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Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1395/1500 KP. KL 0/6. (Adjusted for new system)

Strength: 45+1=46
Dexterity: 35+1=36
Vitality: 35+1=36
Energy: 20+1=21
Intelligence: 15+1=16

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 60/75

Tina enters a room with one exit, predictably a door in the far center wall. It seemed the architects hadn't really bothered in her section of the area. As she stepped in ...

Trap Evasion:

Trap?: 59 Vs. Tina: 16+44=60 (WOW Lucky)

... and immediately notes two things. One, she's a half centimeter from triggering some kind of trap, backing away before she trips it. Secondly, there's a Velociraptor in the room with her!

Enemy Notice Roll:

Velociraptor: 53 Vs. Tina: 16+36=52 (Aw...)

As she backs up, the Raptor notices Tina, and leaps for her!

Grapple Attempt:

Velociraptor: 73 Vs. Tina: 36+43=79

Tiona barely dodges the Raptor, and it flies over her!

Enemy Stats and Description:

Level 3 : Velociraptor - This one seems to be straight out of Jurrasic Park, only it's skin is a bright orange, and it's isn't clawed. Possessing human like hands, and a human looking penis, this bastard will try to leap on top of you, pin you under it and then thrust away happily inside of you, impregnating you if he has the chance. They have been known to tackle you and rape you face to face, but they also have been seen to tackle and rape from behind, where it seems to be harder to escape from. Standing about six feet tall, in all other regards they appear to be dinos.


Run Away!

Stand your ground and make remind him he's supposed to be extinct by killing him!
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina was trying to remain so calm, she was practically walking around on auto-pilot, almost oblivious of the contents of the room she just walked into. Luckily a small flash in the corer of her eyes makes her realize she's not alone. Slowing away from the trap, she practically falls backwards a bit as the raptor jumps for her, happening to duck under it's pounce. Now aware of the traps position, and finally finding something she can take her anger out on, her eyes glint as she brushes herself a bit getting up. She stares down the raptor a bit as she collects herself, both her strength.. and the courage it takes to charge a dinosaur, and she runs at the thing screaming, hoping to shock it a bit, before throwing her fist right at it's large head.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1395/1500 KP. KL 0/6. (Adjusted for new system)

Strength: 45+1=46
Dexterity: 35+1=36
Vitality: 35+1=36
Energy: 20+1=21
Intelligence: 15+1=16

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 60/75

Attack Roll:

Tina: 36+35=71 Vs. Raptor: 43 (LOL)

Damage Calculations:


Tina does indeed take the raptor by surprise, and connects with her punches, sending it flying over backwards in pain.

Grapple Attempt:

Raptor: 55 Vs. Tina: 36+41=77

Once more Tina dodges the Raptor.



Get Pinned!
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Seeing the visible shock in the body language of the raptor, Tina knew she could hurt it and gained confidence. She now knows those scales aren't as hard as she thought and this thing is vulnerable, and she started to glow at the idea she could kill it. It showed even as she was able to move out of it's pounce once again. Regaining her footing, she charged it again and tried to kick at it's body, hoping it wouldn't be able to stop her with it's dinosaur arms anyway.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1395/1500 KP. KL 0/6. (Adjusted for new system)

Strength: 45+1=46
Dexterity: 35+1=36
Vitality: 35+1=36
Energy: 20+1=21
Intelligence: 15+1=16

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 60/75

Attack Roll:

Tina: 36+47=83 Vs. Velociraptor: 43

Damage Calculations:


Tina hits the Raptor once more, and it crumples over, dead. It seemed it wasn't as tough life wise as she had thought it might be. Tina gains 200 XP!


Move On.

Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Taking a deep breath after seeing the raptor fall dead, Tina heaved a long sigh in order to level off her pulse. She was thankful but also a bit surprised she was able to kill this dinosaur and avoid the trap the entire time. Rubbing her hand a little, a bit sore from attacking that monster, she moved to the door.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 200/500 XP, 1395/1500 KP. KL 0/6.

Strength: 45+1=46
Dexterity: 35+1=36
Vitality: 35+1=36
Energy: 20+1=21
Intelligence: 15+1=16

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 60/75

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap?: 76 Vs. Tina: 16+6=22 (That was a terrible roll.)

Pleasure Roll:

Suction Trap: 46 Vs. Tina: 36+6=42

Orgasm Roll:

Suction Trap: 51 Vs. Tina: 16+19=35

Tina enters the next room, and this time she trips a hidden trigger right next to the door, with seemingly no way to have avoided it. The next thing she knows, three suction cups fly out of the wall and attach to her breasts, and between her legs. They then go taut, and begin to suck at her, sending a chill of pleasure through her spine. Before she is able to react, the suction triggers a powerful orgasm, and she crashes to the floor, still getting sucked on even as her breath comes in ragged gasps after her screaming orgasm.

Tina suffers 4 pleasure, gains 104 KP and loses 1 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

200/500 XP, 1499/1500 KP. KL 0/6.

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 59/75


Tina is unable to move due to her sudden orgasm.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

In her heavy stride of pride, she failed to avoid the difficult trap she walked into. Shit! And I just started doing so well. Anger doesn't work, being calm doesn't work. How the hell.. before she could finish her thought and start pulling at the tubes, the tubes pulled at her first, and her arms shot back. The exquisite pleasure coming from the suckling of the cups prevented her from doing anything about her situation until she came into them, having herself milked by the trap.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 200/500 XP, 1395/1500 KP. KL 0/6.

Strength: 45+1=46
Dexterity: 35+1=36
Vitality: 35+1=36
Energy: 20+1=21
Intelligence: 15+1=16

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 60/75

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 31 Vs. Tina: Unable to resist.

Orgasm Roll:

Trap: 35 Vs. Tina: 16+34=50

Tina continues to be sucked at, but after the initial shock is able to resist enough to avoid another orgasm, giving her a chance to escape!

Tina suffers 31 pleasure, gains 31 KP and loses 7 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

200/500 XP, 1426/1500 KP. KL 0/6.

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 53/75


Attempt to escape the trap.

Be sucked forever!
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

(I'm somewhat tempted to just say "be sucked off forever" just to see what you'd do. But I don't want to lose my character)

Tina's eyes flutter a bit, past the peak of her orgasm, as she tries to get a hold of the situation again, her mind temporarily shut down by that overwhelming sensation. She continues to be sucked up by the cups, but resists giving into the temptation, giving her the opportunity to reach for the tubes connecting and pull them off herself.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

((Hehe, it would have been interesting to write that's for sure!))

Tina Johnson's Stats: 200/500 XP, 1395/1500 KP. KL 0/6.

Strength: 45+1=46
Dexterity: 35+1=36
Vitality: 35+1=36
Energy: 20+1=21
Intelligence: 15+1=16

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 60/75

Escape Trap Attempt:

Tina: 46+36=82 Vs. Trap: 71

Grapple Attempt:

Enemy: 89 Vs. Tina: 36+28=64

With a bit of effort, Tina manages to tear the suction cups off of her body, panting slightly for air from the exertion. She was unaware that she wasn't alone in the room until suddenly she found herself pinned on her backside. Looking up, she realized her attacker was a rather attractive looking succubus!

Enemy Stats and Description:

Level 3 Succubus - Essentially a female version of the Incubus, she also feeds on the soul energy of your body when you orgasm. Unlike her dicked counter-part, she will attempt to futa you, and if successful will either suck you off, or grip you inside her extremely tight pussy. Normally Succubi prefer males, but since only females are present, they will have to suffice for the Succubi scattered about. Unlike the Incubi, the Succubi are capable of flight, and have a three foot wingspan.


Attempt to escape grapple.

Get Raped!
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina gave a gasp as she tugged the trap away from her naughty bits, with a little bit of juice flying away from the slight vacuum of the pull. Before she could even react, she found herself tackled. Regaining herself after her little tumble, she looked up to see a ..very attractive, albeit a bit inhuman looking, woman. ... Very attractive indeed.. No.. she shook her her. I mustn't think of that, not now. She attempted to grab at the girls wrist and pry her off.


(every new enemy, I get more and more tempted. If I come across an enemy that I haven't seen in someone else's story that I really like.... I think I might actually submit. NO PROMISES THOUGH)
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 200/500 XP, 1395/1500 KP. KL 0/6.

Strength: 45+1=46
Dexterity: 35+1=36
Vitality: 35+1=36
Energy: 20+1=21
Intelligence: 15+1=16

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 60/75

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Tina: 46+3=49 Vs. Succubus: 31

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus: 88 Vs. Tina: 36+43=79

For a moment, Tina frees herself, and then suddenly finds herself pinned under the Succubus again. She looks at Tina with a strange look, perhaps trying to intimidate her.


Attempt to escape again.

Get Raped!
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina manages to pry away for a second, but was pushed back down. "Fuck" she muttered under her breath as she once again hit the ground. She looked up to the succubus and, although confused by her look, didn't let it stop her from trying to continue her escape. She tried to plant her feet at the womans waist and kick her away, breathing out a sentiment at the same time "Please, just stop it."
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 200/500 XP, 1395/1500 KP. KL 0/6.

Strength: 45+1=46
Dexterity: 35+1=36
Vitality: 35+1=36
Energy: 20+1=21
Intelligence: 15+1=16

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 60/75

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Tina: 46+47=93 Vs. Succubus: 80

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus: 74 Vs. Tina: 36+38=74

Tina manages to break free and keep away this time, but only barely as the Succubus hits her, but flies over her!



Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina luckily pushed her away and took some small contact as the succubus once again flies toward her. She didn't get grabbed again, but she was getting fed up with the creatures intent. ... yeah that's right.. a 'creature.' She's no more human than anything else I've fought. Justifying her action, she ran at the succubus and swung at her.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 200/500 XP, 1395/1500 KP. KL 0/6.

Strength: 45+1=46
Dexterity: 35+1=36
Vitality: 35+1=36
Energy: 20+1=21
Intelligence: 15+1=16

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 60/75

Attack Roll:

Tina: 36+32=68 Vs. Succubus: 46

Damage Calculations:


Grapple Attempt:

Succubus: 86 Vs. Tina: 36+49=85

Tina whacks the Succubus, hurting her bad. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to stop her from tackling Tina once more to the floor, pinning her.


Attempt to escape grapple.

Get Raped!
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina's satisfaction of punching the demon woman was short-lived, as she found herself once again pinned to the ground with the attractive woman mounted on top of her. She found her eyes start to wander a bit, trying to take in the succubus, realizing her intention was the same as any other thing she's ran into. Once again, she tries to buck her hips upward, hoping to wiggle free from under her, and be able to push her off.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 200/500 XP, 1395/1500 KP. KL 0/6.

Strength: 45+1=46
Dexterity: 35+1=36
Vitality: 35+1=36
Energy: 20+1=21
Intelligence: 15+1=16

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 60/75

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Tina: 46+30=76 Vs. Succubus: 72

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus: 79 Vs. Tina: 36+45=81

Tina manages to escape her enemy, and dodges her when she tries to pin her again!



Run Away!
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Seeing that there was no real reaction from the succubus towards her, Tina didn't bother with words. Successfully pushing the woman off, she stands up to her feet quickly, and before she even fully got up, she swung her foot out at the girl, hoping the speed and surprise of it would be the only power she'd need behind it.