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Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Dropping out of hyper-space in orbit, Talok began hailing the surface, frowning at the delays. Usually the Tollan hailed first when a ship was detected, and the Ion Cannons would be ready automatically. He could not approach any closer without them firing unless he raised someone, and soon.

When Elissia's ship dropped out, he would hail them and warn them not to approach any closer than he was.
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

Silently emerging out of slip-space, the Al-Sora would confirm Taloks presence, and await further instruction whilst scanning the surroundings. Receiving the warning the ship doesn't lower it's orbit any further for the time being and remains ready for any developments.
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

After a long time, they got a response from one of the Tollan, Nareem.

"My apologies for the delay, you may approach when ready, however I strongly advise that you do not transport down unless you are in some kind of protective gear. Like many other worlds, it appears we too have been stricken with whatever disease has been afflicting other worlds. It seems to be running quickly through us, we already have over a hundred deaths from the disease alone, and none of our technology has been able to slow it's progression. To top it off, most of our command centers are completely gone, the hive that attacked us launched suicide bomber darts. Something else you should know, our Ion Cannons were completely ineffective against the hive. We also detected weaponry aboard that hive that was Ori in origin, as well as Draque systems."
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

Glad to get a response, Ayla begins to lower the ships orbit slightly and replies. "Thank you for the greeting Nareem. My name is Ayla Iasha-Voh, captain of the Etherian vessel Al-Sora. We've come at the request of the Alliance to investigate the situation and offer whatever aid we can." She introduces.

"I regret that I doubt we have the facilities to provide any direct medical aid at this scale. But if there is anything you believe we could assist with, please say. But this disease... It definitely started in concurrence with the wraith attack? Do you know how they delivered it? And did they make any communication or give any clues about the reasons for their attack at all?"
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Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

"There was no communication whatsoever, and we detected a spherical device launched from the hive after they took out our Ion Cannons from orbit. Right now, much as I shouldn't say this out loud, Tollana is completely defenseless from any spaceborne attack, and our capability to deal with a ground invasion is near zero right now. They knew exactly where to hit us, as if they had someone down here guiding them."
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

"Well that certainly sounds like a valid suspect for a bio weapon delivery method." Ayla says, pausing to address Talok also now on the same channel. "Talok. In previous outbreaks or attacks, have there ever been any kind of follow up attacks yet? From the description of the hive ship responsible, the Al-Sora quite likely isn't a match for it alone. She is primarily a support vessel, rather than a direct combat craft."
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Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

Talok shook his head.

"We've had no reports of any follow-up attacks from a hive, or any other ship as of yet even trying to take advantage of the situation. Then again, Tollana is the biggest target hit yet with this bio-weapon. From what we've been able to tell as well, the virus, if that's what it actually is, it's capable of blanketing an entire planet no matter what precautions are taken to stop it's progress. Quarantines have no effect on slowing it down, it's likely one hundred percent air-borne, and the device that you mentioned must saturate the entire atmosphere with it to ensure success. However, we've been told from other planets that some people haven't even gotten sick, while others have but managed to recover from it, while still others have died from it. My best guess is that it was originally intended to prevent feeding wraith, as we know it kills them when they try to feed as well. Killing humanoids from the sounds of things appears to be a bonus for whoever is responsible for it all. Now that we know what we're looking for though, we can get the word out. As for fighting that ship, from the sounds of it she can give my ship a good run too, which isn't good."

At this point another Tollan entered the room on the screen, and spoke some words with Nareem. When he spoke to them again in English, he had a surprised tone to his voice.

"We may have caught a break here. My lead medical scientist managed to isolate the virus in one of our patients. She tells me that it has two unique compounds to it. One of them is consistent with the Trabal drug used in Pegasus to try and stop the rebel wraith from feeding on their population, and as you know the rebels leveled the planet in response. Evidently someone found this drug or how to make it though. The second part however is what concerns me the most. It bears signatures in it that are eerily similar to that of the plague the Ori unleashed when the war first broke out. If that is the case, since they are no longer hostile to us, they may be able to help find a way of combating this thing."
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

"So a large Wraith Hive is actively spreading a disease that is both deadly to many, and prevents Wraith feeding." Ayla says, mainly just repeating the information in thought. Ellisia taking a moment to speak next.

"You are far better versed on exactly what this might mean, than us Talok, but tracking down the ones responsible behind these vile attacks is certainly of importance."

"As is anything that might lead us closer to a distributable cure or methods of treatment." Ayla adds, pausing as the other Tollan came into view to speak to Nareem. "That's an excellent step towards understanding and handling this plague then. I hope it can be put to use in some manner. If not, then with luck we might discover something whilst investigating these new leads."
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Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

Talok nodded on the screen.

"We should try and contact the Ori, send them what data we can and see what they can come up with. I'd say a multi-headed approach would be best. Try to find a cure or treatment that will help, while trying to locate the source of all of this and shut them down quickly at the same time. At the very least, I think we can rule out the Klarnell as being responsible for this, at least for this time frame. If what we know of them is accurate still, they can't afford to go killing off, dare I say it, potential unwilling mates."
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

"Very well then. Contacting the Ori should be simple enough. Tracking down the culprit vessel, or their allies, may prove more challenging. As much as it might stand out, they could be just about anywhere by now. Are there any assets we can draw on to locate them, or predict their next target perhaps?" Ayla replies. How best to actually fight the thing would be another matter.
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

Nareem was the one who responded to her.

"I've been working on that for some time now, keeping track of where this illness has popped up, though I never expected it to get here. From my research, of the worlds we know have life on it, only a dozen or so haven't been hit yet. Earth, Cimmeria, The Velokian Homeworld and the Kih Andari are among those yet to be hit. I suppose we could try to ambush them at one of those worlds, if they show up. Beyond that though, I'm not really sure."

Talok nodded.

"It gives us something to work with at least. Ayla, do you folks want to head out and try contacting the Ori? It poses the lesser risk to you, as far as we know, your people would be close enough to human that this disease might affect you all. With me, there's a chance Nevish may protect me from it at least. I'd like to start looking over the disease, see if I can find a way to attack it, get a head start if you will."
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

"Well we are ready to face risks if need be, and we do actually have effective methods to combat disease should the worst occur to our own people, it is just unfortunate that our particular medical techniques cannot aid the Tollan people in this situation." She replies, "One thing on my mind however, before we select courses of action, is how we can stop any further plague bombs from afflicting further planets. Our ships Engineer has just informed me that he has a potential counter measure in mind."
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Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

Both Talok and Nareem paused, before Nareem spoke.

"Then we should hear this. It may be too late to stop such a bomb from affecting us, but if we can stop it from affecting the remaining untouched worlds, it is worth a shot."
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

Ayla nods lightly, "I will let Vern explain his idea himself then." She says, patching a visual feed through to Vern, who appeared to be standing in the Al-Sora's hangar bay.

"Ah, hello." The engineer begins turning to face the source of the video with a slight bow. "Against a viral weapon, conventional countermeasures for shooting down an object pose the problematic risk of merely releasing the capsule contents early. Slightly hampering it's global distribution rate at best. Even with considerable high energy weapons, assuring absolute annihilation of the virus is difficult to guarantee. Sterilising the capsule without breaking it, would be preferable, for which I think I have a makeshift solution." He explains, stepping to the side slightly and gesturing to a large and sleek silver object hovering behind him. "This is one of our 'Sylph' light fighter golems. They're small autonomous or remotely controllable drones. The exact mechanism would require extra explanation, but I am fairly confident we would be able to modify some for increased speed, and program them to overload their core in proximity to the virus, in a manner that would destroy only the virus itself before any risk of it's release. If launched from nearby orbit or a ground position near the target, they should be fast enough to intercept."
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Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

Talok replied quickly.

"Orbit would make more sense, less chance of it missing or not getting there in time. The only issue I see with this is if the attacking ship, or ships detect them and open fire on them first. We may need to interface a stealth generator to them, although I'm not sure if that would work. Either way, it sounds like something worth trying. How long would it take you to implement something like that?"
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

(I keep forgetting the underlines for comms almost every single post, and have to keep going back to edit. xD )

"Fortunately it's a fairly simple conversion process. I could probably have a batch of about a half dozen done within an hour. If I requisition a request to Etheria to convert and dispatch more, we could have as many as is realistically required."
Vern Aiita answers. "As for them coming under fire, it might help if we tasked un-modified Sylphs as escorts to draw or even catch fire. It increases the expense of the tactic, but they are relatively expendable. Given the importance of the mission, I mean. If compact stealth systems can be fitted to any within the time frame, then that would be an additional edge still."
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

Talok nodded again.

"I'll look over the specs of these Sylphs and see if we can work something out then. Thank you."
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

"Very well. Keeping a small supply aboard the Al-Sora will be easy. Having them ready at other locations would require some extra arrangements to be made. I'll send you the relevant data, and get to work on my end." Vern answers, stepping away from the view as Ayla reduces the video feed. Ayla resuming the conversation herself. "Arangments for counter measures aside, we are otherwise ready to seek contact with the Ori regarding a possible cure. You said you would be remaining here?"

(Also took this as an excuse to make another one of those things I like to make. Added a Sylph specs thing to my database post. :3 )
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

Talok nodded on screen.

"I'm going to take a sample and expose it to samples from my own blood, as well as the symbiote to see if I am right. If I am immune to it, then we may be able to use that in some way to help distribute a cure, or at least prevent anywhere else from falling to this disease. You'll need to travel to a specific spot in space in the galaxy, I'm sending you the coordinates now. From there, you'll be able to access a small Stargate floating in space and dial it to the Ori. It's been specially modified with their technology to reach their world for communications purposes. I'll send over the remote dialer in a moment."
Re: Tollan Homeworld (Space and Planetside)

"Well I hope that your experiments bear some fruit then. In the meantime we shall seek out the Ori as you suggest, and enquire for their input." Ayla responds. "I will also contact and make arrangements with Etherian command for production of the counter measures, and see what we can do regarding their distribution."

Contacting the Ori would pretty much be a first for the Etherians ever since their last less pleasant circumstances for meeting. Unless there was more to be disccussed, once the dailing device was sent over, Ayla would bid Nareem and his people hopeful wishes and farewell for now, and set off to travel to the indicated stargate.
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