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Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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The teleportation spell, after throwing her across god-knows-how-many dimensions before she finally was caught by a very specific one, suddenly found the spell ending abruptly, leaving her dozens of feet in mid-air, with a large river below her. She fell quickly, screaming on instinct, before she collided with the water's base, sending stars across her vision, nearly making her black out upon impact, before her senses recovered, and she was forced to swim to the surface of the cool water, which caused an embarrassing tingling sensation along her genitals.

And, out of earshot due to Melle being underwater, a very certain demoness giggled as she watched the human fall into the water from the sky, "Right on time..." she said quietly to herself, "I love profiting from your 'mistakes', Enigma... Makes life worth living!" she announced, laughing to herself, before approaching the water's edge, and wrapping powerful illusionary magic around herself, first impressions are everything, after all.

And, once she reached the surface, and took a breath of fresh air, Mellus found herself in a calm river, in the middle of a strange forest with an odd aura about it, as if something was wrong, or 'off' about it. However, she couldn't enjoy the scenery too much, before she heard an enchanting voice from over by the bank of the river, "Over here!" she called out to her. And when she turned to look, Mellus saw a highly attractive angelic figure, white robes, wings and all, looking out to her. Her hair was a beautiful, shiny bright blond, she had piercing blue eyes, and breasts as large as the woman's head. A woman with enough deadly attraction that could likely kill someone with a heart attack if they saw her in something much more 'revealing.'

"Take my hand! I'll help you out of the water!" she told her, taking a knee by the bank of the river, and stretching her hand out to Mellus.
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)


Mellus, or "Melle" for short, had experienced many things throughout the course of her life. Being robbed in her sleep... shot out of a cannon...shrunk to the size of a doll...she had even been molested by slime tentacles during an experiment that had gone wrong (courtesy of Enigma). Falling from the sky, naked as a bird, through multiple dimensions... now that was a new one.

Crash-landing into a body of water from a fifty feet free fall, the girl began her "adventure" in the new world with a hearty scream... before having the air knocked out of her lungs by the impact of the collision. Thankfully however! As Melle was a natural survivor with keen instincts, the girl managed to surface successfully so as to be rewarded with fresh air, beautiful scenery...and a dazzling beauty at the side of the river, offering a helping hand (which she readily accepted). Truly superb prizes (best of which would be the last) for a superb survivor in perilous conditions! Now if the girl had managed to avoid being seen while falling through the various dimensions, she would be content…for now anyway.

~~~~Elsewhere, in an “Old West” dimension…~~~~

“Huh? UFOs shaped like nekkid women? Buncha crazies…next they’ll say you can fly to the moon…”

Frank Louis, having read the ‘ridiculous’ headline on the newspaper, threw it to his handy dandy goat, while returning to his latte…
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

Taking Melle's hand, the woman lifted her out of the water, Melle herself being mostly unable to even swim her way through the water, given how close she was to having her body crushed from the fall, surviving, but in a great deal of pain. And once she was on dry land, the woman parted her loose robe enough to try and take the wet Melle inside her robes, in an attempt to keep her dry, and keep her from shivering from the breeze, while Melle herself found the angelic woman's large breasts squishing against her, the naked globes, since she was now inside a good deal of her robes, pressing against Melle's own naked flesh, the tips of the angel's nipples poking into her skin...

"Come, come now... Can't have you naked, and dripping wet in a place like this... Poor thing..." she said, trying to comfort Melle, as her soft, gentle hand graced over Melle's orange hair, getting it off of her face, while rocking Melle back and forth as the bruised woman slowly recovered, "What in the heavens were you doing, child, flying out of the sky, and naked, of all things!" she said with surprise and worry for her.
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

"...Scones...tea...crazy elf..."

Teeth still chattering slightly from having been dropped into the river, Melle found it difficult to answer the woman in regards to her circumstances...especially with certain other things distracting her from thinking with the clearest of minds.

Currently, as it was now...she was cold, shivering... and in the same robe as a woman who would have made everyone back home swoon at the simple sight of her. This as a result, caused a small internal "struggle" of sorts within her mind, the 'desire' part of her psyche conflicting with her 'common sense/morals/rogue sense'. The former, at this point, was attempting to coax her into moving closer to the woman, for warmth and perhaps something else. The latter however, the one that generally got her out of sticky situations, was telling her that this was completely abnormal to begin with and that she should be keeping her space from the beautiful, sexy, and angel-like woman who was probably out to sell her organs or something.

Whhhh-what's this girl thinking anyway? Picking up a random stranger like me from the middle of a river...and letting me in her robe too!... It's as if she doesn't realize the dangers of...oh gods her nipples are touching my back... No, bad. Stop thinking in that direction. Just stop right there and don't even...gah!

Naturally, with two certain soft globes pressing against her back, it was easy to tell which side was losing the fight. And for anyone who doubts this, one can tell this easily from the faint blush on her face and a slight fidgeting mixed in with the shivering...
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

The angel didn't seem to either care, or notice Melle's horny condition, and simply seemed to pass it off as something that was troubling her due to what happened. Holding Melle tight, and close, breasts still mashed against her with the angel's soft arms wrapped around her, Melle was slowly starting to feel better, as her chattering slowly stopped, and she began to feel a bit more dry, "Shh... Nevermind, child... You can tell me later, after you feel better..." she told her, still trying to comfort her...

Then, suddenly, the angelic woman adjusted both herself, and Melle, so that Melle was facing her, and her head reached the angel's pair of massive breasts, offering a nipple to her for Melle to suck on, "Here... Drink my breast milk... It will make you feel much better..." And, at the natural look Melle might give, the angel giggled, shaking her head, "Don't be shy, child... It will make you feel as good as new, I promise... "
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

((Alright, now that was just a wee bit 'too' blunt.))

Ddddiii-did she just- wait what?!

As expected, Melle did indeed give off the natural response to such a straightforward and obviously sexual suggestion... one of complete bewilderment. Awestruck by the woman's actions and behavior, it took Melle a few moments to do the only logical thing that came to mind (after the more perverse part of her had been kicked into a ditch full of earth and water in a metaphysical fight). Attempt to back away, while politely declining the offer...and look around for any possibility of being set up for something unpleasant.

"Erm...thanks but...I think...I'll pass...Not that I don't want to mind you, but I think it'd just a 'tinsy' bit awkward for me to do that, even if you insist..."

Eyes nervously glancing about as she attempted to put a bit of "breathing space" between herself and the woman, the orange-haired woman was beginning to question and dread her circumstances...

Enigma...just where in the multiverse did you send me?...
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

The angel smirked a little, before, given how Melle was trying to avoid her body, stared at Melle's eyes with her own. Melle found herself somewhat entranced, almost hypnotized by the woman's piercing blue eyes, as Melle consciousness seemed to blackout for a moment, her recollection of what happened there after mostly remaining a blur.

And when she started to regain her senses, she found herself doing exactly what the angel asked her to do, as she was suckling on her breast, and drinking the milk that came forth, until she finally had her wits about her, and managed to stop, and pull away. And, as a result of having drank the milk, Melle felt strangely warm on the inside. Her body heated, and her fatigue, aches, pain, and otherwise trembling all ceased. And with no drawbacks seeming to afflict her, it appeared the woman spoke the truth, and, even if only for that moment, only had good intentions for her.

Pulling away, and letting Melle out of her robes, the angel then suddenly stripped, taking off her robes, before wrapping them around Melle's shoulders, leaving her very, very, almost deadly attractive body exposed to Melle's eyes. And no matter how much she may ignore it now... The sexual thoughts about the woman would still be a current thought on her mind "There, much better," she said to Melle with a smile, "I must say, child, you are a little too much a prude to be from around here." she said teasingly, with a chuckle, "I only tease, I meant nothing ill towards you, child." she said, waving her hand, and seeming to not care at all about the fact that she was naked, talking to Melle normally as if nothing was wrong.
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

Once again we return to "new experiences", the feature one this time being 'blanking out and finding yourself suckling on an extremely attractive woman's breasts despite knowing for a fact that you turned it down only a few seconds ago'. The lucky, or perhaps unlucky, person to go through this? Our favorite heroine Melle once again.

Forcing herself to stop and pulling back in shock after regaining her senses, Melle was sent into a state of alarm, slightly panicked about what had taken place.

Whhhh-what the?! I was over here and then...I was...sucking on her...and...

Such was her state of distress, that she was only slightly aware of her fatigue and bodily ailments leaving her, her mind and sanity taking precedence at this point...both of which were being put in increasing peril with each passing second. Especially after the point where she found herself in (attempted) conversation with the angelic figure...whose beauty was now completely exposed for all the world to see.

"...No...I don't think I'm...from around here...either..."

Given the lack of focus in her speech...it was probably exceedingly obvious where her thoughts laid, mesmerized by the sight in front of her and trying to restrain her wild and rampant thoughts.
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

The angel smirked at Melle, taking a few, seductive steps towards her, until just her nipples poked against Melle's shoulders, as the woman stood over her, a little taller than her. "You must be quite taken with me... I've yet to see your eyes leave my body." she said, while taking her left hand, and gently brushing some orange hair off of Melle's face, before cupping her cheek, and slowly trailing her hand down her body, down her neck, across her shoulder, before rubbing, and massaging her hips(covered by the robes, of course).

And touching Melle this way, the angel woman was making it clear that she wouldn't shy away from giving Melle what her perversions wanted...
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

And of course, the other woman would choose not to help Melle in restraining her wild thoughts, but to encourage them instead. The result? A highly flustered, red, and slightly wet girl fighting her urges and beginning to lose. One that became even more embarrassed when she realized that the other woman had noticed her unconscious ogling...

"Um...You're...very...beautiful...so I...um..."

Fidgeting even more when the angel traced her hand down and began massaging her...the girl found herself in a very uncomfortable position. Although it was clear that the other woman wouldn't mind giving her what she longed for...the morals of the society she had lived in, along with her own shyness prevented her from taking any initiative. That and the voice of reason which was trying to climb out of some subconscious pit it had been kicked into, continued to tell her that something was fishy about this...
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

The angel twisted her lips into a smile, "So I've heard. I have not gone with this magnificent body for so long, and not received a compliment on it." she told Melle, before her smile widened, and Melle felt her hand massaging along her waist, "... You're such a pervert." she said suddenly, chuckling as she took Melle's hands, "Perhaps we should find a place for you to dry? I hope my humble home will be enough." she said with charm.

And the next thing, she turned around, letting Melle go, before clasping her hands together. And when she did, Melle could feel a great surge of magical energy come forth from the woman, before she parted her hands as if opening a sliding door, which the reality in front of her seemed to do, as some kind of window into a dimensional gateway appeared, displaying what lied on the other side quite clearly, a warm, cozy looking sanctuary of luxury, made of white marble, red carpets, and a beautiful fireplace that seemed like it would solve Melle's wet problem quite well...

And past the angel woman, Melle could see a bed, which would likely help to solve her other 'wet' problem...

The angel, without looking back, walked through the gate, into the other side, with nothing substantial seeming to happen at all. And as the naked sex idol of an angel stood on the other side, she turned to look at Melle, placing a hand on her hip at Melle's natural hesitation towards the doorway, "What are you doing?" she asked her, "Come inside! I'll light the fire for you, and prepare you some nice, hot tea and scones..." she said, giving Mellus a trusting wink, expecting her to know what that gesture meant.
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

As is natural, Melle blushed in embarrassment from what the 'angel' had said to her, from having the fact that she failed to compliment the beauty pointed out and from her own perversity. Rarely did she make blunders as this, of forgetting to sweeten her tongue or making her desires so evident, yet in the circumstances that she had been put in, she was now guilty of both.

Fortunately for the girl though, she would soon forget her embarrassment as it would be replaced with slight feelings of doubt, concern, and perhaps wonder when the angelic woman conjured a dimensional gateway of sorts with such ease...for this implied that she was not merely a pretty face, and was perhaps something more. Another mage? A sorceress of sorts? Or was she 'really' an angel, like she appeared to be? Such were the orange haired girl's thoughts...

"Come inside! I'll light the fire for you, and prepare you some nice, hot tea and scones..."

Until tea and scones were mentioned. Then, wincing slightly as she remembered how she got here, and how the wizard responsible was obsessed with such, Melle opted to link the two together. The woman before her was...most likely another mage, at least in her mind. Which...could be good, or bad, depending on circumstances. Nevertheless, just in case...

"Erm...can we have something else besides tea and scones?... Say...something sweeter?..."

That said, she still opted to follow the woman in through the portal, for "mages" had yet to do evil to her...although they tended to get her into sticky situations.
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

The angel laughed, Of course, then I'll prepare a sugared drink instead. she offered. And after walking through, the portal closed behind Mellus, leaving her stranded in whatever world the angel took her through. And after the fact that she was now standing in a much warmer, more luxurious place, the blond angel disappeared into a nearby room, which seemed to be the bedroom for a moment, before returning with another robe on to cover her decency.

Walking from the arch to the bed room, the sounds of her sandals on her feet flapping on the marble ground echoing slightly in the closed room "Have a seat," she told Melle, pulling out a chair from the table she was passing by in offering for Melle to place her bottom there, before the angel continued, grabbing a yellow fruit, some water, a glass, and some grains, which were pure white in color. Sugar, most likely. She mixed the ingredients together quickly, having Melle's glass of lemonade ready in a matter of moments, before the glass was placed on the table for her delight.

The angel woman then went back to the counters, and prepared teabags, and the like for the tea she had planned, while grabbing a scone from nearby, still warm, and taking a bite of it as she worked. "So, I suppose we're overdue for introductions," she said after swallowing her first bite, without looking back towards Melle, "My name is Naznia," she introduced herself..
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

((*Casts cure critical laziness* Ahem... First post in four months, forgive me if this is out of character. as I need to dig through my memory for the exact concept.))

Not exactly what I meant...I was hoping.. for...no, pull yourself together Melle! You shouldn't have been thinking of that to begin with! Take her kindness with a smile and give her a happy expression.

Melle was perhaps...slightly disappointed by the response she received in regard to her request...however, made no visible show of it, appearing to be rather content outwardly (largely thanks to the experience procured from her trade). Even so however, when the portal suddenly closed behind her, she could not help but become tense as a result of her roguish instincts, for she had come to a realization of her circumstances and surroundings. As it currently stood, the girl had effectively, through her own actions, caused herself to become isolated, and effectively trapped in a location she knew nothing about, with a woman she had scarcely met a few minutes ago.
Finding oneself in such a situation without choice was a nightmare for most in the girl's line of work. Putting oneself into such a situation was plain idiocy.

...Walking into a portal, summoned by a woman you just met..I'm going to be the laughingstock of the guild if anyone ever hears of this...Stupidity beyond belief...

Occupied with berating herself silently for getting into such a situation, Melle would temporarily lose track of the "angelic woman" she had followed into the room for a moment, focus only returned to her upon the woman's reentry into the room. From that moment on however, despite maintaining the same expression she had donned earlier (thanks to her experience in the arts of deception), the "rogue" found herself meticulously studying her "savior's" actions as well as her surroundings. Paying close attention to every minute detail she could, perhaps in an attempt to make up for what she perceived to be a blunder.

Yellow fruit...water...white grains... lemonade? No...best not come to any conclusions, not sure if the fruit here is the same as back home...not to mention that white stuff. Could easily be sugar, or poison. Old man Maxim was a big fan of the latter if I recall....so it'd probably be better to test it first. A tiny sip might suffice as a test...but maybe it'd be better to avoid drinking to begin with...conversation in place of actually drinking then.

And when introductions had finally begun alongside conversation with her savior, who she now knew as Nazina, Melle woud leave her glass untouched. Choosing to simply speak for now, until she had a better grasp of whether or not the person before her could truly be trusted. A paranoid train of thought that could take its course much easier, now that she wasn't being distracted by a "glorious" and alluring body.


...so the conversation began.
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Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

After a moment, Naznia's tea preparations going along, the water still on it's way to a boil, Naznia giggled a little when Melle says nothing beyond her name, "You don't talk much, do you, Melle?" she inquired, watching the steadily boiling pot, before glancing back at her, looking at her lemonade briefly, "Oh, are you not thirsty? Or is something the matter?" she asked curiously.
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

((7:00 in the morning... is that a flying pig I see?))

Bad Melle! You're making yourself too obvious! Try acting more natural!

Berating herself silently for making her paranoia all too apparent to the other party in the room, Melle would attempt to smooth things with an "legitimate excuse", albeit one that was mostly truthful.

"Oh no, I...I'm just thinking a bit. That's all. Still slightly taken aback by what's happened."

Aiming to dispel any suspicions or concerns from the other woman, Melle would lift the glass of lemonade to her lips, sipping only a small bit of it, and ready to spit it out, should anything taste different from the norm.
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

Lifting the glass to her lips, the delicious taste made itself obvious. Not too sweet, nor too bland, the little taste she had gotten from the glass had no odd taste to it, or after taste for that matter. The only possible thing, like a poison, that could have been added, would be a very subtle one that not only had no taste, but could mix easily with the drink itself. Even then, such poisons, that Mellus might've been aware of, were often very weak, and could do little more than make someone the slightest bit more sleepy.

Right after her taste, the angel Naznia suddenly placed her hand on Mell's shoulder, having approached her quietly from behind as she sipped at the drink. Leaning over to look at the side of her face, Naznia seemed to bear a look of understanding. "What is wrong, Melle? Your movements are stiff, and you are emitting a very powerful aura of distrust and wariness... Have I done something to make you not trust me?" she inquired.
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

Mellus was pleasantly surprised, if not relieved, to find her drink apparently devoid of unwanted substance. Finding oneself being treated to a poisonous brew would have hardly been an enjoyable experience after all. That said, learning that one's host could tell one was being cautious and distrustful...was another story altogether, especially when one was not a fan of "surprises" to begin with.

Her body stiffening upon Naznia suddenly addressing her (and placing a hand on her shoulder), it took considerable restraint to prevent herself from jumping upright from her chair. Those in a rogue's line of work typically detested being approached from behind, much less approached from behind to be told that they were being read akin to an open book.

She can tell?! Am I...being too obvious?...

Alarmed, the girl quickly began scrambling her brain for a way out of the mess she had managed to put herself in, attempting to find some excuse or the like to cover up for her blunder.

Should I distract her? Make up some excuse?... Didn't seem to work earlier. Reverse the flow?...Maybe. Worth a shot. I do have some questions of own, come to think of it.

Speaking after a moment's deliberation, it was then that Melle hoped to accomplish two things: Diverting attention away from her discomfort, and perhaps getting a few answers in regard to certain things.

"No...no, not at all. I just realized that I have no idea where I am at the moment. Asides from this being your...home of course. Do you know where we are? And where that place I dropped off was? "
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

"Right now, we are in the realm of Heaven," Naznia explained simply. She lifted her grasp from Melle's shoulder, departing to the kitchen, before quickly returning with a steaming drink, and taking a seat opposite the rogue. "I recognized the void you fell from as a dimensional gate. So, I assume you're from another realm? And based on the trajectory of your... arrival, I can only assume your trip wasn't planned." Naznia made a gesture with her hand, "If that's the case, allow me to welcome you to the realm we Angels refer to as, 'Monster Girl Island.'"

She lifted her cup, taking a sip of it, "You're fortunate to have had me find you, rather than one of the island's... Lecherous locals."
Re: Too Much Sugar and Jam (Mellus)

Heaven?..."Monster" Girl Island? Wait...wasn't that a tad contradictory? Heaven wasn't exactly known for its abominations and hor- wait...lecherous locals? What.

The girl blinks once...twice perhaps as she tries to process what she had just learned then and there. Perhaps subconsciously trying to redirect thoughts from any possibly...unsavory alternate fates she could have experienced in the process, as she seemed dumbstruck for a moment. Yet after a moment's delay, it is then that she asks what is perhaps the most obvious question,

"Um...not to ask the obvious but, what do you mean by "lecherous locals"?...