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Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Yeah... would prefer <foreign language> to be denoted like so. Or the Japanese quote symbols if you still need some sort of weeabooism .
Hummk. can transcribe it. *chuckles*
Geesh, I edited. you do realize that Ravenloft uses a lot of german vocabulary right, think about how I feel! :p
Yes, but German uses a phonetic alphabet and is a root language for English, so at least the people reading this thread can understand the Germanic cultural appropriation.

And really isn’t it the Romanians who have the most to complain about?
Burgeomeister is just an archaic form for what we call the boss of german cities and villages today. And Barovia is almost as bad as Bavaria! :p

Vampires get culturally apropriated da most, really...
Etymology is fun. Delicious burgermasters. Slightlyunrelated but my favorite is when I was playing Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword, which is set in Renaissance-era Poland/Lithuania - basically Eastern Europe and Scandinavia-ish - and I realized that the title of the village elders, 'Hetman', was just 'Headman' in a weird accent.

Also like I have no idea if I'm fucking up my colors or not because aaaa dark purple looks super similar to black and I'm a dumb and hate inserting colors after writing everything, so I never know if everything just starts writing in purple. Bring back plain ol' BBCode so I can just type it in pls.
actually, I think headman is Hetman in a weird accent. :p
Many langauges have the same medieval roots so its not like the sound different but they drifted apart. You can hammer it down to a few sucessful tribes plus latin.. at least for europe and much of america.

Yeah they kinda mixed up the color palette..
Feel like I should give Vita an input before posting again.
Just post without me right now. I am in a sorry state of mood and got upcoming surgery tomorrow which is gonna screw me over hard. Hoping for no complications. Cheers.
oh geesh *pats pats*

Well. roleplay wise, Vita can be a bit.. distracting.. *chuckles* excusing why she is not currently part of the action?
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I’ll do a limited gm rp of Vita if it becomes necessary but she’ll be in the background until Diaga returns. Good luck with the surgery.
Unsure if should be diplomatic.. or have Esvele use her charms...
Surgery went well. Still in sorry state of mood which is irritating me making it cyclic and blah. Anyway, keep going without me, will PM blueslime when I finally cobble a post together.
Diaga, I’ve had Vita and Ireena go off to distract the guards. If you’re able to PM me when you’re feeling better, we can have a small scene to see what happens.
Awws.. Anyway. I dun wanna take too much of the action buuut.. kinda want stuff to happen to, so will have Yari speak up.
Will try to go back to pirate stuff. Did a Dasyra post too.