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Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"You are new here," she told him, though her hand descended to take his as she wandered to the fringe of the dancers, then out into the relative safety of the general party. "I've seen worse, but I'd rather an awkward asking to being bullied, any day."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"The only way I can imagine that getting weirder is if they were throwing fists at each other while they are mating", Tillias replies. He is perfectly fine with being lead by Hazena. That little encounter has used up his storage of 'taking initiative'.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Oh, please," Hazena grimaced. She'd led him out of the dancing area and back towards the makeshift theatre. "That's one of the more common currencies, if you're not careful. 'Rape and pillage' is far from absent... you're probably just lucky you haven't had to see it, yet."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias falls quiet after that. True, he hasn't seen anything that wasn't consensual yet. And he prays to the Goddess it will be a while until then. Turning his head towards Hazena he is about to ask a question, but bites his tongue last second. Can't just ask her if she's been raped yet.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Considering her somewhat down looking expression, and what he'd heard from her earlier, if she hadn't, then she'd probably been close to it. Hazena wasn't the kind to dwell however, so after a moment or two, just before they'd hit that magical curtain that kept the noise out of the theatre area, she asked, "oh, hey... would you like to see if we can find a few of my friends? I promise they won't try to pounce you or anything -- though if you'd rather some quiet time... they might not be the best choice." She giggled.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias thinks for a moment as he looks at the spot that the demoness kicked. A dark blue stain is starting to form along them. "Well, you helped me find my friend, even though that didn't turn out too well", he adds mostly to himself. Normally he would be all over the opportunity to meet more air dragons - or air elementals, for that matter - but considering the way the evening went, Tillias finds himself not feeling very social. "I'm sorry, but I'd rather sit back and relax for a bit. Maybe later", he suggests with a short smile.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

She shrugged, taking his hand and kissing it instead. "Well, I'm sure they're not wasting away from boredom. Ooh, look," she pointed to the stage, where it looked as though the light dragons were taking bows and, as they passed through the veil, applause from the audience (which included a few shrill whistles, but nothing nearly so noisy as what lay behind them!)

"It looks like they're going to be changing performances. Maybe we should settle in and see what happens?"
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias raises his eyebrows a bit and smiles as Hazena kisses his hand. "Sure", he readily replies as he looks around and finds a free spot. "Over there looks good", he points out.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

She seemed to agree -- there were people getting up and milling around, some taking off now that the romance of the light dragons was over, some wandering in to see what would happen next. The spot Tillias had pointed out left them rather close to the cushions that were being taken over by those who were distracted with one another... though there was at least a nice gap of space to separate the two of them from the shenanigans further towards the wall. Besides, with the way that Hazena was eying him again, she didn't seem as interested in the stage as she was in him.

Settling down again, she asked him, "are you feeling alright?" She'd noticed that he was developing a nasty bruise... that might make things a little more difficult!
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias looks at the bruise and shrugs. "I'll just say that I got elbowed while trying to dance with a beautiful lady" he tells her with a wink. "Seriously though, I got bruises before. Comes with collapsing from exhaustion all the time. It'll heal", he explains. "Besides. . . I just might want to be on my back sometimes." A cheeky grin shows on his face. Seems he has caught on to her eying and interested ways!
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Hazena made a face at him, good-natured though he was. "You may want to be, or you will be? I don't know if we're going to wind up getting a nook... it's gotten busy," she noted, jerking her head toward the wall. Most of them seemed like they were beginning to get occupied at this point! Settling in, she slipped a hand across his stomach -- avoiding the bruise, of course -- and leaned in to give him a quick kiss. "Not that we couldn't probably get away with anything out here, if we're quiet," she murmured, grinning fit to match the cheekiness he was giving her!
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

A slight blush shows on Tillias face as he responds to the kiss. "Mmm, I don't think I'm quite ready for public sex yet", he murmurs against her lips with a smile. "And I think you were very unable to remain quiet back in the nook." His own hand rests on the small of her back and slowly roams up and down. Well, if they continue to be all over each other like that they'll have to find a solution.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Settling back onto the cushions, casting him a sidelong glance, she replied, "well, that's too bad, then." She was grinning, unable to hide that she was teasing. Instead, she tried to watch the show that was setting up on the stage... though the dozen or so humans (or at least humanoids!) who were spinning lengths of weighted rope in practiced concert weren't quite so entrancing as Tillias was at the moment.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias glances at the show and decides that Hazena is more interesting right now. As she settles in Tillias turns so that he lies on his side, his arm lying across her waist. The smile stays on his face as he looks down at her. "Mmm, on the other hand I'm open for new experiences. How about. . ." His eyes glance over to the back of the room. At least they wouldn't draw as much attention between the other distracted couples.
Tillias doesn't notice that he just thinks he'd rather join an ongoing almost-orgy than have sneaky sex in a crowd.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

She followed his glance back, catching sight of what he was looking at. "Oh, mmm... that's tempting." Hazena rolled onto her stomach, nuzzling him briefly. "Let's go." getting up again, she snuck further back toward the wall, closer to the edge of the cushioned area... though she slowed so that Tillias could decide where to settle down. She had the feeling that he might balk if she drew more attention than was needed to the fact that if there wasn't outright fucking going on here, there might be heavy petting, and maybe more, later.

((Feel free to describe where they wind up, though you don't necessarily have to!))
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias realises what Hazena is doing and casts her a thankful look. He spots a free space, framed by couples a few yards away - not too far away to make Tillias and Hazena stand out, but not close enough to get an accidental kick to the shin in the middle of things. Tillias steps behind the dragoness and points to the spot. . . taking that chance to bury his face halfway in her hair and take in her smell.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

At this rate, they might not even get there. The voluptuous dragoness took the opportunity to butt back against him, suggesting but not quite giving him the opportunity to respond. Soon she'd staked her claim on the cushions he'd pointed out, settling gracefully and patting those next to her. From here, the show of dancing humans -- whose ropes were coming alight as the stage itself dimmed -- was further away, and people here weren't so interested in keeping quiet to watch. It wasn't perfect privacy, but with the lowered light, it made the snugglers around Tillias and Hazena less noticeable.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias readily sinks into the comfy cushions and faces the dragoness. His slender hand wastes no time and starts to roam Hazena's body. After a quick glance around and seemingly satisfied by the darkness he leans down and starts kissing her hungrily. One of his legs wanders over and rubs against her in a slow motion. Well, he's certainly forward this time!
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Hazena couldn't help but chuckle at Tillias' forthrightness this time around, and she very nearly called him on it. Then again she'd decided that she liked him when he was happier, better than when he was upset, or hurt, so she let it slide in favor of further kisses. "So, I'm supposed to be quiet, huh?" she asked, voice a bare whisper. She'd brought her hand down to encourage his nefarious leg's pettings, as it seemed his hands needed no further help!

Laying back, the dragoness brought her other arm around him even as the hand on his leg roamed up his thigh... she was taking her cues from him, this time, and figured he wouldn't mind quite so much if she tried to slip a hand into his pants!

Tillias's Pleasure: 2/24
Hazena's Pleasure: 1/15
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

A breathless gasp escapes Tillias lips. Hazena finds him well on the way to full hardness.
"Mhmmm, as quiet as you can. . . Though I do hope I'll give you a hard time", he replies with a little smile. Not wanting to be the only one touched he slowly worms his own hand into her pants. Slowly his fingers curl, caressing her mons. He doesn't want to dive right in. Yet.