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Vita the tiefling warlock, currently dressed
Church of St.Andral
Tags: Yari, All

The definite foreign to her senses woman essentially exploded in chatter and words to the tiefling. She blinked dumbly as she struggled to comprehend her fast and quick words. She didn't dare say more then her name as Vita - it is culturally traditional for her. Not that any here should know and instead just chock it up to her being different.

"Uhhhh." Is her ever so eloquent reply to the grinning and shifting women. She actually took a step back away from Lady Darkbane. The onrush, the quickness and fast way that she chittered chattered, with barely a nudge of any word. She felt like she is talking to a gossipy merchant girl who said a hundred words for every 1 word she said!

The tiefling had taken a full half-step back, staring in wide eyes at Lady Darkbane. If she knew that staring at her would lead to this, she'd beg a God for help to go back in time to revert this onrushing explosion of knowledge and good intentions that had her feeling like she is being used as some sort of doll. The flowing dark haired women pretty much swarmed over her.

The clear confusion on Vita's face openly inviting anyone that is watching to... enlightened her as to what is happening. She lifted an arm and moved her body to 'help' with Yari's quick and lightning fingers. She struggled to come out with some approriate words.

"The fury's old style Karan?" Her confused and utterly confounded words as the words that Yari is stating and saying were utterly new and definite strange. She barely understood that even as somehow she is now talking about the colorful patterns. "Uh, you mean they aren't there just to look pretty?" Saying that utterly so bluntly as she looked at the hand pressing against the heavy clothe that is something something that she probably should remember but couldn't to the barrage of words coming out of Lady Darkbane's mouth.

(Vita's expression to Yari's actions)

"Um uh, ahh? Orange is purity? White is truth? Red is about civilizational knowledge? Golden yellow is Emperor Snake Sacred?" The tiefling's poor attempts at and garbled words. It is clear that an assault of such massive knowledge about foreign things that Vita hadn't truly assosciated with showed her bumpkin roots far better. This stuff sounded like the flower stuff that the herbalist talked about. Soemthing about certain flowers meaning something?

Left dazed and confused, the subsequent conversation that Esvele engaged with Yari had her looking at Ireena. In a confused dazed as to the happenings... She muttered in the background looking at the clothes, her attention focused solely on trying to connect colors to clothe beyond 'this is aesthetically pleasing.' The closest one she got is the Snake symbol. It meant definitely something dealing with Nobility.

With Father Lucian talking with Esvele and Lady Darkbane, still keeping her thousand words per minute going... The tiefling actually stepped behind Ireena and whispered to her "Uh ah, how do you deal with someone that is able to talk that.. talk so fast?" Her question being asked towards Ireena even as she kept her own counsel on matters at hand.

Her own counsel believing that the Altar Boy and Milivoj were both innocent and that they were the best leads they had to figuring out who stole the church bones that prevented a blessing from curing herself and Esvele.

"We ah shall." She piped up with low words towards Father Lucian before looking at Lady Darkbane. "Um, do you mind talking slower when ah, talking with me? I.. um... I got lost in your ah words from earlier." A faint blush on her cheeks and her tail swishing nervously behind her.
Church of St. Andral
Tag: Vita and Yari

Ireena gazed back at Vita with empathy and a slight, tired smile on her lips, and whispered back to the tiefling.

"Best to smile, nod, and if caught with no other option, be honest and polite... like this."

She put a hand on Vita's shoulder, touched her forehead affectionately to Vita's brow before kissing her there lightly and then turning to Yari and raising her voice so it could be heard.

"Lady Darkbane, I am Ireena Kolyana, daughter to a late, minor noble in these lands, and friend to these two women, who are my temporary guides through this dangerous land's wilderness. You're not the first traveler to come from distant lands to these woods, but you are certainly fascinating, and your good character is welcome. I admit, I am slightly overwhelmed with your customs. Perhaps, at a time of less stress, we could take some longer time to share the nature of our cultures. I think we could learn a great deal from each other."

Her smile waned.

"But, sadly, we must find the perpetrator of this crime and make this church safe again. My friends are cursed and I will not lose anyone else who means so much to me." She clenched her fist as if in oath. Vita could sense the inner light that connected them both flare slightly within her lover's spirit.
Yari Darkbane
Church of St.Andral -> Gravediggers hut
Tag: Father Lucian,Vita/Ireena, Esvele -> Door knockings!

"Ahaha, did I overwhelm you with my verbiage? Oh I apologize, 't was not on purpose, I'll try to stay more with the measured vernacular forthwith.. it's just how I was raised to speak. If you'd hear me in my native language this would be much worse an affair." She said, bemusedly. She did not consider Vita dumb or herself smart.. just more educated. Gently she reached to take back her Kimono-overcoat, pondering and then telling Vita. "It's an important piece of clothing for me. Thanks for noticing and appreciating it." She nodded, slowing down her speech with relative ease, reaching out with a soft laughter and patting Vita's shoulder. "Let's just say a lot of folks at court are so stuck up about themselfs you can glue them to a wall. eh?" She tried. To be fair, the 'eh' did sound a bit forced-casual now.

What was almost amusing, was Yari Darkbane's shift from Vita to Ireena, which happened with a bow born from repetetive training of years. "I repeat my apology for overwhelming anyone if I have done so, I must have mistaken Lady Vita's glances for more interest than was me due, but I concur, much insight can be gained by conversing at a less endangered moment, moreso from you than me, for this is not my land. You've heard my intent, so perhaps you can educate me in the manner to properly approach one of the Barons station in due time, but what matters most is that we respect one anothers cultures and holdings and strife to do better so that our honored ancestors may smile upon us dearly." That was a rough translation of a very casual greeting for an equal or higher ranked noble of her land. It'd have to do. By all apperances, this noble would not be offended by such simplicity.
She then nodded at the womans dedication. "We shall find the answer to this crime, as the river finds the sea, but hopefully faster than the snow melts upon a .. err" She looked to Vita. "We'll do it!"

She then, that solved, exhaled, and looked to Father Lucian. "And may my hand be forever stayed from a tyrants actions, I have seen them. If he has a family, that does also make him vunerable to those who would.. let us not ponder further on such things..

I err.. shall we then visit Sir Milivoj?"
She requested, more than suggested, taking a look at the directions.

If none were opposed, she'd happily make her way there, along with the others, and reach out to knock at the door, if none came before her, asking softly, yet with a raised voice:
"Sir Milivoj? We come from the church and have questions about your business there if you might spare a few moments?"
Vita the tiefling warlock, off on finding some bones!
Church of St.Andral - Beginning of Exit
Tags: Ireena and Yari, All

The advice Ireena gave her. Vita knew, just knew saying the words 'Does it work for when nobles, not you but erm, more like those that carry themselves like lady darkbane.' Would be crass. Absolutely crass. And dumb! She just got advice from Ireena that just smile, nod, and be...

Kiss on the brow, a smile bloomed onto her face. She didn't say or add anything, comforted by that touch and kiss. Her words, are eloquent and leading. As if it took little for her to cobble together a speech and let it flow. She sounded like some of the townsmen in her village when they were resolved to do something. Except her's felt more. Her mind couldn't come up with an adequate thought for it. It just felt like she is more real for that moment as she speaks.

The wan smile afterwards. "Did the light just glow around you Ireena? You felt far more." Vita struggled with an appropriate word but "Here then before." The tiefling grinning as she reached and squeezed Ireena's hand. "We will find this fool that weakens Church and allows fear and hopelessness to wedge further inside." She smiled brighter, buoyed by Ireena's words and feeling like the haze of the words from before by Yari were now no longer clogging her mind and soul!

Only for the assault of words to commence once more as Yari spoke. Her words coming forth once more with words much larger then two syallables that made Vita twitch inwardly. 'I need to read books about what half those words mean!' She thought to herself that frankly translated easily across her face. Whats a verbiage? But the fact that she is taking into account her own words and even doing that forced casual. The eh sounded disconnected, as if Lady's Darkbane is facing down the phantom of her teacher that would be screaming bloody murder at her for daring to destroy her talking ways to speak to one of her lessers.

"Ah. It's ah very um, beautiful? And colorful! Really colorful." As Vita made sure to delicately, return the what felt like an easy one hundred gold coins worth of clothing back to Lady Darkbane. That clothing article felt like it'd take someone forever to make by hand and far too expensive and pretty to be wasted on her. "Ah glue'em to a wall with ah honey and um bees. Never the nastier ah ones tho. Hafta make ahure glue is only on their clothes." Vita playing along with the forced casual as she tacked on "Um, no need to ah be that erm ah, changey like that. Er, dras-tic, like that. It um, feels like that er, Eh you made is eh, disrespectful to uh, ah yourself."

The tiefling eyes grew glazed once more at Yari's apology as she inwardly wailed. Why not just say sorry instead of all those words! She didn't say that out loud even as she nodded her head. "Um nothing from me on not ah doing this. The faster we do this, the better everyone is ah off."

Vita made sure her bonnet is kept to its colorful look with a small cast of prestidigitation to insure it stayed that way for another lengthy period of time. "Ah I don't think Mister Milivoj has been knighted by anyone Lady Darkbane." She looked around at the people of Vallaki even as she inwardly thought to herself 'I know there is something I can grab that'd make this simplier.. something I can instinctively do but not right now. Not without losing something.'
Yari Darkbane
Infront of the Gravediggers house

Yari gave a well maintained, benevolent smile. "Knowing big words doesn't make me smarter, by the by. As ..missing them does not make you less smart." She hesitated, realizing she had to dumb this down to ensure the friendly but simple woman understood her.. "I've just been made to waste many days learning these things. Right now, I wish, I'd been taught to act, more than talk. I bet you'll be my better in that regard." She nodded, hands folded together in the sleeves of her Kimono as she put them together. By now, not too far from the truth, she assumed at least Vita was some kind of specialized bodyguard. Possibly in civilian disguise. "Colorful.. that it definitly is, yes." She grinned, finding Vita's take refreshing. Although she seemed ever so slightly confused at the gluing-suggestion, still, she hid that rather well, enthusing: "Haha, my chum.." at Vita, only somewhat sounding as if she had the very first bite out of that word.
"You're all very open and friendly, and we require working together, but I'll gladly take your offer of compromise. I want us to understand and get along with one another, but it would do no good to hide who I am behind fake simplicity, I guess.. " She became thoughtful.
In a way, her wish to not be treated different from commoners, to understand them, but also in a way not to have to deal with the burdens of leadership was what had caused...

Better not to dwell on it.
As they headed out, with Vita objecting little, to the contrary, Yari observed the tieflings magic-casting. That's what she suspected this was. What for, she could not tell, but the casual use of magic had her curious. She'd have to talk to the voluptous woman about this later.
"Not Knighted? Oh. I agree, Vita. But that doesn't matter. If he were a knight, I'd have to be respectful. As he is not a knight, I -can- still be respectful." She explained, then, having heard of ordinary folk doing it, tried winking at Vita. It ended up being more of a graceful swirling of her head than anything.
"You've not heard of anyone being arrested for being too respectful, have you?"
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Laneways of Vallaki
Tag: All PCs, Ireena

Leaving the church and following Father Lucian's directions, Esvele, Yari, Vita and Ireena headed eastward for about 100 yards, then turned south down a narrow laneway off the main road through town. With the many colored robe-wearing warrior stepping forward and knocking on the door, calling out to Milivoj. The one who answered was a girl of perhaps nine or ten years, dressed in a sack-cloth dress, with unwashed hair in many tangles.

"Who're you?" the girl asked, her eyes glassy and large. She scratched at her hair as Yari or one of the others answered, then from inside the house, a young man's voice could be heard. Yari would recognize it as that of Milivoj, for she had heard the boy before in the past two days.

"Yettel, don't answer the door! You don't know who it could be."

Emerging from the dark and unlit apartment, Milivoj appeared and moved to the front door, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder and gently but firmly moving her back a step so that he was in front of her.

"Oh. It's you. What do you want?" he askeed, his face scowling and unwelcoming.
Yari Darkbane
Infront of the Gravediggers house
Tag: DM, primarly

"Oh hello little one, we're here to talk with Milivoj, if he's available for a brief moment." Yari enthused. It took a bit of effort to overlook the enormous poverty. Surely, a honest work would pay at least somewhat decent? Still, below the poverty, there was a little girl watching her curiously, so she'd extend a hand ot pat the girls unruly hair.. if given a chance.

Yari countered the scowl with a smile of her own. "Oh it's a simple thing, if you have the time, good sir, though it may sound a little strange." Yari cleared her throat, leaning closer to the young man... and then displayed her subtle shrewdness, hidden below that smile. "I want to request a favor of you, it will be payed well.. oh, would you mind sending your sister back inside for a moment?" She suggested, before going on.

"Presume that the remains of an important person to the two here." She glanced to the side, to her companions, before adding.: "Have been buried falsely, and we wish to take these remains along, back to their hometown, to be put at rest properly... but Father Lucian, we expect, is rather.. opposed to the idea." She sighed and shrugged in a fluid motion. "Sister Esvele here can verify that we have no ill intend in the matter and we'd bring it up with Father Lucian, except.. well.."

"There is a small.. issue. An architectural misshap, you see, we're suspecting that the church was build upon an old gravesite, not too unusual... but, you see, these bones are actually now located, buried beneath the altar of the church." She nodded, explanatory.. and let herself and others watch if the grave-diggers expression showed recognition of the matter...

"Now I'm not asking if you'd be willing to disturb the rest of the dead.. I'm asking you'd be willing to help them find rest proper." She nodded, then looked up at the housing situation.. this bit was a bit cruel, yes, but the father wanted the mission to be kept low. "If you could aquire for us these remains we would show you gratitude, both spoken and weighting heavy in your pokets... and if you feel not at all inclined such, perhaps you could suggest someone else that could aid us in the matter?" Yari affirmed with a purposefully neutral expression. If the Gravedigger had been hired to do a task like this before he should give away his knowledge of the matter somehow. If -he- had given away the bones and was motivated by little more than gold, he could perhaps be persuaded to tell to whom, while left in the dark on their exact nature. The Gravedigger had had the tools, opportunity and the ability to commit the deed.. and with this story, if he showed no recognition after all, it was easy enough, to switch over to telling the story of the theft and to inquire he had any possible idea who could have been responsible. Sure, they would have to admit suspecting him as well, but Yari was happy to take the blame for this.

Tried a persuasion just because, actually got a pretty decent: Roll(1d20)+1:

Perception check while actively observing the gravediggers reaction to her proposal... even better:Roll(1d20)+2:
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Milivoj's House
Tag: Yari

Milivoj looked at Yari with furrowed brows. His face showing a darkened expression, but at the mention of being paid, he seemed to brighten. Yet, he glanced at Esvele, in her nun's garb, and seemed to set his jaw.

"Buried falsely? The hell does that mean?" he muttered, but he squinted in slight recognition when Yari mentioned the body being buried under the altar, his demeanour changing quickly. He folded his arms and took up a stubborn, spread legged stance in the doorway. He was young, but well-built with broad shoulders and muscles that came naturally from days filled with digging into the hard earth.

"I don't know if I'm what scholars look like where you come from, but I'm just a guy who shovels dirt for a living. They pay is barely enough to live off of, let alone feed my two sisters, and scrounge for medicine to treat my youngest sister's bloody flux. I've got real problems of my own, and I don't need more complications than I can handle. So speak plainly. What is it you really want? And if you're offering payment, tell me how much, so I can see if it's worth my time."

[Yari feels somewhat confident that his defensiveness is coming from her story, and perhaps something that she said has set him off.]

Yari Darkbane
Milivoj house
Tag: Milivoj primarly

"Very well. Life is very simple but we insist on making it complicated." Yari mused, fishing into her belt-poket and producing a single gold-piece.. it had strange line-crossed writing on one side and a hole in the middle, but it looked rather reliably solid gold. Yari briefly hesitated.. perhaps she should rather let any of the others speak up in her place? Well,.. Vita lacked the vocabulary, Esvele lacked the tact.. and for some reason, Ireena seemed to prefer standing back and not drawing attention to herself, at least, that was Yari's best guess... so she hoped to not offend any if she pushed the matter on.: "Someone has taken the bones below the shrine of St.Andral's church. This break-in was far too clumsy for someone professional, yet the number of people that had the opportunity is.. limited." She shook her head.. it was actually hard for her to go straight to the point so bluntly, but she forced herself. Brevity was also a quality of course. She shot a meaningful glance to the Gravedigger.

"You tell us for whom you dug up the bones and we'll make sure to drop your name from the issue, as sure as I'll drop this gold coin into your hand.
I am very certain that if not responsible, you know who is and I promise you, we'll do the best we can to make sure only those that led you astray will be punished, whereas your employment at the priest will not be in jeopardy. I'll have him swear so, in exchange for revealing the full truth... though there may be lecturing, well deserved. These bones are more important to my companions than you understand. I notice your apprehension. Remember, a man who has committed a mistake and does not correct it, committs another mistake."
Yari's expression grew uncharacteristically stern, if more the look of a displeased parent or teacher, as she stood her ground.

I was like.. this calls for intimidation a la 'what'd happen if the guard were to investigate this throughoutly.. but Yari would never. Dice rewards trusting your character, persusasion:
I swear, I'll pay a dice-tax on this one with two nat 1's next combat or something..
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The nun chewed on her lip. She hadn't wanted to broach the topic of Ireena yet - and certainly not by leading off with her status as a woman of stature. That might make Petrovich suspicious as to why they were begging a place for her here.

Esvele stood in the back, staring off into space with her mask of calm hiding her suspicions. Silently, she bid Nevermore to scan the house from above. She wanted to know if the house had doors he might try to flee from if these negotiations didn't go well.

She noticed his expression sour as soon as he took a glance at her, which told Esvele he either didn't think much of the Morninglord, or that he was indeed guilty of their suspicions. "Something the matter?" she asked, feigning her cheeriest.

After Yari spoke, Esvele stepped forward. "I would also like to offer that I have some training as a healer," she stated. "The flux... that means you'd want fuel to to boil and clean water, perhaps with some fruit added or some tea, to keep your sister from drying out. Willowbark would help as well, to help with fever and aches." Esvele smiled. "Unfortunately, I have no idea what such supplies would cost at market, as we've not been in town long. Would another five gold pieces cover it, do you think?"

She inched closer, and spoke quieter. "What she says is true, you know, though I'll thank you not to spread it. I don't know if you believe in the Morninglord's teachings or not, but Saint Andral's remains are sacred to the church. If people learn they're gone, the faithful will panic. They'll come to the same conclusion we have - that it was the strong gravedigger who broke through the floorboards and into his resting place. Truth will not matter, of course - fury banishes a man's ability to reason. They'll scream for your head. The Baron will not be pleased at this sudden welling of anger. If you're lucky, he might only throw you in the stocks, rather than execute you... but either way, you won't be able to care for your sisters, will you? They'll be left to fend for themselves... and worse yet, everyone will know them as the sisters of the man who angered Baron and Morninglord both." She smiled again. "Thankfully, none of that will come to pass, so long as Andral makes a swift return to his rest."

She kept hold of her other card for the moment. Rampaging werewolves reaping death across the town would just give him more work, and thus, more money, after all.
Vita the tiefling warlock, Fighting for her life against the Gravedigger's Stare
Gravediggers Boss Battle Room
Tags: All

"Better in ah acting? Uh, I'm not um sure my folks would have agreed with yah." Vita spoke with her mind thinking about how she earned her virtue name. Through she had been tempted on taking something about enduring... Enduring seemed more apt. She abruptly pushed the dark thoughts from her mind and focused.

"Yeah! That is uh much better then trying to ah be someone your not. Those that ah hide behind false truths always end up betrayed by their own ah evils." Vita said easily, quoting a phrase her preacher rambled on about. "Giving um ah respect they have er, not earned? Is that uh, wise? If he is an uh, noble, that'd be an ah fact. But he ah isn't and the father did not ah mention him having any ah accolades." Vita spoke, thinking on how attributing knighthood to someone. Shouldn't he earn that or at least look the part? Those questions firmly showing on her confused eyes.

When the door opened and a... sad girl-child stood before. Vita felt fear splash in her chest as she looked at the young'un. Those glassy dead eyes, so close, so familiar once again. Vita started to speak before that voice came rushing out, just behind Yari's own questioning words and thus the gravedigger is before them.

Yari, the new arrival, the Lady Darkbane, had it well in hand. Seemingly with utmost ease, frustrate the man and force him to concede ground and demand straight answers from them.

Esvele's own words sounding like the pouring of lamp oil onto fire even as Vita looked at Esvele. She refrained from saying anything as she felt the tension in the air. Esvele is warning him, right? But the way she phrased it. The way she is leaning in. It reminded her of those merchants that bullied ol'rodger's in his little store in getting him to trade their stuff at prices that were, not good.

Sour taste in her mouth, she hardened her face and heart as she looked at the gravedigger. He is the most suspected and him having ease of access to those bones and selling of them.

"Please answer truthfully good uh, sir, so that this matter is kept to rest with no pain being brought to anyone." She threw in her own tidbit, hands pressing together in a soft plea as she leaned towards him. Her arms pressing her bountiful chest together behind her clasped pleaing hands.
Yari Darkbane
Milivoj house
Tag: Milivoj, Esvele

Yari raised her hand at Esvele, subtly interposing herself. This one, priest as she might be, seemed to have been taught diplomacy at a knife's edge, quite literally. Had she forgotten that the priest did not want the saints name mentioned without need? Oh well, she disliked taking someone elses word, but at this point, it was just a natural reflex for Yari to step in and try to soothe the waves.: "Quite concerned indeed, as you can tell. They believe and I cannot personally confirm or deny that belief, for all I have is words, that those bones were not a mere mortals, but a saints." She nodded. "I apologize, for my companions words spoken with conviction and concern. We do not mean to add more troubles upon whom life has bestowed enough weight to carry already, but aid you in doing better." With that, she placed an open palm on her chest, and bowed fluidly.
Milivoj's frowning face seemed to flinch as all three women now were pouring on their combined efforts of both persuasion and intimidation. At last his exterior of resolve cracked and he was unable to bear their gaze any longer. He put a hand up as if to ward them from any more comments.

"All right, look. I did dig up the bones. I didn't know that they were the saints, and even if they were -- I don't think they've done much good to anyone lying underneath that church. I mean... we all show up to the sermons for an hour maybe... listen to the priest telling us it'll be better if we just work hard and rely on each other. But I do work hard, and I don't have any one to rely on. Instead, I'm the one my sisters have to rely on and the coppers I get for digging honestly aren't enough to keep them healthy. People aren't just flinging charity around, and I don't blame them neither. Everyone's got to worry about their own families first. So when someone offered me a bag of silver to dig up the bones, I took it."

He shrugged.

"I tried to clean up after it as best I could. I figured there wasn't any need for Father Lucian to have a messed up church floor. And now for a little while, we've got enough food and medicine. You can't blame me for wanting that. As for the bones, I don't have them. I gave them to Henrik. Henrik van der Voort, the coffin maker. He was the one who gave me the silver. His shop is on the east side of town, next to the stockyards."

He paused, looking at the women on his doorstep.

"If you report me, you are dooming my sisters. Yettel and Tanya. Tanya still has the flux. Medicine only keeps it at bay, the sores keep coming back."
Yari Darkbane
Milivoj house
Tag: Milivoj, primarly

"The Coffinmaker. Hmn.." Yari mused and handed the boy two gold pieces. "You have food, now look for some better medicine. But do not let their fate bow you. To disturb the rest of the dead is always wrong. You too would wish to rest in peace, would you not? You should apologize, for your spirits sake.
That said, as far as I'm concerned, none need know of this talk for now."
She nodded, looking over to Esvele. "Would you like to attend to the sisters before we confront the coffinmaker?" She asked, tilting her head towards Esvele, her expression hardened, ever so slightly. Of course she'd have to make her way past this rediculous punishment again. To her such dishonor was worse than death.
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Vita the tiefling warlock, happy smile at the face of confession
Gravediggers Milivoj's home
Tags: All

The flinching of the poor man, his easy defeat before them. Vita had the scattered thought Still got it! Or least one of us does. I hope its me. She lowered her hands as she watched him. His guilt becoming more visible as he waved his hand, trying to ward off her pleading expression, Esvele's thuggish implications, and Lady Darkbane's waterfall of long words.

"Thank yah for being so open about this. Ah, um, I hope you try to speak to the father about this on your own time and ah will. To ease your own conscience at least." Vita offered up her own words even as Yari made her own suggestions. She took her eyes off of him as she peered at his home. His clothes. And trying to get another peek at his younger siblings. To see the state of their own clothes. She knew within her that the light flowing through her had allowed her certain abilities to do things.

"I ah may be also to offer a little help to your ah situation, not of um healing but more of her, fixing and cleaning if you are ah okay with that?" She made her own offer.

(Intending to offer mending and prestigious for cleaning and fixing of small damages. As a reward and carrot)
Perception Roll: 10 | Seeing state clothing and building.
Insight Roll: 8 | Seeing on how he reacts to her offer
"Sores? The flux shouldn't..." Esvele bit a knuckle, thinking. "Soap, then. Try to clean her without aggravating her sores overmuch. I'm sure you know as well, but soup or porridge would be best for her to eat, as well, and will help keep her from drying out, same as that tea."

She smiled. "I know what it is to do what you must, good Milivoj. I have no interest in punishing you, only in recovering what is missing. But these missing remains offer more strength than just reminders that men defied the darkness in ages past, and their loss means more than you know. As I said, people could easily reach the same conclusion we did, and then... well. For your sisters, I doubt the gain of a bag of silver for these girls would not even up with the loss of such a caring older brother."

"Now, I trust you can remember the things I've recommended you fetch to help your sister bear up," she said, though she repeated her suggestions for him. "However," she said with a glance towards Yari, "we must see this issue resolved before nightfall, if it is at all possible. This will give the tea and bath to work on Tanya, as well, and let us see if they help any. I'll return to see if there is anything I may do to help your once this issue has been taken care of - provided it doesn't kill me, of course." The nun pulled four gold pieces from her pouches and placed them into his hand when she stepped forward to shake it.

"Don't to it again."
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Yari Darkbane
Milivoj house -> To the Coffinmakers!
Tag: Esvele, DM

"I agree with your judgment, sister Esvele. Let us meet one another in more fortunate circumstances, Milivoj." Yari nodded and bowed slightly again, chuckling ever so slightly when Esvele 'outbid' her gold donation. She suspected there were many people in need, the reason she had not offered as Vita did and held back her own investment. The young mans misery was not alleviated by simple gold donations, not if he was willing to go this far. He had to grow in wisdom first as well, to not let misery consume him.

With that, Yari nodded to her companions, and, using what she had learned in the past days, in part from -avoiding- the stockade, to approach the described address... sighing inwardly, as once more, not quite feeling qualified for it, she had become a leader. Perhaps that too, was part of her test. To overcome this feeling.. "Alright, we know of the mans guilt, but condemning him is not as important as is undoing what he did. Once the bones are found, you can accuse and accost as you desire and so his motives are wicked, I will not stay your hands.
But, please, at first, let me lead in words. Let me try to pry the bones location without any violence. We do not want to risk them lost or damaged through ill fate."
She adviced. "Nothing stops us from using force, where words fail, right?" she tried to suggest, by now rather sure that Esvele was some sort of ronin, going by how she had approached the harmless young gravedigger. "And keep in mind, if we confront the coffinmaker and show our hand too early, that might well put the young man and his sisters in grave danger. The priest wants the bones returned, not the coffinmaker, may his ancestors forgive him, punished."
Vita the tiefling warlock being poor
Off to see the wonderful Coffin Craftmaster
Tags: All

The tiefling waited a few beats on Milijov's reply. His answer, she accepted it.

She didn't have the gold to offer so freely like Yari and Esvele did. Nor did she know medicine like Esvele did. She looked at Ireena as she asked softly "How did ah, Lady Darkbane do?" She wanted to see what Ireena had as an opinion on how Yari spoke and acted around Milijov. It is just a blatant excuse for conversation topic with no real meaning beyond it.

As they made way to the coffin maker with Lady Darkbane speaking on how she wished to go about confronting the coffin maker. "Going with ah words is what we are doing, uh aren't we? The only ah reason I can think of um why we would be so ah forceful is if ah we come upon him doing something." Here Vita paused, concentrating. "Dastardly." The tiefling smiled as she managed to get that word out without having to enunciate it.
Milivoj took the coins from Yari, his dark eyes squinting at her admonishment. It was difficult to seen how far her morality was sinking in, but he didn't give any answer back. At the mention of Vita's offer to mend their clothes, Yettel appeared behind her brother once more. She was adorned in a very tattered dress, and she smiled prettily with soot covered cheeks as the tiefling let her inner light flow and knit together the simple garment. To this act, Milivoj seemed the most appreciative, and the flicker of a smile did appear at the corners of his lips. He took the medicine from Esvele with a nod.

"I... will make her a bath. Hot water is a bit of an ask... we haven't much firewood. But I'll make do. And yes...soap. With the coin, I'll be able to pick some up. Thank you. Tanya thanks you as well."

"Thanks!" Yettel said, teetering around a bit in her newly mended dress. It was still a simple garment, but now it was a clean and whole one.

Shortly after that encounter, the group of four were making their way eastward through Vallaki's major thoroughfare - the continuation of the Old Svalich Road. On their trek through the town, which would take them perhaps 15 minutes, each of the women had a private moment where something out of place occurred.

The first event happened to Esvele. Just as they had rejoined the main road, a diminutive figure hunched near the ground and wearing a grey, hooded cloak made themselves apparent to Esvele, but managing to flag her attention when the others weren't looking. Pulling back the edge of their cowl just enough allowed Esvele to identify the figure. It was Zygfrek Belview, one of the deformed inhabitants of the Abbey of St. Markovia who would be shunned by the outside world if they could see her face. There were many Belviews at the Abbey who shared a curse of deformity, both in mind and body. Zygfrek could be tempermental, but she was one of the few who the Abbot could, at a stretch, send into the outside world if Esvele was not present.

Zygfrek motioned further down the road, and then disappeared between a narrow opening between two townhouses. Following the movements at the edge of her vision, Esvele was able to quietly lag behind Yari, Ireena and Vita for a moment, and meet Zygfrek at the indicated meeting point.

"The Abbot is concerned," Zygfrek said, hurriedly, still hiding her face, though a portion of her left arm shifted and became visible through her rags, revealing scales, as if that of a lizard, on the arm. "His work is nearing a critical point. The item you were to fetch. Do you have it? Is it... fresh?"

The Belview woman turned her head upwards, and in the shadow of the cloak, a scaled face with a yellow cat's eye spied up at the nun. After Esvele's answer, Zygfrek nodded, then glanced this way and that before whispering loudly. "At the dinner bell tonight, I will come for the item, and take it to the Abbot for you. Tell me where you will leave it. There must not be any more delay! Then you can do whatever it is needs be done here... and stop looking at me! I don't need your judgement."

Esvele knew that the last bit was only a quirk of Zygfrek's personality, for the deformed one hated to be looked at directly, so self conscious was she about her appearance. It frequently got the better of her, and manifested as paranoia.


The next odd encounter would be Yari's. The samurai girl had been in the middle of some conversation with Ireena and Vita, doing most of the talking, which had absorbed them so much that they had none of them seen Esvele catch up and rejoin them. Now, there came a moment in the middle of the walk, not long after they had moved past the street that turned south towards the stockade, when the air around Yari seemed to smell different, much like the smell after a lightning strike, and there was a momentary distortion in her vision, as though the world seemed to shift for only a split second, and things moved in a slowed motion around her.

Instinctively, Yari's hand would rest on the handle of her blade, yet not drawing it, as was her custom, until the moment to strike was right. The blade was cold to the touch, beyond what it normally should be. Her eyes scanned the slowed down world. Vita was caught in a moment of confusion, her mouth slightly agape, her eyes in their usual state of searching for meaning. Ireena's face was holding a smirk, her glance directed at Vita, a softness there in her eyes, but also a longing. Then there came a sudden flash of movement and Yari's neck swiveled to regard the rooftops, where something had skittered across and out of sight. Then the sound of scraping and skittering, and spiders become visible.... but not wholly spiders, for in a flash they were not spiders, but women, with their joints crudely out of place, long black hair hiding their visages, and long red nails clicking and clacking, as their bodies crawled rapidly along the roofs. Once seen there came a croaking noise, as though from some sort of river frog, and then the figures disappeared. A faint laughter came from up ahead, drawing Yari's attention now to ground level. A woman in noble finery of the style of Yari's homeland. She held a brightly colored umbrella, and scandalously bore her open neck and part of her shoulder, which she looked over to teasingly smile at the samurai.

"Soon, princess. You'll be mine~"

It wasn't possible that the woman's voice could be heard from this distance, yet it was clear to Yari, as if it had been spoke from only a pace away. In the next moment, the air distortion changed back, and the smell in the air was gone. So too was the strange woman, and all sign of unusual apparitions. Yari would look around and see that Ireena was still gazing at Vita, but time had taken up its normal pace again, and no one but Yari seemed to have seen the odd changes.


At some point midway through their walk, Vita would notice Yari growing suddenly quieter, but it was a small thing, and the silence was filled by a mere giggle of the noble Ireena, who was looking at Vita with soft eyes - the sort that made the Light within Vita flutter appreciatively, and yet at the same time, the Lust that had become stronger and stronger within her each time she had indulged in pleasures of the flesh with Ireena was bubbling to the surface once more. Thoughts vyed for attention within the tiefling warlock's simple mind:

"She loves me." One thought appeared.

"She desires me." Another thought quickly followed.

"She would sacrifice herself for me."

"I would make her mine. My plaything. My servant. My lovedoll. And she would adore me for it."

Unbidden, these thoughts were Vita's and yet they were also external from her. Arriving from places unknown. The next thought was the inner voice of the fiend that she kept within her. His soothing, masculine voice rich and oozing with sinful delight. It seemed... more powerful than before.

"It is no surprise that she likes you. All mortals lust after the majesty of the fiends. The temptation, the feeling of giving in, of being drawn down and sinking into a dark, forbidden ecstasy. That is what she desires, and as you are fiend blooded, that is what you can give her. And you *can* make this possible. But not by yourself. You are too untrained, and the creature that hunts her, this Strahd. He desires her as much as you do. More than you, perhaps. The Light alone is not enough to stop him, and soon, very soon, you will lose her to him. Only with both the Light and the Dark can you hope to best the lord of this domain and save Ireena for yourself. Without the Dark Power that I can give you, she can never be truly yours."

It was as though her spirit was being caressed somehow, as though the fiend were wrapping a comfortable arm around the shoulder of her soul.

"There are times when I would lie, to manipulate, to seek advantage. But even moreso, I would use the Truth to this same purpose. Search your feelings, Vita. You may not be book smart, but in your heart, you know that I am not lying. I can sense the darkness that is coming for her... for I am such a darkness. I know how he thinks, how he will pick his opportunity.... I can help you. If you let me. I have helped the two of you find comfort in one another. That look she gives you now... it is because of me... of the hunger she has for what you and I both can provide her. You must be prepared to unleash me... when the time is right, to save her. It will be the only way..."


The party finally drew near the coffin maker's workshop, set up as it was in a large cul-de-sac area that included the many stockyards and stables and tradepost storefronts that provided the town its basic economy. The uninviting shop was two stories tall, with a sign in the shape of a coffin hanging above its front door. All of the window shutters were closed tightly, and a deathly silence surrounded the establishment.
Yari Darkbane
Milivoj house -> To the Coffinmakers!
Tag: DM, Everyone!

Yari had an odd kind of smile on her lips while she watched the dress-mending with patient curiosity. A skill she had recently picked up after the wolf-attack, but certainly not perfected yet. Then again, any non-bestial foes would certainly threaten her life rather than her wardrobe. Certainly.

They continued to the coffinmakers and Yari was sunken in a lovely discussion: "... but yes, many say that the long time you prepare and infuse the tea pleases the spirits. On the most unbelieving of approaches you got to admit it tastes even better if you spent an hour preparing it. It's.. a family experience.. we used to do many of them, before my mother passed away, at least..." It was unbefitting of her to show sorrow, so she didn't.
Instead, she inhaled the air.. and hesitated. Her expression still pleasant, but focused. Those wh thought her just a talkative noble without any edge, literal or physical were quite mistaken.. or at least, so she liked to think.

"Jorogumo." She whisper-cursed, quickly identifying what she was dealing with. Once, the blessings of her home had kept the Oni and malevolent spirits far at bay, away from all but the worst sinners, but her father and Grandfathers very deeds had eroded such protection, and whatever he might have done in desperation might have poisoned that divine protection entirely. The audacity this Yokai had to come before her so brazenly spoke either of their strength.. or of a weakness they percieved in her.
They were wrong in the latter respect. She would prove them wrong.
Then, her glance fell upon the scandalously revealed woman. No, not brazen spirits, but commanded by a mightier hand to be this bold..

"I'm a princess no longer." She insisted. Whatever her father had done, he was a ruler no longer.. and that ment she was no longer a princess. Her words had another gravity. Even if she was once a princess, was there a land to return to? A land to rule and protect?
"And a quen belongs only to her people!" And a ruler only belonged to the people they rule. Whatever her father had offered these oni, she would make no such pact! She affirmed.. even if none but herself could hear her.
She was truly kind at heart, so it never crossed her mind, not just what, but who her father might have been willing to offer...


She looked, briefly, at her companions.. no. It would be best not to get any of them involved in these things. It seems the Oni pursued her... but only her. None had noticed that woman. She released the grip on her beautifully crafted sword.
She simply pressed on, her graceful gait unbroken, but filling with a hasted urgency as she was silenced in thought for a brief moment, before coming upon the coffinmakers store.. she narrowed her eyes, it seemed.. abandon. "Sister Esvele? Let us advance together, I fear there might be need to solve this one not just with words." She encouraged, noticing Esvele lagging a little behind.
Without knocking, she tried if the door was open or not, tried for entry by the front door first. She could apologize later, if any apologies were warranted indeed.
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