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To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"Not really. Why?" Julie seems nonplussed. As she focuses, Sarah catches parts of the conversation between the high noble and one of the younger ladies. It sounds like the man is questioning her about something: "-and they'll be bringing a whole bunch of new fabrics to the city. A big gamble, if you ask me. There's no telling whether it'll be popular or not, my lord."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Ugh, fashion. Color me not interested right now. Turning to Julie again, Sarah says, "Oh, no reason. I think maybe the cooks are trying a new recipe. I'll just ask them nicely, later." Sarah finishes her meal, swallowing the last of the meat and orders a cup of coffee when the server arrives to take her dishes. Then, looking across the room, Sarah leans in to Julie, pointing out the man with the military faction she had noticed earlier. "What do you know about him? I've only met him once, but I'm pretty sure he might be interested in me," she says with a small giggle, coloring slightly.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Julie gives the man an obviously discreet look, blushing slightly before whispering back to Sarah. "Do you mean Willard? I don't know much about him, but I remember hearing that he got fined for killing too many serfs a few years back. But maybe he's learned discretion since then."

The man doesn't seem to notice the two women looking in his direction, as his back is very obviously turned so he doesn't see them. At Julie's whisper, Sarah remembers that getting fined like that is a rare occurrence, as mostly nobles are free to treat their serfs any way they please, as long as they don't get any children as the result.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah's titter dies quickly at Julie's comment. "Really?" she whispers back to Julie, surprise evident in her voice, a hand raised to her mouth. "I... I didn't know that..." Sarah says slowly. "If he can't even be responsible with his serfs... well what kind of husband would he make? Surely not a good one," Sarah say. "Umm..." Sarah casts about for a different topic, pointing randomly to a handsome, young man seated down the table from them, "What about him?"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Julie giggles slightly before whispering back. "At least you've got some taste. He's a really good dancer, and his father is rich, for a minor lord. I've danced with him a few times, but he doesn't seem really interested in me."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah smiles back at Julie. "He's a good dancer, you say? Well," Sarah giggles here and lowers her voice to a whisper, "You know what they say about being good on the dance floor," and bursts into a fit of giggles. "And rich, too? He might just be a catch worth looking at," Sarah says, looking over the young man from her seat. "Say, do you want to have some fun?" Sarah asks Julie. "Follow me."

Sarah works her way with Julie over closer to the young man in question, positioning herself and Julie just within easy earshot, then turns to Julie, clasps the young woman's hands in her own, and says, "Julie, have you heard about those horrible burglars? I shudder to think of what these times are coming to. Who will protect us?" Sarah glances out of the corner of her eye to the young man to see his reaction.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Julie follows Sarah as the pair weaves through the sprawling path between chairs and tables, smiling faintly as Sarah turns to face her. As Sarah drops her "bomb", Julie clasps a hand over her mouth, looking appropriately horrified. "Oh, how terrible! 'Tis a pity you don't have someone to take care of you!"

The young man who caught Sarah's attention looks amused as he takes a drink, before pointing the pair out to his friend. The pair gets up, heading to meet with Julie and Sarah. "Hello Julie. What are you and your friend up to? This is Richard, by the way."

"Up to? How dare you suggest that I'd be plotting something! Marko, this is my friend Sarah. I'm really sorry about this, Sarah. He can be so uncouth."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"Well, I suppose he can be forgiven. Can't expect men to always be polite, I suppose. Marko, is it? And Richard? Pleased to meet you," Sarah says, holding out her hand. "I was just speaking to Julie here about the horrible burglaries that have been occurring. Have you heard what the city is planning on doing about them?" As she speaks, Sarah gives both Marko and Richard a none-too-subtle look-over.

Sorry I've been away for so long. Real life got in the way big time.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Marko laughs openly, taking Sarah's hand into a firm, trustworthy handshake. "You're always up to something. Not that I mind, usually. Nice to meet you, Sarah."

As Marko lets go, Richard also take Sarah's hand, but instead of shaking it, he brushes his lips against it before letting go as well. "A pleasure."

Julie gives Marko a piercing glare, which he takes on with amusement.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah blushes slightly and smiles, taking her hand back from Richard. "Well, it's nice to see you do know how to be gentlemen, after all," she says to the pair. "And of course we're up to something. It's half the fun of being a woman, after all," Sarah says, grinning as she does. "But it appears you have seen straight through our clever ruse. Tell me, do either of you fence?"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"I thought I felt some old calluses on your hand. So you're that Sarah, eh? I do, fence, actually, though I'm fair at best. Richard is better than I am." Marko answers for his friend, looking Sarah now with open curiosity. Richard seems curious as well, though he seems to be more interested in Julie.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah gives a small laugh. "Yes, I'm that Sarah. And being fair just means there's room to improve!" Sarah says with a smile. "I wouldn't consider myself an expert by any means. Some time we must test against each other," Sarah says, looking into Marko's eyes with a hint of mischief.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"Well, are you busy right now? My house isn't far from here, and I'm sure Julie will like watching the three of us beat each other with sticks." Marko says, winking at Julie, who start to give him another glare, but giggles instead.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah smiles in response. "Oh, really? Well, I don't have anything planned until this evening, so, yes, I think I will accept your invitation. That is, as long as Julie wants to come along," she says, turning to Julie at that last. "What do you think, Julie? Sound like fun?" If Julie agrees, Sarah will signal for her horse to be brought around, then follow the group out and follow Marko back to his house.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"That sounds fun! As long as you don't beat them up too badly," Julie says, smiling at Marko and tilting her head slightly. Marko gives her a mocking bow and offers and arm to Sarah. "Shall we?"

Whether or not Sarah took his arm, the four of them would make their way to Marko's townhouse, Marko and Richard accompanying Sarah on horseback while Julie follows in a sedan chair. In the area filled with other houses from nobles of more or less similar station, it doesn't stand out for it's size, though the small tower makes it taller than the other houses. The house - manor would be too grand a title - is well-kept, as evidenced by mostly ash-free garden and walls that are only faint shade of gray instead of nearly black like some other houses. A light rain of ash mixed with water starts falling just as they arrive, and Marko's stablehand comes to take their horses while Julie hurries inside to avoid getting her dress dirty.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah laughs at Julie's remark and says, Don't worry, I won't embarrass them too much." Turning to Marko, Sarah smiles warmly and gladly takes his arm, enjoying the feel of his muscles under the shirt, and heads out of the café along with Richard and Julie. She lets go of Marko to climb on top of her horse and rides with the boys to the house. Climbing off, she hands over the reigns to the stablehand before heading inside as the ashy rain starts.

Once inside, Sarah goes to Marko and grabs hold of his arm, leans in to him, saying, "Such a lovely house. You simply must give us a tour, after our bout." Sarah gladly follows Marko wherever he leads, making appropriate comments about the decor of the house as they travel through it.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

The hallway Sarah first sees of the house is well-decorated, though not as extravagantly as is the custom among many other families. Taking off his cloak and coat Marko leads them into a training room decorated with many battle honors, ranging from what seems to be fairly recent to centuries old banners and shields that might date all the way to the founding by their looks. Releasing Sarah's arm, Marko walks straight to an intricately carved cabinet at the back, opening it and revealing a range of practice weaponry, including almost a dozen full-sized practice swords.

Picking up a pair of the swords, Marko brings one of them to Sarah, readying the other. "Shall we?"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah takes the sword from Marko, stepping back a few paces and settling into a defensive position. "I'm ready if you are, as long as you don't mind being beaten by a girl!" Sarah impishly sticks her tongue out at Marko. She then starts things off with a very simple thrust at his chest, just to test the waters. "What are we fencing for, anyways? There should be some stakes."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Marko easily parries the thrust and replies with a pair of tentative slashes against Sarah's legs. "Well, I'm not putting a lot of money at stake until I know how much better you are. Five rounds and the loser buys dinner sound good to you?"

But Richard and Julie are watching the pair with interest, though Richard already has a third sword on his hands, and he seems to be testing the balance.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"Hmm, dinner would be nice, especially a free one!" Sarah says as she skips to the side to avoid Marko's attack. She slashes twice, once at each arm in return. Each round consisting of three touches?"