true extent of the planned debauchery; however, only slammed home for her the moment that Arianne addressed the gathering before shamelessly cupping the crotches of both boys standing next to her. Up until that point, Hiri had been thinking that she and Mirto were going to be able to go off somewhere - to a place where Hiri could speak in confidence to him and control how far all this went. But Arianne clearly had other things in mind and it was a sobering sight to see that the heiress was convincing them all to... well, it seemed like she wanted an orgy.

Hiri felt herself just staring ahead at the group leader, watching dumbly as she felt Brenn and Davend up. The boys, meanwhile, were looking hungrily at her. And then everyone else seemed to fall into line with Arianne's wishes. Wenille and Tria were all over Galseth, and meanwhile Anwen and Frey were moving towards Arianne, with the three boys from Galseth's band moving behind them. Everyone seemed to be falling to their knees, as though in some twisted form of supplication.

"This is too fast..." she mumbled to herself. "Why is it so important that we have sex?"

Mirto touched her then, undoing the upper bindings of her tight-fitting dress so that it loosened around her. She shivered with pleasure as his fingers brushed against her tanned shoulders. It felt way too good, and it was the temptation of how amazing this would feel that paralyzed her better judgement. As her body physically offered no real resistance, for the moment, her mind was beginning to analyse things more critically, and the fear that she had stepped too far within a trap was growing.

Arianne's words had taken on a strange, almost possessed quality. So much so, that Hiri was wondering if they were a sign of something more sinister than appearances suggested. The Talean had not so long ago been worried about the existence of ghosts and spirits ready to torment her, and yet now here Arianne was choosing strange words to accompany her appeal for wanton lust. Hiri thought it odd that she felt the need to point out that the group were all humans. As well, though it could be nothing, her mention of 'on this plane' when referring to pleasure stood out as another interesting choice of phrase. And finally, Hiri was reminding herself of the pendant that was around Wenille's neck. She worried that such a pendant might be giving a drug like affect constantly - and the thought was chilling.

Mirto murmured for her to relax then, and Hiri felt the weight of an enormous emotional pressure on her. How could she run from this? Did she even truly want to run from this? He was so amazing and handsome and he was going to make her feel wonderful and great. It was nearly impossible to say no, and every moment that she dithered over how she should react, her dress was getting looser and Mirto's scent and touch were becoming more and more intoxicating.

"Mirto," she breathed out in a sudden gasp, trying to do her best to delay things She didn't know what her plan was as the words tumbled out, only that she prayed the duellist was understanding and willing to help her. "I'm a little scared... this isn't how I thought I'd, you know, lose it."

She looked at him then and slid more towards him, picking at the fasteners of his shirt and loosening them, trying to suggest that she was not at all opposed to the idea of being with him.

"I want to... believe me, I do. I mean, you're hot, and you dance almost as well as me. It's just... out here, in the open, with all of us looking at each other? How will any of us be able to look at each other ever again?"

Even as she said this she slipped further into his arms, pushing her still-clothed body against his. She was entirely focused on him, and hoping that maybe the two of them could steal away for a while, just until she got a better handle on things. She had forgotten momentarily about Rancent, who had been nearby, and was speaking only to the duellist.

"Have you done something like this before?" Hiri asked him. "You know, like, with a bunch of girls and guys all in one room? It's just so insane... like out of a fantasy. Couldn't we just have some, uh, intimacy?"
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Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Out of the corner of her eye, Hiri could see Frey and Anwen on their knees, swooning, flushed and high out of their minds. The latter writhed a little, weakly, as it to make some sort of protest to the situation that was unfolding with Galseth's friends undressing before them... but the shorter-haired girl's molestations made it difficult for her to vocalize much between the intermittent gasps and moans.

Then, Arianne approached the pair, uttering a few words of reassurance and crouching down to meet Anwen in a gentle kiss, which caused the brunette's shoulders to droop in submission. She was now nude, save for the beautiful yet mysterious pendant, identical to that of Wenille's, that glowed with a more intense purple light in the relatively dark room.

Several more sources similarly cast their gleam one after another as other tops were removed; Brenn's, Davend's, Rancent's... and of course Wenille's. They only intensified the odd rushthat Hiri felt inside, magnifying her need to be close to them. Yet for however satisfying such feelings might have been, the Wind Major kept a hint that they weren't exactly her own. Spending time with such a privileged and popular group should by all rights have been fun, but most definitely not THIS exhiliarating.

Then, when Hiri opened Mirto's shirt, a gleam would envelop her vision. He, too, was of course wearing a pendant much like the rest. The mere sight of it would weaken her knees, slowly eroding her resolve. She would most likely have to distance herself from the crystal--all of them--if she were to keep her head.

The duelist merely looked at her, gave her a calm smile as he was all too capable of, and set his warm hands upon her sides. Physically, he was as comforting as anything, though perhaps the same couldn't necessarily be said for the words he chose to give her in return. "I know. I can feel it in your body," he replied. "But don't be. You are with me. It's natural to feel nervous... especially when things aren't the way you expect them to be at first."

"Indeed," interrupted another familiar voice from Hiri's flank, and a cast of her glance in that direction would show her an approaching Arianne.

"Oh, Hiri. But don't you see? This IS intimacy. Everyone here, so in love with each other, so in tune with each other's wants and desires. You need not limit yourself to one, the way society teaches you. Such an arbitrary number, isn't it? For elites like us, who all beautiful, all talented, all worthy of connection... here, we are free. We are all connected as one," she explained. "This is not an honor that should be taken lightly."

It was then that Hiri noticed her partner's strong hands upon her body daringly continuing their trek about its layout, and she no longer had to imagine how good Mirto's touch might feel upon her more sensitive areas. He was doing it now, touching her in front of everyone, causing a blend of hesitation and pleasure to mix within Hiri like a strange cocktail. "Just let go, my dear," he suggested.

The trickle of ecstasy soon turned to a flood as the Wind Major was caught between the two.

"Yes, he's right. There's nothing shameful about this..." Arianne pressed herself forward in a fashion similar to what she had done to Anwen, and cupped Hiri's chin while wearing a faint yet haunting smile. With that, leaned forward to let her lips meet that of the other girl's...
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

The flash of the violet light stabbed her senses and she felt her knees go weak as her vision swam with the hypnotic hue. She knew keenly now that the danger was real, and yet she felt powerless to stop it. Anwen had shown the same reservation and despair, but Frey and Arianne had quelled it. Now Hiri could feel Mirto's presence - combined with the unspeakable power of the enchanted pendant - crawling under her skin and awakening unbidden desires. She no longer wanted to just be with Mirto, but now she imagined what it would feel like to have his body undulating on top of her, while other bodies, both male and female pressed against her, writhing in time with all the debauched promises of this unnatural convocation.

She tried to pull away, but his arms were there on her hips, holding her in place.

"Mirto... please don't," she said, though she could feel her voice falter. She could feel her stomach tying itself into knots, as nervous energy and dread of being out of control filled her.

Arianne appeared next to her then, and her pendant, combined with her reassuring words and natural beauty joined the assault on Hiri's senses.

"L-love? This isn't love! It's lust!" Hiri strained, her hands going up in protest to the hand on her chin, but she could not convince herself to make them push against Arianne, so lovely was her touch.

"It's these pendants, isn't it?" Hiri murmured softly to Arianne, even as Mirto's hands slipped underneath her clothes and touched the Talean, making her body shiver with pleasure.

"You've put them on, and they're making you do things. Please... snap out of it. I don't want this... I don't...nnhh~"

Mirto's fingers now had slipped under her panties and were rubbing between her thighs, brushing over her virgin crevice. For the first time, someone other than herself was touching her most private of places, rubbing her with carnal intent.

"Arianne, Mirto, I'm begging you, sto--!"

Hiri could no longer speak, as the hauntingly beautiful Arianne had closed the gap between their lips and now she and the other girl were locked in a kiss. In that moment, Hiri felt her willpower slipping drastically, moreso than it already had been. It was useless to resist, she should just enjoy herself. It would be better that way. Yet still, she knew even in this darkest of moments, that she needed to not let them put a pendant on her. She'd just have to stick with this until they turned their attention elsewhere. Then she'd escape. She'd grab as many of the girls as she could and lead them away. Of course, she would.

Arianne's lips pressed again, and the walls of the Talean's mental fortress crumbled. Now Hiri's eyelids drooped and she kissed back, loving the soft and cool plushness of the pale girl's mouth. She draped one hand on Arianne's shoulder while the other ran across Mirto's chest and rubbed at his nipple. Her leg she lifted slightly higher into the air, letting the rest of her dress slip down around her ankle and gave the duellist plenty of access to herself, letting herself be carried away in the current of unnatural bliss.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

While Hiri's voice soon showed her anxiety, Mirto's remained calm, perhaps unnaturally so, in stark contrast. "Are you afraid? Don't be," he assured her once more, like a mantra of sorts. He was still so pleasant, so smooth and skilled in his movements, and yet something seemed off about his behavior, along with Wenille's and everyone else in the room. But the flame of that idea began to die down, or at least get overshadowed by the heavy air of lust. Arianne's 'ritual' was almost like a command, and the others quickly found their main focus to be sex given freely. Hiri, unfortunately, despite her best attempts would be no exception to this, the haze generated by the drugs, the pendants' beams, and the overall sexual energy of the room's occupants being too strong to overcome.

Arianne's grin widened, her eyes narrowing with delight as she stroked Hiri's cheek softly. "Oh, no, no. These pendants aren't 'making' us do anything. They just amplify the right kinds of energy... the ones we need," she explained, all while Mirto's digits tended to Hiri's flower, stroking along the length of her slit until his hand became slick with her wetness. Her, moreso than the others, seemed to be most aware of the pendants' effects--and as high as she was from the drink, she clearly made no attempt to keep herself above the deluge of addicting sensations.

The heiress continued. "But of those in the Academy, we generate it best. After all, we're just so sexy, so beautiful... not only me, but you. That's why we need you, Hiri. Want you..." she trailed off, before locking lips with the Talean in a passionate kiss. Even though she was another girl, Arianne just smelled so nice, felt so soft to the touch no matter where they made contact. She was warm and inviting. Her touch, her appeal proved all too magnetic, as she soon proved first-hand. Hiri felt Arianne's tongue slipping in between her lips, touching the tip of her own teasingly, before retreating to leave her thirsty for more of the addicting contact. When the blonde one parted from her, she left an odd, inexplicable void that could only be filled by more... more of whatever it is everyone else was doing. It started to make sense how she pacified Anwen so easily. As gorgeous and convincing as Arianne was, this wasn't mere feminine charm. It was some kind of power, some sort of spell.

Mirto, however, was no less appealing at this point. He had Hiri's dress off for the most part, the remainder of the top still hanging about her waist as the cover down below was pushed aside thanks to the conveniently placed slit. The duelist had moved so as to embrace her from behind, his strong arms wrapped around her as one hand gently fondled, kneaded her breasts, while the other shifted about down below. All the while, he sent small kisses and nibbles upon her neck and earlobe, adding a sense of vague intimacy to something that would otherwise feel wrong, rushed... weird. But the inherent strangeness of the situation only seemed to dwindle in the purple light of the pendants.

It wasn't too long before he guided her nethers to full arousal, for the apparent leader of the group to see freely. Spreading her petals, he seemed to advertise her virgin flower to Arianne, who bent down and shamelessly eyed the islander girl's most private features.

"Oh, Hiri... you are truly lovely. One of a kind. We are truly fortunate to have you joining us," she cooed with delight, her gaze wandering up to meet that of Hiri's own. Arianne kissed her in that spot, and proceeded to send the Talean's pleasure sensors alight. Mirto's fingers, formed in a 'V', continued to stroke her outer lips up and down, while Arianne's nimble tongue teased the more sensitive inner parts of her crevice, soon moving up to greet her hooded pearl, and back down again, giving Hiri but a sample of what pleasures could be felt in a place like this.

As if that wasn't enough, there seemed to be no end to the visual stimuli around her. Frey and Anwen were on their knees, embracing each other in a sloppy kiss, while Galseth's friends had dropped their trousers to free their members, tugging them manually and aiming them in the direction of the two girls. Anwen herself looked over with hazed-over eyes, daring to reach out and take a cock into each hand. She began to stroke as Frey continued to kiss and nibble at her neck, all while massaging her now exposed breasts. It was a stark contrast to the usual, silent strength she seemed to carry otherwise.

Meanwhile, Galseth himself stood with a gloriously hard and long cock, having such a manhood that was tended to graciously by both Tria and Wenille, who took turns engulfing the tip half in their mouths, while the other licked and sucked upon his balls and the part of the now glistening shaft closer to the base. It was the first time Hiri had seen Wenille directly engaged in something so lewd. Was this only her second time, too? Or had she been more 'experienced' all along? For a moment, her glance turned sideways, incidentally meeting that of Hiri's... and she couldn't help but smile a little. So pleased was she that her friend had joined her in this circle.

Rancent, Davend, and Brenn stood nearby, having undressed themselves and revealing to Hiri their impressive builds. Brenn had the largest bulk of all of them, while Rancent was like a sculpture and Davend, despite being the smallest, still had admirable tone to his physique. Truly, any girl to have access to all these would be lucky indeed.

Brenn wouldn't be made to wait his turn. Seeing that Arianne was bent over in an all too compromising position to treat Hiri to some oral service, her boyfriend eventually took a position behind her, grabbing her hips and sliding his sizable cock back and forth in between her shapely rump's cheeks. The Wind Major could only imagine what he meant to eventually do, pleasing himself so close to Arianne's most intimate areas.

But he didn't make Hiri daydream for too long. Grinning, he lowered his erect cock and began to do something with it to one of Arianne's orifices down below. It caused the beautiful blonde to pause her ministrations to the Talean girl's pussy intermittently, which, while distracting, was sexy nonetheless. "Auh! Nnnnh... hahh..." cooed Arianne, her tongue weakly hanging out of her mouth as she tried to retain enough focus to continue licking Hiri. "Th... thop teatthiing me, und do ithh!" she soon cried.

Brenn was not one to decline such an invitation. Whatever 'it' was that Arianne wanted from him, he would provide. Grabbing her waist with both hands, he slowly pushed himself forward until his hips were tightly pressed against hers. This caused the girl to cease her lickings upon Hiri's pussy completely and cry out loudly in pleasure.

"Ooooooohhhhhh! Mmmmm..." moaned Arianne loudly, her eyes rolling back momentarily. "Oh Brenn... I can feel you so deep inside me!" Her words only confirmed what he was doing to her then, and the strong young man drew himself back out slightly, only to ram himself forward into the group leader's flesh, causing her ass to jiggle from the sheer force of his thrust. He started to form a pace, which drove Ari wild in turn, making almost too difficult for her to continue orally servicing Hiri. However, Arianne would still try in vain by sticking her tongue out desperately in between gasps, moans and pants, the rocking of her body contributing in no small part to her deft lingual muscle moving upon Hiri's nethers. Her entire frame began to shake, and she was visibly sinking deeper and deeper into an abyss of pleasure.

"Hahh... hahh... hahh!"

"Nnnnn! Mmmm! Nnnnhuhhh!"

Davend and Rancent moved in on Arianne from the sides of her face, in relatively close to Hiri as well thanks to her position right in front, and the esteemed nobles' daughter reached out with both hands on either side, grasping the cocks of her friends and stroking them shamelessly. She would even stop licking Hiri on occasion, leaving a void of need and hunger to swirl about within the Talean's center as she paused to welcome Rancent's cock in between her lips, giving him a few well-deserved bobs... only to follow suit with Davend, to ensure that everyone there was tended to in one way or another.

Arianne was there in front of Hiri, bent over and tending to three gorgeous young studs as if it were her calling in life. Mirto continued to stroke the bespectacled beauty's chest and nethers, teasing her further until she was dripping wet and making it more and more difficult for her to stand, but he hadn't yet graced her with the sort of pleasure that seemed to drive the blonde one wild with passion.
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Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Though Mirto's intent might have been to calm her, Hiri felt more of a chill run down her spine as his haunted, possessed voice seemed to indicate a complete lack of empathy. Whereas the duellist had been so warm and full of life downstairs, now he was different, stilted in his movement and designs. She could not deny that what he was doing felt amazing, but there was no vulnerability there, no give and take that she had always imagined there would be. He was playing with her body as though he were a thief in the night, trying to pick a lock. She struggled, but for naught, for with every movement she made, his fingers and grip adjusted and gave her another jolt of physical joy that made her melt back against his chest and arms.

Arianne stroked Hiri's cheek then, bringing the spectacled girl's attention back on her ice blue eyes and beautiful blonde locks. She spoke about needing some sort of energy - an energy that now Hiri had little doubt was for some sinister purpose, yet still she was unable to protest physically. Instead, she mewled as Mirto's fingers stroked her now damp labia and his middle digit teased at her bulb, flicking across it in a way that threatened to turn her knees to gelatin.

"Need... hnnh... want... ahh... want you too.~" Hiri muttered in a moment of vulnerability and temporary surrender to the effects that were pounding at her sensibility.

Then the pair of them locked lips and kissed one another. Hiri blushed with embarassment. Her first kiss, and it had been with a girl! She didn't know whether to be bothered more about such a momentous occasion being stolen by another girl, or that she found the sensation as enjoyable as she did. Arianne's tongue darted inside of Hiri's mouth, just enough to tease Hiri into accepting it before retreating back. Hiri, close to delirium now, panicked and with a needy whine pursued it back inside Arianne's mouth, where she sought to make wet contact again and this time fulfill the experience that she was just discovering.

Arianned denied her this, by pulling away and leaving the Talean panting with her tongue slightly lolling out of her parted lips. Mirto filled this gap slightly by starting to nibble at her neck and ears - an entirely new sensation as well, which Hiri gladly surrendered too. Her body undulated, rubbing her butt up and down against the growing bulge of his manhood. She could feel his stiffness and stroked it now between her cheeks, swiveling her hips with an alacrity that matched her movements on the dance floor.

She turned her head up to him, her mouth agape, practically begging for him to finish what Arianne had started. Her hand reached up behind her to grasp behind his head and pull him down so that she might kiss him over her shoulder, and feel his harder lips and more forceful tongue invade her, sliding along her lingual muscle and towards the back of her throat. She found the feeling of a man's tongue inside of her delightful, shameful though it was, and made her feelings clear as she craned her neck to allow him deeper access to her, even as his fingers continued to work away between her legs and spread her womanhood for Arianne and the others around her to see.

Arriane looked at it closely, and called the Talean lovely. Mirto broke off the kiss momentarily so that Hiri could glance down at the blonde Elynsoran, and bite her lip in mock shame and an indulgent swelling of pride as these other people - these sexy, wealthy, smart and talented people all seemed to agree that Hiri was one of them, worthy to be a part of their connection.

Arianne kissed her on the lower lips then, her tongue moving to lap at Hiri's crevice and clit while the Talean's nectar dribbled against her chin.

"Ahh! Arianne! N-not there! It's... you're a... hhannh~"

Hiri tossed her head to one side and then the other, sucking in shallow breaths through her clenched teeth as the effects of the amulets and the drink multiplied the sensation exponentially, feeding the fiery knot within her belly. As the heiress knelt beneath her and continued to lick away at her pussy, Hiri gazed beyond to see the entire room succumbing completely to the heady haze of orgiastic hysteria. Frey and Anwen were engaged with one another while three boys stroked themselves above them. Wenille and Tria were taking turns licking Galseth's truly impressive cock, which Hiri found herself gazing at overly long before meeting her green-haired friend's eyes. Hiri actually found herself smiling back at Wenille, now completely giddy with the excitement of the moment. Everyone was having fun, so why shouldn't she?

Then Brenn, Rancent and Davend closed in around Arianne, and Hiri was conscious of how close these other hot studs were to her. Four strapping young men, and only Arianne and herself there to satisfy them. Was the heiress going to be with all three of them, or was Hiri meant to help out? The prospect intimidated her, but seeing how everyone else was acting, and how enthusiastic Arianne was being, it emboldened the soaring libido inside of her.

"Hnnh... Mirto! Mirto! I'm losing it!" Hiri said, even as she pushed her pelvis forward to seek more of Arianne's tongue. The blonde girl wasn't able to satisfy Hiri as well as she had been doing, because Brenn had decided enough was enough and had grabbed his girlfriend by the waist and was now - at her demand - fucking her from behind. It was the first true sight that Hiri had ever had of two people copulating. Even though Hiri had conceptually known what was meant to happen, by dint of being around sailors all her life, it was still a shock to her system to see it playing out in front of her eyes.

"I-I want it too!" She confessed, starting to shake her body ineffectually against Mirto. Feeling a need to change positions and instigate, Hiri pushed him backwards to create some space and then knelt down on the ground, putting herself face to face with Arianne.

Mimicking what the Elynsoran was doing, the Talean pushed her tan butt up into the air in Mirto's direction, with her legs spread and her elbows and palms on the ground. She wiggled her ass side to side in front of Mirto, even as Arianne and the other boys looked on at her. Hiri shut her eyes in shame, but determinedly kept her motions going.

"P-please! I can't stand it anymore! I w-want you to fuck me! I want what she's getting! Hurry!"
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Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Seeing the now horny Talean wiggling her shapely backside at him, even the normally cool Mirto wouldn't be one to resist such a tempting offer. After all, he was only one part of the well-oiled machine that had lured her into such a situation. To drag her even deeper into the addicting throes of lust would be his pleasure, perhaps even his purpose.

Even if she shut her eyes, Hiri wouldn't be able to shake the feel of multiple sets of eyes upon her nude form, a body that had been kept well hidden even from the prying gaze of her father's sailors, up until now. Yet the odd feeling she received from the collective stare wasn't one of judgment, but of invitation. All she could hear were moans, coos and sighs of approval, all around her. Everyone here wanted her... needed her, to be here with them.

If nothing else, her momentarily darkened view caused her tactile sensations to heighten. Hiri felt each of Mirto's strong hands settle upon her waist, one at a time, and soon the bulbous tip of his manhood pressed upon the slick, swollen petals of her dripping flower. "Oh, Hiri," he sighed aloud, gently stroking her hips. "I want you, too," he assured the girl before easing himself into her. Though her passage was well-lubricated from all of the juices she had leaked up until that point, she still proved a snug fit for her first lover, and Mirto groaned as he pushed himself into her for the first time. There was a tinge of pain on Hiri’s end, but it was drowned out just as quickly by the more pleasurable sensations that followed. "Nnnhgh... I'm, your first? Hahh... hnnh... a-amazing," said the duelist, gasping as he struggled to deal with the heavenly feel of Hiri's folds giving in yet wrapping firmly around his member.

He shuddered, then caught his breath and proceeded, renewing his grip upon the Wind Major's waist as he began to till her once-virgin soil over and over again, the mere sensation of it all nearly overwhelming to the bespectacled beauty. She felt his balls slapping rhythmically against the sensitive flesh of her pussy's exterior, his tip hitting spots of pleasure deep inside that she didn't know she had before. So this was sex--more wild, more amazing, more carnal than any dance she had joined or any feast she had partaken of.

The repeated surges of intense pleasure ran through Hiri with every thrust, from her core to her extremities, and worse, they proved almost immediately addicting. Touching herself had never felt quite THIS good, and yet even now, having a partner, multiple ones at that, couldn't have possibly brought the Talean beauty to the heights she had reached now. Mirto proved himself a fine lover, somehow withstanding her natural tightness, at least for the time being, so that he might shower her with more and more in the way of sexual bliss. If she dared open her eyes, Hiri would see Arianne's face right before her, the picture of pleasure, struggling to contain her loud moans as she hungrily alternated between Davend and Rancent's cocks. With a meaty shaft in each hand, she took a moment to grin at Hiri while pumping them vigorously, enough to coax a bead of precum from the tip of each. The blonde then began to suck on Rancent's manhood, her hand shifting Davend's towards the female initiate in turn as if offering her a try, though Hiri could do as she pleased there.

If she so chose to take him in between her lips, Davend would make an appreciative sigh, reaching down to stroke Hiri's hair with as much admiration as Mirto might. But if she did, the task at hand would prove rather difficult to focus on, with the handsome duelist picking up speed from behind her. The beats of his hips upon hers increased in tempo, and Hiri felt Mirto strike her pleasure button over and over again, each thrust seemingly doubling her ecstasy. It was all but impossible for her to stay quiet, though whether she sought to muffle her cries with cock or simply sing them out for all to hear was up to her.

Arianne would momentarily release Rancent’s member from the warm sanctum of her mouth to assist Hiri in orally pleasing Davend, turning and craning her neck down low to gently suckle upon each of his balls. It earned her a moan of wonder from the slightly effeminate male. If Hiri chose to mirror such an unabashedly lewd behavior, the blonde would replace her up top in caring for Davend’s shaft.

But the exchange would only last so long, as Mirto would quickly remind the bespectacled beauty who her main lover was in this whirlwind of sexual bliss. The rhythm of his strokes increased several times, causing the girl's entire frame to practically jiggle with the force.

"Hiri... Hiri!" Mirto cried out as he claimed her wildly, his pace reaching unbearable levels. At this point, Hiri felt a vaguely familiar sensation emerging from her center. The increased urgency in her partner's groans and movements, his tightening grip upon her hips, and her own skyrocketing level of pleasure told her of a turning point in this union.

Then she felt it--a sensation even more blissful than any she had experienced before. Mirto's warm seed erupting deep inside of her, his essence filling her inner sanctum as he peaked, shuddering forcefully against her. As if the first wasn't intense enough, Hiri then felt a second, washing over her conscious senses like a tide and threatening to consume every last semblance of logical thought--not that she had much of the latter left at this point. “Ohhh…. ooooohhhhhh~! Uuuhhnnn!”. Then a third spurt tickled the entrance to her womb, finally pushing the Talean beauty over the edge and urging her inner gates to open for her lover's seed. Several more followed, but by that time Mirto had wrapped his arms around her, allowing her to let go and melt into his firm yet passionate grasp.

"Ohhhh... Hiri," he cooed aloud, kissing the side of her neck, the tip of her ear, and gently rocking himself back and forth against her in the sweaty afterglow. An audible squelching noise could be heard as he idly continued to thrust into her, causing the excess of his cum to dribble from her freshly deflowered entrance.

Eventually, he came to a stop, and paused, panting for some time with his sweaty body pressed against hers. Mirto then slowly pulled himself away from her, causing juices from both participants to drip from the point of their union and pitter-patter onto the floor beneath them.

Arianne grinned at her and winked with a satisfied look. “Wonderful, isn't it? You won't feel anything quite like this, anywhere else. But don't worry, we've only just begun,” she cooed as Brenn peeled himself away from her. It was tough for Hiri to actually remember if he had climaxed as well, given how lost she was in her own. But given his still-erect member, now glistening with Arianne’s juices, compared to Mirto's quickly wilting rod, he probably hadn't.

You did say that you wanted what I was getting, didn't you? I am quite generous with my men, so why don't we give you just that?

It was then that the larger male stepped over and took Mirto’s place behind Hiri. But he wasn't content to simply take her from behind in the same way that the duelist did. Guiding Hiri to lay on her side, then to her back, Brenn positioned himself between her legs and looked at her, perhaps taking a brief moment to admire her full frontal nudity, the curves of her body highlighted by the intoxicating purple light radiating from the many pendants in the room.

He wasn't going to take much time getting Hiri in the mood the way Mirto did, however, taking his cock into hand and soon lining it up with the tan girl's entrance. She felt a more primal need for satisfaction coming from this particular male, and he would undoubtedly be using her as the object upon which to vent such urges. When Brenn pushed himself in between the former virgin’s soaked folds, he groaned loudly and rolled his head. The blonde mage had more in the way of girth than Mirto, and thus found his initial entry quite satisfying due to the way Hiri’s cunny wrapped snugly around him. Spreading the Talean’s legs to afford him deeper entry, he delved downwards into her until he was properly hilted.

Brenn wasted little time in getting right to it, and Hiri’s body proved all too receptive to his attentions. He didn't seem to mind her messy pussy or the fact that Mirto had just coated her inner walls with his sticky gift, but rather continued pistoning himself in and out of her without a care. There was a certain physicality to the way that he coupled with her, each powerful thrust causing her breasts to bounce visibly upon her chest. Arianne seemed to take a particular amount of pleasure in seeing this, lowering herself on all fours to get a better look at the point of contact. She cupped one of Hiri’s jiggling breasts, taking a moment to suckle upon its hardened tip, and giggled.

How do you like my boyfriend’s cock? Nice and thick, isn’t it? I mean, not that it even needs to be in the state we’re in. Even a guy like that one loser would feel like a stud, hehe… but that’s why he’s not invited.” Arianne grinned, sliding one of her hands down the center of Hiri’s belly as she watched the other girl get fucked so energetically by her beau. “Mm, though I think you could use a little more attention here…” At that point, Hiri felt one of the other girl’s fingers settle upon the hood of her clit and rub her there, adding yet another layer of stimulation that she probably didn’t even need at that point to be overwhelmed by the myriad of sexual response.

With Brenn positioned firmly between her legs and pumping away at her, and Arianne stooped down licking at her breasts while fingering her pussy’s exterior, Hiri could consider herself well tended to… but to the group, that apparently wasn’t enough. Davend’s familiar cock soon found its way in proximity to the glasses-wearing girl’s lips once more, his unique yet certainly not unpleasant scent filling her senses. If she didn't service him then, he'd be more assertive about it now, kissing his bulbous tip directly to Hiri’s lips and gently pressing forward until she took him in. Perhaps it was due to the drugs, or the light, but something about Davend tasted quite pleasant...

The fifth and sixth members of that particular group in Mirto and Rancent wasn't to be excluded for long, either, as Arianne stopped playing with their newest guest’s tits long enough to beckon the aspiring seaman to a spot behind her. “Fuck me, Rancent,” she cooed, wiggling her backside invitingly. Rancent was all too willing to oblige. He slid himself right into Arianne, who squealed with pleasure as she felt him parting her folds--and soon after, plumbing her depths. “Oooh… uhh! Ahnn~ mmmmff! Hahh… y-yes! D… Don’t stop until you finish inside me,” she ordered in a slightly hushed yet hurried tone. It only caused Rancent to redouble his efforts. It was clear that Arianne wanted to feel the same bliss that Hiri did at the end of her coupling with the duelist.

While Mirto still seemed a bit spent after giving Hiri his all, he was content to position himself on the same side as Davend and guide the girl's right hand to his manhood, so that she might stroke him to full hardness once more. But he would, for the most part, only be able to watch as Brenn laid claim to Hiri now, pounding her with even more zeal. Yet something to the way her second partner for the night took her proved lacking to Mirto in comparison--only the attentions from everyone else made up for it. The plethora of sensations assaulting the glassesgirl’s senses--her pussy being pumped by Brenn, her hand gripping Mirto’s cock, Arianne’s skilled tongue and lips working their magic upon her nipples, and Davend thrusting in and out of her mouth… all of it combined to form an experience like nothing else she could even imagine feeling in her wildest fantasies.

Davend, especially, had no shortage of appreciation for the hospitality Hiri offered him between her lips. He sighed, moaned, and rolled his head in satisfaction, and the islander beauty could figure that she was making him quite happy, even if she wasn’t quite the seasoned veteran at providing such services that Ari appeared to be. The sweetness of his tone increased as she put more honest effort into pleasing him, and before long his hips began to move on their own as he actively made love to Hiri’s mouth the same way he might to her primary entrance down below. But by that point, Brenn had redoubled his efforts, building up to a pace that caused an all too familiar sensation to creep up on the tan girl, and released an escalating grunt from deep in his chest. “Uuuuuugggghhh… f-fuck… too tight… gonna cum!

Brenn’s rapid pace quickly brought Hiri onto a clear, straight path towards another peak. But just as the bespectacled girl was about to feel herself go right over, thinking that her latest partner would join her and bestow upon her the lovely feeling of receiving a warm payload deep inside, he instead would suddenly pull out. Brenn tossed her legs to one side and hurried to the vicinity of her upper body, then shoved Davend out of the way while jerking himself hurriedly to point his meaty shaft directly at Hiri’s face. “Ohhh… ffffffuuuuuuuccckkkk!!!” he cried, tilting his head up as he reached climax, though he didn’t even need to announce as much for the Lei Tan heiress to know. Thick, milky white ropes of his semen spewed out all over her visage, warm globs spattering over her glasses, nose, lips and chin, with a few stray drops finding her neck and forehead. “Uwooohhh… yeahhh, all over your pretty face, hahh... “ It was a messy finish, to say the least, though even after the initial salvo, Brenn heaved a deep sigh of fulfillment while squeezing out the dregs of his reserves onto her lips, soon leaving his gradually limpening cock sliding down one side of her face. As for her spectacles, the vision through them had largely been obscured by Brenn's thick spunk, which continued to ooze down and drip from the metal frame.

Hiri soon felt the warm, wet slurp of a tongue upon her cheek. It belonged to Arianne, and the beautiful blonde went to work in cleaning the half-Talean’s visage of her boyfriend’s cum little by little, pausing to kiss the bespectacled one deeply and trading the globs of spunk back and forth for a moment. She ultimately would be the one to swallow it down, before giving Brenn’s cock a more thorough cleaning, allowing Hiri to help with the task if the other girl felt so inclined. Seeing the two girls faces decorated with his seed was quite the sight for the tallest one in the group, and he heaved a blissful sigh in his afterglow. But Arianne’s concentration eroded as Rancent reminded her of what was to come, and she couldn’t help but revert back to her whimpering state. “Oooh… ooh yes! Rancent… fuck me! L-Like that… aauhhuhnn… fill me~!

Seeing that Brenn had abruptly hogged the rights to Hiri’s face and mouth, Davend sought relief from being denied sweet release by occupying the empty space that had opened up near her lower body. With her legs together and to one side, the group’s newest member could still feel the remnants of her first lover’s gift oozing from her now well-used crevice. Yet that didn’t deter Davend from vying for the spot of Hiri’s third male lover that night. Keeping her legs pressed together, he used a crooked finger to scoop a good amount of Mirto’s leftover seed from her cunny, and soon sought to replace her pussy’s contents by easing himself right inside. Hiri’s natural wetness combined with the last male’s semen provided more than enough lubrication for Davend to slide himself into her. The way her legs were pressed together made the handsome young male feel quite large, even if he didn’t necessarily have Brenn’s girth. It didn’t matter, though, as the Wind Major’s pussy proved snug enough around her newest mate to feel the details of his embedded cock.

Ohh, Hiri…” sighed Davend as he began to thrust in and out of her properly, keeping her legs pinned to one side by leaning on them with one arm, the other sliding forward to fondle her breasts. Meanwhile, Arianne had finally released Brenn’s cock and focused completely on the feeling of being fucked heartily by Rancent, and Mirto’s shaft hardened once more in Hiri’s grasp as she continued to stroke him. While she might have previously been looked upon as an object of desire, now she was being handled like one, with each participant all too willing to claim her in their own way.

Now she was already paired up with her third male for the night, and third one ever for that matter. Their scents, tastes, movements and tendencies were all different, and yet they all proved more than sufficient thus far in both turning the inexperienced girl on--and getting her off just as well. If Hiri were to look upon her current partner in Davend, she'd see his relatively effeminate, handsome, usually smiling expression to be shifted into one just as attractive, but this time filled with wanton lust. Would she ever be able to look at him the same way, at parties and other such gatherings, knowing his most intimate of looks and having felt him deep inside of her?

None of that was important at this time, however. The only thing that mattered was how incredibly good everything felt. Davend did an exceptional job at bringing Hiri that pleasure, opting to go with a somewhat gentler pace than Brenn but without losing the unspoken desire for her. Brenn pulled away, leaving the Lei Tan heiress free to guide Mirto’s manhood to her own mouth, while Arianne’s escalating moans provided a soundtrack of sexy ambient noise along with the rest of the group.

Hiri could be hard pressed to remember the last time she felt something so exhilarating. And yet her overall level of excitement could only go up as Davend’s pace gradually quickened. The handsome young man's face scrunched up slightly to show the new burden of resisting immediate release that was placed upon him. The point where he and Hiri were joined was now squelching rapidly, audibly, and his loud panting told the bespectacled girl that her newest mate wouldn't be able to resist hitting his peak for much longer. But would she beg for him to stay inside, granting herself the sensual feeling of his warm spunk hitting her inner walls? Or did she want to have his sticky gift laid over her face and mouth, that she might taste him more thoroughly?

Either way, she was quickly running out of time to decide as Davend announced his impending release. “Uuhnn… nnnhgh… Hiri! Hiri…! I’m cumming!

At about the same time, Rancent and Arianne's coupling had also come to its likely conclusion, with the latter unable to hide her delight. "Nnnhahhhnn! Nnnn! Aaaahnnn! Ah... d-do it, Rancent! Fucking blow your load deep inside of me," she cried out loud, making no attempt to hide her vulgarity. Rancent could only grunt and pant in response, his face dripping with sweat as his finely sculpted muscles tensed in preparation for the final moment...
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Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Mirto's strong hands grabbed her waist and Hiri felt a surge of adrenaline spike through her body as she anticipated the rapidly approaching moment. The moment when Mirto would enter her and she would be thrust into womanhood, and beyond that into the sexual ecstasy that was being built up and put on display in front of her. She saw what it was doing to the beautiful Arianne, and Hiri, in her mind-altered state, wanted to have that same rush that the other girl was having.

And so it was that Mirto's voice and caressing strokes of her hips calmed her and she stopped wiggling her butt so that he could line his manhood up with her dripping crevice. She felt his tip pressing against her, and gasped in amazement as she felt him push inside, inch by inch, sinking into the tight and snug warmth of her pussy. She winced momentarily as her inner walls were parted for the first time by a cock, but soon the pleasurable sensations were overtaking her, making her forget about the initial pain.

"Hyannnhh~" She cried softly, with her throat trilling in a way that would certainly amuse and titillate her onlookers. Mirto sounded enraptured from behind her, and she felt herself squeeze her muscles tight around him, making each withdrawal and thrust feel amazing for both off them.

"It's... It's amazing! Mirto! Ahh, so good! Don't stop!"

Hiri shamelessly encouraged him in front of the others, feeling solidarity with the other students, who were all so obviously displaying themselves that the Talean didn't feel as self conscious as she might have otherwise. Still, she kept her eyes firmly closed, not daring at first to look up and see their smiling faces. Instead she concentrated on the feeling of Mirto inside of her, stirring her up and showing her what sex truly was. It was only after a minute or two of having his warm, slick thighs and pelvis slapping against her butt that she opened one eye to see Arianne pumping and licking two other cocks right next to Hiri's face.

The Talean blushed furiously as the other girl noticed her, and then with a wink turned Davend's cock toward her as though offering her a new candy to try.

"Two men at once... I don't think I could... hah...nnh..."

But Arianne's smile and Davend's eager looks, got the better of Hiri, who had already cast her lot with pleasure over reason. Innocently, she extended her tongue and took a few experimental licks from the tip of Davend's manhood. She had never tasted a man before, and she was embarrassed that she should do so with a boy that she had considered just a friend up until this point. Now he sighed and caressed her head, and she coaxed herself into kissing her lips to the bell of his member, swirling her emboldened tongue once around him and picking up a bead of wetness that had formed there.

Mirto chose that moment to up the pace of his thrusts. Hiri reacted loudly, unable to muffle her panting moans. Her eyes closed shut again and her ability to tend to Davend's shaft wavered. Her mouth hung open in front of him, but she would not be able to direct her attention to him unless he took the initiative to place himself inside of her. Fortunately for Davend, Arianne was close at hand to tend to his testicles and to guide him into Hiri's mouth, if she were so inclined. Should that happen, Hiri would not be able to take him too far into her mouth, nor would she be sucking on him, distracted and inexperienced as she was.

She concentrated on Mirto, backing her body into him in time with his thrusts, determined to roll her hips as well as she could, like she had heard tell of from wayward sailors' tales of sexual triumphs. She could feel her stomach coiling itself into all sorts of knots and wanted to feel them uncoil and release in bliss. From the way Mirto was groaning and calling her name, she understood that he must be feeling something like that too, and she hoped that they would come at the same time.

"Oh Mirto! Mirto yes! Yes! Yes! Ooohhhhh!~"

She felt him twitch inside of her, and swiftly after felt the sudden sensation of warmth flooding into her, pooling against her inner walls. Her mouth locked into an open "O" shape and her ability to speak or think was replaced with a white hot haze across her senses. Then the knots in her stomach uncoiled as his third warm jet of seed collected inside of her, and she trembled as she came. She cooed happily as she came down, loving the feel of Mirto collapsing hotly against her body, his cock still inside of her. She waved her butt a little to try and stir him around within her. Then, with a sigh, he pulled out of her, and she whined instinctively at the loss and sudden emptiness within her wet and deflowered slit.

She looked through half lidded, quizical eyes at Arianne as she spoke about how great the feeling must have been. But her words about giving Hiri exactly what she had asked for left her confused and shocked as she saw the very large and endowed Brenn stiffly marching toward her backside.

"Brenn? B-but, he's your boyfriend!? I... ah~" She fidgeted with no real resistance as Brenn took hold of her ankle and manhandled her into a new position on her back, spread-eagled with Mirto's juices still trickling out of her lewdly.

"I'm full and... I'm dirty..." she moaned, putting a finger to her lips, the rest of her hand hiding an embarrassed smile that was foolishly and inexplicably playing across her lips. Was she enjoying the idea of sharing Arianne's man? Or was it merely greed to feel the sensation of sex once again, so soon? Like a slap, her conscience washed over her and she felt ashamed for feeling this way. Her head turned and her eyes sought out Mirto.

"Do you... do you want me to do this? I won't do it if you don't want me to."

Her glance at Mirto was meaningful. Even in the wantonness of her her sexual escapade, Hiri was sparing a thought for the duelist. She felt in that moment, after having experienced her first time with the man that she'd been crushing on all night, that she would be jealous if he were to immediately do the same thing with any other girl here, and she wanted to know what he thought about suddenly being replaced by Brenn.

The duelist paused for a moment, from either tiredness or consideration, then smiled and told her that he didn't want to get in the way of her enjoying herself as much as possible.

Hiri's lips frowned slightly, but she nodded. "I want you to have me again later, promise?"

After that, she would allow Brenn to admire her body from where he had positioned himself between her legs. With Mirto apparently not jealous, and Arianne practically throwing her boyfriend gleefully at her, Hiri decided to simply enjoy herself as Mirto had said she should. Although midway through Brenn's initial insertion, Hiri had her first snapshot moment of clarity since this whole process had begun.

What are you doing, Hiri? Normal people don't do this. These people are too nice, something has happened to them. It's the necklaces! The necklaces!

The insight was intense, but sadly the power and proximity of those necklaces combined with Brenn's sudden hilting within her made Hiri cry out and lose the thought as she was cast back into a lusting frenzy. Arianne soon joined them, and Hiri was left panting in overwhelmed amazement as both Brenn and Arianne pleased her together, as though she were a toy that they were using as part of their own sexual game. She could see the excitement in their eyes, and she moaned at Brenn's raw physicality and Arianne's sensual, feminine touches against her hood. Soon, the girl's mouth would travel to Hiri's hardened nipples, suckling and licking them with an eagerness that filled the Talean with weird, mixed feelings. Hiri had always been able to admire other girls' beauty, but the idea of licking and being licked by them was a different idea entirely. She could not deny however that her tongue and fingers felt wonderful, and with Brenn and Davend and Mirto crowding around her as well, it heightened her pleasure considerably.

Davend had moved his cock once again to her lips, and seeing him looking at her once more, Hiri opened her mouth to allow him access and this time concentrated more on wrapping her lips around his shaft and letting him enter her further and deeper, though if he went too deep she would certainly gag and sputter. Davend seemed quite the caring lover in this regard and did not push himself too far, while at the same time appearing and sounding quite appreciative of what her warm mouth was offering him.

Mirto then put his softened member in her hand and Hiri immediately gripped and caressed it, mindful of how she might be able to make him hard again and be able to perhaps be expressly with him later on in the night. The dashing and cool duelist may not have been as thick and long as Brenn, but his care and attention made him the superior lover between the two. Brenn's more brutish thrusts were only helped by the team effort to make Hiri drown in erogenous bliss.

The orgy progressed, with Brenn working faster and harder inside of Hiri, stirring her up while Rancent was ordered to do the same to Arianne. Hiri was shocked at just how easily replaceable everyone was with their partners, and it made her feel a tinge of sadness, though that emotion quickly died away to be replaced by a rapidly climbing orgasm. Hiri moaned, feeling the now familiar knots begin to tighten in her stomach, but as they were doing this Brenn made his announcement that he was now about to come and he left her on her peak, unable to go over the edge.

She was so bewildered and forlorn by this, that she was unable to really put together what Brenn was doing next. But Davend's cock was quickly pulled out of her mouth and Arriane as well had retreated to the side and now Brenn stood over her face, with his throbbing meat pointed right at Hiri's glasses. She blinked, uncomprehendingly, and then her face and glasses were glazed with an eruption of thick, hot sperm. She could hear Brenn relishing this moment, pouring his seed onto Hiri in a humiliating fashion.

"Wha?!" She exclaimed, only to get a trail of spunk to land on her tongue or her efforts. She immediately closed her mouth to prevent further seed from releasing there, letting the rest dribble down her chin and onto her neckline.

After he had spent himself she open her mouth and extended her tongue, letting the white ejaculate pool off to the corner of her lips. After most of it was out of her mouth she waited, bewildered, as Arianne cleaned her face with her tongue.

"Arianne... he just... why? It's all sticky."

Arianne's cleaning job again filled Hiri with mixed feelings, as it was a sensual and filthy thing to do, and yet Hiri somehow felt it turn her on. This also frustrated the Talean, who was dying to find release to her near orgasm. Fortunately for her, Davend had been experiencing the same dilemma, and was now positioned at her hips, right where Brenn had just been.

Hiri nodded to him as he lifted her legs and put them together, a technique to tighten her canal apparently, that seemed to pay off as he sank deep inside her. Davend was a tender lover, and Hiri immediately felt happy about that, rocking in time with him as Rancent continued to pump away at Arianne.

"Uoohh... Davend... please make me cum. We'll cum together okay?"

As she said this, she glanced at Mirto, who had become hardened once more in her grip. She gave him an apologetic look, somehow feeling embarrassed even at this point that she should be asking another man to cum inside her, right in front of him. He seemed not to mind, but that didn't necessarily make Hiri feel better. Davend meanwhile diligently followed Hiri's request, and the two of them thrust against each other, making pleasant, lewd squelching sounds as they did so, rising to their personal zeniths.

Not wanting to lose her connection entirely with Mirto while this happened she made eye contact with him over the rims of her dirty, partially obscured glasses and guided the duelist's cock to her mouth as Davend continued to pound her rhythmically. She would suckle Mirto, and then try to go as deep as she could onto him, and wrap her lips around his shaft as she did so. With her best effort, Hiri attempted to take both men at the same time, each at one end. She knew she wasn't the best at this sort of thing, but each of them seemed like they really appreciated it. In the back of her mind, Hiri burned with the thought of having to see these guys in normal everyday life from now on. The looks on their faces were so intimate, so private, and now so revealed to her that she doubted she could forget them. Nor they hers, she presumed.

Flushed with this thought, Hiri climbed her orgasmic peak, and moaned louder and louder as she did so. When Davend announced his impending orgasm, she moved her legs and wrapped them around the boy's waist to trap him there and make sure she would feel his nice warm flooding sensation inside of her once more. With Mirto inside of her mouth, she could not tell him what she wanted, but her body and her insistent, lewd utterances were clear clues as to her desire.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Rancent’s release was rather audible, with the loud, resounding grunt that escaped his throat. He could be seen gritting his teeth, tilting his chin up and pressing himself tightly to Arianne, no doubt filling her up with his potent seed. When she felt his warmth bursting inside of her, the blonde beauty moaned loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear, though Hiri, who was just next to her, could practically feel her fellow woman’s bliss in the moment. “Ooooooh! Uuuhnnn! Ahnn… ooooooooohhh~ hahhnnuhnnn…” The normally dignified noble’s face took on a most lewd yet appearance, her gaze wandering off to some remote place in the distance as she bit her lower lip, her cries of pleasure reverberating through her throat. “Mmmmmmm~!

However, Rancent and Arianne weren’t the only two in the vicinity to experience mutual orgasm. Hiri and her current mate would soon follow...

"H-Hiri...! I c-can't..." stuttered Davend, unable to keep his own load contained for any longer. His pace had quickened to a crescendo by that point. There was more urgency in his tone, as he had yet to receive a verbal approval from the writhing Talean, but when the bespectacled beauty willingly wrapped her legs around his waist, trapping him there and giving him no choice but to deposit his milky gift deep inside of her, he stopped struggling. The handsome cook would cry out; "Nnnhh! Hi... ri! Ugh!" and the Lei Tan daughter would feel her partner's member twitch inside of her before granting her the now familiar sensation of a hot jet of semen splattering upon her inner walls. Twitch, spurt, twitch, spurt... the feeling continued as Davend surrendered to his bliss, inseminating Hiri thoroughly. His body shuddered against hers as he rolled in orgasm, prompting the girl to join him within seconds. The rhythmic quivering and contracting of the glassesgirl’s lower canal as she found herself dunked headfirst into her long-awaited climax only made it better for her current mate, who continued to pulse and squirt everything he had deep inside of her. He simply would not stop cumming, as if it were his sole purpose to fill her in such a manner.

Davend apparently had quite a bit to donate, and Hiri’s legs wrapped tightly around his sweaty torso would ensure that she received every last drop of him, but even then he was content to let her feel all of it. He slowly stirred his hips about, allowing Hiri in her hyper-sensitive state to feel the details of his cum-soaked cock. “Ohhh… f-feels so gooooood…” moaned Davend, saying aloud a sentiment that was undoubtedly shared by Hiri, and most certainly all in the group from the sounds heard in the background. Perhaps more by coincidence or accident than deliberately, he wound up angling the head of his manhood against a particularly sensitive spot that the Lei Tan heiress apparently had inside, and rubbed her there as his spurts began to die down gradually. It made focusing on Mirto rather difficult, even given her honest and eager attempts to please him orally..

Though whether or not the girl managed to keep her lips wrapped taut around his cock, Mirto would stroke her face lovingly, brushing some stray bangs aside and smiling. “So beautiful,” he observed aloud. Hiri could smell him, taste him in her mouth, the leftover traces of his seed needing to be forcibly sucked out of him, but he would relax and enjoy the moment, languidly stroking the girl’s hair as he admired the look of her writhing in pleasure, even if it was due to being creampied by another man.

And what a creampie it was. A few minutes had passed--or at least, something like that, due to how difficult it was to track time between the influence of the drugs and the mesmerizing purple light that flooded the room--and Davend still hadn’t yet parted himself from Hiri, preferring instead to savor the heavenly feel of her tight cunny wrapped snugly and warmly around his cock. Even as he gradually limpened inside of her, he rocked himself back and forth, all too thorough in his pursuit of lasting pleasure.

But he had to part himself from Hiri at some point, and so he did, reluctantly, even though it was clear that the mage was thoroughly spent. A thick ribbon of Davend’s cum stretched out from the tip of his member as he pulled it back and away from the bespectacled girl’s crevice, though additional globs of his milky gift would soon spill forth from the now slightly gaping orifice. It felt undeniably lewd, and yet part of it could be seen as oddly satisfying, especially if Hiri was keen on giving in to the silent voices of lustful influence swirling about her.

Meanwhile, Frey was still riding her man, one of Galseth’s bandmates--who was writhing in both bliss and agony upon his back as she forced him to surrender the dregs of his orgasm. She wore a triumphant, somewhat condescending grin upon her face as she had her way with him, bucking and cooing her delight. It was clear that he was no match for her, and that she was simply making a show of it at that point...

While Anwen, easily the most reserved and graceful of the three, could be seen on all fours being bounced back and forth between two lucky guys, who only seemed to thrust in and out of her mouth and pussy ever faster with each passing moment. It seems that Hiri caught a glimpse of this threesome just before the moment of climax, and the young man fucking Anwen from behind suddenly tensed up and pressed himself to her, shuddering and causing the brown-haired girl to squeal in delight. The bandmate whose cock was engulfed by her mouth pushed himself in deeply at about the same time, only to tremble in a similar manner, and Hiri saw a lump in Anwen’s throat rolling along repeatedly, showing that the modest nobles’ daughter was swallowing his semen hungrily, shamelessly.

Galseth could be seen on his back, Wenille straddling his face while Tria rode his cock. The two girls faced each other, each leaning forward to lock lips and hands as they got their stimulation down below from the two most impressive part of the bard’s body; his mouth and his manhood. Yet Galseth’s stamina clearly outdid that of most of the males there, as he handled the two girls without entering his refractory period just yet.

Hiri was left dripping and helpless, witness to the perverted spectacle all about her, when Arianne, finally pulling herself away from Rancent’s grasp, stepped over the half-Talean’s face and gave her an up-close view of her pink folds. Her last partner’s seed began to dribble down upon the Lei Tan heiress’ lips, and from there the newcomer was given little choice but to lick the blonde one clean. “Mmmm… see, I clean you, you clean me. It’s only fair, isn’t it? Aaahhhnn~” cooed the group’s stunning leader, gyrating her hips upon their initiate’s face.

Large, goopy lumps of the sailor's seed emerged for Hiri to slurp up, as she felt the load that Davend just deposited continue to leak out from her own cunny. Arianne noticed this as she rode the tanned one's face, leaning forward to scoop up a bit of the viscous gift with her index finger and giving it a taste afterwards. “Mmmm… our island princess needs a bit of cleaning up here. Anyone~?

Frey perked up as one of the first to answer the call. She slid off her man, who had long been limp already, and approached Hiri and Arianne with a knowing grin, biting her lower lip as she did so.

Nice. I've been wanting to do this for a little while now.

While Hiri likely couldn't see the short haired blonde padding towards her position, she would soon feel her warm breath against her nethers. Something a bit cooler, presumably her finger, slid in between the bespectacled beauty's swollen petals and explored her inner walls, keen to pay extra special attention to the areas that proved especially sensitive. Then, after a good while of gauging Hiri’s special spots by way of her reactions, Frey put her deft tongue to work, going over each of the discovered pleasure buttons with her skilled oral faculties and cleaning out the other girl's lower canal in the process.

Nnnnhahh… *slurp* Nnntthhh… tasty,” murmured Frey as she proceeded to zealously eat out the Lei Tan heiress, tasting both her juices and Davend’s cum, which proved somewhat delightful in its own way. She wasn’t afraid to go deep, kissing and pressing her lips to Hiri’s folds as she indulgently lived out the fantasy that had likely played itself repeatedly in her mind, over and over, up until that point. Even so, the half-Talean’s other sensitive parts, such as her clit, would not be neglected for long, as Frey applied the pads of two fingers slick with saliva and juices to it, assuring that her subject’s pleasure centers were properly activated, if not overloaded. The other girl seemed to know exactly what got Hiri off, perhaps even better than Mirto.

And just like that, Hiri found herself subject to Frey’s amazing services, all while trying to apply her own to the cooing Arianne, who could only sigh and grind her pussy against the tanned girl's mouth. Where she had been shy and hesitant about taking on two men at once, or even sharing intimate bodily contact with another girl… now, she was stuck between two females, on both the giving and receiving ends of the equation. And yet, due to the immense pleasure coursing through her nerves, it wasn't difficult at all to simply enjoy it. If anything, that would be the easy route...

Naturally, it was only a matter of course that the Wind Major felt yet another tremor erupt from her core, causing her juices to gush forth more freely in the wake of Frey's skilled attentions. While it wasn't quite the same as cumming from the feeling of being creampied, it proved thorough and deep enough to be utterly satisfying in its own way.

As Hiri writhed and shuddered in pleasure, Arianne finally allowed her to breathe a bit by lifting herself off of her face. But the beautiful blonde didn't stop rubbing at her own clit; if anything, she increased her pace, jilling off faster and faster to an inevitable finish. “Oooohhh, Hiri… I'm cumming! In your mouth, yes!? Hahhnn… nnnhhh… mmmm!! Aahnnnn…~. Ah! Aah! Yes! I'm there! I'm there! Oooh! O... Open up! Oooohhh!!!” she cried, waiting for the bespectacled one to open her mouth before letting the knot deep inside unravel itself. When she did, a genuine stream of her girlcum squirted out, covering Hiri’s face in a manner not unlike what Brenn had done not too long ago.

With that, the couple had each left their mark on the Talean’s visage, perhaps having staked their claim in a way. Hiri was left on her back, soaked in sweat and love juices, panting. And yet, the lustful fire inside, initially ignited by the cocktails and the violet light, still burned.

Having completed the task she set out to do, Frey heaved a sigh of relief and satisfaction, grinning with a hand idly moving about between her own legs. “Damn… now I’m all worked up again.

Despite having had several orgasms already, Arianne showed none of the fatigue that one might expect of any girl that had done what she just did. If anything, the activities only made her more lively, appearing to give her more energy. “Oh, look at the lot of you… and it hasn't even been two hours yet! You boys might need some extra ‘encouragement’, I think. So, who hasn't paired up with who yet? Hmmm...

With that, she tapped her finger in the air at each of the males in the group; Rancent, Brenn, Mirto, Davend, Galseth, and his three band mates. Then, she did the same for the females, including Hiri, Tria, Wenille, Frey, and Anwen. “I kneewww there were more guys than girls. Oh well, more for us, yah? Fufu.

Arianne knelt down beside Hiri, who was still sprawled out on her back, and cradled her head slightly upwards so that she could get a better look at the others. “Mm… so who do we want to try next, Hiri? Maybe Galseth and his pals? How about Rancent? Or maybe even Wenille…? But don’t worry, we’ll all be connected by the end of this. You can even end with Mirto. And then, I’ll have a special present for you.

Wenille managed a sheepish grin, meeting the newly deflowered girl's gaze only momentarily. Meanwhile, Tria did the same, blushing. Rancent's eyes firmly met with Hiri's, while Galseth's bandmates, whose names the captain's daughter didn't even know yet, had regained enough of their bearings to eye her in such an inviting, compromising position.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

As Davend's pace quickened and he legs hooked around his waist, pulling the kind, sensitive older boy into her body, Hiri further entertained herself by observing the normally so cool, calm and collected Arianne turn into a barely recognizable, lewd version of herself as Rancent released inside of her loudly.

She looks like she's enjoying it so much, Hiri thought. Is that what I sound and look like? Hnngh... first Mirto and now Davend are driving me insane with all this pleasure. I'm ashamed to admit it, but the feeling is great. I wish I could do this more... but is this really me? Am I really like this? Or is it something else? Oh damn... I can't think straight! I'm really losing it here!

Her actual comments were unintelligible moaning that increased into an eager shriek of delight as her muscles clenched down on Davend's member. She could feel him twitching and throbbing inside of her, rubbing her consistently in just the right place until at last she shuddered and lost herself to a second climax. As the hot bliss of the long moment stretched out and faded, she sensed the pooling warmth inside of her once again, this time knowing that it was the handsome Davend who had emptied himself inside of her. She looked up at the boy, blushing furiously, seeing him in a completely new light. In that moment, she had forgotten about Mirto, losing concentration on his manhood and focused on moving her hips around to enjoy this moment of connection with her third lover of the night and of her life.

Then Mirto, who was near her and observed how she had panted and exerted herself in concert with Davend, brushed her sweating brow and pulled back loose strands of hair behind her ears. She heard him call her beautiful, which snapped her attention back to him, and she was reminded of how the two of them had felt as they danced together that night. Her face grew redder. Mirto and Davend, they were both so sexy in their own ways, and they both didn't mind sharing her. Her mind grew hopeful at this possibility. How great would it be to have both of them, each adoring her and worshiping her body?

She again made an attempt to reign in her greedy, lustful thoughts. What was happening to her? This way of thinking was so alien to what she had considered possible only mere hours ago. It was so hard to think straight with the booze and the strange silent voices whispering to her, setting her body alight with renewed vigor and pleasure.

At last the young cook had to withdraw from her, leaving behind a wet mess between her thighs as he backed away. Hiri sighed, sad to see him leave, for she had enjoyed the feel of them together and connected very much. She used that moment to look around her and glance at what her other friends were up to. Frey she could see riding one of Galseth's bandmates, whose names she did not know. It was surprising and intimidating to see the normally quiet Frey being so raucous and domineering. Hiri felt slightly embarrassed for her, and yet at the same time, impressed by her confidence. Then the Talean's eyes moved past and saw the refined noble's daughter, Anwen, being spitroasted by the other two band members. Hiri gasped, but couldn't look away as the two boys climaxed almost simultaneously into Anwen's mouth and pussy. The effects of the booze and surrounding sexual haze had seemed to work its magic on the normally timid girl, for not only did she avoid recoiling or gagging at this moment, but she instead was lewdly and aggressively taking in everything that they gave her. Hiri doubted that she could have remained so in control with something like that happening to her, and the rogue image of Davend and Mirto double teaming her like that flitted through her mind. Maybe once Davend had been given time to rest...

Her eyes moved on to see her friends Wenille and Tria teaming up on the very lucky Galseth, who was licking Wenille while bouncing Tria on his cock. The bard seemed to have excellent stamina, for he was handling both girls expertly without any sign of slowing down. In all that time, Hiri had already gone through three men. More shocking to the Talean though was the sight of her two friends kissing one another passionately. She had never known either of them to really fancy other girls, let alone each other. The sight left Hiri wondering if she would be comfortable kissing someone like Wenille. Then she thought of how Arianne had so brazenly licked Brenn's seed off of Hiri's face. There hadn't been much hesitation on the leading girl's part and it was clear that Arianne was very much into boys. Did that mean it would be acceptable for Hiri to do something similar? Everyone else seemed to be doing so...

As if fate were waiting in the wings to answer these thoughts, Arianne took that exact moment to approach Hiri's face, step over it with one leg and give the bespectacled girl an up close and personal view of her most private spot, now dripping with Rancent's hot spunk. The droplets splattered on Hiri's cheek as Arianne lowered herself down almost to Hiri's lips.

"Hannh... Ari--" Hiri began, before the girl's folds touched down upon the tan girl's lips. "Hnnghhhfm!" Hiri moved her face side to side, getting a smear of the combined sexual juices across her lips and chin as her nose was buried in the heady scented flesh of Arianne's sex.

The intent seemed clear that she was meant to lick Arianne, despite her pussy being so unclean and dripping with the cum of another boy that she'd not even touched. If Hiri had thought of herself as being dirty up unto this point, the feeling was now quadrupled. And yet, it was getting hard to breath, and Arianne's charming presence... or was it still those voices... prompted Hiri to give in and extend her tongue. The Talean girl did this, and pressed her lingual muscle deep into the puffy, slick folds of the blonde girl's flower, lapping at it and taking in the foul-tasting, goopy textured cum into her mouth. She felt the instinct to retch, so she instead moved her head side to side and put her tongue outside of her lips to press the seed out of her mouth before diving back in to collect more. She would try her best to clean the girl and get the goo over her face rather than have to swallow it, but of course, there was so much of it that she couldn't avoid gulping small amounts.

The smell and taste was overwhelming, but Hiri struggled through this and eventually got to a point where she adjusted to it and could concentrate better on licking the bits that she figured Arianne would enjoy, concentrating on circling the noble girl's clit with the tip of her tongue.

As she did this, Arianne had called over for someone to do the same to Hiri, and it took a minute for Hiri to register that Frey had approached and was commenting on how eager she'd been for this to happen.

"Ngahh... Fr- mmph. Frey? D-don't say mmhhhllah... don't say that! It's embarrassing!"

Hiri's thighs clenched around Frey's head as she instinctively wriggled from the pleasure of her friend's tongue. She was far, far too good at this for Hiri's liking, and it made sense to the Talean now what all those stray looks and comments had meant from Frey during their first two weeks at school together. The idea that all her friends, boys and girls, wanted to be so intimate with her shook the Talean to her core and to avoid thinking about it too much, she once again surrendered to the physical bliss. To just let her body and theirs take each other to where they wanted to go was the natural and easy course of action. But as she did so, the inner voice in her head began to scream again. Stop pretending, it said, but was silenced once more as the ecstasy rose again. Hiri felt the knots in her stomach build up and she lifted her hips up off the floor to push her pussy into Frey's face, searching for that tongue to go deeper still and to bring her crashing down into a third orgasm, this one different yet still as satisfying as the previous two that Davend and Mirto had given her. Her body shuddered and the knots came undone, and Hiri moaned into Arianne's womanhood.

As Hiri came, Arianne at last gave her a little more air to breath in, though her dripping sex still grinded above her, and once Hiri had regained her senses, she noticed that Arianne was sliding her fingers rapidly over her own clit, about to masturbate herself to completion right over Hiri's face. The Talean breathed heavily, her body still recovering from her latest zenith. At Arianne's lewd words, Hiri made an uncertain grimace, hesitating for a moment.

"It's just so... nnnh..." She looked through half-fogged glasses up at the girl, and then resigned herself, feeling that objecting at this point might really kill everyone's mood and in that moment she didn't want that embarrassment or frustration from her peers put on her. Feeling as if she had no other option, Hiri opened her mouth, and let the girlcum squirt over her face. She promptly shut her mouth again and turned to the side, pouring any fluid that had gotten in her mouth out the side of her lips. It was enough, she thought that Arianne's fluids were all over her lips, chin and cheeks at this point. The displeasure of this forced act, this humiliation that echoed Brenn's insensitivity, was causing something to stir inside the Talean. She regretted her decision to go along with it simply because she was embarrassed of saying no. This wasn't her.

At last Arianne settled down beside Hiri, satisfied for the moment and grinning as she looked about and observed the bacchanalia around her. Hiri simply continued to recover while lying on her back soaked on her face and neck as well as between her thighs, feeling exposed, dirty, and yet still -somehow- horny. This could not be normal. It had to be magical manipulation of some sort. How could Arianne still be going strong? How were everyone still so keen on fucking each other? Hiri's thoughts were spinning as her head was cradled gently by Arianne and she was given the choice of where and who to experiment with next. Arianne looked into the eyes of the strangers at the far end of the room, Galseth's bandmates. Then she looked at Rancent, the way he stared at her hungrily was unnerving, for she hadn't been particularly struck with him at all during their previous meetings, and yet now here she was about to be offered up to him. And then there was a look she shared with Wenille, her fellow wind major, one of her first true friends, her over-eager, often naive, but well-meaning friend that would never have in a million years considered bringing Hiri into something like this of her own free will.

In that moment, as Wenille looked away in partial shame, Hiri knew that she had to do something.

"I... I... Arianne... I'm not sure I want to continue." Hiri murmured that last bit almost in a whisper, for it was a dangerous thing to say, she felt. Once she'd said it out loud though, it was as if a spell had broken, or at least weakened enough to where she was starting to get a semblance of herself back.

"It's too much. What we're doing here is insane! I mean, it feels great, but we're... we're all friends. How can we sleep with - no, how can we fuck each other like this? We're acting like animals!"

Hiri stumbled to her feet and clutched her head, righting her glasses on the bridge of her nose. She looked from Arianne to Mirto, then Brenn and Davend and Frey.

"This is going too fast. I wanted a real relationship for my first time, not something like this. You're all hot and sexy and gorgeous... but something that feels and seems so good shouldn't be leaving me with this pit in my stomach. I shouldn't need to feel ashamed by... this."

Hiri waved a hand across the fluids on her chin and lips and flicked them away. She was holding back tears at this point, angry at herself and doubting even as she spoke if she was being an idiot in throwing away the chance at having even more amazing sex. But she'd started down this path and now felt she had to see it through.

"Arianne, you're amazing and beautiful and I... I'm not saying that it wasn't great what we just did but... it has to be more than physical with me. At least, for the time being. M-maybe if you give me some time... I could do something like this, but... the drinks and the weird stones. These... fucking stones... they're too much! Would any of you be doing this without those necklaces?"

She knew she'd leaped around and hadn't said everything the way she'd wanted to, but standing here, naked and covered in fluids from multiple partners, she was frazzled and was having enough trouble thinking straight and fighting against the haze of lust around her. She didn't even know if she had a hope in hell of anyone of them listening to her, but even so her eyes searched hopefully among those near her, those of her lovers who had just been so intimate with her. She especially lingered her eyes on Davend and Mirto, and then turned around the room once to meet the eyes of her other friends, Anwen, Tria, Frey and Wenille. Maybe for these last four at least, Hiri's sudden stand would make them remember themselves. Would any of them follow her? Would even one boy or girl stand with her?
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Hmmm~?" asked Arianne, apparently not having heard Hiri's initial words of protest very clearly. That, or she had pretended not to hear.

Then, the bespectacled girl clarified herself. Most of the group, all of the males included, blinked a few times and gave Hiri an incredulous look, as if the possibility of actual dissent was some kind of anomaly. Davend and Mirto looked confused, as if she had just rejected them, despite the actual content of her words.

Arianne's coy grin slowly flattened and then turned into a frown. It must have only been a few seconds, but in that span of time, Hiri could see a mixture of things; a swirl of surprise, disappointment, even a hint of disdain.

It was then that Anwen grabbed at her own head with both hands, as if afflicted with a terrible headache, and whimpered in pain. Wenille bit her lip and remained silent, unwilling to show any kind of apparent defiance to the beautiful, confident girl who was clearly in power over the group. Noticing the moment of dissonance, Arianne took a breath, restored her calm, and made a casual wave of her hand towards Anwen. "It seems like one of our new girls is having a bit of trouble. Won't someone help her out a little? Brenn?"

Brenn nodded and approached Anwen with Rancent and one of Galseth's bandmates in tow. The three crowded around her, and it wasn't long before her groans of dissonance reverted back to sighs of bliss...

Despite the slight crack in her poise, Arianne's tone returned to a calm and pleasant state.
"Oh, Hiri. It's clear that you still have some leftover... baggage... that should be addressed. You speak of 'real' relationships--surely, you don't mean having one lover? Tell me, don't you find that rather limited... rather, selfish?"

She took a step towards Hiri until she was face to face with the other girl. Then, she gently clasped her pendant in one hand and raised it. "You see, these were a gift from our club's Director. He is the one who guides us, and by extension this civilization, to the correct path. They signify His essence, the light that connects us all and fills us with His grace. Yes, they do amplify our feelings of euphoria and make it easier for us to 'connect' with each other... but, by doing this, we become closer to Him, and to one another's thoughts."

Arianne continued. "Any feelings of guilt you have are just remnants of society's old and outdated teachings. But we--the intelligent, the athletic, the charming--the elite of society, will be the future of Elynsor. This is an invitation for you to join, and to have a -real- relationship with all of us. After all, we are already connected now, don't you think?"

She beckoned Mirto and Davend to join her with Hiri. "See, look at these two," the leader went on, stroking the sides of their faces. It seemed more difficult for the males in particular to resist, although perhaps understandable seeing that it was already taking every ounce of Hiri's willpower to resist in the way that she had. "You seemed to have taken a liking to them. But which do you like better? In an ideal world... would you force yourself to choose one or the other? No. With us, as one of the elite, you won't have to choose. You can have it all."

The stunning blonde moved both arms back behind her own neck and unclasped the pendant, only to reach forward and slink it around the Talean's neck. Whether or not Hiri could resist accepting this was another matter, but either way, Arianne seemed to show the same apparent awareness as she did in daily life without it.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Just by reading the slow frown on Arianne's face, Hiri knew that by standing up and resisting the call of these strange pendants she had both surprised and frustrated the group's leader. Clearly, Hiri was meant to have participated without protest, and a part of her still yearned to do just that. Now that she had started down this path of resistance, the other part of Hiri, the part that had been silenced throughout the debauchery, was free to take control.

That instinct to not blindly follow and accept what was happening only grew more emboldened by the sight of Anwen, gripping her head in obvious pain and discomfort, only to be set upon by more boys to guide her back into a subservient position of sexual thralldom.

Arianne focused on Hiri then, speaking to her about 'leftover baggage' and 'selfish' thoughts of monogamy. Hiri merely arched her eyebrow over the rim of her glasses as the smooth-skinned noble's daughter approached, fingering that glowing pendant of hers.

"Director? This is the first I've heard of him. Why should I want to connect with someone I've never met? Maybe I would, and maybe I wouldn't, but we all deserve to make that call for ourselves. Not drugged and subjected to enchantment stones."

Hiri took a slow, half-step back away from Arianne, then stopped herself, narrowed her eyes, and steadied her stance. She could feel the pulsing lure of power that came from the stone, trying to worm its way back into her thoughts. She could feel her body still wet and turned on, she could smell the musky scent of sex in the air, titilating her. A desire that was both hers and not hers at the same time wanted to make her apologies, leap into the arms of boy and girl alike and challenge them to have their way with her as a way to redeem her faux pas. But she steeled her nerves and rejected this urge, and in doing so, finally felt as if she had freed herself - at least temporarily - from the enchantment.

"I'm not saying we couldn't all have a real relationship together, Arianne." Hiri said, bluntly. "If it were up to me, I'd have both Mirto and Davend."

She glanced the boys' way, hoping that this notion might negate the sexual 'high ground' that Arianne's hold had on the pair of them. In that moment, Arianne unclasped her pendant and moved to put it around Hiri's neck, perhaps encouraged by the acceptance in the Talean's words.

But just as her hands moved to the half way point between them, Arianne's wrists were clutched by Hiri and held fast.

"But that's just it, Arianne," Hiri said. "I want it to be up to me and to my partners whether we fool around or not. If I only sleep with someone because of my drink being spiked or a stone around my neck or some Director urging me on, then it's not real. It's just being a sex toy. And right now, that's all we're being. Your club Director's sex toys."

Hiri looked hard at Arianne.

"You're too good for this. All of you. You said it yourself, Arianne. We're the most intelligent, athletic, and sexy people at this school. We've done that without the help of this Director. If you use this stone on us, then it's not our choice. You're just... making us all into his servants. His dolls. We're better than that."

She looked beyond Arianne to Mirto, Davend and Frey who were still nearby.

"Don't you all remember? There's that voice in the back of your mind. Stop ignoring it. These stones are making you into slaves. Get rid of them, and we can really be together."
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Arianne's eyebrow twitched when the half-Talean made her opinions known with more clarity. For whatever reason, logical as Hiri's argument may have seemed, the only thing it had done was offend the blonde one's sensibilities. And when her attempt to bequeath the pendant onto the other girl was rejected, she quietly withdrew her offer. One of her hands shook, and it looked as if she might simply slap Hiri across the face for a moment, but Arianne managed to restrain herself, at least for the time being.

"Being the pure maiden you are... or were, I knew that you wouldn't simply go along with whatever we had in store. But look at you now. Tell me, did you not enjoy our connection? No one conditioned by civilization would jump into such a thing so quickly, and easily... but now that you have, don't you feel better for it? Already, I've brought you more physical pleasure that you might have experienced in a lifetime. Do you think you'd even be here without my invitation? You assume much. Don't get ahead of yourself."

Davend and Mirto returned Hiri's looks, and while she did see a similar affinity in their eyes, there remained a certain coldness to it that lingered since the ritual began. Meanwhile, Tria and Frey hadn't yet shaken free of their sexual hazes, with the former having been distracted by Galseth, while the latter seemed content with fingering herself, as if to put on display the immense lust that had been stored up deep inside. Perhaps they wouldn't snap out of it for a while. Only Anwen had shown any signs of such, and she had been silenced with cock in her mouth, as Rancent stood with both hands clasped around the back of her head, pounding her face, while Brenn thrust up into her from below.

"And I'm glad that you admit as much. Yes, you loved that, didn't you? And yet, that's not even the most fun thing that two boys can do to a girl, you know. I can even show you," teased the blonde, beckoning the two to her side. Surely enough, they followed. "Mm, yes. These two might adore you, but make no mistake; they are still mine. Who do you think brought them into the fold? Who do you think introduced them to such pleasures? Oh, Hiri... you may be gorgeous and capable indeed, but let's not confuse our places, shall we? You can't simply stroll in and take them from me. With the exception of you, and perhaps one other, our bonds are not so fragile."

"We are brought here together by the Director, and our bonds strengthen Him in turn. He chooses only the finest, and we seek them out. Everyone here WANTS to be here, in each other's company. We may be His tools, but not hesitantly so. All will be, in time. Whether you wish to be the shining and trusted implement, or the forgotten and rusted one, however, is up to you. I offer you a chance to be the former, and not the latter."

"Yes, I did plant some of these things to help you four on your way. The drinks, these necklaces..." she went on, beckoning Wenille to her, "merely open the door to this opportunity. But you are still the one who will walk through. Isn't that right, my dear Wenille?" Arianne unclasped Wenille's necklace, and held it high above the other girl. The green-haired one looked up at it pleadingly at first, like a child begging for some candy, but when the leader of the group tucked it away behind her back, there was a moment of clarity. Wenille's eyes met Hiri's, and she blushed. Still, she wasn't so embarrassed as to hide herself--perhaps it was simply the thought of coupling with her friend that had her turn away at first.

"You did choose to be with us, didn't you? So who would you stay with? Me, and the Director? Or Hiri?"

"... You, Arianne. I want to stay here," answered Wenille, swallowing, her brow furrowed. She took a moment to muster her courage, and met Hiri's gaze with a pleading one. "Please, Hiri... don't be difficult. These... these are the right people. I need them. I thought... I thought you'd be happy doing this with us." Her tone, her words seemed genuine enough, even if the air of the room was still heavy with the scent of sex.

"You see? She knows that her place is amongst the inner circle of the elite--His Chosen, if you will. There is no group more connected, more suited to lead this nation into His light. If you wish to be a mere slave, then that can be arranged. But don't confuse us for anything like that. Oh, and one more thing..."

Returning Wenille's beloved pendant to her, Arianne clasped her own in hand, whispered some arcane words, and projected some moving images into the air, without sound. The lewd scene was a familiar one; it was of Hiri from Arianne's pendant's point of view, on her back, with Davend dutifully thrusting away at her as she tried her best to please Mirto orally. Then, she could see Davend picking up his pace. Was that what she looked like, caught between two men? And when he mouthed his impending release, Hiri witnessed the image of herself wrapping her legs around him, apparently all too eager to release his seed.

"Mmm, look at you, enjoying it so much. My, what would your parents and classmates think? But... don't get me wrong, I won't go about broadcasting this to the entirety of the Academy, no. In fact, I'll actually let you have this crystal, and you can do with it as you please. It must be a fond memory for you now, fresh as it is. But just remember--out there, you're a cheap Talean whore. Here, we will accept and love you as you are. This is the kind of world He envisions for us."
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Hiri listened to Arianne, growing more concerned and forlorn with every statement she made. It was clear that whatever spell or grip she had on the boys, it was too strong for mere words to disband it. But surely some other person here would see the light?

Her hope on this front was dashed when Wenille stepped forward and had her necklace unfastened. Hiri saw the detachment, recognized that moment of apparent freedom in her eyes, and then listened with bitterness as her normally alienated friend gave in to the pleasure and the acceptance of being a part of the group.

"Wenille... I... I was happy, and I still feel this longing for - y'know... but I'm not sure if I truly am happy or if it's just these stones. We're all feeling the same compulsions. Everyone here is getting taken advantage of by them. You, me, Arianne and everyone else. Don't you see? I'm objecting because I care about all of you! I only want this if we were all going to do it without this Director person. If I didn't think so much of you all, I'd already be gone. It's because it's you guys that I'm still considering it."

She turned back to Arianne, who was gloating and then discussing how Hiri had a choice to be either a slave or an elite. And then she showed her the moving image, of her with Davend and Mirto at the same time. Only minutes removed, the scene and feeling were fresh in her thoughts. She still felt Davend's seed drying on her inner thighs.

"Kuh... you... you dared to do such a thing?!" Hiri was fighting to hold back tears of shame and outright anger as she realized the implications. She had never even conceived of such magic, as though such a thing were possible. To capture her visage in the throes of such passionate debauchery, without recourse or explanation. Her fists clenched. She looked away from the scene, glancing at a side wall, trying to recollect her shattered wits. Eventually, she found words again.

"You had no right to do that. And to say such things to me now is so hypocritical. You say you'll give me that crystal? Fine then. But would I be right in guessing that all of your little stones have the same function? And that all of us here are being recorded?"

Hiri's mind now raced with trying to come up with some sort of plan of action. She needed to leave here. She couldn't take Wenille with her, but maybe Anwen could be saved.

The Talean made a heavy sigh.

"Despite all this unpleasantness... I'm not rejecting your invitation, Arianne. But I need time before I accept it, and when and if I do, I want us all to be allowed to do so without these 'helpful' nudges. Let me and the others, like Anwen, have some time to consider before you go placing these stones around our necks and making a bond with your Director. Is that too much to ask?"

Hiri knew she was playing the game dangerously now, but as much as she wished in her mind she could just summon up a wind and sweep all the stones away and smash them and break the spell, she knew the reality wouldn't allow her to do such a thing. All of these students were mages like her, and some of them were older and had had more time to study. On top of that, any one of the boys could overpower her, along with a few of the girls. And of even more concern was that she didn't want to harm any of them. She reserved her anger for this Director, whoever he was. She needed time to think and figure out who that was and how she could go about undoing his hold on everyone. She wouldn't get that opportunity unless she could convince Arianne to let her leave without thinking her a certain enemy. If she could just convince the Elynsoran that she was cowed and on the cusp of relenting willingly if just allowed to come to terms, then maybe things would be all right. Hiri waited for Arianne's reply anxiously.