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Tower Descent

Re: Tower Descent

Growls, fangs and claws flew all around as the girls fought off the wolves. Lilian taking the only clear blow, but seemingly shrugging it off as she got back into battle! Yuna however seemed to draw the same amount of ire from the beast, though either blocking misleading or flatout catching each lunge she'd manage through with only a few scratches!

"You okay there, Yuna?" "Mhm~ Never better!" the girl answered though she was a little winded from the onslaught. Meanwhile Zana seemed to have finished channeling a pure water orb as she'd aim to send it upwards above them to rain down a healing magic on the group!

Lilian activates retaliation
Yuna dragon punches #3
Zana finishes her cast
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 24/24 MP: 34/40 WP: 30/30 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 29/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches and kicks
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage

w1 deals 5 damage to Lillian
w7 deals 2 damage to Lillian
w3-6 deal 23 damage to Yuna
w8 fails at life

Yuna dragon punches w3 for 15 damage instant death
Lillian retaliates against w1 11 damage and w7 10 damage
Zana heals the party for 16hp
Enemy status
w1-3 dead w4-8 retreat! w7 5/15

Snarling and snapping the wolves quickly shifted position a fell intelligence gleaming in their eyes. Quickly one dashed in and bit into Lillian's let drawing some blood but the creature was instantly ended by her blade. However its sacrifice was not in vain as the other wolf that had engaged her shifted to attack Yuna. The sudden assault surprised Yuna as the mass of furry bodies seemed to lung in all around her. For a moment Zana lost sight of the brawler as the pack in concert tried to end her. Blood flew and Yuna's screams echoed out in the forest. Unable to block all of them Yuna saw the jaws of one beast head right for her neck only to be intercepted by Lillian's sword arm. The beast crunched down bending armor and drawing blood but it was soon flung off hitting a tree and yelping. Free of immediate death Yuna struck out at one of the foes attacking her. The flaming fist of her dragon punch connecting to the head of the beast killing it instantly. Meanwhile Zana's magical barrier kept her attacker at bay allowing her magic to release restoring the wounds of the party. At the sight of this the wolves howled and began to run away.
Re: Tower Descent

Unfortunately it seemed ending one of their kin, quickly shifted the wolves focus to Yuna! Albeit a strong fighter, with her companions busy elsewhere the girl was left to fend off the pack on her own! Though with their speed and coordinated effort seemed the beasts would soon overpower the girl! Bites, kicks and impact flew from all sides as Yuna did her best to block the attacks, though after one impact and caught in the wolf rhythm Yuna stumbled back only to turn and see a wolf lunging at her in full speed! "Aaaah!"

Suddenly with a resounding slam of steel, Yuna slowly opened her eyes to see Lilian having intercepted the attack at the very last moment! Throwing the wolf aside and away! "T-thanks... Lilly.." the brawler bruised a slightly bloody smiled at the knights timely arrival only to note the wolves retreat, spurring Yuna to let loose wicked flaming punch out of sheer vengeance at the beast slipping past them!

Moments later suddenly a refreshing pulse rushed through the girls bodies as even Yuna felt she had her second breath restored. Zana would walk up casually and smile to them "That's much better." she'd snicker as the trio turned to the beasts, who'd realize this was not their battle and rush off!

"You better run!!" Yuna growled out at the beast, wincing lightly at the injuries still lingering on her "They HATED me..." she'd sigh with clear relief and sit down to rest. Much to Lilian sitting down nearby as well, relaxing from battle as well "You really saved me back there, Lilly." Yuna smiled to the knight thankfully as Zana seemed to sit down near the brawler as well, her eyes inspecting the injuries and healing them up with very low-effort magic.

"And you've stood through most of their assault, while taking them down. Zana made sure we'd survive as well... we all did well." Lilian corrected her with a smile.

And in a moment of peace the group would rest up before continuing onwards.
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 24/24 MP: 40/40 WP: 30/30 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 42/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches and kicks
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage

EC 0
Exploration (4) 1
Encounter 5 monsters

Yuna, Lillian, and Zana 8,3,9

After a brief rest the girls once more headed into the fray. Having chased off the wolves spirits where high. However something seemed off the hairs at the back of their necks rose. Lillian didn't seem to notice (3) anything but Yuna soon spotted three men lurking in the shadows which where spotted by Zana as well.
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Re: Tower Descent

Zana and Yuna exchanged glances as they both acted casual, not quite revealing they've seen the bandits quite yet "Looks like we have a few silent viewers..." the witch hinted to Lilian, who'd look to Zana briefly before picking up her blade and shield.

Yuna however remained subtle for far longer as she quickly stood up and called out the sneaks! "Who are you? Show yourselves. We know you're there." who were these strangers?
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 9/24 MP: 40/40 WP: 30/30 Status: Stunned
Taint: 0 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 42/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches and kicks
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage
Yuna 12
Lillian 8
BR1 8
BT 4
Zana 4
BG1 3
BG2 3
Bandit trapper surprise attack! black jack vs Zana

Yuna brave and brash called out to the men who suddenly began to move. Quickly all of them realized their danger as the bandits came into view. One wielded a nasty rifle while the other two wore mismatched armor and used battered weapons. Turning to face this threat neither Yuna or Lillian noticed the figure drop from the tree's silently and strike Zana with a black jack.
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Re: Tower Descent

These were certainly not friendlies! As the girls put up their guard, suddenly the leaves above Zana seemed to shiver, briefly before suddenly the witch was caught off-guard as the man sneak attacked her!

"Zana! You bastards!" Yuna looked to the sight and growled out, as Lilian quickly noted that the witch was out cold for a bit as well! "I'll keep them busy. Yuna, you know what to do." the knight commanded the brawler as she'd prepare "He~ Yes I do." Yuna would take up her fighting stance as well as their battle had begun!

Yuna Dragon Punch the rifleman
Lilian Provoke all the bandits
Zana shake the stun off!
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 9/24 MP: 40/40 WP: 30/30 Status: fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 42/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 42/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Grappled no parry or dodge spd -4
Taint: 0 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches and kicks
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage

Yuna Dragon punches BR1 for 15 damage defeated
Lillina provokes
BT uses lasso on Lillian!
BG1 attacks Lillian 3 damage
BG2 attacks Lillian 3 damage
Zana recovers from stun
Enemy Status BG1 25 BG2 25 BR dead BT 20

It all went like clockwork Yuna fast of feet quickly dodged past the two grunts striking the rifleman hard ending him before he could bring his weapon to bare. Lillian roared her challenge to the remaining bandits drawing their ire. Of course this is when things began to go sideways. No sooner had Lillian roared her challenge than a thick rope dropped over her and pulled tight leaving her open to the two rushing bandits. The sounds of steel on steel echoed out in the woods as Lillian managed to to at lest make her armor count as for each blow. The echo steel did have another boon to it though. The sharp klangs managed to shake Zana back to the world of the aware.
Re: Tower Descent

With a powerful punch the bandit was out of commission, before he could even attempt anything! Meanwhile however Lilian seemed to certainly draw the groups ire as she was bound by a lasso?! The blows echoed out on the girls armor, though it seemed the bandits clumsy nature allowed the fighter to guide their blows at the thickest parts of the steel! "Bastards!" she'd stress the rope with a clear ferocity!

Meanwhile Zana seemed to spur back to consciousness "A-tut-tut..." she'd wince from the blow, only to note the combat going on before her! Frowning the mage quickly ignited flames all around her channeling them into a singular orb!

"Let her go!" Yuna cried out in anger seeing the bandits beat on Lilian as the girls fist ignited!

[Yuna Earth-shatter slam.
Lilian retaliation
Zana begins casting Fireball on the bandits
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 9/24 MP: 34/40 WP: 30/30 Status: fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 42/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 42/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Grappled no parry or dodge spd -4
Taint: 0 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches and kicks
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage

Yuna earth slams
Lillina retaliation
BT knocked down
Zana casting fireball
BG1 knocked down
BG2 knocked down
Enemy Status BG1 25 BG2 25 BR dead BT 20

With a forceful blow Yuna called out sending the bandits too the ground. This let Zana channel her spell uninterrupted and the firey orb grew larger and brighter. Lillian meanwhile still struggled against the rope her struggles unable to free herself.
Re: Tower Descent

With her powerful slam, Yuna quickly swept the solid ground beneath the enemy feet and smiled "He~" before rushing forward to let loose a flurry of kicks on the nearest one!

Lilian free from her bonds, quickly fixed her kit and turned a nearby bandit as well just as he was getting up. Letting loose a swift kick at the lasso bearer! Infuriated by the bindings.

Meanwhile Zana seemed to have finished her channeling "Careful~" she'd call out to the duo.

[Yuna hurricane kicks on BG1
Lilian mocking slash on BT
Zana finishes her cast
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 9/24 MP: 34/40 WP: 30/30 Status: fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 42/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 42/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Grappled no parry or dodge spd -4
Taint: 0 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches and kicks
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage

Yuna uses her huricane kick! 19 damage
BT pistol shoot! Zana parried takes 2 damage from fire effect
Lillina mocking slash 11 damage BT
Zana casting fireball 15 damage all foes
BG1 dead
BG2 Fleeing

Enemy Status BG1 dead BG2 10 BR dead BT dead

Yuna still all fired up was not content to let the bandits get off easy. Just as one was getting his feet underneath him she quickly let into him with a full set of kicks. Manwhile the bandit with the rope saw the danger and quickly pulled his pistol and let a wild shot out at Zana. The bullet flew but reflected off her mystic shielding sending a wave of fire back to the trapper burning his hand as he dropped his pistol. This left him open for Lillian's blow which didn't kill him. However time was up and Zana let her ball of fire ignite incinerating the trapper and one of the other bandits. The survivor having more than enough began to run away his patchwork armor ablaze.
Re: Tower Descent

Zana snickered looking to bandit, who quickly turned from desperate to a complete deer in a hunters sights "Nice try." the witch winked confidently to him, moments before the fireball crashed down!

With most of the goons knocked out only one ran off with his pants quite literally on fire! Yuna giggled and smiled to the duo, as the girls were victorious once again "Assholes wanted to catch us weakened." the brawler commented, much to a nod from Lilian and shrug from Zana.

Still while Lilian took the most blows, the most damage taken was by Zana! "Aaah~" she'd moan lightly holding her hat "Pouncing from above... I can't say I expected that." the witch sighed slightly, much to a smile from both of her companions "You okay? He whacked you good." Yuna winced cutely "Mhm~ Just give me a moment." the girl nodded as she sat down.

"Where did they come from anyway..." Yuna looked from where they came from and went onwards up the hill "Yuna... stick together." "I know... I'll just be right up here!" the brawler answered.

[Yuna, Lilian explore.
Zana rest
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 13/24 MP: 34/40 WP: 30/30 Status: Resting (1 turn away)
Taint: 0 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 28/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: sticky webs 2 -4 speed
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 31/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: sticky webs 2 -4 speed
Taint: 0 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches and kicks
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage

Exploration roll 1 (1 remaining)
Encounter roll 5 moar monsters!

Perception Checks!
Yuna vs ??1-4
3 vs 5 fail
Lillian vs ??1-4
3 vs 5 fail

Sneak attacks!
14 damage against Yuna
13 Damage against Lillian

Spiders 1-4 10
Yuna 8
Lillian 4

Heading deep in and letting Zana recover the duo of Lillian and Yuna quickly got into some thicker woods loosing sight of the flaming fleeing bandit. Stopping for a moment to get their baring Yuna was suddenly splattered with a white sticky substance. Quickly followed by another as Lillian got the same substance. Only then did they notice the four spiders cumming down from the trees fangs dripping in anticipation for their meal.
Re: Tower Descent

Spiders! "Aaaah! Ew ew ew...!" Yuna seemed as much frightened as she was fired up to completely ruin the skittering horrors day! With the sticky webbing on her back, there was little way to remove it now and albeit slowed slightly Yuna would quickly rush at the nearest spider keen to stomp it out!

Lilian seemed to have been caught off-guard as well, though her reaction was much more focused as she looked to the creatures slide down on their webs all around them "Don't let them entangle you!" she'd command as she'd retaliate at the nearest spider!

Meanwhile Zana was relaxing in the woods, humming lightly to herself, before hearing Yunas cry... Oh dear. Snickering playfully the witch hovered her staff and got comfy on it as she'd zip over to the source.
Re: Tower Descent

OOC Changes due to damage miscalculation

Zana: HP: 13/24 MP: 34/40 WP: 30/30 Status: Resting (1 turn away)
Taint: 0 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 28/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: sticky webs 2 -4 speed
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 31/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: sticky webs 2 -4 speed
Taint: 0 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches and kicks
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage

Enemy status
Sp1 Dead
Sp2 12
Sp3 12
Sp4 12

Spides 1-4 attack!

Yuna parries twice! 1 damage after armor
Liilian fails to parry twice! 9 damage after armor!

Zana arrives on scene!
Yuna Hurricane Kicks for 22 damage!
Lillian goes into retaliation!
New initiative
Spiders 1-4

Twice more the sticky spider spit hit Yuna though one was absorbed by her thickened shirt and the other only glancing her but sending her stumbling enough that her own kicks failed to connect with any power. Lillian however didn't fare better as she was hit twice by the spiders her slowed movement preventing her shield from being in the right place at the right time. Instead she focused on striking her next foe!

Zana quickly zipped past the trees only to hear the skittering chitten of spiders and the wet twack of webbing striking armor. Bursting into the clearing Zana saw that her friends where nearly overwhelmed by spiders. Yuna was bogged down by the webbing but still putting up a fight. However Lillian was in dire straights her feet already webbed to the ground and her shiled stuck in an almost useless place she was in the most danger.
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Re: Tower Descent

Yuna would soon enough quit stomping the spider dead and turned to the battle once again! The bastard assault was slowly working on her stamina, the blasted sticky webbing not helping in the slightest!... Still while Yuna was in light trouble, Lilian was the one under full assault!

Lilians combat style relied on quick on steady attacks, though with all the webbing on her the girls reflex timing seemed to be completely off! "D-damnit!" the red haired warrior growled out focusing her vision... if only there was a way to shake the webbings off!

Zana would arrive to the sight of the ambush shortly, quickly scanning the battle the witch smile lightly as she'd quickly summon forth elemental water! Yuna would be fine... it was the knight that required assistance right now!

[Yuna uses Inner vitality
Lilian uses Mocking slash on one of the nearest spider
Zana uses Renewal
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 13/24 MP: 30/40 WP: 30/30 Status: hurt
Taint: 0 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 40/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: sticky webs 3 -6 speed
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 46/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: cocooned
Taint: 0 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches and kicks
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage

Enemy status
Sp1 Dead
Sp2 12
Sp3 7
Sp4 10

Spider 3 and 4 attack Lillian with Web spit Lillian parries 1 and takes 3 damage from the other.
Lillian retaliates dealing 5 and 2 damage
Spider 2 cocoons Lillian!
Zana casts renew
Yuna Heals

Once more spider spit filled the air. Ready for it Lillian managed to block it completely with her shield and strike back at the creature giving it a telling blow. The second spitball however hit Lillian dead on gluing her blade to her chest but not before she managed to strike the creature with her shield slightly. However thats as much success as she had before the second spider knocked her down and wrapped her tight in the silky embrace of its web. From here she could hear Zana chanting before feeling refreshed.
Re: Tower Descent

Things weren't looking good! Yuna seemed to catch a breather, however as she did so Lilian was in grave danger!

Lilian slammed each spider that seemed keen to attack her away, be it her blade or her shield, but the ranger attacks and the crawlies focus on her seemed too much! With the sticky webbings all over her Lilian struggled at the surprisingly strong restraints only for one of the spiders to approach and fit all the loose webbings together around her body!

"Lilly!" Yuna called out at the sight as she growled out! "You bastards!" she'd rush forward, absolutely fired up by the creepy sight! Though even the brawler herself found each step harder to rip off the ground as she was sticky with the webbings!

Though she gave Lilian much needed vitality, the sheer number of sticky webbings in the area was rapidly growing out of control! The Witch would sharpen her gaze and allow flames to swirl around her as she'd focus them into one blast...

[Lilian attempts to Break free.
Yuna Combo attack: #1 Punches/#2 kicks the most injured spider; #3 punch at the cocoon!
Zanna prepares a Fireball
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 13/24 MP: 30/40 WP: 30/30 Status: hurt
Taint: 0 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 40/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: sticky webs 3 -6 speed
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 46/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: cocooned
Taint: 0 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches and kicks
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage

Enemy status
Sp1 Dead
Sp2 12 slowed -4 speed
Sp3 7
Sp4 10

spider 2,3,4 flee with Lillian
Zana is charging fireball it will hit next round
Yuna tries to pursue
Lillian attempts to grapple!
auto fail 1st round Lillian cannot beat Grapple 30

Slowed by the sticky webs Yuna could only watch in horror as the spiders scooped up the struggling cocoon of Lillian and sped off into the woods. Zana meanwhile focused on her spell finishing it just in time to at lest get it launched before the spiders scurried away forever.