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Tokyo, Japan


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Tokyo. The capital of Japan. Said to be the busiest city in the world. 2 million people squashed into a large metropolis of billboards and lights. Here, life goes on as if nothing is wrong. But, beneath the mask of business and pleasure, this city has a dark past.

The Ministry building of Tokyo stands tall and proud. A large group of reporters stands waiting near a podium, waiting for the Prime Minister of Japan to make his speech. Several blocks over, a large van sits parked in an alleyway. Inside, a single child sits at the wheel of the van, his cyber-brain hooked into the net, hacking security cameras and monitoring devices all around the city, jumping from system to system, leaving a tiny backdoor in each so he can quickly access them later, until he finally has eyes on the entire press conference.

Several operatives are also positioned in the crowd, near the prime minister, and atop the building, protecting the Prime Minister from an assassin who had threatened his life.

"This is Takeshi. All operatives, check in. The conference is going fairly well. I have a feeling this guy's not going to just up and show himself." Takeshi says over both his radio and through his cyberbrain link to the different operatives.
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Re: Tokyo, Japan

"Officer Robert, reporting in. All clear on my end." Robert mutters into his radio.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

Of course he isn't going to fucking show himself, dumbass. Are you retarded? Crazy shits like him stay fucking quiet as a dead bitch 'til they start acting. Oh, and don't think I've forgotten about your damned, fucking sonic toy, motherfucker, I will get you back for that shit. Zenna replies over the com. Of course, she'd probably be a bit more focused if she actually found someone suspicious, so it could be presumed that it's currently all clear for her.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

"Reaver, signing in. Nothing going on up here at the moment, though I hope something happens, this is getting boring." Reaver replies to Takeshi, his voice its usual whisper. "And you, wench, keep it down or you'll blow our cover and I'll be forced to blow your pretty little head off." Reaver says to Zenna, perhaps a little too enthusiastically.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

Pressing the PTT of her headset, Suzy spoke up. "Takeshi, this is Biggs, seems fine down here, no problems so far." she said into the mouthpiece, leaning against a wall in her position, clutching her rifle to her chest.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

"Confirmed. Keep an eye out and watch your line of fi- hold on a minute, I'm seeing some movement. Reaver, check the crowd near Zenna's position. I'm seeing someone moving through the crowd, and they aren't carrying a camera." he says, his video feeds all focusing in on the man, a limp in his leg as he moves "Zenna, move out and restrain him, check his left leg. He may have a weapon hidden down his pant leg." Takeshi speaks into his comms and through his cyberlink. He manages to get a screen-capture of the man's face, then begins running it through every database he can get access to.

The man himself was moving with a limp indeed, and had brown slick-back hair, and was wearing a tan suit, and was holding what looked like a small black box, but it didn't look like it was a bomb, more like a protective casing of some kind. He constantly looks over his shoulder, like someone was chasing him. Reaver would also see the man, and would have several looks at his terrified face.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

Reaver brings his sniper rifle up to look through the scope, focusing on the man a thin smile stretches across his face.

"We don't need her to restrain him when I can easily blow a leg or two off," Reaver says enthusiastically as he physically restrains himself from pulling the trigger.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

"Roger that, standing by. Reaver, if you blow a leg off, he'll die from blood loss. We need him alive don't we?" Suzy chips in, pushing herself into a proper standing position as Takeshi comes in over the radio.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

I'll see what I can do to the fucker then. Venna says as she begins moving forward towards the man. With a small gesture and a bit of hope, Venna attempts to use her chip to loop a thin bit of wood out of the ground and around the man's right toes as he continues moving in an attempt to trip him. At the same time as she moves towards him, Venna tries to follow his line of vision back to where he was glancing. The fucker looks scared. You sure he's the real deal and not some random chump who got pressured into doing this with aggressive negotiations? Venna says, thinking about how some of the gangs she dealt with on occasion would sometimes force someone to do things for them if they couldn't pay for their 'protection'.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

Zenna's trick actually trips him, his grip loosening on the box, the device tumbling across the ground, then beeping quickly, a strange whining in the air.

"Reaver, hold your fire. If anything, hit him in the arm to throw him off balance. But do NOT fire until I give you the go-ahead. Zenna, watch yourself. There've been reports of some new kind of weapon being traded around. No one in the department has any idea whether it's explosive or a gun, but it's good at removing heads without leaving a trace." Takeshi says over the comms, his search finally turning a result, his eyes growing wide as he reads the report "Zenna! Stand down! This guy's not some random punk. He's one of the mercs on our most wanted list! He may looks like a bumbling idiot, but that's just a facade. He'll take you down before you even know what will happen." Takeshi says, then watches Zenna trip him, analyzing the noise "Reaver! Cover your ears or you're dead!" he communicates to Reaver through his cyber-link.

What would happen next would be something completely out of this world. Reporters and journalists began to drop to the ground, all of their eyes were seemingly gone, when, in fact, they had rolled back so far there was only whites. And they all fell outward from where the device had been. The Prime Minister suddenly drops, his eyes rolled back in his head as well. The man stands, his left hand reaching down into his pants as he draws out a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun, sawed-off to actually fit down his pant legs. He aims it into the air, fires a single shot, then aims at Suzy. If Reaver acted quickly enough, he might be able to shoot the gun out of the man's hands.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

At the order for Reaver to cover his ears he automatically shuts down his sense of hearing, and as he watches the scene unfold through his scope he quickly pulls the trigger on his rifle, aiming not at the mans hand but at his wrist. A large, almost perverse grin stretches across his face as the recoil from Reaver's rifle disrupts his invisibility, and a second later he appears perched on a ledge on a building hiding in the shadows.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

Reaver had managed to squeeze the shot off in time, the mans right hand dropping as he also drops the shotgun. There was no blood coming from his wrist, however, as he suddenly turned and began to run, small drops of black fluid landing on the ground as he takes off at nearly twice the speed that a normal human being should be capable of.

"Everyone. It looks like he's a cyborg. His limbs are prosthetic, so this speed is nothing for him. Reaver, see if you can hit his ankle. I want him taken down now!" he says into the comms, the last bit over his cyber-link to Reaver, as the truck starts and Takeshi hops out of his seat at the computer terminal, then moves to the driver seat.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

"Shit." Rob mutters to himself as the mission quickly goes downhill. Rather than directly chasing or shooting at the suspect, Robert decides to try something new, activating his new "magic" implant system, and quickly trying to put a patch of ice under the perps feat, hoping to trip him up and maybe give Reaver a clean shot at him as he recovers.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

Reaver aims carefully at the man again, and instead of aiming for his ankle Reaver isn't aims for the man's knee. Laughing quietly to himself, though it still being broadcasted over the cyber link-up, Reaver pulls the trigger in the hopes of taking the man's leg off.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

As Robert forms the ice slick, the perpetrator actually uses it to his advantage. His head suddenly flings backward as he slides along the ice and flips over backwards, completely dodging the shot and continuing his run. Reaver would soon hear a strange static sound in his ears as his eyes begin to lose focus.

Takeshi, having witnessed the backflip from his camera hack, growls as he focuses on the man, his cyber brain linked into the net, rapidly approaching the mans cyber brain, and slowly working his way deeper and deeper, slowly seeping into his consciousness.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

Keh, looks like I get to take my turn with the dipshit unless some shithead else wants to interfere with my choice of tactics. Zenna says over the radio before reaching out with her chip again to try and tangle the man's feet with inch thick wooden cords whenever he brought a foot down. She wouldn't go above the ankle, though, as she hopes he will trip and break an ankle.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

"Goddamn you, you stupid asshole!" Reaver growls over the radio, his insult directed at Rob. "You cost me a perfectly good shot! Ergh, what the hells happening?" Reaver whispers as he clutches his head as he starts to lose his vision.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

Takeshi snaps out of his hack into the man, hearing Reaver in distress "Reaver. What''s the problem?" he asks over his cyber-link, shaking his head and tracking the suspect

The suspect was losing his footing with every step, until finally he lost his balance and tripped. When he landed, he tried to stand up, giving Reaver a perfect shot at his remaining hand.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

"I can't see all that well, my vision's gone blurry and there's some static in my hearing." Reaver says to Takeshi through gritted teeth. "Dammit, I bet he's got some asshole hacking into me." Reaver lifts up his rifle and, this time takes out two wires from the scope and connects them to the side of his head. "Lets see the bastard screw with me this time." Taking aim, Reaver targets the small of the man's back. If this bastard had someone to hack him he's damn well going to make him pay.
Re: Tokyo, Japan

Having been taken aback by the collapsing of those around her, and the speed of the Assassin, Suzy missed her chance at taking him out. Cursing to herself, she got on her radio. "All, this is Biggs. I lost him, so I'll be staying with the Prime Minister now until proper medical staff can get here. Biggs out."

Having dealt with that, she carries on. Approaching the Prime Minister, she kneels next to him. "Prime Minister, are you all right, can you hear me?" reaching for his throat to check his pulse, she continued talking to him, listening for her radio going off.