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RPG RPG Maker [ Toukaido] [ 東海堂 ] Sex Demon and Her Underlings 淫魔と女ザコ RE177304 RJ177304

Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

Am i the only unlucky one who beat the game without getting a single scene?
Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

Is it impossible for WinXP users to play this game?

I used to play these games on windows xp too so yeah you'll be fine as long as you have rpgmaker and all that software jazz you need for any other rpgmaker game.

I've only heard people having problems with rpgmaker using windows 10
Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

I used to play these games on windows xp too so yeah you'll be fine as long as you have rpgmaker and all that software jazz you need for any other rpgmaker game.

I've only heard people having problems with rpgmaker using windows 10

I have got a problem when I opened the .exe file(trial ver.),it said "Error: Your browser do not support Web Audio API." any ways to solve it?
Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

What equipment piece protects me from the sleep status effect?

Because enemies seem to spam that status a lot, and it results in an instant loss most of the time.

The slime boss in particular, put me to sleep four times in a row and I couldn't do anything but lose. The zombie girl too does nothing but use sleep attacks. Its annoying.
Game developer can't make a game hard without making battles RNG dependant.
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Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

What equipment piece protects me from the sleep status effect?

Because enemies seem to spam that status a lot, and it results in an instant loss most of the time.

The slime boss in particular, put me to sleep four times in a row and I couldn't do anything but lose. The zombie girl too does nothing but use sleep attacks. Its annoying.
Game developer can't make a game hard without making battles RNG dependant.

The sleeping effect means she's holding you down(押さえ). The equipment store sells ハチマキ(押さえ) for 5,000 gold. Keep in mind though, it's not 100% effective though. Personally, I just grinded on normal battles til I had enough money to buy a full set of equipment from the shop, and those levels were enough to destroy the slime with a power MAX mint and two uses of sakuretsuken.

The zombie was mostly the same. You're going to get knocked down a couple of times even with equipment preventing the status because she spams it, but all you need to do is build up TP and wipe her out in a few special attacks. If you've been using the mystery candy that gives you 3 levels you should be fine even if you had been running away from fights since after you beat the slime. There's a bunch of them in the mansion treasure chests.

You might already know this, but it can't hurt to mention it in case you don't. F5 soft resets the game, so if you get shitty RNG stuff to happen like getting stunlocked by the zombie, just reset. Also, I don't know how good your japanese is, but if you look at the book shelf on the first floor of your house, it tells you what the status effects are/do.
Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

how can i hack this game withe Cheat Engine ?!!!
Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

How do you save in this? I keep trying to save after nearly losing to every battle but I just get that error/cancel sound and it won't let me save.
Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

(stuff from trial version, so might not be entirely accurate in full)

bookcase on status effects [and my generalization]:

When you are afflicted with a status effect, you receive more damage.
The following details the 5 status effects.

[<3 x2]は魅了された状態です。
[Image] indicates charmed status.
Unable to hold yourself back, you'll attack automatically
(berserk type status)

[Z x3]は押さえ込まれた状態です。
[Image] indicates you're being pinned down.
You're completely unable to take any action.
(paralysis/stop type status)

[zappy x2]は恍惚とさせられてしまった状態です。
[Image] indicates trance type status.
Unable to take action for 2 turns.
(also paralysis/stop type status, but with a set duration)

[bubbles x3]は敏感になっている状態です。
[Image] indicates that you've gotten sensitive (to various stimuli).
Even if nothing's done to you, you'll lose some MP (per turn).
(poison type status, though it affects MP not HP... but you lose when either hits 0 anyway)

[spiky ring-thing]は興奮してしまっている状態です。
[Image] indicates that you're really turned on.
Physical attack accuracy down.
(blind type status - so don't use your basic attack when affected by it, plain and simple)

bolded stuff would be the status names to look for on equipment if trying to avoid said status (along with 防 or possibly 妨 in item desc. which should denote defense/prevention). Some of the items protect against certain enemy skill types as well... I wonder if it would be useful to use one of the 'request' skills to be able to take less damage for longer battles (though for all I know 'requested' skills might normally hit harder anyway). Also, the town sold item to prevent 押さえ also noted 一部無効, which would indicate that it's ineffective at preventing the condition in some situations... so better hope the RNG isn't being awful to you.
Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

how can i hack this game withe Cheat Engine ?!!!

how i did it:

first i looked for the correct game.exe in the pop up window.
its easy to figure out, just "speed hack x5" and if your game isnt faster, open the next game.exe (or whatever its called)

when you found the correct one, just type the exact value and search for double type
Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

I think it is always the third one. However I am getting a strange glitch with cheat engine towards RM VX when using speedhack. At some point, the RPG screen suddenly freeze while everything else still works.
Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

how i did it:

first i looked for the correct game.exe in the pop up window.
its easy to figure out, just "speed hack x5" and if your game isnt faster, open the next game.exe (or whatever its called)

when you found the correct one, just type the exact value and search for double type

i get the game.exe
the value
is not working i need the value i try
(# x 8) + 6
(# x 5) + 2 i not working :(
Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

I think it is always the third one. However I am getting a strange glitch with cheat engine towards RM VX when using speedhack. At some point, the RPG screen suddenly freeze while everything else still works.

yes, after i wrote my respond, i got the frozen screen issue too, after i unchecked the speed hack i didnt ran into that issue again...

anyway, here on ulmf are 2 threads about rpg maker mv save edit
one of it worked amazingly flueless, so you might want to look into it

edit: this one http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=28936 ... i used RpgMakerSaveEdit 0.32.zip for exp and money
Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

This fucking zombie girl.

Every single one of her attacks is sleep inducing in some way. ANd the prevention thing DOESN'T DO SHHIIIIIIIIT.

Fucking hell.

Well, At least im making progress...although extremely slowly.
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Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

Hello, wanna ask something.. Just started playing it.

Why It seems I Can't save?
Also, anyone know how to hook this type of engine with machine translator?
VNR, chiitrans all doesnt work.
Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

Also, anyone know how to hook this type of engine with machine translator?
VNR, chiitrans all doesnt work.

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Re: RJ177304 - 淫魔と女ザコ

someone already have a full save? :)