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Toranse Hall (A Dorm)


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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This Dorm is the biggest of them all, housing around three hundred people. The rooms are made for two people to live there comfortably and maintain all the small house charms that keep a place homey and inviting.

There is a special enchantment woven into the very building itself, allowing anyone to access the magic and change the ambient temperature of the living areas as well as change the decor.
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

Servante can be heard grumbling incoherently to himself as he enters the dorm hall ground floor, not caring about the people in his way as he shoulder barges past them, nor any of their comments. The selkie has a destination in mind and he'll be damned if he lets some irate asshole that got in his way from stopping him getting there.

The selkie quickly finds himself outside his destination, Bibble's room. Contrary to what certain rumours suggest, especially concerning the amount of time the young man is found outside her room Servante is adamant with his story of not being infatuated with the lowly human. "Bibble, open up." The selkie calls out as he hammers on the door, annoyance in his voice. Servante waits a few minutes, though once it is clear she isn't going to be replying any time soon he steps back and lifts up a leg. The selkie kicks out at the door once... twice... and on the third time it flings open, slamming against the wall it is hinged to. "That's better." Servante mutters to himself before stepping into the room.
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

Bibble has no idea whatsoever that someone is knocking until her door slams against the far wall and Servante walks in. Starting at the loud noise and falling backwards out of her chair, research notes flying everywhere she scrambles under her bed like a shot. She'd fallen asleep going over her notes in nothing but a large shirt and the sudden intrusion had scared her, compound that with the fact that she actually liked the Selkie that had stormed her room and you added momentary fear to extreme embarrassment. "Servante....... get out!"
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

For several moments Servante has no idea as to why Bibble is shouting at him to leave her room, it is only once his gaze falls upon the human girl as she scrambles under her bed. A quick gaze of her bare legs and a flash of her panties reveals the answer to Servante, and with his face suddenly flushing a deep red the selkie does a quick turn and half runs out of the room, his back to the door. "Dammit, wwoman. Next time you decide to sleep half naked make sure you're in your bed first." Servante's words come out flustered, and any students walking past would surely give the young selkie some odd looks.
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

Bibble waits until Servante is outside before hastily getting dressed and snapping on her tool belt. The Nerve! He Knew Better!! Still fairly annoyed but otherwise decent, the grouchy alchemist walked to the door and let him back in before quickly fixing the door. "What is it Servante? You know im exhausted and more then a little embarrassed by my spectacular failure. What do you need?" She asked, staring straight at him, her face still a little flushed. If he ever got over acting like an ass she would probably ask him to dinner one of these days, but he'd have to swallow his pride a little bit first... Sitting in the chair and looking at the selkie, Bibble waited for an answer regarding his rude intrusion. ("gods, he knows he's welcome here, I should make him a key") She thought absently...
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

A scowl comes over Servante's still red face as Bibble lectures him for quite literally breaking into her room, though his gaze doesn't quite meet hers. Due to not reading the minds of the lowbloods all that often Servante misses Bibble's absent thought, and as he's asked why he disturbed the young human Servante walks into her room once more, closing the door behind himself.

"You missed a fair bit a commotion after your little display," The selkie begins, and walking up to the bed Servante sits on the edge and turns to look at Bibble. "A pair a dragons decided they fancied their chances against us. No need to wworry though, they wwere dealt wwith pretty easily. Not by the majority of us though. Oh no. Turns out our dear swweet professor Ramielle is a dragon." A hint of disgust can be heard in Servante's voice at the revelation.
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

Bibble sits for a minute digesting everything before looking over at Servante. "Well, I knew there was something off, you don't get Titan's Blood easily. But that is surprising. I know it bothers you but there's very little you can do about it and I know you tend to stress, We have more important things to consider. Any Idea what they were after?"
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

"Bothers me?" Servante squints an eye in confusion at Bibble's comment. "It only bothers me because I assumed she was a lowwblood. If I had knowwn the professor wwas a noble dragon then I'd have showwn her the respect she deservves. No, it's lyin about it is wwhat's pissed me off." Servante lets out a sigh before leaning back, making himself completely at home.

"I wwasn't payin much attention to what the two dragon's wwere sayin, though they did mention taking your machine. As to wwhy I have no idea." Sighing once more the selkie's gaze seems to unfocus, a slight frown appearing on his face. It is almost as if he's got something on his mind.
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

Bibble lays down next to the Selkie, and seeing the look on his face, snuggles a little closer. "Just means they knew something we didn't, means we need to start looking again. Whats eating you Servante?"
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

Servante recoils as Bibble draws closer to him, the commoner getting too close for the selkies liking though he quickly settles down, forcing his revulsion to the back of his mind as it was him that intruded into the girls room in the first place.

"It's, wwell... wwe've been givven this mission, one that apparently only wwe're capable of completin an wwe don't even fully knoww or understand wwhat it is wwe're dealin wwith. 'These portals have suddenly appeared an wwe have no bloody clue as to wwhy they havve or evven howw to close them but wwe're goin to send you lot out to deal wwith them. Good luck!'" Servante mockingly imitates the Dean.

"An on top of that our group includes non-magic users, an us magic users aren't evven fully trained yet. Sure, wwe've pretty much mastered A school of magic, but wwouldn't it be better to send out people that havve mastered many schools?" The selkie sighs before continuing. "Wwe better hope some a these damned portals are near bodies of water... ... ...otherwwise I can't see me being much help." Clearly something the selkie has a hard time at admitting, but he feels it's better to get it off his chest with at least someone he can marginally stand. Opening his hand out Servante concentrates for several moments. Beads of water begin to form in the air, gathering just above his outstretched hand to form a ball of water, gentle ripples breaking the surface as droplets continue to add to its mass. "See, creatin this takes more effort than say, formin a whirlpool or tornado out a large body of wwater. Say like a river or the sea."
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

Bibble stops trying to move closer seeing Servante's reaction and just listens. After he's said his piece she sits up and thinks for a second before standing and turning towards him. "Well. On the Bright side your magic doesn't explode like mine or Grave's so that's a plus" she said stifling a giggle. "Come on, we have work to do and I need to talk to Ramielle about the Arch and the situation that I missed. You look like you need a break, go torture the others, it'll make you feel better" Standing by the door and opening it she gestures for Servante to move out of her room. They had work to do.
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

"It may not bloww up, but it's practically useless unless I havve a source a wwater to wwork wwith," Servante sighs, Bibble obviously doesn't get what he's concerned about and so lets the issue drop.

"Yes... Maybe you're right..." Servante climbs off the bed, the orb of water still floating just above one of his hands. "I wwonder wwhere the bear has gotten to. I'vve a threat that needs to be fulfilled. Wwell, I guess I'll see you later. Don't mention this to anyone." With that the young selkie leaves Bibble's room and heads back down to the courtyard.
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

"Don't mention it? Why Servante I think I may have to use this against you at some point" Bibble said teasingly, following Servante on his way to the courtyard. Although she didn't quite approve of some of his antics, her own little sense of mischief couldn't help but find them amusing. That and the diminutive alchemist enjoyed the Selkie's company.
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

Reaching her dorm Bibble moves through Torance hall quickly, the look on her face moving people out of her way without a word as she made her way to her room. Unlocking the door and stepping inside before closing it and relocking it she digs through her journals and other research notes for anything and everything related to the machine, the portals, or any of her other theories that even so much as hinted at the possibility of a working prototype. Gathering them all together she transmutes the entire stack into a solid hunk of wood with a dark smear on top from the ink and lets it fall to the ground. At least she had a new doorstop...
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

Leaning heavily on her short human, the professor stumbles and staggers her way into Bibble's dorm. Her giggling and the causal hiccups have subsided, and Ramielle has begun amusing herself by tapping her left clavicle in various places, her ear cocked to listen to the popping noises. "Do you have any bread?" She doesn't pause for Bibble's answer, continuing her less-than-lucid rambling, "Kegor... he gave me some bread after I drank his brew. Also some water. He told me that... I should eat water and drink some food. No potions, though... he told me that... potions might have side effects. It might turn into a potion poison. A poison potion. A potion..."

When they pause in front of Bibble's door, the professor's spoken train-of-thought is derailed; she reaches up and raps loudly on the door with her fingers. She gasps slightly and pulls her hand back sharply at the sensation in her knuckles. An eyebrow raises quizzically, and she experimentally reaches back up with her hand, knocking softly, then in ever-increasing volumes on the human's dorm room. Students have begun quietly peeking out into the hallway from their own rooms, observing the curious, swaying professor.
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

Jess had gone with Bibble to try and help the professor after the dragon had left again, and glared at the students showing up to gawk at a spectacle. "Bugger off, unless you'd like to see what my kindhearted pranks turn into when I'm angry." She told them, flipping a dagger up and catching it repeatedly while she waited for Bibble to get the door open.
Re: Toranse Hall (A Dorm)

[After some time passes...]

Professor Ramielle slept for a little over twelve hours, waking just before dawn. There was a curious tickling in her throat, and a churning sensation in her stomach. She arose gingerly, still unaccustomed to the feel of her human muscles. Recognizing her surroundings as a student dorm room, she arose and found her way into the hall. It being early morning, the hallway was empty.

It was at this point that she felt the churning in her stomach start to rise. The churning rudely forced its way up into her throat, and her mouth was compelled to open against her will. In a funny way, it reminded her of her own dragon breath... but it was entirely involuntary. Within moments, the hallway floor was covered with a thick, pinkish fluid; several solid chunks lay mixed into it.

Unsure of how to go about cleaning the mess, the professor made her way outside. As guilty as she felt about not cleaning up, Ramielle did feel quite a bit better having all of it out of her stomach. She blinked in the bright sun, her headache worsening slightly... but knowing she had little time to waste she worked her way to her quarters on campus.

Ramielle quickly found the backpack she had loaded for the trip. She had read a few books on adventuring when she initially learned about the quest, and her gear had been selected as part of her human disguise. Little had she known that she would actually need to USE that gear. "Ah, well, might as well check the list one more time."

She opened her tattered copy of the Dungeoneer's Survival Guide, First Edition. She had made tiny hash marks in the margins next to the gear she had picked. She checked these against the pack's contents. "Air bladder. Chalk powder. Whistle." Ramielle closed that book, pulled her third edition manuscript of The Arms and Equipment Guide. "Earplugs." Finally she closed that book, opening the most important of her resources. The old hardbound tome had been clawed at by some large beast, but the word Handbook could be made out, and under the partial title was a rogue of some sort perched precariously on a large demon statue with jeweled eyes. The rogue was clearly attempting to remove the eyes.

"Hmph. I still see no reason to pack this." The awkward ten foot pole was tossed into the southeast corner of her office. "Ink, quills, parchment, rope, grappling hook, small mirror, compass. Rations." She tried a piece of the dried jerky. "Mmm... salty."

The professor closed the backpack, activating the enchantment to shrink it down to a manageable size... nothing. Her fingers refused to move correctly. She spoke the incantation again, concentrating harder... nothing. She looked at her fingers, practicing the gestures required for the magic. Again. Again. Finally satisfied, she made one more attempt... and let out a relieved sigh as the backpack shrank slightly and lightened significantly.

She put a small dragonbone dagger into a silver-scaled hilt, attaching it to her belt. A small glass orb slid into a pouch hanging on the belt, ready for use as an secondary magical focus. Ramielle encountered difficulty getting her arms through the backpack's cloth straps, but finally she was ready. She picked up the heartwood oak staff that she had received upon graduation, using it not only as a magical focus but also a walking stick. She felt more confident as she gripped the staff -- it was one of the few familiar feelings she'd had since ingesting Kegor's brew.

Professor Ramielle stepped out of her chambers and began walking in the direction of the Grand Foyer of the University.
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