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To Hell(?) and Back!

Re: To Hell(?) and Back!

A. This dog shall go down like all the rest of them!
Re: To Hell(?) and Back!

sorry about the hiatus. I got a new girlfriend so writing smut takes a temporary back seat. I'll most likely start up again tomorrow.
Re: To Hell(?) and Back!

We understand, dont worry and post when you feel it convenient
Re: To Hell(?) and Back!

I'm BACK! Check first page for some changes to things so I can simplify and not have to include quite so much of my own changes. Also changing perspective to third person. Second person is just odd for me to accurately write a character, even one who doesn't quite have control over her own actions/

As the hound snarls, snaps, and lunges at Mayumi, she launches a quick overhand right and sends the dog collapsing to the floor, either unconscious or dead before it ever got a chance to touch her. That's what you get, silly dog, she gloats to herself.

Mayumi spends a few moments gathering her surroundings. There doesn't seem to be anything of use in this arena, but it's worth a look anyway. While she wanders, the ache in her heel subsiding, she hears a small pop come from the middle of the arena. Startled, she immediately enters a crouched fighting stance and faces a... parcel tied up with string, just sitting on the floor about 20 ft from the motionless hound.

Not knowing what to trust, Mayumi waits a moment or two. Wait a minute, it's a package! Why am I being so cautious... Oh, right, I have almost no idea what I'm doing here or what this place is. Damn girl, leaving me in the dark like this.

A.) Nothing ventured, nothing gained, investigate the parcel.
B.) Leave it and continue up the stairs.

Health: Fine.
Equipment: Naked(-10 to attack)
Weapon: Unarmed-Skill level 6.
State of Mind: Fine
Inventory: Empty
Rage: 0(builds when damaged)

Mayumi attack 82-10=72
Hellhound pup defense 49
Re: To Hell(?) and Back!


Yea it Lives! And got an overhaul actually does 3 story posts count as an overhaul or a tune up?
Re: To Hell(?) and Back!

A. Achievement item for sure!
Re: To Hell(?) and Back!


Of course we have to check it out Mayumi thinks to herself as she slowly edges closer to the parcel. After all, she's still naked here and would very much appreciate it if she could maybe cover up. Even the paper and the string would do in a pinch.

Eventually, she shakes off that paranoid feeling and tugs the string. The knot undoes easily and she unwraps the paper carefully, not wanting to damage something that might be useful.

When she sees what is inside, she smiles. It's what looks like a thick cloth bandage, but Mayumi recognizes as a Sarashi(essentially an ancient Japanese undergarment that you wrap around yourself) and a simple plain white slip

Clothing has a durability and resistance value. Light cloths are easily shredded but impossible to crush. They don't protect from anything particularly well. Leather is more difficult to cut and is still nearly impossible to destroy via crushing. Decent vs. slash/blunt. Weak vs. piercing. Chain, lamellar, brigandine, scale are all highly resistant to slashing attacks, but will still degrade against them. Layered armors(lamellar and brigandine) are decent vs. blunt. Chain and scale armors are still vulnerable to piercing attacks. Brigandine is neutral and lamellar(it's a bit like ancient world kevlar, layers and layers of protection) has a small bonus against piercing. Finally, heavy armors, plate and the like, are nearly invulnerable against slashing attacks, moderately resistant to blunt and provide the best resistance against piercing attacks.

Mayumi hastily begins the familiar task of wrapping her upper torso, something she did every morning for years, even before she went on her attempted roaring rampage of revenge. Once complete, she slips the panties on. Since there's nothing left to do here, she heads up the staircase, feeling the best she has since she got to this place.

As she reaches the top of the darkened stairway, she eyes the room, a much smaller octagon shaped place, perhaps 30 feet in diameter. Something that looks vaguely human sitting on the next set of stairs up. Mayumi takes a closer look and sees that it has skin the color of ash, bright orange eyes, a vicious looking face with small horns protruding from around the temples and lips curled back showing some nasty looking fangs. It's wielding a simple wooden cudgel in it's right hand and is entirely naked. Oni Mayumi thinks to herself, I'd best tread lightly, this isn't some simple beast

A.) Lightly? Who said anything about lightly, charge up the stairs and take the fight to this demon!(initiates combat)
B.) Wait and observe. Look for an opportunity to sprint past him and up the stairs.
C.) Come forward and attempt diplomacy to see if he'll let you pass without a fight.

Health: Fine.
Equipment: Sarashin and slip
Weapon: Unarmed-Skill level 6.
State of Mind: Fine
Inventory: Empty
Rage: 0(builds when damaged)

Young Incubus
Health: Fine
Equipment: None
Weapon: Wooden Cudgel

Mayumi Initiative-92
Young Incubus-69
Re: To Hell(?) and Back!

A. Any other option would be OOC
Re: To Hell(?) and Back!

A(Because OOC is srus business) I did a few rounds so it wouldn't be quite so short.

The element of surprise is a powerful ally. Mayumi learned this well during the early days of her attacks. She only had a small band of retainers and couldn't win in a straight fight. Time to apply those old lessons in this new realm. Mayumi charges up the shadowed staircase and into the brightly lit arena, cocking a right hand back for a devastating punch. The demon sees the threat and hops down from his perch on the stairs and readies his club, still held in one hand. The demon brings his club back and that's when Mayumi gives a final burst of speed, dashing forward and landing a solid hit into his toned stomach. To his credit, it doesn't stun him for long and he brings his club down, trying to bludgeon the small girl across the shoulder, take some of the strength out of that punch. Mayumi sees it coming and quickly rolls out of the way, popping up back on her feet for the next round.

Not wanting to lose her initiative, she hops in and strikes again, leveling a straight kick into the creature's stomach, trying to work the body. The demon sees it coming and grabs her foot, pulls her in and slams her to the ground. Before this brute can get a secure position, Mayumi jams her foot into his chest and pushes him off, using the backwards momentum to roll into a small flip to regain her feet. The two combatants eye each other for a moment, contemplating their next moves.

A.) Continue the assault
B.) Book it up the stairs and hope he can't follow.(AGI check)
C.) Attempt to communicate
D.) Improvise(think something up yourself)

Health: Fine.
Equipment: Sarashin and slip
Weapon: Unarmed-Skill level 6.
State of Mind: Fine
Inventory: Empty
Rage: 0(builds when damaged)

Young Incubus
Health: Mildly injured
Equipment: None
Weapon: Wooden Cudgel

Mayumi attack-92
Young Incubus defense-69


Young Incubus attack-53
Mayumi defense-78+10=88


Mayumi attack-1


Mayumi Strength check 12+ required-12+2=14
