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Tower Descent


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
Hello Fellow members of Ulmf. Just a quick note about this thread.

1. The system of combat used is still in development but I think its far enough along to get some testing in. You can find it here! once the last update has been posted.
2. I guess you could consider this closed beta but if it goes well and Ubber is up for it we can add players. Character creation can be found in the main game document here!
3. Current cast of Characters will be found here!
4. There are special Rules that are not part of the system. These will be taint and corruption
Taint will be the result of magic items or exposure to events and monsters. Think DG corruption. Taint builds up over time and can be purged. However if a charcters taint reaches their will score it generates corruption.​
Corruption is a measure of how much sway the master hold over the character. Unlike taint Corruption will not fade with time and requires a holy ritual to remove. If a characters corruption score reaches their wis score they loose and become thralls to the Tower Master​

OOC Items
Items can be found they can be helpful or pointless or even cursed.
First step is to roll a D6 This will set the item type.
1: Potion
2: Book
3: Armor
4: Weapon
5: Other
6: Jewelry
After that roll a d6 to determine if its pointless, cursed, or helpful
1-3 is pointless and should be discard or sold for coin
4-5 is helpful
6 is cursed
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Re: Tower Decent.

Tower Descent

A massive peel of thunder shakes the ground causing you to wake from the oblivion of unconsciousness. Lifting yourself from the ground you find you are not alone, as several other figures seem to be in a similar state as yourself. Looking about your surroundings you find the ruins of a temple its patron long lost to ages and decay. More importantly Several pillars of light hold men and woman in their clutches. Unable to help them at the moment you take stock of the rest of the room. Besides the ruined temple pillars the only other item of note is a staircase that leads down below. The area outside the immediate temple grounds seems to span into nothing. Turning to face the others you are about to speak with a cruel voice erupts from around you.

"Hero's! Or so you are called. Welcome to my realm. I have brought you here for my amusement. Know this my power here is absolute and I can do as I will with you or the realm. But that would be boring instead you will entertain me by trying to escape my tower. You may try alone, or together it matters not to me. If you succeed then I will grant you one wish within my power on the mortal realm. Fail and your soul will be mine for all eternity. Good luck Hero's I look forward to your failure."

Before you the stairs darken threateningly. Do you go alone or find solace in those who have awakened with you?
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Re: Tower Descent

"Ugh... my head..." Yuna flipped over on her back, the girls hands spread on either side "Where... am I?" it was then the booming voice echoed out spurring a 'Eep' from the girl as she rolled huddled up. Tower? Demons? Yuna was on her way to kick the cheapo innkeeps ass not a few hours ago! How'd she get here?!

"Hum~ This is the so called 'Demons Tower'" Zana spoke up looking over the girl clad in a plain white shirt and black leather skirt, above all else she seemed quite energetic!

"Who's there?!" Yuna called out quickly jumping to her feet and taking a defensive combat stance, before with a clank of high-heels a particular well-endowed female stepped forward "They call me Zana, Witch of the Elderwood. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sweetie." the witch giggled confidently.

Zana wore her usual comfortable clothes, exceptionally silk and all too flowing she always loved this adornment... though her exceptionally larger styled hat may seem a dash silly to those new to her "And you are?" the witch asked with a sly confident smile.

Zana unlike the fiesty brunette before her, knew very well where she was. After all, she had planned this trip for a very very long time. There were few places so ripe with magical artifacts and forgotten spells as the mythical 'Demon Tower'. She could hardly wait to explore its depths...

"Yuna." Yuna answered looking over the witch, though noting her very generous bust as well as fairly light clothing, quickly looked away "I'm Yuna..." she'd turn away blushing lightly, though as she did quickly noted the others all around "What... the... why are we here?"

"For the demons sick amusement." a third voice echoed out as red haired warrior clad in styled black armor stood up. Her blade gleaming even in the dim lighting, her shield bearing an dragon engraving all too clear in her hand "We're trapped in this Tower and the only way out is to clear whatever the sicko throws at us."

Lilian voice was far more composed and sharp, the girls combat experience all too clear from a clear scar across her right eye "Only way out is to survive this hell, can you two fight?" she'd utter inspecting the duo... the slutty witch and naive brawler... well it was better than nothing. Had her sister found aid when she was taken here as well? Deep down in this twisting abyss she knew Emily was still alive... she just knew it!

"Mhm!" Yuna smiled up brightly lifting a fist with a confident grin "Hum~ I can do a little magic" Zana snickered casually flicking her fingers only for fire trails to dance around her fingertips, the fire seemingly molding to water, earth and then wind in mere seconds!

"Good! We stand a better chance to make it out if we stick together." Lilian spoke "I'm Lilian Tressana, I'll help us get through this." the female knight spoke assuredly "Well... I don't really know either of you... but the big ol' grumpy voice did not sound none too pleasant..." "Ara~ A little company may make the trip more interesting."

With that the trio had formed their party and temporal alliance, all three had different circumstances to have arrived here... yet somehow the girls already felt some sort of sense of comradiery to one another.

"Thats the way..." Lilian turned to a distant light, she herself unsure about it... but it seemed to be the only way out of this strange 'Awakening' chamber. With that the trio would head onwards and attempt to descent down the strange Tower.
Re: Tower Descent.

The distant light Lillian had spotted was a simple lantern hung above a staircase that lead down into the darkness. It was a narrow path and the party would have to travel it single file. Heading down the group found the stairs maintained and well built. It seemed the Master of the tower had no interest in easy outs. Then again what torture would follow to sate the demon's amusement if one fell to a flight of stairs.

As the party moved along they soon passed threw a doorway that opened up into a desolate graveyard. Worn, broken, or tumbled graves stretched out before them. Twisted gnarled trees spread their branches into odd shapes with hanging moss adorning them. Blood eyed crows cawed out as the trio took in the sight. The sky bore a false weak moon that cast faint grey light on the tufts of wild grass and thorny rose bushes.

"Welcome Hero's to the Graveyard of the fallen. Where those left to rot find their unrest. Be wary however not only the dead tread these paths."

The party may spend a turn exploring the graveyard searching for items, exits, or monsters.
The party may spend a turn resting to regain MP and Hp. These regen by character mana/2 and hp/2.
Encounter counter: Every turn has a chance to trigger an encounter. If no encounter is triggered the gm will add one to the next role till an encounter is triggered. Encounter rolls happen on a 6.
Encounters can be Traps, Monsters, or Events
Re: Tower Descent.

"Great... he's gonna do a dramatic introduction on every floor." Yuna winced lightly hearing the horrid voice again "Keep your focus." Lilian quickly refocused the group as soon enough their current challenge revealed themselves "Ah~ Spooky." Zana giggled with clear confidence none too bothered.

"Spread out and find the exit, keep within three or four feet from one another." Yuna would nod to their leader, heading to explore and inspect the area each girl keeping their senses sharp for any signs of danger... or treasure!
Re: Tower Descent.

EC +0
Encounter roll 5+0 nothing EC +1
Exploring roll 2 nothing

Zana: HP: 24 MP: 40 WP: 30
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Yuna: HP: 42 MP: 15 WP: 16
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48 MP: 15 WP: 20
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lillian moved forward guard up. She didn't take to long in this place but given the dire warning she needed to wary. Who knew what manner of beasts lay in wait. Meanwhile Yuna looked about staying close to the others looking for more interesting things like treasure but was sorely disappointed as her search progressed. Zana however went about the search in a bored manner she doubted she would find any artifacts or magic in this place.
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Re: Tower Descent

"So... do you think he's trying to scare us?" Yuna spoke up as she searched the area, remaining within hearing distance of the others "You know... as in show us our fates, right at the start." the girl gulped subtly.

Zana laughted merrily "Ah~ No~ Most females the demon captures he at first keeps as pets or toys. If any of us fail death may not be chosen end." she'd shrug casually, picking up a skull and looking it over, before placing it at the top of the gravestone.

"This place is too surreal to actually exist... This chill and this fog. Keep your eyes out for an exit, lets not linger here for long." Lilian got the duo back on track once again.
Re: Tower Descent

EC +1
Encounter roll 5+1 =6 Encounter! EC +0
Its a trap! Targets Yuna. 7 physical and 5 will damage
Exploring roll 6 exit found!

Zana: HP: 24 MP: 40 WP: 30
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Yuna: HP: 35/42 MP: 15 WP: 11/16
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48 MP: 15 WP: 20
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Moving forward Lillian soon spotted a worn mausoleum with the tell tale lantern hanging above it. Sadly however it seemed locked by a gate. Calling her companions over Zana reached her first and inspected the lock. It was simple enough and a few magic tricks she tried proved fruitless. It must be warded which means they have to find a key or some such. Meanwhile Yuna vaulted over a tombstone to reach the others only for a dreadful scream to echo from behind her. Turning to face the threat she felt a spectral scyth pass threw her pulling on her life force and soul.
Re: Tower Descent

"Aaah!" Yuna cried out as she was completely caught off-guard by the ghost only to fall nearby, wincing lightly before standing up ready to fight the creature!... though just as it appeared it disappeared.

"Yuna!" Lilian approached first, rushing to the girl "G-ghost! The bad kind!" Yuna beckoned out quickly feeling herself up, but it seemed the rend injured her indirectly...

"Ofcourse, we are in a tower of magic and the deathly shade here is almost palpable." Zana explained casually "There's more here than just a few stray ghosts, I'm certain of it."

"Then lets not give them a chance to appear again. There's a mausoleum up ahead, but it seems to require a specific stone or medallion to open." Lilian looked around "I suspect it's hidden around here. Look for bags or anything shiny."

Well Yuna was way ahead of her on that regard, though she hardly had any success so far "A-aye..." "Aye~" the duo answered, with Yuna still feeling a dash uneasy as she felt herself up... a cold sweat running down her body. Zana meanwhile seemed almost relaxed as the graveyards dread sights hardly moved her. The witch sat on her staff as it was a broom and slowly floated along the graveyard looking around for the key.

[Found the entrance, now find the key :D]
Re: Tower Descent

EC 0
Encounter 3+0 fail Ec +1
Exploration roll 3 fail

Zana: HP: 24 MP: 40 WP: 30
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Yuna: HP: 35/42 MP: 15 WP: 11/16
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48 MP: 15 WP: 20
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

After the attack Yuna was a bit more paranoid than before but still as she moved about the graveyard she kept an eye out for any possible key or such. Every thing here seemed to unnerve the girl. The casual skulls left in the open to the bitter cawing of the creepy ravens. Nearby Lillian was having similar luck as she found several discarded packs with ruined or useless items nothing that could help her or the others. Zana meanwhile scouted around the spooky yard with little worry. The ambiance similar to her own home.
Re: Tower Descent

"Why us?" Yuna grumbled out, spurring a curious look from Zana "m?" "Why are we the ones here." the words seemed to lightly surprise both of the adventurers companions "I've come here by choice was just a matter of coaxing the Demon Lord to 'trap' me." the witch snickered casually, still looking around as she spoke.

"I've force my way here as well. There's someone in this tower I seek." Lilian shared her side as well, as she too kept looking.

"Wait you two CHOSE to be thrown into this hell-hole?!" "Mhm~" "Yes." Yuna facepalmed herself... well it was an adventure after all, best make best use of it "So~ This demon tower it's a prison? Or is there some sort of divine cache if you make it past."

Zana smiled casually, thinking briefly "Well~... There's no records or hints of anyone actually making it all the way to the bottom." the words not quite encouraging Yuna, until "But~ there have been many who tried and they say those that reach the bottom get one of their greatest wish full-filled."

Lilian would remain silent on the matter... "I guess the three of us will just have to find out." Zana beamed a confident smile to Yuna, lifting the girls spirit lightly "Y-yeah...."

[Keep looking
Re: Tower Descent

EC 1
Encounter 4+1 fail Ec +2
Exploration roll 5 players find an item

OOC Minot Rule change While searching a roll of 6 will find what the party is looking for. On 4 or 5 the party may find a monster or item. Any monster found this way do not rest the EC

Zana: HP: 24 MP: 40 WP: 30
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Yuna: HP: 35/42 MP: 15 WP: 11/16
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48 MP: 15 WP: 20
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

As Yuna kicked a small stone she saw it bounce of a tomb stone which suddenly collapsed under the blow. The loud noise drew an eek from the girl but as the dust cleared she found something glinting in the grave dust. Lillian was soon over with Zana quickly behind looking at the brawler with a sharp gaze.
Re: Tower Descent

"Eh? Hey! Guys! I found something!" Yuna beckoned the duo over and attempted to pull the unknown item up for inspection, blowing away the dust and dry grave-dirt from it.
Re: Tower Descent

Ec +2
Item found armor charm
Encounter 4+2 =6 encounter! EC = 0
Encounter type Monsters!
3 skeletons spawn!

Zana: HP: 24 MP: 40 WP: 30
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Yuna: HP: 35/42 MP: 15 WP: 11/16
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48 MP: 15 WP: 20
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Yuna 12
Lillian 8
Zana 4
Skell1 1
SKell2 1
Skell3 1
Looking over their find which seemed to be a small charm of sorts which Zana immediately recognized as an armor charm which would improve the armor of one person if they used it or they could sell it for a hefty price. She was about to speak of such matters when a trio of skeleton began to rise from the tombstones nearby. Their bones bleach white stood out in the faint moon each one wielded a rusty weapon.
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Re: Tower Descent

"Ah~ An armor charm." Zana informed the group, floating the object out of Yunas hands and to her for proper inspection "It's not been expended too." she'd smirk looking over it, stashing it inside her bag "It can strengthen any piece of clothing of armor, but only once." seemed the girls would have to make a choice... a bit later however.

As suddenly the rumbles of moving earth and crackles of bone echoed out nearby as three skeletons literally just stood up and picked up all too rusted and ancient weapons!

"What the..." Yuna blinked as she looked around "I think it belonged to one of them." Zana snickered and quickly landed on the nearby ground, her staff in-hand. Meanwhile Lilian tightened her grip on her blade and shield "Stay close!"

Yuna uses Dragon punch on Skelly #1
Zana uses (T1) Boulder on Skelly #2
Lilian mocking strikes Skelly #3
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 24 MP: 36/40 WP: 30 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Yuna: HP: 27/42 MP: 15 WP: 11/16 Status: Poisoned
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0
Enemy status
Skell1: 7/20hp Skell2: 20/20hp interupted Skell3: 12/20hp taunted Lillian

Yuna 12
Lillian 8
Zana 4
Skell1 1
SKell2 1
Skell3 1

Yuna uses dragon punch 13 damage
Lillian taunts skell3 for 8 damage
Zana interrupts Skell2
Skell1 attacks Yuna parry fail takes 8 damage and is poisoned
Skell2 is interrupted
Skell3 attacks Lillian parry 4 success! no damage

Being the fastest of the group Yuna quickly crossed the distance between her and one of the skeleton freaks. Bringing back her arm it seemed to ignite in fire as she brought it forward impacting the evil creature right in the chest dislodging several of its ribs. Still this seemed to hinder the creature little as it brought broken and rusty sword down catching Yuna in the side. It hurt but the burning sensation afterward hinted at something more sinister than a flesh wound. Meanwhile Lillian quickly engaged her own target easily pinning it with her shield so its attacks could find no weakness in her armor. Nearby Zana simply brought up the nearby grave dirt and pummeled the last skeleton preventing it from moving to attack anyone.
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Re: Tower Descent

"Gah! Asshole!" Yuna growled out as she gripped her slash wound... no doubt the rusty blades had more than their share of nastyness on top of it! Growling subtly the girl would once more engage the skeleton letting loose further quick and powerful attacks!

Meanwhile her companions seemed to have little issue dealing with the rest, Lilian slamming the skeleton as it faced her, before she'd bash her shield "Come on!" provoking all around.

Zana however turned her attention to Yuna and her accumulated injuries, swirling some water around it and blowing it towards the brawler in one brilliant beautiful stream.

Yuna combination attack: [Punch, kick on Skelly #1, Punch on Skelly #3] (for style points she can throw the broken skeletons remains at Skelly#3 as RP flair [if no ress])

Lilian provoke

Zana Renewal at Yuna
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 24 MP: 32/40 WP: 30 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Yuna: HP: 35/42 MP: 15 WP: 11/16 Status: Poisoned
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0
Enemy status
Skell1: Defated Skell2: 20/20hp taunted Lillian Skell3: 5/20hp taunted Lillian

Yuna c-c-c-c-COMBO! 10 damage total from 2 attacks defeating skell1 and 1 damaging skell3
Lillian provokes all!
Zana heals Yuna! for 11
Skell1 attempts to resurrect fails and is defeated
Skell 2 attacks Lillian is parried deals no damage
Skell 3 attacks Lillian is parried deals no damage

Even as the poisoned burned threw her blood Yuna's anger only grew. In a flurry of strikes she reduced the skeleton before her to dust. Her first blow a punch blasted threw the brittle rib-cage of the undead monster causing it to wobble. Her second strike was a back flip kick severing the skull of her foe but she wasn't done yet. As the rest of the body collapsed Yuna caught sight of the skull falling back to earth only to punch it in mid air to hit another of the undead minions.

Nearby as the sound of shattering bone's filled the air Lillian pounded her shield drawing as much attention to herself as possible. Looking up at the looming rusty blades it seemed it had worked. Thankfully these foul creatures would be no match for her superior training and heavy armor, with both failing to find a weak point. She of course had to grin as a skull came flying over her shoulder to impact one of the foes causing it to stumble.

Meanwhile Zana was concentrating on her magic sending the healing power of water to channel into Yuna. It was an easy spell and she had no foes to worry about as the knight managed to keep them all locked on her. As her magic finished a skull bounced near her having ricocheted off one of its allies. Looking down Zana saw the glow of undeath reignite in its eyes. With a sharp tisk she brought her heeled foot down shattering the skull.
Re: Tower Descent

"Hyaa~!" Yunas fiery spirit was on full display during the combat as moments after the skull impacted the girl was upon the skeleton slamming her burning fist into him!

It was unlikely the skeleton remained alive leaving Zana and Lilian to turn to their final foe, Lilian would quickly slash at the bones making them topple back only to be met with a fiery wave from Zana! The fight was theirs for sure!

Yuna Dragon punch Skelly #3
Zana Spark Skelly #2
Lilian Mocking slash Skelly #2
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 24 MP: 28/40 WP: 30 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Yuna: HP: 32/42 MP: 15 WP: 11/16 Status: Poisoned 2/4 rounds left
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Fine
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0
Enemy status
Skell1: Defeated Skell2: Defeated Skell3: Defeated

Yuna Dragon punch's Skell3 16 damage! Yuna's poisioned deals 3 damage
Skell3 tries to resurrect fails and is defeated.
Lillian slashes at Skell2 10 damage and taunt
Zana uses spark for 11 damage defeating skell2
Skell 2 attempts to resurrect fails and is defeated

Still on fire from her previous attacks uses her momentum to bash yet another skeleton against Lillian's shield. With a reverberating crunch the enemies skull shatters.

With that dealt with Lillian is able to slip to the side of the last skeleton and slashing it with her blade causing it to turn to her instead of her exposed companion Yuna.

Not that it would matter as Zana with a flick of her wrist simple ignited the offender with fire. Its overly dry bones making its demise all the swifter.