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Tower Descent

Re: Tower Descent

Both Yuna and Lilian certainly couldn't fly, even with the greatest effort. The trio would quickly gather and consider their plan. While the mans words did bring a potential plan to Zanas mind... facing a necromancer shaping the whole the floor would be far too risky. Not alone.

"Any ideas?" Yuna would be the first to ask as she looked between them, Zana remaining silent on the matter as Lilian spoke up "We have no other choice. We make it through the field. We keep moving and only fight if there is nowhere else to turn." she'd look between the two "Noone runs off alone, we stick together. If things get too rough, bundle up around Zana and we retreat to high-ground or a defensible location."

The other two thought it over, as Zana sighed lightly "Well I guess we have no other choice." she'd keep her plan B a secret for now "Damn... well I guess we have to."

Seemed the girls were left with little other choice... Yuna would be the one who'd address the townsfolk once again "We're heading out. Is there a way we can guide our trip in the right direction? A star or a monument near the temple?" they just needed the course to take and it was time for a mad dash through the deathly fields!
Re: Tower Descent

Just as the girls came to a plan the light suddenly dawned. Outside a horrible moan rose up as the zombies began to burst into flame. A cheer arouse from the crowd of villagers. Seemingly however unheard by them a booming voice echoed out.

"Team two finishes of the Necromancer. Leaving team one in the dust!"

All three girls suddenly bent over a sudden pain in their guts as their vision swirled and shifted dropping them back into the inn.

All girls gain 1 corruption.
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Re: Tower Descent

And with that the trio found themselves back in the inn? Their confusion only accentuated by the unknown energy taking root in them "Ugh... feels like I've drank unfiltered spirits..." Yuna winced lightly as clear wrongness rushed through her body.

Even Zana seemed surprised briefly, though for her the punishment was far clearer as too felt darkness rush through her body, darkening the subtle tatoos she had from her cross with the dark goddess. The corruptive energies grew in strength... but why! And this source of it all, it was barely even comprehensible!

Even Lilian felt the subtle effects of the dark energy as her head spun lightly as they landed in the inn. The very armor she wore seemingly subtly retracting and gripping her body tighter... almost as if keen to excite it?!

Still all three soon enough shook it off, as they looked around the inn, though it would be Yuna who'd speak the trios mind "What... the hell... happened...?"
Re: Tower Descent

Over in the corner a light breathy laugh echoed from the dark elf. "Did the girls lose their special round." She looked at them for a moment a dark smirk crossing her features. "Oh thats right I forgot to tell them sense they where so rude to me. How unfortunate. Oh well they seemed to make it out okay." Smirking even more she went back to her cards an empty chair opposite inviting both the brave and the foolish to play her game of chance.
Re: Tower Descent

All three, even Zana seemed to look to the elf surprised "Special round?" Yuna approached her "What special rounds? What other team?!" she'd put her hands on the table and lean forward, the girls straighforward nature quite clear!

"Hum... hardly seems like a fun game, when participants don't know the rules, Delilah." even Zana chipped in on the girls anger at the strange event "Did not take the Master for an incompetent guide for his game." she'd add sharply, albeit the comment was no doubt spicy... few in the room could deny it.
Re: Tower Descent

Ignoring Yuna the dark elf Deliah eyed Zana. "Well I doubt the Master cares little for your thoughts of him. Besides it was my doing." Deliah smirked and leaned back, confident that the girls couldn't do a thing.
Re: Tower Descent

Zana subtly narrowed her eyes "My mistake then, seems the Tower Master has a servant to punish for--" *SLAM!!!* suddenly the night elfs face contorted as the very girl she ignored let loose a massive punch!!!

Sending the the creature flying across the bar, only dust and toppled chairs showed the trail she flew "YOU ASSHOLE!" Yuna growled holding her... for some reason smoking fist, the girls eye twitching in a comedic manner "We had it all planned out and everything!"

Both Zana and Lilian looked on speechless, before Zana covered her mouth and snickered, while Lilian only sighed "Well we never expected the tower to play fair. We'll just need to be more careful when trusting these people." the knight spoke up, as if the event didn't even occur.
Re: Tower Descent

The Dark Elf stood a trickle of blood running down her nose. "You little slut. By the Dark Goddess your lucky this is a sanctuary." Picking up her cards with a bit of magic Deliah eyed Yuna darkly "Natha cha'kohk pholor dosst huthin venrin ssindossa!" For Zana's ears (A curse on your next adventure whore!) A brief surge of dark energy washed out causing Yuna to blink a moment feeling nothing. Smirking Deliah sat back down shuffling her cards.
Re: Tower Descent

Zana wouldn't remain silent, as she'd speak up in the demonic tongue as well "I thought this was a sanctuary is using cursing magic still allowed now?" she'd smile to Delilah and approach her with confidence "You're meddling with your Masters participants, Delilah. What do you think happens to servants that ruin their Masters entertainment." her eyes would subtly sharpen, somehow Zana more hoped than suspected that most of the servants were held by a close leash by their Lord. A leash that would hopefully hold enough sway for the Night Elf to retract her curse.

Still, whatever the case may be soon enough the trio met up once again "Zana?" Lilian looked to the Witch "It's nothing." she'd dismiss, as Yuna still seemed to fume at the their forced loss "I suggest we rest for now. We can attempt the next challenge tommorow."
Re: Tower Descent

Deliah remained silent but her color did noticeable pale well as well as a fallen elf's could. Still ushering her companions to bed and to rest. Alone each girl retired for the evening doing their nightly rituals as they would.

For Yuna the night passed mostly uneventfully but she did have a few erotic dreams that stired her desires. Though considering where she was they all were tame.

Lillian however dreamed of a soft silky embrace of her mistress. The knight was naked having no need for clothing anymore. A delicate hand caressed her soul gem right above he breasts just above the cleavage. With it she could call forth her mistresses armor and weapons. Looking up her mistress kissed her deeply letting one hand stray low to her lewd folds....

Zana's dreams however where not so kind. In her's she found herself standing before a dark entity without form. Before her lay Delaih in chains. Nearby a whip as well as other toys lay. They seemed to call out to her to punish the fallen elf for her lies and threats.
Re: Tower Descent

Yuna indeed slept absolutely soundly, the few specks of perversion in her dreams, seemed to be quickly shunned aside by dreams of her home and the people she'd met.

Lilian meanwhile had a far more stirred nights rest, as in her dreams she'd quickly be guided into subtle perversions by her newly made 'friend'. Spurring a blush and subtle moans from the girl even in the waking world.

Zanas dream however, felt the most solid as she'd see noone else, but Delilah herself.. though the girl was bound and defeated. Before her laid an absolute array of toys, devices and whips - everything fit to quickly teach the elf of her wrong ways. Zana smirked slyly and took the whip in hand, uncoiling it as she approached Delilah, before she'd meet her eyes and raise her hands! The whips cracked out as it lashed out!... near the bound elf.

The Witch kept her eyes on Delilah briefly and smiled, making it all too clear that she owed her for this mercy. Zana would soon enough relax her grasp and let the whip fall as she turned and left the sight. The Witch was never keen on torture, sexual or otherwise, even the current corruption inside could not change that.