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Together (Koel & Irene)

Re: Together (Koel & Mantis)

With her arm now free, Mantis would pull back from her breast blindfold, and cut a piece of cloth off one the kunochi and wrap it around Koel’s eyes. As she tied it up she quietly said, “P-Please call me Irene, Never told you my name before and…” she’d trail off, evidently uncomfortable with the idea of even thinking about what would have happened if the plan had failed, “We rescued you from... kunoichi,.”

She’d help him to his feet after that, and say, “We should catch up... Would rather not get on my new lord’s bad side...”

Irene? The kid thought, dazed by both the pain and the confirmation that yes, she'd pressed her breasts against his face. There were mixed feelings as Koel tried to calm down a bit... that's right, she'd not told him her name before...

What hidden meaning was there? Well... he wouldn't be able to figure it out, but alongside the dread of the unknown... there was a slight warmth welling within him much to his chagrin, he shook his head lightly, killing off the thought for a moment... though he jerked a bit at the sudden sensation... a coarse fabric being pressd against his eyes... His pain was gone just like that... though the cloth did definitely feel somewhat uncomfortable compared to Varan's bandages.

"T-thanks." He replied shyly, not sure what else to say, standing up with Irene's help... gritting his teeth a bit as he felt his heart flutter at the mere action of her holding his hand... "Let's... let's just move..." There was some exasperation in his voice.

No.... I don't want to stay here...

Irene would smile as at his thanks, it was a small smile, but about the best she was capable of giving, though she still felt the need to apologize somewhat, “I’m sorry, not as high quality as your old ones. Also, please tell me you name too.”

Once her request was ansered, she would hold onto his hand and pull him along toward the other mantids, “Yes, let’s go, maybe we can get a bigger house then old one," the mantis girl turned around and suddenly hugged the kid again, "Will need for kids,” The Irene noticed Koel's discomfort, "Is there a problem? Eyes still hurting? Pain from Kunoichi tourtue?" The girl almost seemed to start patting Koel down, looking for any sign of furthur injury.

"A-ah, my name is... Koel da Soleth..." The kid replied coyly, still beating himself mentally for feeling slightly excited... he didn't want to stay in one place...

He stopped dead in his tracks the moment Irene spoke of a house, as he tried to figure out what it exactly meant and entailed... again, his heart would flutter as she hugged him... a blush reaching his face as she heard him a bit more...

Did she just say kids? What kids? He wanted to ask immediately, but his train of thought was further derailed as she continued asking for his well being, he gritted his teeth a bit, exasperated with himself, as he felt his own resolve wavering a bit... No, he did not want to stay, he needed to continue Varan's work... He couldn't stay... could he?

"N-no, I'm not hurting anymore." He said between still gritted teeth.

“Then, why looking pained?” Irene asked, leaning in and seemingly trying to stare him in the eye through his blindfold. She was infact close enough that he could likely feel her blushing a bit at finally getting his name and at seeing his own blush.

Well, she was getting 'uncomfortably' close to the kid that reacted in the only suitable way he knew, blushing some more as he could basically feel her breath on his face... as well as sniffing a faint scent that he was willing to bet was hers... He took a loud gulp at the situation, realizing just how excited he was at the situation...

Whether Irene could notice it or not, he actually averted his eyes, as he grew afflicted by embarrassment and some nervousness. "... I-it's nothing..." He replied with a wavy voice in a, perhaps, poor attempt at lying.

Irene would lean in even further at Koel’s obvious lie, and then she would hug him again, “Tell me, please?” It would likely be a good distance, and she didn’t want this resting in his head the whole time.

Koel sighed, his will cracking under the questions, asked in a sickeningly cute way, in a way robbing him of his capacity to think, though he was quite certain he had not lost his mind yet. He shook his head weakly, some annoyance showing in his face as he turned roughly towards Irene's face.

"... It feels like I'm a prisoner." He replied quietly, unsure of how the girl would react.

Irene would tilt her head at his response and look slightly aghast, “Not prisoner, just husband. We can probably go places, after everything gets settled again,” Irene would look off after the other mantids, “We should catch up, talk as we go,” releasing from the hug, she would still keep a hold on Koel’s hand so that he wouldn’t get lost with his blindness.

"Y-yeah." Well... Koel was a bit dumbfounded... first a mention of kids and then... he was now a husband? Well... he'd heard stories about monster girls before, but he wasn't quite sure what to feel about it. Though of course, some part of him was looking forward to it...

He continued to chastise himself mentally as he followed giving up on thinking more clearly for the moment... unwittingly concentrating on the feeling of Irene's hand on his's...

Varan... what am I going to do?

"W-where are we going anyways?"

"To find a new home, Not sure where, though it will probably be where Lady Suika lives," Irene said, "Can't go back to where we used to live. Unless we wanted to risk retaliation for this."
Re: Together (Koel & Mantis)

After their talk, the two would begin their journey through the mystical forests, soon finding themselves in lands relatively calm and simple in it's flow of magic. Tall trees that stood higher than any building, covering the forest in shadow and thin rays of light thanks to their leaves, would stand pronounced around them. The natural assassins looked around, finding the area hospitable to their kind. "This will be your new home. Build your own houses, scavenge your own food in peace and under my protection. Fear not other natural predators." Suika announced to the Mantids, before approaching the single wooden house in the area, as Mantis would soon recognize it as the house she found Suika in. Such would be where the fox girl would remain, as the other mantids got together, many agreeing first to make shelter for the men while the women worked. One large den to shield them from the elements.
Re: Together (Koel & Mantis)

Irene saw the hut again, and realized they had arrived even before Suika had begun talking. Once the kitsune had begun talking though, the mantis girl did have to admit she liked the sound of a bit of peace for a while. Then came the time they'd have to work after, and she'd give her partner a hug and say, "Just wait with the others and we'll have a place for us all to stay soon," Then the young mantis girl would go to join her comrades in planning their new home.
Re: Together (Koel & Mantis)

The walking continued for a while, though Koel actually started feeling a bit at ease, like before just walking around, having somewhere to go, having something to do even if he didn’t know what yet.

A slight bit of freedom that he craved… He smiled a bit at the thought, almost forgetting for a moment where he was stuck at… almost, because his mind just couldn’t ignore the crunching of the ground beneath the feet of everyone around him, the breathing of everyone around him.

He had always hated being around crowds, instead he enjoyed being by himself or with Varan, there was always something so reassuring and calming in her presence that he wasn’t getting anymore. But… admittedly, the stroll was peaceful, he couldn’t sense any ill intent or worry around, which he found strangely soothing… Perhaps things really wouldn’t be so bad around here?

Of course, it couldn’t last forever, as the fox girl’s voice announced the arrival to a new… home… The word irked Koel a bit, he hardly ever had a home before, and he was happy that way, so to get one now… his smile cracked a little bit, with uncertainty returning to his mind. He wasn’t meant to stay in one place anymore, not since Varan found him. The kid shook his head, trying to keep his head clear to think about it a bit more.

“Oh… ok.” He mumbled a reply to Irene’s words unenthusiastically as he lifted his new bandages to look at the place… Obviously, it didn’t look like a bad place to live in…

But he couldn’t keep his smile up as the reminders that he had simply just captured by someone else to remain in captivity again. Yes, perhaps a peaceful life would be good, but it wasn’t something for him, being kept in a cage, no matter how convenient it was still meant captivity to him.

“Do I really want to stay in a place like this?” With a dejected sigh, he took a step forward to join the other men. His head drooped as he gave it some more thought, he could listen in on the monster girls' voices… The men would be kept in a proverbial pig pen… fed, made useless…

He couldn’t care less about the other men… but he didn’t want to live in a gilded cage for the rest of his days...

But what could he do about it? He stood there, trying to come up with anything, with an obvious troubled face despite the bandages.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Irene would leave to meet with her sisters to help start collecting wood for the beginning of construction. Meanwhile, Koel would find the other men present looking mostly just as awkward as he did. Though a few seemed to know each other and were inhabitants of the village for a long time.

At the end of the day, a skeleton home was created, one actually situated on the ground on the instructions of Suika to make the houses more human accessible. The various others around were getting set on fixing up their houses to be livable for the night, gathering wood from the center, while Irene would have finished her own home in time before dusk. Koel would still be waiting with a few other men, who were making idle chit chat after coming back from sweeping the houses of leaves and dust.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Irene managed to get her new house in atleast livable condition for the night before it became dark. Which was good, she had to show that she was perfectly capable of looking after herself and her husband.

Happy with her work for the day, Irene would head back to where the men were and grab Koel around the wrist. "Come. Our house is ready enough." With that she'd begin leading him along, back to the atleast functional building.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Koel would avoid speaking with the other men where possible, secluded in his own mind as he continued to wonder about the current situation, ‘looking’ around listlessly, being reminded by every sound and everyone around that he was… stuck… imprisoned…

He heaved a long sigh, as he heard the light steps of the mantids… though he could tell somehow who it was… “Irene?” He exclaimed, feeling her grab his wrist with a bit of excitement in her voice… a feeling he started sharing a bit as he stood up without resistance. Troubled as he was… the kid could tell, embarrassment… he was feeling something for the girl despite his constant wishing to be somewhere far away.

Was it really bad to stay?

“To our house?” The kid was feeling lost, worried… and his face was reflecting all of that.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

"Yes, it is not much of a house yet. Hopefully we can make it better soon." Irene said, continuing to pull Koel along. Until she noticed the look on her partner's face, and remembered there earlier conversation. "It is only for now. After we are settled, I will talk to Lady Suika. See if we can be allowed to roam world in her name."

As they got into the new house, the mantis girl added. "Though having a daughter will be hard that way." It was obvious that the mantis girl was disappointed at that, but she hadn't been lying before, she would ask the kitsune about it if Koel really wanted.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

The crickets sang their music outside, a sign that night was pretty much upon them. Given the tired state of the rest of the limited members of her clan, there was nobody that was going to knock on their door this night, leaving the two to get settled and rest until tomorrow, when Irene might inquire to Suika about various topics, and hope the lordly kitsune will aid them.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Irene was very tempted to have 'fun' with her partner for the night. Unfortunately she had been tired after the days work, and her partner didn't seem to be eager to start anything so she let them rest for the night. Though she did fiercely cuddle with the man all night.

The next morning, she woke up bright and early, waking up her partner with her. She had always woken up early, to give herself either more time to train or to do other things during the day.

"I'm not sure if Lady Suika will be awake yet, but if she is not, do you wish to train?" She wouldn't let her partner get into battle if she could help it, but he had proven a reasonably good fighter, and she didn't want to wake up anyways else if she didn't have to.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

The kid had a bit of a ‘hard’ night, considering the infinitely cute clingy monster girl that cuddled with him all night long… Not that he wasn’t completely used to female touch or to Irene by now but he did indeed feel a bit nervous, he really wasn’t used to this amount of attention. Thankfully, the night was uneventful letting both his body and his mind rest from the… admittedly pleasurable ordeal from before.

Day came before he could find a solution for his situation, starting with the question of whether his situation really needed a solution or not… Though he reminded himself of Varan’s making him feel slightly under the weather. The monster girl prodded him to get up, and Koel complied, feeling rested and slightly more at ease than the day before.

He wrapped his bandages around his eyes the moment he felt the sting start again. Giving a couple long sighs before Irene approached him with a question he wasn’t exactly expecting.

He perked up at the suggestion of some training, a slight smile appearing on his face as he turned towards Irene. “Th-that would be very welcomed, yes.” He replied energetically.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Checking around, Irene would find that Lady Suika was indeed awake, but she was also not present in the town. It seemed she deemed it worth her time to leave and perform other tasks while the bug women went about rebuilding for themselves as there wasn't much point in disrupting their reconstruction. So thusly, this allowed Irene and Koel to train. However, it wouldn't be looked upon too highly by the other mantids, who would scoff at the idea of Irene treating Koel like a worthy training partner. Indeed, Irene would get many confused and amused glances if she went outside with Koel under the pretense of training.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Fight and fun times go! (There will be a post coming after this just not at this very moment)
Irene smiled back at her partner's eagerness. "Okay, follow me." The girl would grab Koel's hand and pull him along. When she was working on the house yesterday, she had noticed a spot that would work fine for training. Pulling the human toward the center of the clearing, she went to test something she had been wondering. The path she took, and pulled her partner along, passed over an exposed root. She wanted to see if Koel could actually see or sense the lay of the ground around him with those bandages

Koel tried his best to keep pace with the mantis girl, unaware that he was sporting a slight, content smile as he made his way through the roots and holes, if Irene was paying attention, she'd see Koel was using as many senses as possible, there was a slight drag of his feet, as well as lifting them slightly higher than a person normally would, he'd have his head slightly turned to the side, keeping his ear to the front a bit, making sure he could hear the girl's steps in front of him, as well as any other sound. Even with his nose, as he kept sniffing quietly, as if to pick up the smell of his surroundings, to help himself recognize or imagine how the landscape would look like. Yet it was all so subtle. The kid had quite a lot of experience carrying himself without the sense of sight.

Irene smiled a bit herself, it was good to see her partner was able to manage himself. She knew he could fight but she hadn't known how good he could actually see things around him with the bandages on. With a quiet voice she said. "Okay, we're here. Prepare yourself and we'll start when you say you're ready. We'll fight until I say stop." She would have liked to use blunt weapons, but she didn't have time to craft a wooden weapon for her partner to use yet. She'd just have to make sure she didn't get hit, and to only hit her partner with the blunt side of her arms.

Koel could hardly wait for the training, his smile only growing wider as Irene said they’d arrived, he’d take a step back, stretching his arms before he reached for the handle of his knife, the only knife he had remaining after being rescued from the kunoichi… he’d have to build his collection of knives and throwing knives again.

The thought made him scowl for a second before he readied himself up a bit, pulling his dagger out while taking a few more steps back, as if trying to measure how much space he had between Irene and the nearest impassable bit of terrain behind him. When he was satisfied he had some room to maneuver he nodded, “I’m ready.” And awaited whatever the mantis girl was about to try.

As soon as the words were out of her partner's mouth, Irene darted forward. One arm kept ready to defend against his dagger, the other striking out at his hand with the blunt end of her blade like arm extensions. It was a standard strike for disarming her opponent, she hoped he wouldn't fall for it, but this was training and she didn't want to go full out. Atleast not right at the start.

Koel was slow on the uptake, seemed he still had a bit of problem listening to the mantis’ light footsteps as he rushed to meet what he thought was a swing coming at his hand from the noise, trying to parry the attack coming at him before taking a step back, looking both nervous and happy. “This is hard, are all the mantis girls this quiet when they move?”

"We are naturally light, and trained for stealth. So yes you should expect us to be this quiet. Many other monster girls can be quite light as well." Irene said, backing away after her strike was parried. He didn't react as fast as she would have liked, but it could have been worse. Striking forward again she aimed to hit his ribs, looking to cause a small bruise to the human.
Koel replied by taking a step back to give himself more space, trying to mimic Irene’s light steps to allow himself to listen to her more easily. His hand would shot up again, trying to hit the mantis girl’s hand off course.
Irene would twist around Koel's block, scoring a hit, though not where she originally aimed. Instead of trying to hit his chest, she gave a tap to his blocking arm. It wasn't enough to stop him, but he would feel it atleast a bit. Bouncing back again she waited. "Try to attack me."

“O-okay…” The kid replied, rubbing the pain off a bit. He seemed a bit reluctant at the idea, seeing as he was not yet used to such a quiet opponent, but he readied himself up anyways. He took a deep breath, before focusing his ears to pinpoint Irene’s location… something which took him a few couple of seconds before he twitched, dashing forward with phenomenal speed for a human, sidestepping just before he was into range to attack, trying to at least be a little unpredictable before coming with a swing aimed at around Irene’s hip area, though he made sure to try and strike with the blunt side of his dagger.

Irene watched her partner's attack with an analytical eye. It wasn't a bad strike, and against the average human it might have just worked. The problem was his footwork gave his trick away. Blocking the swing with one hand she stepped forward and lightly set her foot on his lead counterpart. Just enough to trap him when she set her shoulder against his and pushed him back. The move would cause him to fall on his butt unless he had phenomenal balance. If he fell over she'd say. "You're feet reveal your plan, and you overextend. The attack itself was strong and concise though."

Koel managed to regain his footing quickly instead of falling to the floor, looking less surprised and more intrigued as he listened to the mantis girl... "T-thanks..." He replied meekly as he 'looked' down at his feet, putting some thought on what his moves had been and trying to revise them in his mind. "Guess I'd been more adept to assassination than actual combat."

"Those are not bad skills to know." Mantis said as she stepped off his foot and put some space between them again. "You are much better then some of my sister's husbands in regards to combat." Well Koel might not have been able to see it, he might be able to hear the happiness in her voice, and if he peaked out from his bandages he'd see she had a 'large' smile on her face. It wasn't very large for a human, but for one of her kind the small smile was the equivalent of a megawatt grin. She also was blushing a bit.

Then with a shake of her head she became serious again. "Now though, attack me again! This time we won't stop till someone has been tagged."
Something within Koel's mind told him that he had to blush as he heard the girl's voice, causing a little bit of confusion to the embarrassed kid as he scrambled into a fighting stance again.

The kid did as instructed, leaving fancy moves to the side and closing in this time with a rising diagonal swing, intending to force Irene to back away, hoping to get a better read of the noises she made as she moved to pinpoint her position more easily.

Irene didn't seem to focus on counterattacking, instead she let Koel take the swing at her. Like he had hoped for she backed away from the strike, and in the silent clearing her movements would be just a bit easier to pick out the swish of her very minor amounts of clothing. Though her feet remained as near silent as ever. When the next strike came she'd try to dodge or block as well, trying to get a full gauge of her partners style and help him adjust to her own a bit. If they were going to be fighting together they'd both need to start to learn how the other would react during a fight.

Koel invariably tried attacking again but backed off the moment he felt Irene block it, putting some more space between each other again, sporting without knowing an excited smile as he moved in again, following the light rustling of the mantis girl's clothes to try and swing again, horizontally this time.

His attacks were becoming more accurate, and faster. Irene was happy at that as he became more confident and the sight of his smile made her shiver just a tiny bit. They still weren't anything she couldn't block or dodge, and she kept it going. He seemed to favour horizontal attacks, and she wondered if he had a second blade if he would try to stab under someones guard when they tried to defend. She'd have to see about acquiring another weapon for him somewhere.

She stepped toward him during his strike, not enough to remove her from the attack path but enough so she was blocking backwards, and when his blade caught her own she let hers fold back toward her arm. She was hoping the movement would cause him to overextend himself again as he put weight on a suddenly not there block. If he stumbled she dart in further and tap him in the chest with her other arm.

And just like that, Koel overextended, letting out a "Whoa!" as he tried following his momentum, rolling to shift positions instead of trying to recover his original position, hoping the move would save him a training-death.
Unfortunately for Koel, he wasn't able to escape that easily, and well his roll got him out of the way of her poke, it didn't save him when her other blade snapped forward again and bashed him in the side. After the hit she repositioned herself and put space between them again. "Nice try husband. Now though, one more round. Come at me with everything you can."

Koel couldn't hide the tinge of exasperation he felt at being unable to survive with his dodge, but he still seemed quite eager to continue as he got into position once more, he took one deep breath, clearing his mind once more, before shooting forward toward Irene, his remaining free hand moving to grasp the sheathe of the knife as well, which he quickly swung first, trying to draw Irene's attention, and attempted to intercept a parry or block if the mantis girl attempted that much.

Irene caught that it was the sheath her partner was swinging instead of the blade itself, and let it pass by with just a minor dodge. Her eyes remained locked on his blade, ignoring the sheathed hand as she kept locked on what she imagined would be the main attacking arm.

As soon as he felt the sheathe didn't connect, Koel revised his attack, swinging his sheathe back to strike at Irene's upper body again, jumping back a second later regardless of if the attack connected or not.

Irene missed the sheathe coming back, and she wasn't expecting the hit. Her movements had caused it to hit her on the back and it sent her sprawling. The mantis girl falling forward and knocking into Koel, sending them both sprawling to the ground. Irene was the first one to pull herself together after the fall. The mantis girl straddling Koel's waist as she gave a minor lip movement that might have been a pout down at him. "Well, that wasn't very climatic...Good work though husband."

The sudden collapse caused Koel to lose his breath as he felt a light weight falling on him with some speed. He was confused for a second, but the warmth that straddled his body made him regain composure fast, just fast enough to hear Irene talking.

"Th-thanks, I didn't really think it was going to work." He replied with a bit of a sheepish grin, all the while trying to put his hands on the ground... though he instead succeeded in placing his hands on the girl's legs. "Ah, are you okay?"

Irene wiggled a little bit when her husband's hands landed on her legs. The mantis girl folded back her blades and put her hands on her partner's chest. "I am husband, are you? You did take the brunt of the fall." Koel might not be able to see it due to the bandages but Irene was flushing a bit, and her smile was a bit perverse. Though he could likely feel her heating up a bit as she pressed her hips against him.

"Y-yeah, I am too." Koel replied, genuinely wondering with a mix of confusion and a bit of anxiety why the mantis girl had not stood up yet... Though he was consciously ignoring the warmth coming from her body, feeling slightly embarrassed at the situation. "Umm..."

"You know husband, you did such a good job during training that I think I might reward you." Irene's voice was husky before she giggled a bit. The mantis girl leaning down and resting her body overtop of Koel's. The new position pressed her breasts up against Koel's chest, her hair would tickle his chin, and Irene would start to slowly rub her hips against his. "What do you think?"

Koel gulped a bit, more from nervousness than anything else, as he, slowly but surely, was taken away from his little bubble of denial, realizing what Irene was talking about. Feeling his face glow red, he tried shifting a bit... but something within him made his hands move, slightly higher, leaving her legs to hold her hips in his hands. "Isn't it... a bit too early?" He muttered meekly as he let Irene know his lower body disagreed with his own words.

"It's the perfect time, most people will still be asleep." Irene said as she lifted her head up and stretched. Pulling her husband into a deep kiss, the mantis girl continued her rubbing with more passion. Her hands sliding down and starting to remove what minimal clothing there was between the two, her slit already dripping with anticipation at what she had missed last night.
Koel couldn't resist the kiss,, growing a little more excited himself as he felt the girl eagerly trying to give herself to him. And yet, he still resisted a bit, trying to slow down or stop Irene from rubbing herself all over him. Though he only succeeded in stopping her in just the right place, as she would feel something poking at her folds from below. "B-but..." Koel racked his brain, struggling to come up with a reason not to, but his mind failed him for the most obvious of reasons.

Irene wasn't really listening to Koel's aborted attempts at reasoning. The girl only letting her movements be stopped long enough to feel his tip poking at her. "Hmm, it feels like your ready for your reward husband." The shorter girl wrapped one hand around her partner's member, holding it steady as she slid down it enough to pull the tip between her folds. She grinned at him, and keeping one hand on his chest and the other moving to press down on his hips, she slowly slid down his length, savouring the feeling of the warm shaft inside her.

Powerless, of course he was going to be unable to stop what was coming to him, his hands lost strength as soon as he felt Irene going down on him, getting a pitiful moan out of him as he instead went and embraced the girl tight, *as a latch this effort to stop her from moving, futile as it was. It didn't take long, exactly the moment Irene took the entire length on his shaft in he started pumping instinctively, craving more pleasure out of the monster girl.

Irene frowned a little bit at the look on her husband's face. The man looked pleasured, but he also looked like he wasn't happy. With him fully inside her and pumping occasionally, she had to fight back against her instincts to ravage him until they were both too tired to keep going on. Instead she held herself down on him, and pressed down to stop his thrusting. Then she leaned in again, and quietly said into his ear "Are you okay husband?"

"A-ah... I'm fine... sorry." Koel replied in a drunken stupor, the pleasure already having eroded half his mind as usual. The kid still seemed eager to fuck, something which he quickly let Irene know by pushing up despite the girl pushing downwards. "It... just feels too good..."

Irene smiled again. "Then I shall not delay further husband." With that she dropped down again, resuming the pace she had set before she stopped. Slowly grinding up and down her partner's shaft. Atleast till the pleasure started to get to her again. Leaning down again and kissing her husband once more, she started to move her hips faster. Gaining speed as she looked to milk her husband for more of the seed she craved as a monster girl.

Koel tried matching the girl's movements with his own as best as he could, though the position he was in impeded much of his efforts to do so, finding himself simply enjoying Irene's every move, rubbing the girl's skin gently in return.

There mating didn't last much longer. Irene had already gone a few days without her mate, and was desperate to get him to finish as soon as she could. Her pace was fast and precise, her insides teasing Koel with everything she could. Her own face was filled with a flush, and her ever increasing panting signaled her coming orgasm. Then with no more warning then a moan, the mantid girl peaked, her insides tightening and milking Koel's member for every drop of seed they could get.

The kid was unable to do anything but moan in the pleasure the desperate girl was giving him, as he thrusted his hips in sync with her, before long he was seeing white as he neared his own high, his own instincts took over from there, as he started fucking the girl faster, desperate to fill her up with his spunk. With one last groan, he pierced as deep as he could, and shot a thick rope of cum into her walls.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

After they finished, and Irene and Koel had cleaned up. The mantis girl would take her partner and go see if she could get a meeting with Suika. She had to admit well she would prefer staying here for a while to help rebuild her species, the idea of exploring the world to help try to get more followers for the kitsune could be interesting too.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

After their fun times, Suika didn't seem to have a system of setting up appointments yet. Rather, she was found in an open space, away from trees, laying on her side on thin grass. Her head was propped up on one arm, and she just seemed to be acting lazy while completely naked. When Irene approached, she opened just one eye half way to register that a bug woman was approaching her. "It hasn't been a month and I've already had all of you bug me at least once." she complained, her fat collection of fox tails whipped up, and then back down as if a kitsune's way of body language to show irritation.

"Make it quick." she commanded Irene, ignoring Koel if he was there.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

'Well, it was rather easy to be bugged by a dozen people inside a day, especially when you were the new leader.' Irene thought to herself. The girl though didn't say that though, instead she asked. "My lady, I was wondering if you had interest in expanding your followers. I am still young, and the attack came before I could have the opportunity to see much of the world. If you wish I would be eager to venture the world and attempt to gain followers for you."
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Koel simply followed closely, trying not to pay too much attention to the nakedness in front of him for two simple reasons… one, he was probably wearing a frown on his face, there was just something he did not like about the foxy goddess, or perhaps he was trying to push his frustration of being unable to leave onto someone he didn’t see as often as he did Irene. And secondly… he did have to admit he was feeling a bit embarrassed and shy at the sight of a female’s nakedness.

More than that, however, he was feeling somewhat anxious and impatient, given the topic the mantid girl was talking about could benefit him greatly… namely, he could have a chance to run away… or at the very least, a chance to not be stuck in a single place for the rest of his life.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

"That's a very round-about way of saying you want to leave." she commented. "Very well." she agreed, before pointing a finger at Irene, causing her to feel a bit odd for a moment. "Go get me some more followers. You have... Let's say three months is enough time. If you fail to do what you say, then I will come and take your boyfriend. He'll be mine." she declared, before pointing at him as well, making Koel feel strange for a moment as well. "Give her lots of encouragement, boy." she said with a sly grin, as if she had no qualms about declaring she was going to steal him and rape him upon Irene's failure.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Irene shuffled a bit at the feeling Suika's point caused in her, she wondered what the Kitsune did to her. Still she wasn't about to question the girl who could likely crush her with barely any effort. "Do not worry, I shall not fail, shall return in three months with more followers for you my lady."

Once they were dismissed she'd pull Koel back to there house, ready to begin packing what little they had for there upcoming trip.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

The kid did not notice it on his own, but his face quickly brightened at the notion that he… that they would be able to leave at all. Though he flinched in surprise, and shivered for a second as he felt a strange sensation through his body, did the kitsune do something to him?

Nothing felt out of place at the very least, so his smile didn’t fade after that, letting everyone see that he was quite excited about the turn of events, to the point he was actually feeling like thanking Suika for her decision… if it wasn’t for that last bit about the woman taking him for herself… He entertained the idea for the best part of a second before he shook his head, deciding that could probably still be considered a jail of some sort…

Irene pulled on his arm, leading him back to the house, where he quickly made his way to his few belongings without actually walking into any object. His dextery was still quite visible even on a very mundane setting.

He lifted his bandages for a few moments to be able to see the few clothing that he still had in workable conditions… it was obviously very little, but it would have to do…

The kid finally stopped for a moment, keeping a smile on his face as he realized that they were allowed to leave thanks to only one thing… rather, a person. “Irene… thanks…” He fidgeted for a moment, blushing heavily as he looked at her with his one uncovered eye before quickly covering it again from the slight discomfort, and focused instead on trying to find a container he could use to put his stuff into.