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Together (Koel & Irene)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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"In this world, no one is correct in their way of thinking. This is a world at war with itself. It no longer matters who's right, who's evil, or who's fighting for justice. In the end all we end up doing is exactly what our neighbor does, and that is to either participate or flee from the fight. Anyone you speak to will attempt to justify their reasoning, but what none of them realize is that they're all wrong. There is no correct solution to our conflict, and there is no true method that would save us all. In the end, those who would truly bring this chaos to an end would only realize that what they were doing is not correct nor justified. I've only met one person who had that kind of reasoning, and for sure, she is the only one I can imagine who would actually save this world from destroying itself, by embracing the idea of doing what is wrong in order to cause the constant mistakes to cease... But I fear she'll be unable to do it on her own. That's why..."

"You must defeat all those who would wage war, Koel."
"You must eliminate the instigators of conflict, my daughter."

"That is our mission."

Chapter 1: Eyes of Flame

It had been some time before they heard those words from their respective mentors. The war between the many factions of their world continued to fight one another even when the youngest of the two were but children. Such a long enduring war has lasted for hundreds of years, in fact. Demons, humans, angels, youkai, undead, The West, The Order, The Magi, elves, dwarves, and even the elementals themselves participate in the struggle. That list alone was but the tip of the iceburg, there are even smaller factions divided into those listed, making so many armies fighting in this world that chaos is an often sight and one rarely not seen in one's lifetime.

Such conflict would be met between those two, just as their mentors would have wished it. No matter what, fight or flight was a way of life in this world. It would begin with the young man, named Koel, who had just escaped the scythe of death herself, walking down the path of a forest road while likely catching his breath, having just escaped the clutches of The Order, the organization responsible for attempting to kill him.

And in a nearby tree, as natural for her kind, was a certain mamono who was so much like an assassin herself. Asides from her objective that her mother left her, she was not made to be shy of the ways of her species. In any case, being prolific and capturing men to breed more warriors was something of a social norm, and her species was suffering as of late. Any man would do, in her situation. And there, before her, all alone, was such a man.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

(Disclaimer: DarkGreen is Ranger9000/Mantis Girl parts, Blue is Armacalic/Koel parts)

It had been days, days of dealing with the slightest brush in the wrong place setting her innards on fire though she wouldn't let any of that weakness ever show. It had made hunting such a difficulty that it drove her to give into the call of her nature. Spending days travelling through the canopy in search of the human her blood called for. It was a task made all the harder by how few humans tended to wander into the forest she and her kind populated.

Finally though, she had found one. Her antenna and nose picking up his scent clear through the other smells of the forest. Now she observed the human, he looked thin and made of sinew, if she had been in any other mood she would have ignored him as inconsequential. But her nature was not about to let her do that, though her outer appearance gave no indication she was anything but indifferent to the situation. With no more sound then a fallen leaf she dropped out of the tree behind the man. One of her scythe blades folded out to extend past her hand, and slashed foward, aiming to cut the man's clothes off in a single strike.

Why did it have to turn out like that? Why couldn't she live? Koel was at an impasse, he was lost, empty, dead. How much had he run away? He didn't even notice when or how had he lost his pursuers in his frenzied mad dash, but he wasn't thankful. What was he feeling in the first place? His mind was numb, and his body felt cold. He had survived, only for him to become a walking corpse.

He sighed, his head was in too much turmoil... But he had a mission of sorts, did he really need to fulfill it, though?

Stopped under the cool embrace of the shadows, at least he had the time to make up his mind, or so he thought. He suddenly heard it, and his body became ready immediately at the noise he heard behind him. He jumped into position as he tried to gauge from the source of the noise what was getting close to him.

He realized, however, he couldn't hear or feel much beyond the air around him and that noise, what was going on? He knew something was there, he had felt it, but...

Was death such a harsh mistress? He would need to see his death sentence come for him? So be it. In a swift motion he lowered his bandages from his left eye just enough to see it. He was perplexed by it, but nonetheless ready. His knife hit the scythe of the girl deviating it off course enough for her to only rip his sleeve off.

A strange, yet beautiful girl with scythes on her arms was his assailant, a monster girl... He readied his stance, ready to defend himself again should the girl try anything again, trying to take to the back of his mind the slowly increasing pain on his eye.

'Tch' she thought to herself as her blade was deflected, keeping the frustration from her face by letting it out in her mind. So the man both heard her coming and was fast enough to deflect her attack, and he only needed a single eye to do it. It was annoying, and she would make sure it would do nothing but slow her from getting what she wanted.

Sliding her other scythe into position she pushed off the ground and rushed forward once more, trying to catch the humans dagger with one of her arms while she slid in the other to once again, attempt to remove the man of his clothing with a quick clean cut up the front. Though she made sure to angle her attack avoid any potential harm to the part of the man her blood needed the most.

He couldn't even formulate a sentence as he tried to get back in position to fight the girl off, how bad could his luck be that he just kept coming across life or death situations yet again. Was he listed for dead or something? Or not? As he panted he came to the sudden realization that the girl hadn't aimed to cut him at all... but... then what...?

"What's the big idea?!" Yelped the currently one eyed man as the girl rushed toward him again, almost taking him by surprise, however he again moved his hand to meet the girl's blade. The loud noise stunned him and the impact numbed his arm, however, as the strength of the girl's swing took the knife away from him and continued it's way. Koel jumped backwards to avoid the scythe, but unable to get completely out of the way, he could feel his manhood pressing against his body as the blade cut his pants open.

At this time he finally realized what was going on... and did not know what to think of the situation, with the blades and the assaulting... and the prospect of rape. His combat instincts took hold, and instead of going for his discarded knife, he quickly reached for another from under his robes as he prepared for the girl yet again.

'Perfect' she thought to herself as the man's pants tore apart, revealing the only real part of him she needed. The human was still braced for combat though, reaching into some of his clothes that were still attached to him. It seemed he wasn't yet ready to end the fight, though his lower head might be arguing with him on that one right now. She never really cared about her looks but she was still certain they were more then enough for such an insignificant human.

Folding one of her scythes out to extend almost straight from her arm she stepped in and slashed forward again, using the extra range to get the jump on the human and cut away his robe, and then she span into the attack to try to deliver a heavy punch to his sword arm, hoping to stun it and give her the opportunity she needed.

'Not good.' Was all he could think as he felt the cool air on his member, sending a small shiver up his spine. The sensation didn't let him forget of his eye, that was now starting to hurt to the point it was becoming a hindrance, the fight would have to finish soon or he would end up losing.

But that was not to be decided by him, as he realized his situation he failed to notice promptly the mantis girl's next attack, grunting as he tried to react. His arm moved too late, as the girl's blade grazed his chest ever so lightly, sending his robes into the air. He tried to move away once again, but his tardiness only awarded him a heavy punch that stunned his arm even further. His teeth gritted as he saw his second knife fall onto the ground.

He was on the verge of losing, unless he could get his weapons back, something he was intending to do immediately... But found himself flinching as he felt his eye throbbing, asking him for rest already. His untouched arm responded out of instinct and raised to reach for the bandage to relieve his pain. It was all the time the Mantis Girl needed.

There it was, taking advantage of the opportunity she darted in and grabbed both his arms. Violently forcing them up over his head as she drove him into the nearest tree, pinning him there far from his weapons. Her lower body was already aflame as instinct told her how close she was to fulfilling her bloods desire, though she remained externally as indifferent as ever. Not that she really needed the help from her instinct at the point as the man's member was trapped between them, its base pressing up against her own lower lips.

Keeping the human pinned she slid her hips back and let his cock slip down till it lined up properly and without the slightest hint of hesitation, for her instincts were screaming to loud for any hesitant cries from her mind to be heard, she took him into her, and everything about her changed in an instant.

It felt so good, the feeling of the first entry releasing a floodgate of emotions and instincts inside her, all the things most monster girls knew from birth filling her mind. Both her new and old instincts roared in approval as she adjusted and pushed, sending him deeper inside her. Her face broke out into a smile as pleasure coursed through her, and her human eyes closed as she began to pump her hips. Her body using all the new instinctual skills it could process in her state to increase both her own pleasure and the humans.

Koel could do nothing more than to grunt and gasp as he tried recovering his breath, feeling the insurmountable strength with which the monster girl was accosting him with, however, within himself rose an assortment of emotions as well, as he tried to keep his manhood down without much success, for now, even though he wasn't seeing anymore, her body was on top of him, and he could feel every single shiver and movement the girl did. Sending his head into confusion.

It was true that he knew what was about to happen, his caretaker had treated him more than once to sessions she would held when she felt specially... good, but this was essentially the first time he was in this specific seat in, what he felt, was a completely different situation. His body wouldn't deny the existance of his erection, that felt the gloriously smooth skin of the mantis girl as she moved about. He did not do anything more, as he figured resisting anymore was futile. He gasped preemptively as he noticed the forceful girl moving into an specific position. And then it came, with an explosion of pleasure , he grunted instead of moaning, as he tried to hold his voice in at the intense sensation.

This spectacular feeling was increased tenfold as he heard the excited voice above him, from the up until then expressionless and stoic girl that had assaulted him with mechanical precision, he didn't know what to think anymore of it, as his thoughts were pushed out by the sensation he felt from the sudden pace the girl forced onto him. He gritted his teeth, barely avoiding drooling at the assault. Unable to decide how he should feel about all of this, thoughts that were quickly disappearing from his eroding reasoning.

Her own thoughts were barely any more coordinated then the man's, her instincts fully incharge now. But they drove her body in a slightly different way then might have been expected. Instead of speeding up her hips moved slowly, almost tortuously so, and was no less pleasurable to her, though it was significantly more pleasurable to the human. Her instincts already starting on the process that would drain him dry when they finally finished.

The only time she regained some control from her instincts was when she heard a moan of pleasure, which she quickly realized was her own. Suddenly embarrassed at the sound she decided to silence herself, and there was one very good method of doing that right infront of her. The kiss that resulted was no less forceful then anything else she had done so far, closer to an invasion then anything else. Her tongue forcing its way into his mouth with all the subtly of a charging minotauros. Her antenna brushing into his hair as they absorbed his scent.

Other then that though her instincts were in full control, doing everything in their power to both keep her mate locked in pleasure, but just barely not enough pleasure to push him over the edge. Even though she was sure she had him snared both physically and mentally by this point she still didn't release his hands, the dominate position striking cords of satisfaction with the new parts of her mind. Though with a slide of her hands and scythes she quickly had the sharp natural weapons twisted just enough to tease at his sides, lightly poking at him as they moved and also reminding him what would happen if he somehow still thought of potentially escaping this situation.

There was no will left in the kid to resist any further, as he felt everything from the Mantis girl, and the unparalleled pleasure his member was experiencing, pleasure that felt like lighting bolts hitting every part of his body. He couldn't begin to describe it, or finish enjoying it. Every nook and cranny of the warm honey pot the girl was pleasuring him with was imprinted into his mind, and the slightly sweet and enticing voice of hers was something he could have only dreamed of.

What his eyes couldn't see, his ears, his nose, his skin could understand, the situation was quickly becoming something unbearable for him quickly as he felt himself getting ready already. But such thought was quickly halted as he suddenly felt an overeager pair of lips locking latching to his own, it took Koel the better part of a minute to realize that the girl was forcefully kissing him, and although he couldn't tell why, he took it in stride, letting her indulge in whatever feeling she may have had, because by that moment, he himself was cooperating already in this supposed rape. Trusting his hips in kind with the girl's. Making the already lewd and loud noises they were making under that tree even more noticeable.

Barely noticing when he felt the blades touching his skin, he only replied by returning the kiss even harder, even though he himself was out of breath. The feeling that he had to reciprocate to the immensely overwhelming feeling the girl was providing him arose in his mind. Not even noticing the moment of his violent release, although the mantis girl would surely feel it, and kept his service going... Pumping has hard as he could inside her.

'Seems like my instincts were been slightly off' she thought as she felt the man's warm seed pouring into her, her vagina pulling it all deep inside her. She was thankful that the human was still going because she was nowhere near her own release, though his hard thrusts were certainly bringing her toward it faster. Her inner walls doing things she didn't even know they could do to bring him toward release after release now.

Meanwhile she reacted to his counter attack on her mouth with a moan and pushing back with her tongue, starting a battle between them that she was determined to win. The pleasure from the entire act causing her antenna to start shaking where they were in his hair. Causing her even more pleasure from the friction.

Before she even realized it a few other sources of friction and contact were on her. Her scythes had changed positions again and now her hands had moved to guide the human's over her own body, still keeping her vice grip on them all the while, exploring her own sensitive spots with his hands. Stopping for a while wherever they hit a particularly good spot before moving to the next one, and finally stopping at her chest, where she just left his hands hovering, giving him a slight chance to choose what happened. All combined she was well on the road to her own release now.

It seemed certain, he could feel it with all of his being, the fruit of his labor, the girl slowly coming to her own climax. He would have smiled proudly, but with her lips still locked, he proceeded to show it with more powerful thrusts that would certainly help the girl's release. The sensation on his member was heavenly as he felt her canal wriggle and move to milk him even further, which he of course provided without fail. Filling her to the brim, as their love juices jettisoned out of her snatch.

The direction of the girl quickly showed Koel all of the spots the girl was feeling the most in her body, and managed to engrave all of those in his head has she hastily changed his hands from place to place, until... much to his surprise, she allowed him a bit of freedom when their hands hovered above her breasts. He obliged, manhandling her breasts to the best of his ability in an almost painful way, as he squished, rubbed and massaged her breasts with enough strength to leave marks on her fair skin.

He started harder than before, impacting the girl's hips in a way that overtook the overzealous pumping, he banged away, violently at the opportunity the girl had carelessly given him, preparing for his last spurt, which he intended to plunge as deep inside her as he could with his humanly strength. The sounds of skin slapping against skin were like music to his ears as he felt an intense reaction in his lower body, as a hot feeling started travelling from his member into the girl almost desperately. He moaned and grunted as his body struggled to keep the violent pacing with which he was now fucking the monster girl with.

And he finally went limp, his hip dropping, letting his cock slide out of her, allowing the sea of white to spurt out in quantity.
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Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

She had nearly lost control toward the end, though she couldn't say she didn't enjoy it. The rapid thrusting, touches and rough treatment of her chest had finally brought her to her own climax, one she only came down from moments before the man had finally pulled out. And though her body did its best to hold in as much of his seed as it could, but even then much escaped onto her thighs and the ground below.

Her body was still tingling from the treatment when she pulled back from the man and released his hands, though as her instincts pulled back a bit, her own mind made sure she kept between the human and his weapons, though the rest of her mind told her that would be unnecessary. The flaring of her instincts though had left her with a bit more permanent changes, and she could feel her instincts telling her that the man infront of her was now her partner. She had to admit the change was almost offsetting as she had never seen a humans as anything but useless, but with how satisfied her body was feeling she couldn't bring herself to complain.

Then she backed up even further and gave him a motion that she was fine with him grabbing his dropped gear, or atleast what was left of it.

The kid remained on the ground, with his arms supporting his upper body to keep him sitting, instead of flopping into the ground. In the position he was he was clearly no more of a threat to the girl as he gasped for breath. Trying to discern what would be of him then, trying to figure out where she was standing at, although his memory placed her between him and his weapons as a clear indication she still thought of him as something that could threaten her. He didn't know what to think either, after having had sex with her, and sex for the first time in his life to top it off, it was a weird feeling staying in that kind of stand off, it was worrying as well that it had all returned to the silence of before.

But that soon was over as she moved back, letting a trail of come on the ground as she gave him the space he needed to gather the his gear, or at least, the most intact parts of it. He reincorporated as best he could, his lower body feeling as exhausted as he imagined it would be. "Th-thanks." He stuttered, not really knowing why he even directed a word at the girl as he kneeled on the ground, touching around trying to stumble across his equipment with his palms. It was something of a sad display, considering how hard and skillfully he had managed to fend her off at the beginning.

He moved a bit his bandages over his right eye, to allow him to seek more comfortably, as otherwise he would have been blind, he shuddered immediately, as the salty sweat and the cool air met, irritating his eye almost immediately. He sighed resigned to his fate as he kneeled down and started gathering his stuff, whatever was still useful anyways.

As the human moved to grab his stuff her own body reacted to cut off the flow of white that was coming out of her, trying to save as much of it as she could, reducing it to practically nothing by the time the human actually started salvaging what he could. She felt positively vibrant and alive, which for her meant that even now there was a slight smile on her face. The burning need in her blood had been stated for now, and she could finally actually think about things. The smile even held through as her new partner blindly groped at the ground.

She wasn't actually sure how to react to make of it, he had seemed able to fight well enough before, so why couldn't he see now? Still though he seemed to get his sight back fast enough, but it was still enough to get her to finally say something in a voice barely louder then the whisper of wind".....Do you need any help?"

"..." Koel remained staring at the monster girl for a full minute, confusion written clearly in his eye, before he flinched, a gust of wind again punishing his carelessly revealed eye. He pondered for a moment, trying to decide what was going on, from silent to almost imperceptible... was that a good change?

The kid shook the ideas out of his head as quickly as he could, and returned to the matter at hand... would she kill him if he said something wrong? Well, he was already pretty much at her mercy... "Y-yes..." He said shyly, his visible eye, avoiding making contact with hers quite evidently. Nervousness filled his thoughts, finally dawning on him the fact that he had lost his virginity to such a... creature? Certainly... something worthy of a short and exciting life like his... But...

Koel sighed speeding up his gathering a bit, trying to busy himself a bit to avoid thinking of useless stuff.

Walking over to where she had forced the human to drop one of his daggers she picked it up and gave it a small twirl, such an unnatural little thing, how did the human fight with them so well. She mused on the thought a bit as she picked up his other dagger and gave it a few swings. She had to admit her partner was quite skilled to have held her back for any length of time with these tiny things.

Noticing the scent of a small amount of fear from the human she turned and went back over to him she holding the weapons by the blades and presenting them to him. A small twitch of her lips was the only thing that hinted at a smile as she said, in her still incredibly quiet voice, "....Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you....You're worthless as food.....And I'm not going to break what's mine....."

The bandaged kid looked with the most shocked face yet as he heard the mantis girl proclaim something somewhat outrageous. His single eye looking directly at hers as if to ask her to repeat that again... before his brain returned and made him return to his task. "Thank you." He muttered quietly as he took the knife from her hand with a slow, tentative movement.

After that, he salvaged what he could, getting a bit of the robes to cover for his ruined pants. Close akin to shirtless, but with improvised pants, he returned his bandages to their original place to save his eyes more unneeded pain. Somewhat relieved that his life was still his, now, however, remained one problem.

"Wh-what do you mean... 'not going to break what's mine'...?" He had an idea of what she might be meaning, but it was all so sudden and so strange... what was it with this strange one that made her proclaim something like that?

A slight quirk of her antenna was the only thing that gave away any of the mamono's surprise that the human even needed to ask that question. Rather then trying to explain what should have been obvious she instead decided to try to please the last bit of her instincts that hadn't left yet, and instead walked up to him and pulled him into a very deep kiss before pulling back and muttering "Mine..."

As she pulled back farther and stretched a few thoughts came to mind, remembering the mission her mother left her, which she had been planning for before her blood had distracted her. Now though she realized she had just had a stroke of luck related to that. Though she didn't really think she needed help in the eliminating parts of the mission, but an extra fighter would be useful, and her partner could help make it easier to travel the lands outside her forest as well, along with the obvious other advantage of having a male around.

"....Can you walk?..." She whispered to her partner as her mind began planning out how she would try to follow her mothers orders now that she had him along aswell.

Koel could only blush as the meaning of her proclamation was made clear, sending him fidgeting somewhat as he faced in the mantis girl's general direction. He'd been robbed of his freedom many times before... but this time, could he complain? Maybe a bit? If this one would interfere with his own mission...

He sighed, admitting to himself, he wouldn't mind gettin' side tracked at this point, but could he escape such a feisty one on his own? His will had clearly abandoned him already... He prayed mentally, for him to be able to finish his mission despite his situation... If not, he at least would be in company of a very... interesting, and beautiful girl...

"Yeah... I can walk, something like that wouldn't tire me for too long." He said quickly as his blush grew brighter, and followed the girl's voice.

"Then lets go..." She said, filling away that bit of information for future use as she moved back into the woods leading the human back toward her nest. She stayed on the ground and left him relatively free, the first because she didn't think the human could traverse the trees like she could, and she didn't feel like risking snapping his neck carrying him up there, the second because she needed both her arms free incase any other mamono had eyes on her partner, and she was fairly sure the human wouldn't run now.

'Varan... wherever you are... watch over me, please..." Koel tried to match his new companions pace, tuning his ears to try and hear her very light footsteps. A bead of sweat rolled down his cheek as he started considering what had just happened, after all, something like that didn't happen often... the sensation of her body still clear in his mind...

A monster girl... what were the odds he would run into one in his most desperate time yet... or that he would become this one's slave instead of dying without completing his mission...
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Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Off the road, they made their travels towards her nest. There was little disturbance from other possible enemies for most of the trip, though Mantis would soon find that she would be under attack from an intelligent enemy. Her nest was basically a small cave. Though inside was a most agile beast, one of similar agility and stealthy threat as herself.

A feline.

A savage naked women with cat paws and legs down from the knee, complete with deadly claws, a pair of ears, thin eyes, and a tail that swished back and forth. The feline leapt out from the cave, straight towards Mantis. She could get her blades out in time, but the feline was already upon her as it bit into her shoulder and raked her skin with her claws. Before the conflict could continue, the feline rolled and kicked Mantis off, allowing both to regain their footing, while the feline hissed and now stood on all fours next to Koel, as if it were showing her, while raising her back, that her foe should back off it she did not wish to die.

To Koel, all it would seem is two women with beastlike traits, fighting as if they were truly monsters. Which they certainly were.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Mantis reacted to the sudden combat the same she reacted to (almost) everything else, with a cold indifference. Now was not the time to worry about how she had been caught off guard just as much as it wasn't the time to worry about the wounds she had already suffered. All she really concerned herself with was driving this creature away from her human.

The only thing that kept her from launching forward right now was the humans proximity to the Feline, any serious fight would likely get him hit fast. Instead she locked one her blades fully forward and took a temporarily defensive position, keeping her extended blade out infront of her to pull up at the first sign of an attack. She kept her other blade half folded, incase she needed to dodge the feline or if she had to fight her off at claw distance again. With her defenses in place she started slowly moving closer to the feline, trying to get in rapid striking distance.

At the same time she remembered that the human atleast had some sort of skill with his weapons, and though she was loath to really put him at risk while he was in his current state, even a single moments distraction of the feline could buy her enough time to hobble the cat with a strike to the legs or arms.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Koel stopped in his track as he felt the sudden movement, readying his own knife without realizing as he gave a step back trying to assess what was going on. There had been a brief confrontation, he could tell that much, the sound of the footsteps around him revealed him more. He opted not to pull down his bandages, knowing his eyes were still all too irritated, he’d become powerless all too quickly if he did.

Right then, he could tell the Mantis girl wasn’t at his side anymore, but some quadruped entity. At this point, Koel didn’t want to make any assumption, but he could already tell, he was in the middle of a battle. “Hey… are you okay?” He asked as he took a defensive stance, engraving in his mind the distinct sound the steps of the feline girl carried with her. He took another step back, trying to separate from the cat girl without drawing too much attention to himself, to give them the space needed for him not to get caught in a wide swing or slash.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

The feline, despite Koel backing away, backed up with him, staying near the property she was now claiming to be her own instead of the mantis. In the event that the mantis drew closer, the feline would hiss as her first warning, before making a leap on the next offense the mantis decided to make upon the assaulting feline. The feline charged towards the mantis' defenses. Her outstretched blade was caught in her claws, and the feline raised her other claw as if to strike. It seemed aimed at her free arm with her other blade, and rushed to meet it while the feline kept her mouth open, saliva dripping from her mouth as she seemed eager to bite the mantis, likely eager to make a meal out of her.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Mantis Girl took a moment to consider the human's question and her own wounds as she neared the cat girl and gave a response of "....Not sure yet," before the cat girl lunged at her.

With one of her blades trapped by the claws of the cat girl and her other arm being targeted, Mantis Girl knew she was in a potentially dire situation. The way her opponent had positioned herself left her with only a few moves to escape.

First, a twist of her body pushed her caught blade toward the other girls side, even if it didn't manage to pierce the cat girls skin the application of force would likely throw her off balance. Mantis Girl helped it along by stressing her blades muscles to their full vice like possibilities to add extra perpendicular force. Along with pushing the cat girl slightly faster toward herself as the blades angle changed

Second, now that the cat girl was hopefully both off balance and off timing, not to mention off aim as Mantis Girl's other arm was now shifted behind her, instead of going for a hammer blow to the gut she angled herself to let the cat girl pass by, and cut her side open with her folded blade as she passed. For good measure she also left her foot out to try to trip or throw the cat girl off even more.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

The kid clenched his teeth as he heard the entire ruckus in front of him, recognizing it yet again as the battle between the catgirl and Mantis girl, knowing that there was little he could do about it. Even if he couldn’t see, he could hear it, the pattern of movements from the Mantis girl’s feet. If his mind could keep up with the eye of his imagination, he could see what kind of move his partner was pulling off.

“Damn…” Koel muttered, deciding it would simply be better to take another step back, this fight, he couldn’t help at all, why become a nuisance. Yet, he didn’t drop his knives, instead holding them tightly. If he could hear something that sounded like a chance, he’d take it, ending this battle fast was a priority for the time being.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

As Mantis aimed to catch the feline with one arm, the feline would dodge to the side, but not quite the way she expected. The feline was not a beast that would lose it's balance, and as such, when the threat became too much, she suddenly curled up into a ball, and straightened herself like a spring, kicking against Mantis' chest and launching herself and Mantis back. The two stealthy type mamono seemed even with each other, both feral in their own way. Suddenly, the feline turned, and dashed past Koel. Before she went by him, however, Koel would feel the feline grip his shoulders, and lick his neck. Perhaps he wouldn't know what this meant, but Mantis would see that he was being marked by the feline, and considered part of her territory. But Mantis had her own form of mark on him, so now Koel had mixed scents about him that only mamono like herself would be able to detect.

Once the feline had marked him, she suddenly vanished into the vegetation. To give chase would leave Koel behind.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Mantis managed to keep her balance even as the cat girl used her chest as a springboard. The other mamono taking flight and marking her partner on the way past. A barely perceptible tightening of mantis girls fists and downturn of the corners of her mouth were the only thing that hinted at how angry she was at the moment. Even worse she hadn't managed to land a solid blow on the cat girl either, while she herself was bleeding and her stomach was hurting from being used as a jump off point twice.

As it was she really wanted to go after the cat girl, but her cold logic kicked in and told her that not only was she unlikely to actually win such a fight at this point, she also would likely lose track of her partner in the chase, and then who knows what else would get ahold of him. Ontop of that it was likely the cat girl might try to come back later and Mantis could catch her then. So she resisted the urge, and instead walked over to the human, her steps slightly heavier then normal as she stomped past him, grabbing his wrist in the process and pulling him along, this time though she made sure to keep her eyes scanning left, right, up and low to the ground for signs of any other of the Mamono that lived in the forest.

(OOC: Wouldn't really call that an even fight seeing as Mantis didn't even manage to scratch/hit the cat girl/bitch)
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Koel touched the place where the cat girl had just licked, only completely confused by what just happened, he could still feel the mantis girl around when she took off, so… did Mantis win? Something told her she didn’t…

Her heavy, angry footsteps got the message across to him, however, as he turned to face at Mantis, feeling guilty about this, he hadn’t done anything at all, which certainly didn’t help in the outcome he was imagining in his mind. “S-sorry… I didn’t know if I would be of any he-” He was trying to apologize, but his attempt was interrupted by the girl suddenly grabbing of his wrist.

“A-are you okay? You’re not too hurt are you?” Koel couldn’t do anything else but to try and match the girl’s powerful stride.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

"...I'm fine..." Mantis said as she rolled her injured shoulder. It wasn't anything serious, no muscles had been damaged to any real extent and she wasn't at risk of bleeding out so it was perfectly true. Though that didn't diminish the fact that she was still extremely pissed off, though not at her partner, who seemed to believe she was angry at him.

Without coming to a stop she turned her head to look at the human and sighed, before saying "...Not angry with you....Now keep your ears open so we don't get surprised again before we get home..."
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

“I… see.” Koel said, just very slightly relieved by Mantis’s words, she still seemed quite upset, and while she didn’t sound hurt… he could tell, her pride had been wounded very deeply…

At the very least, she wasn’t angry at him, but he couldn’t help but to be upset by this as well… he could have helped her, and perhaps this could have ended without incidents. But he held himself up and… got licked… “What did that lick do anyways?” He asked to himself, not realizing he had actually voiced it.

He sighed, patting the mantis on the wrist to signal her he was already following… whatever they were going.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

They would walk through the woods and would arrive at Mantis' home without a hitch. The thing is, it wouldn't look like her home at all. and even Mantis herself would only be able to tell it was her home through sheer familiarity with the trees. A slight misstep in memory and even a villager from her land would never find her home again. Such is how they've managed to survive against their enemies, the shinobi. The trick was the thick leaves of the forest, that sea of green above. The natural green on their bodies helped camouflage their appearance, along with the green attire they and any husbands wore. Husbands just like Koel, who are taken here, with or without their will. It was impossible for Koel to tell, but Mantis would know there would have already been twenty sets of eyes that had already seen her. Mantis' home was a collected set of branches and leaves carefully warmed to form a dome of sorts, and it was far above. The entrance was from above, so any pursuers would think she simply vanished into the sea of green and continue pursuing to try and catch up to her. They would be safe in there from all natural sources.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

"....Wait here for a moment...." Mantis said, deciding it was likely better to, incase someone saw that that really shouldn't, have it look like their was a lone lost human wandering standing around a tree rather then risk her new partner being spotted up in the trees before they could camouflage him. Leaping up to the tree top village in just a few well placed hops she made her way up to her house, and grabbed a (likely oversized) green outfit that she had acquired around the time she started hunting for a mate. Before dropping back down to the ground and handing it over to Koel, "....Put this on...."
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Well, they were going somewhere alright, Koel couldn’t help but to notice a change in the air, his surroundings feeling much more crowded than before, and above all else, a small change in the way the mantis girl was walking, with something of a more trusting and comfortable stride than the cautious bounds she was taking moments ago. They were at her home, wherever that was, but judging by how the feelings around him had changed.

However… if they were heading to her ‘home’, wouldn’t that mean they’d be surrounded of others like her? Koel sighed, whatever they were going, it was going to be more than difficult enough.

“Put this on…” Koel froze a little bit at the request, his arm being the only thing that moved to reach for whatever she was offering him. It was clothes, and at the very least it seemed to feel appropriate to the touch. He wasted no time in changing, noting that it felt a little big for him, making sure to retrieve all of his hidden knives and replace them under his new outfit however he could.

“Done, but I think this isn’t my size. But what do I do now with my clothes?”
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

The wind blew, the leaves rustled, but no other answer would come for Koel but the answer from Mantis herself. The other insectoids in the trees did not react not interact with the pair now within their grounds. They were not a merry people that said hello to one another, they were a shadowy race that usually kept to themselves, but still knew each other and worked together, all without hardly saying a word to one another.

A bunny was also eating a carrot nearby. Not a normal bunny, it was a bunny girl. She was far away from the two, so she only glanced at them with mild concern.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

"....They will come with us...." Mantis said in relation to her partners clothes, they couldn't risk leaving it on the ground level after all. She was a bit wary of the bunny girl in the distance, never sure what could be a spy for the shinobi after all. Yet at the same time trying to actually confront the girl would be equally suspicious at this point. Instead she just waited for the bunny girl to look away and then muttered "...Hold on, stay quiet..." Before she grabbed her partner and leaped into the treeline above, dropping them both to the safety of her house, though she didn't let go of the human even after they were inside.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

“O-ok…” Koel couldn’t help but to stay silent as the Mantis as she lead him into the house, if that’s what it was, he wasn’t entirely sure. What had all that been about, in his mind he could kind of understand but really, the life of a monster girl seemed all sorts of chaotic. If not, why else would she have such a short ‘leash’ on him, he could only guess he could just be snatched away if they weren’t careful…

He just followed around trying to cope a feel of the house with his free hand as they moved, he’d at least like to remember the basic layout of the house if he was going to be inhabiting it for a while…