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Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

  • Freeform

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Traditional RP

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters

Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Oops. Sorry Kenny, but yeah. All of you :p but what do you think I ought to do about the rp?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Well, i personally would say that adopting that kind of combat system at the price of losing RJ really isn't worth it.And besides, we haven't had to fight a single battle yet, so i say let's keep it pure freeform for now.And if we experience some ''Problems'' later on, we'll see then what kind of change would actually solve them.(If we get that far, of course.)
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

If it was the ADP system I had devised...

It was SUPPOSED to add to an element combat balancing... Mostly as a preventation method of "Instagib Posts"...

I had thought even for those have ALREADY SAID they wouldn't use them, a mechanic that permits it, albeit with risk equal to the reward, is beneficial to the overall system... It can't hurt to just HAVE the option now can it?

Now... If its a matter of too much brain blood in your boner... Take a deep breath and try to actually read it, please... You should find its NOT actually as restrictive as you may think...

But because I'm feeling nice... I'll short term it for out prehistoric friend...

Don't go ripping off arms... You'll could end up armless yourself...

Clearly announce when your GOING to rip a persons arm off, before you actually do... Giving them a chance to say "I don't think so!" Then do it anyway...

If someone ripped your arm off and didn't tell you beforehand... Rip BOTH of theres off!

Just like RPG boss characters... YOU have a 3 Turn countdown in order to cast Death on the party...

But if it is STILL too cumbersome... I guess we could do without it for now...
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Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

So, it's basically free-form, but with some slight restrictions? Yeah, that's fine, no skin off my back. And it's really up to RJ whether we continue on without him or not.

Additionally, I would like to keep my character pretty much as is. As it has not come up yet, it should be no issue to change my character's magatama, if necessary; I already have a Three Kingdoms-era personality lined up, and wouldn't even have to change anything and it would still work.

I'm up for whatever, if you want to reboot and hope more people join, or just keep going and hope for some new recruits.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

If you ask me, rebooting now wouldn't make much sense. Let's face it, we've barely signed up for our respective school clubs. The "start of the year" ceremony is still going on... Nobody really made any kind of progress, we're still at the very beginning. I'd like to keep my character, too.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I haven't been keeping up with the posts, but let me just clarify: I don't care 'too' much about fighting. I'm sure it'll happen quite a bit, but tearing people's arms off isn't my main interest. In fact, Minasa's personality prefers she brings her opponent to 'surrender,' instead of pushing it to an outright K.O. Or just following her own rules of fighting, and deciding she wins when her opponent 'looks' defeated.

And to her, that's if she kicks them, and they fall down. She'll think she won. She doesn't take fighting to an extreme.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

So, since RJ won't be continuing with the RP in the foreseeable future, should we treat Minasa as an NPC? That's kind of my assumption, it would cause less of a break in the story than if she were to simply disappear (provided, of course, no one attributes anything to her that would be completely out-of-character based on what RJ has decided she should be like, thus far).
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

A form of Hiatus-caused Autopilot?

Seems more likely than just fading from the scene altogether...
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Maiko and RJ know their chars better then I do. I'll see. But it's frustrating and a bit of a headache. Also you guys want any if the nova to talk to you again. Or a re just going to chat amongst yourselves until you are ready to move along to something else?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I havn't been keeping up with the RP threads, but it sounds like Termite's character had at least some interactions with Minasa. My suggestion regarding RJ and my characters would be to retcon them out, maybe they went to another school or something, and replace Minasa with an NPC who has a roughly similar personality (outgoing, impulsive) and go from there. Akemi did almost nothing, so no need to replace her at all.

Well, that's my suggestion. Hope everything goes well whatever the case.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

"Hmmmm, Alpaca and Termite, are you asking or going around talking to the NPCS about the megatama? If so, I'll need to think of something to say.

Cross I'll try to get you and the others some updates for this before long. I've just got a full plate as Im sure most of you know.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Not entirely sure what you're asking; we were both only asking the leader of the martial arts club (and, by extension, anyone listening in.) I have no plans of continuing the investigation if she can offer a reasonable response, not sure what Termite's plan is.

Personally, once that's done, I'd kind of like to get past the introductory meeting; maybe some sort of announcement over the speakers that students should be reporting to their homerooms? Although freshmen would need homeroom assignments (unless you had something different planned, my apologies but I kinda wrote that freshmen hadn't been assigned homerooms yet.)
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

ALRIGHT!~ After dicking off for pretty much forever~ I FINALLY wrote rj and maikos chars out from the game and made an update! :x next step is to put out another signup post in the RP section to se if I can't get more people to jump in. And to post for cross grave. Sorry i took so long. :eek:
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Double post :eek: : After discussing things with inky he suggested to me that I should have or allow characters to be someone with the magatama of a Rot3K character...... While not exactly being a canon character. And some of the non Rot3K chars we have in the game at present have histories of their own, he thinks I ought to have chars with the actual Rot3K pasts and destinies to deal with. So...... I want to know what ANYBODY who MAY be interested in playing thinks; as well as my current players. :confused:
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Well, for my character I have Zhou Tai in my Magatama, and seeing how he was fiercely loyal to the Sun family as well as Sun Ce's honorary brother I think having Hakufu hang around for a bit would leave Eichiro highly distracted and most likely trying to follow her around everywhere. That in turn would lead to suspicions of betrayal from the Ashura leaders, and drama would ensue.

But first I'd like to see how many people are staying as well as how many would be joining.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I want to join and make a character from 0, unfortunately i must relearn all, so i will take a while [max a week] to make the character info]. I dont have a problem to let the players choice a character of the anime, but that would be boring and could reduce the sorprise end excitament to face one.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I'm definitely staying, though I'll need to get a different person inside my gem. No worries, have someone in mind, and wouldn't even need to change anything in my back story or what I've written thus far, either.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I guess i'll stick with what i got right now.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I've almost forgotten this with everything else I've been doing XP

Alpaca: are you still playing? How's your reworking going?
Cross: I will try to think up a good post for you before long.
Plm: Are actually looking to join? Let me know either way.

Once everything is sorted out I'll pick back up on posting.

Thank you all for your patience .
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I've been thinking, and since I'm gonna start GMing in Dark Gate I think I'll officially state my resignation.