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To Rescue a Princess (Strum)


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
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The queen had summoned upon the young heroine to save her daughter, captured by a rival for her throne. He sought to marry the lovely princess and steal the kingdom and the throne by right of succession. The queen had no way to prove the princess had left by coercion so a rescue was needed, and this was where you were hired.

The manor is large and well guarded, you must sneak inside save the princess and ideally steal away from there without them knowing that she is gone. But something about the area around the manor puts you on edge. It's more hostile then normal, you pass at least two gang rapes as you move through the town towards the manor, and everyone in town gives you an eye. You leave town unmolested and have the manor in view. It is now time to approach the place, a quick survey provides the information that a single guards stands watch at one gate, he could be dealt with, although you could also just scale the outer walls and get yourself inside that way.

-1. Naughty(Combat) ; 2. Explore(Naughty)

1. The guards himself was alone but finding him dead would raise the alarm and he would almost certainly be discovered quickly. He needs to be unconscious and seducing him into lowering his guards seems the easiest way inside.

2. The walls are well guarded but not well enough, with some luck and speed the wall could easily be scaled and the inside of the manor grounds obtained. Although if caught the guards at the top of the wall would need to be quieted in some way.
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

Celine was an adventure seeker, dungeon raider, and general explorer of the world. She spent her early years in as a temple priestess, learning a variety of combat and magical skills that would serve her well then and later in life. After her eighteenth birthday she began to develop a desire to explore and experience the lands beyond her temple, so she had left and done just that. She had a good deal of fun exploring and collecting treasure. Her skills made her good at adventuring, though her looks and less than modest armor did cause her some problems.

The former priestess was very good looking, but rather inexperienced with sexual desires and how to deal with them. Once men and women began to display sexual interest in her she found she had great fun in teasing them with her figure. As of yet though she really didn't know what having sex truly entailed, she knew what happened, but didn't know what it really felt like and was fairly curious about the whole process. For now she simply enjoyed being a tease from time to time to get her way. Of course some folk were too brazen to just let her be after teasing them, but so far she had been able to deal with them without sacrificing her virginity.

After making a bit of a name for herself, Celine had answered the Queen's call to help rescue her daughter. The potential rewards of power and wealth had been very alluring to the adventurer, and she understood the princess was quite good looking as well. And so off she went to rescue the damsel in distress.

It had been a stressful, nerve-wracking journey, but Celine found herself outside of the manor where the princess was currently held prisoner.
The gang rapes she had seen on the way in had unnerved her, and she hadn't liked the way the people looked at her. She couldn't help but feel like teasing wouldn't be a good idea here. The sooner she could rescue the princess and get out of here, the better.

While she observed the perimeter, she noticed that the wall itself appeared more heavily defended than the gate, which was odd, however it made her choice easy. She decided to approach the gate guard from an angle so that she could get as close as possible without him seeing her. Once she was as close as she could get, she would steal in front of him and wave to him from the cover of some nearby trees, or whatever could conceivably be used for cover from prying eyes. "Yoo hoo..." she called out to him, beckoning him with her finger. "Could I trouble you for some help? I..ermm...need a big, strong man to come plow my...field and spread some seed. Can I count on your help, big boy? She gave the man a wink and ran a teasing finger over her crotch, concealed only by the panties she wore. If the man came over, she would do what she could to get him out of his armor and away from his weapon before knocking him out cold.
Celine Maverstone
Level - 1 Total Ability/Point: 25/15 Remaining:0/0
Willpower - 30
Combat and HP - 8/ 40
Explore and Stam - 5/ 20
Spirit and Magic - 5/ 10
Naughty and Lewd - 7/ 30
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

Roll for naughty of 15 + 7 = 22 pass!

The guards smiled at the woman as she waved him over he hesitated from leaving his post and headed over to her, his mouth partially open as he moved. As he neared the bushes he was already mostly out of his chest armor which fell to the ground as he walked behind the tree. His hands were grabby and hard to keep off of her body as he began groping her through her clothing, one hand squeezing her lovely breast the other sliding against her covered pussy. His eyes were different almost glazed over with lust like there was nobody but a wanton rapist home.

His hands became more grabby as she moaned lightly at his advances, his touch hard to ignore before she got him where she wanted him and smashed a rock into the side of his head, knocking him out cold. He lay behind the tree dazed and out of it but alive and would probably barely remember what had happened here, it was perfect, she was in.

The court yard was a large one the manor loomed over her, but as she skulked in the corner of the yard she realized a key fact. This was a very large manor and time was far from on her side, she needed to find the princess fast. She glanced around the yard and saw a group of about five villagers around a man tied to a chair, they appeared to be whipping him and yelling something at him. She could almost certainly count on his help if she dealt with the crowd, but she felt the odd sensation of this place, it was so seeped in dark magic it must be affecting everyone here.

She could always also just wander the manor maybe she would get lucky, how hard could it be to find a princess, being held against her will, in a large manor. Either way time was of the essence for her.

-Spirit(Combat) Cast a spell to placate the crowd and interrogate their prisoner, Explore(Naughty) search the castle, how hard can it be to find a princess?-

Celine Maverstone
Level - 1
Willpower - 30
Combat and HP - 8/ 40
Explore and Stam - 5/ 20
Spirit and Magic - 5/ 10
Naughty and Lewd - 7/ 30
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

The man's touches while certainly unwelcome, especially given the strangeness of his eyes, was also somewhat pleasurable. It surprised her that some of the moans that escaped her lips were genuine. Perhaps whatever foul magic she sensed affecting this place was already beginning to seep into her mind? Regardless, Celine steeled her resolve and her mind and pushed on into the manor.

She saw the man tied to a chair and recognized him as a potentially valuable source of information. True, the former priestess couldn't know for sure if he was truly a victim, or if he was being justly punished for a crime. Hell, given the state of the area, perhaps both the man being whipped and those whipping him were equally unsavory. Still, the manor was huge, and the guard she had knocked out would wake up at some point. The memory of the gang rapes she had witnessed made the decision for her. The evil magical aura seemed the likely cause for the violent groups' actions and decided to save the man from them in an effort to gain an advantage in her efforts to rescue the princess.

Making a couple quick handsigns, Celine shot a fireball at the group, hoping to cow them into submission, ready to use her sword if that didn't work.

Spirit (Combat) option.
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

(this is going to be a longer situation, if you want to we can RP it longer then the one post.)

-Spirit dc 18, roll 1+5=6. 12 damage 10 Mana 2 Will power; Secondary add damage of first challenge to HP, doubled dealing 24 HP damage.-

She waved her hand as she prepared her spell, only to be blind sided by a villager she did not see, he grabbed her roughly by the hair and dragged her into the mob of villagers. Tossing her to the ground, as the six of them stood over her their eyes filled with lust and their bodies oddly more muscular then she would expect. The man in the chair was currently unconscious, and then it began they began grabbing at the adventurer. Ripping her clothing from her body, her breasts bouncing free as they tore her top and panties, tore every scrape of cloth from her body. Leaving her there naked as they began groping her their strong hands grabbing hold of her lovely breast flesh pinching her nipples as he worked her breasts two hands spread her legs apart as another began rubbing her pussy smearing her with some sort of liquid.

Her body good and lubricated a cock was thrust into her throat and into her cunt and ass, rapidly penetrating her as they began to fuck her. The fucking was not for her pleasure she was being used as a toy for their lust. Their hands continued playing with her breasts as she felt mouths wrap around her nipples and bite onto them as they suckled upon her breasts. The three cocks continued their work inside of her pounding away into her cunt, ass and mouth over and over. It seemed honestly endless, as finally three orgasms rocked her body as each of the men fucking her finished. Shooting their loads of cum into her cunt, ass, and down her throat. Her body was dropped to the ground as she rested for a moment only to see the three who had not been raping her get into position lifting her back up to penetrate her again.

They continued their merciless pounding of the young adventurers holes moaning in pleasure as the three that finished began stroking themselves as she was gang banged. Slowly she felt the cocks inside her pulse as the odd magic of the place was slowly seeping into her, she felt her body arouse as they fucked her and the others stroked themselves off around her. Finally they finished this time pulling out letting her fall to the ground as they moaned and blew their loads onto her face, tits and stomach. Coating her body in a thing layer of cum as they moaned in their pleasure. Spent now they rested slowly collapsing to the ground, from exhaustion. There the young heroine lay covered in their seed, banged for what felt like an hour, but was probably one a few minutes.

The man in the chair regained consciousness around the time they finished with your body, you lay there covered in their seed your clothing torn to shreds but your gear remained nearby. He stared at you and spoke.

"Thank you for saving me, the princess is in the lords chambers, I tried to help her and this was my punishment. You'll find it in the middle of the third floor of the manor. Don't bother trying to help me I'm not sure I could even keep myself from raping you if you untied me right now." He said panting as he stared at her his eyes filled with lust but his mind still behind them. "Please save the princess, if the rest of this manor and the nearby town is any indication she's going to be turned into the lords sex slave before the night is done. I don't know what is causing it but everyone here is lust crazed, almost like the walking dead." He said panting as he closed his eyes and let himself submit to unconsciousness.

-Next phase option one Spirit(Explore), Stealth is still the best option, concealing yourself as you move through the manor may be best. A spell is the only real way to accomplish it. Option Two Combat(Spirit) Who cares about stealth now kill your way to the master of the house, how many guards could he have?-
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Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

Celine gasped as she was grabbed from behind, cursing herself for not being more careful. She kicked and struggled as the man drug her by the hair to the group of men, but she had dropped her sword when she was grabbed and was unable to fight her way free.

Things got worse once she was tossed into the middle of the group. She cried out as they ripped her clothes from her body and began to fondle her and rub a strange liquid on her, and then they began to penetrate her. Her screams and cries were muffled as the first cock filled her mouth, followed by her ass, before the last one slid home into her lubricated vagina. She could do nothing but groan in displeasure as the men brutally fucked her, though she did find a little enjoyment in them playing with her breasts and nipples while she bounced between them until they finally came in all three of her holes.

Weakly, she looked up and was horrified to realize that the other three men were ready to fuck her now. Once again, she was swiftly silenced by a dick in her mouth before the men took her other holes. This time they ignored her breasts, though to her alarm she actually took a little pleasure out of the affair this time. "Oh goddess...what's happening? The magic...it seems to be affecting me too..." She was barely able to think to herself. Before much longer the men pulled out and all six of them came all over her body, covering her in their disgusting seed before passing out.

Celine lay there panting for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. After a few seconds, she was able to force herself to stand up and stagger around collecting her gear. Her top and panties were both a loss, but she did at least salvage her armor and item belt as well as her sword. She also tried to wipe the worst of the semen away, but it was a losing proposition. As she was finishing, she noticed the man in the chair staring at her.

When the man told her not to untie him, she looked at him quizzically before noting the lust that had clouded the others' eyes was in his as well. At least he still had a semblance of humanity. Once he told her where to find the princess she was ready to step off, but stopped to ask "Is there anything else you can tell me about the manor or the magic that is making people act this way before I head out?"

Once she got her answer, she headed towards the manor. Though she really wanted a fight, she decided that the lord of the manor likely had a lot of people working for him, and she would rather sneak through and save her energy for the escape than try to kill everyone on her way in. She cast a few spells to silence her footsteps and make her more difficult to see before entering the manor and trying to sneak her way up to the middle of the third floor with the information the man tied to the chair had provided her.
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

Spirit roll 5 + 5 = 10 DC 17 Seven Willpower Damage
Secondary Explore 14+5=19 DC 22 Three stamina damage

"The manor is under some spell, the lord began casting odd rituals about a week ago. Every person here becomes completely lost in their lust, I would not be surprised if every man inside the manor was too horny to really notice you. Well outside of fucking you until your mind submits to the magic as well." He said with a chuckle mostly to himself.

The journey up into the manor would be a hazardous one, as the young ex priestess entered the manor she would see it with more then a few guards. Honestly the main room had at least ten milling about, but they seemed distracted, honestly mostly unaware of anything else in the area. She managed to sneak past them without any real issue, darting into a side room as she did, she would instantly regret her decision.

As she entered the room something fell upon her, it was a large mass of gel, it surrounded her covering her armor and body as it sucked the mana from her body. She felt it pulling her energy from her as it worked her over, her mind wavering as it absorbed her. She still had the mind to push herself free pulling herself form the slime but it was a short winded victory as it moved to gather her up again, she pushed herself to her feet and ran. Darting to the door out of the room she had entered. She found herself in a side stairwell, it lead upstairs. Thank fully she was on the right track, here was hoping there was not more of those slimes, she was unsure how much more her mind could take.

The third level shows it's face, at least partially. She had a problem, the way up was guarded by three guards. And again a familiar feeling washed over her, she could certainly fuck them, if they came once they would certainly stop wouldn't they? Although this manor was old and obviously had secret passages, with a little luck she could probably find a path past them where they never even knew she was here.

-Explore(Naughty) ; Naughty(Spirit)-

Celine Maverstone
Level - 1
Willpower - 21/30
Combat and HP - 8/ 16/40
Explore and Stam - 5/ 17/20
Spirit and Magic - 5/ 0/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7/ 30/30
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

So the lord of the manor was using dark rituals to turn his subjects into lust crazed minions? That certainly didn't sound good. In fact, she decided that if she got the chance she would put a stop to the lord's rituals, one way or another.

Sneaking into the manor was easy, this time her spells went off without a hitch. Unfortunately she walked into the wrong room, all the quietness in world couldn't help her if she blundered into an ambush. The slime dropped down on her suddenly and she gasped at the shock as it landed on her mostly nude form. This actually worked to her benefit as it forced her to take a breath and figure out what happened instead of crying out in surprise which might have drawn more guards into the room which may have been the end of her. She felt the slime pulling at her mana and could feel her will to go on draining away with it. "Goddess..." Celine moaned to herself. "...Mmmm...so good..." Before she realized what she was doing she rubbed a handful of the stuff over her exposed breasts, then she managed to clear her mind and start thrashing to get the strange...creature? Yes it did seem at least partially sentient since it started to climb back up her body after she knocked it off the first time. Despite everything that had already happened to her, she still had the energy to get away from it and so she did just that, bursting out of the room and shutting the door behind her.

Taking a moment to get her breath, Celine then took the stairs up to the third floor, though she was frustrated to find three guards up near the top. If she hadn't been so thoroughly abused already she would have considered teasing the guards into orgasms. She knew she had the ability to get three men off without necessarily letting them inside of her. That said, she wasn't a fan of the influence she felt the place having on her, and letting three sex-crazed perverts jack off on her seemed like it would still have a negative effect on her. If she could even keep it at that, she actually doubted her ability to keep control of the situation after getting gangbanged and energy drained.

Given her current state, she decided to poke around for a secret passage so she wouldn't have to deal with the guards and potentially get further corrupted by sex with them.

Explore (Naughty)
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

(whops totally missed you replied sorry man I'll post now.)
Roll 16+5=21 Explore, pass

Celine decided getting around these guards was her best interest, she felt along the walls, manors like these always had hidden passages. And she was in luck she stumbled upon one and slipped inside, instantly stopping as she felt the walls covered in an odd black slime. It had not noticed her, if it was sentient.

She crept along the center avoiding the walls and found her way completely unmolested by the slime, it smelled odd like a powerful drug but as she never touched it she found herself easily able to slip past it, she exited the horrible passage way and found herself in the main hallway to the manor. before he stood the room she was looking for but in front of it stood two more guards. She needed to get past them and they looked stronger then the others. She would need to fight or magic them down before they could call for help, and the runes on their skin did not help her growing feel of unease.

But they seemed mostly content to watch the hallways in front of the door, she would have the element of surprise on her side, at least for the first moment she struck. She needed to hit them hard and fast, or hit them with a powerful spell to incapacitate them then finish them and get into the main room and deal with the bastard keep the princess for himself and possibly sacrificing her to a dark god.

-Combat(Naughty), Sprirt (Combat)-

Celine Maverstone
Level - 1
Willpower - 21/30
Combat and HP - 8/ 16/40
Explore and Stam - 5/ 17/20
Spirit and Magic - 5/ 0/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7/ 30/30
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

Celine grinned victoriously as she found the secret passage, however after her earlier experiences she edged into the passageway rather cautiously. It was a good thing she did. Her hand brushed a wall and she recoiled, feeling a strange slime on the wall. She got the impression it was some sort of drug, but since it didn't attack her like the previous slime she didn't have to find out what it did.

Once she reached the exit, she found herself outside the room she needed to get into. Unfortunately it looked like she would have to fight her way into the room, and the two men outside looked stronger than the others. There were runes on their skin, indicating some sort of magical protection. She considered her options, she could either strike them down with her sword or subdue them with magic. Her earlier mishaps with the gang-rape and the slime had severely depleted her magical reserves. She didn't think she had enough left to use it to defeat the men. Instead she decided to try and kill them with her sword as quickly as possible.

Celine snuck towards the men and went for their necks with her sword, trying to kill one right off the bat before the other knew what was going on and then finishing off the second one.

Combat (Naughty)
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

Combat Roll 4+8=12 DC 17 Five HP damage
Naughty Roll 2+7=9 DC 21 12 Lewd Damage

Celine rushed her two assailants and moving from the shadows and swiftly struck into her foes. The two men took the first blow each before reacting their skin shifted as runes appeared on their skin and they deflected her third blow and tossed her into the wall next to he door. With a thud the ex priestess flopped to the floor. The two men advanced upon her each of them grabbing her and disarming her and tossing her sword away.

They grabbed her roughly lifting her into the air as she watched the one holding her head, his clothing parted without any action on his part and released into her view a cock easily eight inches long. It was covered int he same runes he was, it pulsed with power as he slapped it against her cheek, the magic of the manor corrupting her mind as she found her mouth open as he inserted his cock inside her. A moan escaped her lips as he impaled her pussy from behind as well, the two men began fucking her between them roughly and powerfully.

The fucking itself was simple hard thrusts slapping their balls back into her clit and chin with each thrust. Their tattoos slowly gaining a glow as they thrust into her, and she realized what they were building to, their climax would shoot the pure magic of this place into her. She was weak but still strong enough, she had not really been hit yet she took her hands and wrapped them around his ass thrusting him forward into her willing mouth a moan escaped her lips as she felt him groan in pleasure.

She pushed him backwards and pushed forwards both men orgasming shooting their load onto the hallway floor between them as the deft prestess rolled out of the way and grabbed her blade. Surging up to meet her foe she connected with the first man before he could recover and she felt him buckle under her blade as she pulled it free and jumped upon the other man. Ending him with the same quick ease as she did the first.

She lay upon the ground over her killed foe panting, tired and horny as shit. She needed to stop the ritual happening in this place and she needed to do it now. Luckily the final door was right here, he would be behind it and she could save the princess.

-Boss room you must pass both challenges in the same turn to win the dungeon. Firstly Primary Spirit (Combat) His spell for the princess must fail it is imperative that it fail. Your only chance to achieve this is to disrupt it with your own mana, Secondly Naughty (Spirit) He wont take this standing idly by you must resist his attempts to pin you and rape you and use what remains of your magic to keep him from dominating you while he does.-

Celine Maverstone
Level - 1
Willpower - 21/30
Combat and HP - 8/ 11/40
Explore and Stam - 5/ 17/20
Spirit and Magic - 5/ 0/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7/ 18/30
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

Fuck...both spirit, not good haha
Celine groaned as she hit the wall. Damn...these guys were strong. She didn't have time to collect herself before they kicked her sword away and exposed themselves to her. Instead of taking advantage of this to punch, kick, or bite them where it would hurt the most, she took a dick in her mouth and started to suck on it. Whatever was going on here was corrupting her mind and she desperately needed to stop it...right after she finished sucking this cock.

The other guard abruptly pushed into her from behind and started thrusting. She stood, bent over and double penetrated in the hallway, moaning all the while. Despite the few mental reservations she had about this, she was getting very turned on by the rape, her vagina clutching at the cock entering her there as she slurped at the dick in her mouth. As the runes on the men began to glow and pulse, she realized what was about to happen. "If they shoot that into me, them I'm done for..." She thought to herself through the haze of lust and corrupting magic. Even though a part of her wanted the corruption, she was able to regain her focus and time to pulses to get a good estimate on when the men would blow. At the last possible second she managed to push the men away from her and they shot their magically infused seed into the air.

The lust that had clouded her mind dissipated as she broke from their cocks and watched the sperm shoot off onto the floor. She took advantage of their discharge to roll away and grab her sword. Sword in hand she quickly and mercilessly dispatched both men, panting as her vagina ached with arousal.

Now that the guards in the hallway had been dealt with she peaked into the room they were guarding to see what was going on before she went in. She could sense that she would need to use her own mana to disrupt the ritual caster. Bad news since her reserves were already so depleted. The ache in her vagina attracted her attention, and she briefly rubbed at it, hoping she could climax and get some relief before fighting the man who kidnapped the princess. However if there didn't seem to be time to get herself off then she would barge on in and go straight for the man performing the ritual. "Alright you monster, your work here is over!"

Inside the room, she would start attempting to disrupt the ritual with her own power. Rather than let the man chase her around the room, however, she would try to slay him outright with her blade. He couldn't complete the ritual if he was dead, after all.

Of course, if she did find herself underneath him and without her weapon, she would quickly grab his cock and start stroking it. The key to getting people off of her in this manor had proved to be literally 'getting them off'. If in the man's clutches she would attempt to give him a handjob while looking for an opportunity to get away, get her sword back, and kill him.

The entire time, her main focus was disrupting the ritual, she had to keep disrupting his mana with her own.
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

Spirit DC 17 (Roll 2+5=7 10 Will Power Damage)
Combat DC 24 (Roll 13+8=21 3 HP damage)

Naughty DC 17 (Roll 7+7=14 3 Lewd Damage)
Spirit DC 24 (Roll 15+5= 20 4 Will Power Damage)

Spirit DC 16 (Roll 20+5=25 Pass)

Naughty DC 16 (Roll 5+7=12 4 Lewd Damage)
Spirit DC 23 (Roll 19+5=24 Pass)

Spirit DC 15 (Roll 5+5=10 5 Will Power Damage)
Combat DC 22 (Roll 9+8=17 5 HP damage)

Naughty DC 15 (Roll 12+7=20 Pass)

Spirit DC 14 (Roll 5+5-10 4 Will Power Damage)

Celine stared at the master of the manor his body glowed red and his eyes were a solid glow of his demonic energy. The princess laid upon the altar, which was probably once his desk surrounded by candles arcane writing covered her naked body. It glowed as he muttered something in an Alien tongue.

"You will make a fine slave whore." He said as he moved towards her, she focused her magic and pushed it towards the ritual the room burst with magical energy and it flowed through her causing her limbs to go numb for a moment. In that moment he was upon her pinning her down and with a wave of his hand the remainder of her clothing melted from her body. She attempted to struggle but her limbs were still weak and he easily penetrated her warm folds. Groaning as he thrust inside her his eyes locked with her's for a moment as she felt him push into her mind, his magic warping her reason breaking down her resistance.

She was not through yet she struggled in his grasp failing to get free but this time she shot another burst of energy towards the ritual and this time the burst disrupted the spell, she felt it shift as the candles flared. She had little time to enjoy her minor victory as he was upon her again, the master grabbed hold of her throat and pushed her against the wall as he continued pounding into her, her folds wet and welcoming to his cock. His eyes met her's again as he pushed another surge of his magic upon her, breaking down more of her will, she could feel herself succumbing to his influence. She needed to break free. This time she held the magic and pushed it back towards him. She felt herself resisting the effect but she was losing her will quickly, her wet folds welcomed him as her pleasure built.

The ritual was disrupted but she needed to get free, she summoned up what remained of her strength and struggled against him, but he thrust into her as she squirmed. Her struggle only caused her more pleasure as she felt her orgasm wash over her. He thrust into her again elongating the orgasm, as his magic worked into her mind, she struggled but it was in vain he was inside her head, rewriting her.

'Your my obedient little cock sleeve, meet my gaze slave.' His voice resounded in her mind she met his eyes as he removed her ability to resist him.

"Your obedient little cock sleeve." She said as she felt him orgasm inside her filling her cunt with his cum. Celine was gone locked inside her own head, replaced by his new fuck toy.

"Kneel and clean my cock slave." Celine felt him release her and pull from her cunt, she moaned in pleasure as she slumped to the ground and wrapped her lips around his cock obediently sucking her juices and his from his shaft. She moaned as she felt him climax again filling her mouth with his cum, she drank it down and stared up at him her eyes now red and her fate sealed. She was his slave so long as he lived.


After he finished she watched him complete the ritual she was his obediant slave watching waiting for him to order her upon his cock again. But that order would never come, as he finished the ritual and took the princesses virginity she watched as his skin shifted and his humanity changed. He warped and transformed as he came.

When it was done standing before the princess was a demon, his hair replaced by dark horns, the spell holding Celine as his slave gone. He was gone, the princess looked up at him and rubbed her breasts as she shifted to the edge of the make shift altar.

"Well that went well, he was so easily to trick into summoning you my love. And it seems we have a new servant to accompany us. Or a new slave, both work." The princess said as she walked over to Celine and stared down at the defeated heroine, her will still weak and unable to resist.

"What do you want my little girly, do you want to be my bed slave, or would you care to attempt to resist us?" She asked with a large grin, the demon said nothing and left the room, he had work to do, and the princess had a new plaything to break, again.

(If you wanna RP her having sexy time that's cool if you wanna continue this from the losing position, which would be more slavery and the princess playing with her I can do that but I'm gonna be out of town this weekend so probably wont be responding much.)
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

Celine groaned as the lord of the manor talked her and banished her remaining clothing with a wave of his hand. In seconds, the man was inside her, thrusting into her aroused sex. As much as she tried and tried, she just didn't have the magical power to disrupt his ritual and fight him off at the same time.

In the end, she was simply too exhausted by her earlier missteps to fight him off and she succumbed to the rape. When he came inside her, shooting his corrupting, magical seed into her wet flower it was over. Her will was gone, and she was just his helpless fuck-slave. She thrust her hips against him and moaned like a good little slut. It really was all she was good for, what had she been thinking at the start anyway? Why had she thought that a simple whore like herself could best someone as powerful and virile as this man who was riding her?

Her servitude was not to last. As she dimly watched the ritual complete and the man vanish, she felt all of the brainwashing she had been subject to simply break away as her mind was returned to her. The demon left the room and the princess advanced on her. "I...what? Y-you, you're the princess! Why...why are you working with a demon? Your mother...she sent me here to rescue you!" As the princess walked towards her, the exhausted adventurer scooted back along the floor until her back was against the wall. She tried to pull herself to her feet, but ultimately she lacked the strength. "Please...don't do this, let's just leave this place and get you home...Please, while we still can..." In her current state, she couldn't do anything but plead with the princess to come to her senses so that they could escape.
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

"Arn't you cute, thinking this was not my plan the whole time. Get captured by a very easily manipulated pervert. Seduce him with my fake submission and get him to summon my true master. Your in luck tho I can certainly use a plaything. I think we'll play a fun game, it's call eat me out." The princess said with a laugh as she took hold of Celines head and pushed her into her mound for her to enjoy.

"Do well and we might move to another game." She said as she laughed and moaned as the defeated adventurer was forced to pleasure who she was supposed to have come to save. She waved her hands over the wall as a small portal emerged and tentacles began to emerge from the wall wrapping around the defeated heroine flicking over her nipples slowly, giving her as much pleasure as they could while she pleasured it's mistress. A tendril moved between her legs slowly caressing her well fucked snatch it would not insert itself inside her but continued it's offensive against her body.
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

Celine's mouth hung open, slack-jawed and disbelieving as the princess revealed her plan to her. Her mouth was still open as her head was shoved into the princess' pussy. Though she had been looking forward to this earlier, now she was not so enthusiastic. Still, at the prodding from the evil princess, she obeyed and tentatively started to lick at her flower, enjoying the taste despite herself.

The sudden appearance of the tentacles caused her to gasp in alarm, but she pressed herself harder against the princess' body and continued to pleasure her. As the tentacles started to torment her, she tried to block out the sensations by focusing on pleasuring the princess, doing the best she could to bring her to orgasm with her tongue.
Re: To Rescue a Princess (Strum)

The tentacles continued their offensive against the lovely heroine as she obediently licked her new mistresses pussy. The princess moaned in pleasure as she pulled Celines face into her cunt giving her better access to her lovely body. She wanted to orgasm, and she wanted it now.

"Work order slave girl, pleasure your mistress or else I'm going to really break you and make you into a competent pussy licker. I want to orgasm good and hard before my new husband impregnates me." She moaned again as she felt her captive continue her work.

The tentacles themselves slowly wrapped around her nipples and one slide between her legs pushing slowly into her recently fucked cunt. As the two free tentacles working her breasts grew suction cups and attached themselves to her nipples sucking upon her lovely body.