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Tournament of Champions (Formerly Mud Wrestling) OOC

Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

The Island!

The bouts will take place on a mysterious tropical island, in fact a sub dimension crafted by the realms hidden daemon host. Featuring shelter and bountiful food and drink for all it's guests. There is no perceivable form of restraint for the abducted residents, but also no where else to go. Should anyone attempt to swim or fly out to sea, they will find themselves infallibly coming back to the same island they left. Across the island are various arenas, intended for special sports catering to the daemon hosts entertainment. The resident will find that all their access to their magical or spiritual abilities are severely dampened all across the strange realm. Within the arena's however this changes constantly.

Arena list!

The Mud Pit - Contains mud. A basic arena with no modifiers.
The Love Nest - A giant round bed like arena, very soft and featuring lots of pillows. Otherwise a basic arena with no modifiers.
The Slime Arena - A think coating of slick slime across the arena floor and walls cause character's that touch it to gradually lose Resistance. A rate of 1d6 resistance damage per turn, with 2d6 being dealt to characters that are either knocked prone, or put into in a submission hold.
The Oil Arena - Makes maintaining a grapple or landing a hit more difficult but also increases PP damage.
The Gardens - A clearing surounded by jungle plants. Has a 25% chance per turn of a random vine tentacle or shorn weed flower intervening in the fight.

More arenas and rules adjustments pending.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

First, can I use my MGI character?

Second, why no caramel arena?
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

First, can I use my MGI character?

Second, why no caramel arena?


Stuff is still getting edited in, it'll be there eventually.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Methods of challenge!

For characters that would not normally wish to take part in such acts, the island has a variety of ways of making sure they do not miss out on the fun. This is primarily to help get past any RP barriers involved with getting less enthusiastic characters into the ring.

Characters may directly challenge each other at any time whilst not already in a bout.
Trying to fight someone outside an arena will result in teleportation into an arena.
Trying to sex someone up outside an arena, may also result in teleportation into an arena.
Trying to refuse someone's challenge, may also result in teleportation into an arena.
Doing absolutely nothing, may also result in teleportation into an arena.

In out of character terms, this does not mean you can auto teleport anyone else's character into an arena. To do this you must still agree with a player first. Contact eachother via PM, shoutbox, or using the in character thread whilst adding some OOC chat in brackets. Basically, if both players say yes, then a bout can begin even if one of the characters said no.
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Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Bakan will refuse any challenge, so I'm gonna go ahead and balance this out by saying anyone who wants to challenge him gets my automatic approval... Even Iggy...

Aw, yeah! Butt sex!
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

General note: Tamonten is willing to accept any challenge. However, since she currently has the highest base body score in the competition, I would prefer it if competitors either use in-battle buffs or additional experience to at least even the grapple modifiers. I won't use Fel Might unless somebody wants an all-out match, or unless I need to even the modifiers.

I promise nothing in the future regarding her tendency to punch things into submission and/or use vampiric futanari though. >.>
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Spider and I agreed on the Love Nest arena for the Bakan Vs. Alex Vs. Pale match, since we figured it'd be protected from the sun.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Question regarding the Slime Arena: For those that fall to 0 Resistance do they still have the option to fight back, or is this the Aphrodisiac Slime that will make characters horny after a while?
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

I was sort of assuming the horny kind, but I suppose allowing them to fight back even at 0 Resistance would be alright.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

You could make it that when a character has 0 Resistance the slime starts increasing PP Damage dealt to that character by 2 or 3 for each round.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Anyone want to randomly challenge Iggy in the caramel arena?
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

I'm thinking that the slime should induce a very slight variant of the horny status once it depletes a characters resistance. From that point on, the horny character isn't out of the fight, but can take only sexual actions. They won't use striking attacks, won't try to escape a grapple, and cease resisting any pleasure they receive. They will still aim to win the bout, if they can do so via relentless sex.

Something along those lines.

Also another idea for an arena, The Dark Room. This small room is always pitch black, so that neither opponent can see the other or know who they are fighting. (This room can skip the actual 'Blinded' status effect, since it will only slow down math in the mutual situation.)
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

The dark room "would" be interesting... But it would have to be run almost entirely through DM proxy.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Hmm. Would it? I was imagining it should still be possible. Thus, I present a recap of a high quality simulation for your consideration.

P1: stumbles forwards and searches arms outstretched, "hello, anyone here?" etc
P2: Hears voice and stays silent, attempts to sneak up and grab source of voice,

Assume bump/meeting

P2: "hi there!" grapple attempt
P1: *shriek* melee strike attempt

GM: lol rolls

P1: "Oh noes I r being grappled" melle strike attempt
P2: "lol too much clothes" tear clothes attempt

GM: lol more rolls

And having just wrote that, I now realise what you meant and how you read my sugested arena. I was only thinking as far as character knowledge, not that the actual players would be unaware of the competitors. That does certainly sound fun, but as you say probably too awkward to implement. And writing style may soon give the game away I would expect.

But otherwise, basic dark room. Seems fun to me.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

I'm thinking that the slime should induce a very slight variant of the horny status once it depletes a characters resistance. From that point on, the horny character isn't out of the fight, but can take only sexual actions. They won't use striking attacks, won't try to escape a grapple, and cease resisting any pleasure they receive. They will still aim to win the bout, if they can do so via relentless sex.

Something along those lines.

Oddly enough, I came up with a DG3 suggestion earlier today that might fit the bill for this perfectly: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=293211&postcount=220
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

So, I thought of another idea for an arena. A Feather Pit arena. The entire arena is a large basin filled with feathers. Your characters get tickled by the feathers as they fight in this arena.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

~ The Servants ~

The strange "native" people of the island. Functioning as servants in a variety of roles across the island, the first thing any newly spirited away resident would notice about them is that virtually all are identical. All essentially human in appearance, all female, fair skinned, and with lower neck length light pink hair. Their personality is serene, polite and subservient. Answering with a smile, and referring to their customers as superiors. They are emotionally non reactive to most interactions outside of their assigned role. Dedicated in their duties and service of all non servant island residents, they never express dis-satisfaction, boredom or fatigue in any of their actions. They are never seen sleeping or taking any rest for the purpose of recovery. They live to serve the residents in every way required of them, provided it does not conflict with their true masters rules or desires.

Should one wish to talk with one, the servant will readily answer simple questions, but prove poor sources of conversation due to never elaborating or raising their own topics. If asked about the nature of the island, they will explain the rules of the competitions, the enquirers role in them, and make vague mention of the "Host" of the island. Beyond that, they will claim to not have the answers sought. Another thing that would quickly become apparent, is their shared conciousness. Anything known to one servant, will be known by all servants (they make excellent waitresses). They also know the names and to a limited extent the preferences of all abducted residents. Any and all communication from the host is conveyed via the servants. As instruments of the daemon host, they are aware of everything that happens on the island, and can travel from place to place instantaneously should they need to.

Interaction with a servant beyond it's duties has differing results. They can be harmed, and even killed, but in most cases attempting to physically assault one will result in either the servant teleporting out of harms way with an unreactive dismissive comment, or in the aggressor suffering an attack of instant and temporary paralysis and blacking out. In the case of sexual advances, they will politely refuse and suggest interactions with the other residents. Forceful advances and harassment that goes far enough to obstruct their duties, will result in the same as assaulting them in any other way. Continued misconduct would result in punishment from the Host.

Also, time keeping on the Island works something like this...

Take that how you will.
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Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Aww, I can't sex up the servants?
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

I had a thought for an arena.

The Bondage Room
This room is filled with a number of varying instruments used in subduing and pleasuring a person.

- Combatants placed into a Submission Hold can be placed into a Sexual Device
- The Sexual Device is described by the player who wins the Submission contest
- A foreplay device will cause (2d4 + 8 - Resist/2)/2 Pleasure Damage
- A penetration device will cause (2d8 + 10 - Resist/2)/2 Pleasure Damage

I'm wondering if a device should have its own Grapple stat, but I'm not sure how to calculate that. Maybe instead of a flat value a character needs to beat let's say they just need to roll 10 or higher on their attempt. I'm also thinking that items like vibrators and such should be harder to ignore, so a character resisting them should have the Resistance divided by 3 instead of 2. Thoughts? Criticisms? What the hell are you thinking, Termite?