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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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The town of Gossamer Falls is fairly big for an island town though that is because the town houses a port that brings in most of the supplies its citizens, and the school need to survive.

The town itself is your typical town; houses lined up in neat little rows and while some of the older houses hint at Victorian design the majority of them are of a more modern design and made from modern building materials. There are several shops, each catering to various needs from grocery shopping right up to clothing and vehicle repair. However don't expect to find top name brands, though if you're a dab hand at sewing then the clothiers shop may interest you. Besides the hobby shops there is a small park for the town's children as well as a school for the younger children.
Re: Town

(I've ended up leading this somehow haven't I... )

Reaching the town and moving onto the seafront and docks area the group comes to a stop. The regular ferry would be arriving soon, though that would only take them to a set location and would be a little slower. There was also the small boat hire company just opening for the morning, and various privately owned vessels tied to the jetties.

Looking back and seeing that Ellisia hadn't yet caught up, Grace ducks into one of the sea front shops. "Hang on a moment. I'll be right back..."

A minute or two latter she returns from the store with two well stuffed carrier bags. Easily seen crammed inside is a large selection of breakfast bars, ready to eat pastry products, packaged sandwiches and some bottles of drink. "I got us some stuff. Might need it, and I haven't had breakfast yet. Need a boat now."

Not far down the road now Ellisia was coming into view, having swiftly caught up with the newly formed ad-hoc fellowship. Other than the backpack she looked the same as before, wearing the schools uniform black and red winter PE tracksuit. The only other difference, anyone that paid any attention to her figure might notice some slight extra overall padding underneath the tracksuit top. She quickly spots and jogs over to rejoin the gang. "Hi. How are we doing?"
Re: Town

(You're the one that started this whole mess, after all...)

Sho makes a bit of a happy noise at the sight of the "supplies." "Good thinking, Grace. And you're right. I'm willing to bet not too many of us have had breakfast yet. I know I haven't either." She checks her pockets. "Though I'll have to pay you back when we get back to school. Didn't think I'd need any cash for a night at the waterfall," she laughs.

"Ah'll get those, if ya want," Ian offers. Granted food wasn't all that heavy, but the bags could be awkward and eventually, all those little snacks and bits added up. Plus, Grace might need her hands, not that he figured on trouble on this side of things, but with this group, you never knew.

"I think we're needing to put to a vote our method of transport. Though I suppose that depends on whether or not we can afford to rent one of those boats," she remarks. "Maybe our teacher could try and curry favor for our field trip and get it comped? If not, we either need an alternative or we wait for the ferry. And wait. And wait."
Re: Town

"Thanks," Emily says as she grabs a cheese sandwich and a bottle of water. Gripping the bottle between her legs Emily takes the sandwich out of its container, and using her fire manipulation she quickly toasts the meal. "I'll have to give you the money for this when we get back too," The young girl says between mouthfuls, finally devouring the toasted snack in three bites. Then holding the bottle in one hand she uncaps it with the other, and placing that hand underneath the bottle she again rapidly heats the water up just as she did with the sandwich. The plastic quickly distorts with the heat though it's still in a good enough shape to drink from.

Once Emily has finished boiling up the water she takes a few tentative sips from it before seemingly coming to whatever conclusion she was trying to get to and downs the bottle in several gulps. "There's less of a risk of harming myself if the water's boiled so long as it's in small amounts." Emily says to the group before anyone could comment. "Anyway, can't we just steal a boat? It would make things simpler for us."
Re: Town

"I'd prefer a method that won't get us into trouble... But I guess that stealing a boat is easier. We just have to remember that said boat might not survive the trip, depending on what's waiting for us, so a secondary method of transport would be nice... I can't imagine the big bad kidnapping someone and not expecting a rescue mission." Jonathan stayed close to Emily. Unlike her, he didn't eat - he never missed his breakfast. He observed the surroundings, but he didn't pay much attention to the details. The sun was irritating him. He needed to be at full power for such an occasion, and the blasted star was giving him a hard time.
Re: Town

Siphon nodded.

"Well, he could try to get us a boat, if not I'll see if I can get one of the owners I know to let us borrow one. Chances are our quarry won't have gone to any main dock, it's possible we can steal his own boat or whatever he used. We do however, have one major advantage in the surprise department. Our quarry still thinks I'm mortal and easily killed, and he doesn't know any of your abilities as of yet. Let us try to keep that a secret as long as we possibly can and maintain that element shall we?"
Re: Town

Jackson's eyes wondered about the group and saw the teacher was missing.

"Seems we'll need to rely on Siphon's contacts.... As it seems like we lost the teacher." He said in a calm low voice. He had come through this small town only a week or so ago. It was quite little place which made him feel out of place after coming here from home.

"And if Siphon's contacts don't come through I can hand getting a boat seeing as we want to get going ASAP." He said lower then before so no one other then those in the group would hear.
Re: Town

"Sure." Grace replies to Ian's offer, handing the bags over. "I'm not too fussed about the money, I'd probably only spend it on something pointless otherwise. But I don't think I've got enough for one of these tourist hire boats." She says beginning to walk onwards towards the docks, seemingly looking for something. "Ahah, there it is, the one I said about. How about this then?" she exclaims grinning, motioning for the group to come over and hopping onto a boat just out of sight hidden behind another.

(minus the big guns and nam boys of course... and lets face it, stranger things have turned up at the school.)

((Lets go with the "borrow" Matt's boat idea, just to get past the petty details so we can get moving again and get to the more relevant stuff. And yeah, I'm randomly declaring someone else's character has a boat because it's convenient and fun... Merry Christmas Matt?))
Re: Town

Siphon shook his head.

"Bloody hell, where'd he get ... ah never mind."

He turned and looked at the boat Grace had found, and smirked ever so slightly, which seemed a bit creepy off of him.

"Well well, registry number 17a396-b27? Congratulations Grace, you managed to find Matt's boat. He's gonna be pissed later, but he can take it up with me. If he asks, I borrowed it for something major, and he has to talk to me, none of you were involved, sound good?"
Re: Town

"Works for me." Jonathan shrugged. He wasn't that worried about the loss of a teacher - he couldn't stop them all by himself. The boy watched Matt's boat with interest. It wasn't the type of vehicle one could see often. For a moment, Jonathan wondered where did the man get this vehicle and who he really was. "So, how do we get it started? And is there someone among us who knows how to handle this thing?"
Re: Town

"If it gets us there and I'm not questioned later I'm good with it," Emily says as she walks towards the boat to get a better view of it. "...Not sure of the best way to get in it though.."
Re: Town

Grace smirks back, "That's nice, but you don't need to protect me from Matt Siphh. It was my idea after all. If he finds out and gets mad I'll just give him a surprise hug and act really grateful or something. That should throw him." She says, then turning to look around the boat some more.

Ellisia comes over and climbs aboard appraising the transport. "This will be much faster and enduring than most other vessels here, and has suitable shelter for Emily."
Re: Town

Ian takes the bags from the girl, then, minding them while they search for Matt's boat.

"Besides, it's Matt. Do you really want to know where he got one of these?" Sho chuckles. "And sounds like a plan. We can keep Emily inside. Then we only have to worry if something happens to the boat itself. At which point, I wouldn't doubt Matt would be able to tell and would come kick the ass of whomever broke it."

"Ah know a bit about pilotin' a boat, but this one's a little beyond me. Could take a look at the controls and see how it diffahs. Probably not goin' ta be good in any chases or anythin', but if we're just toolin' around so Harrell can scan for our friend, should be able ta manage."

((Personally, I'm surprised you didn't let him keep the guns, but at the same time I'm grateful...And no, I'm not really pulling Ian's skills out of my ass. He traveled with his parents as a kid and that included on the water.))
Re: Town

Siphon shrugged.

"It's been like ... fifty thousand years since I've actually piloted anything... wonder if it's like a bike or shooting?"

He didn't seem to be too confident in that statement, as if hoping someone else would step forward. When Ian did, he shot him a relieved look.

"As for how to get inside ...."

He walked over to the door, checking it for a moment.

"Well ... I guess I'll be paying for some damages here."

He then proceeded to snap the knob and lock out of the door, allowing it to swing open.

"Can't close that door now, but I doubt we'll need to."
Re: Town

Jackson look at the boat and begins to wonder how the hell this Matt got his hand on a military style boat but stopped after thinking about the group he was with. He places an hand on side of the boat and leaps from the dock on to the deck. He quickly looks about getting an idea for the boat and to adjust to the movement on the water would be. He wobbled a bit but with keeping his hand of the side of the boat he made his way to the Captain's house.

"I could have opened it without any damage you know..." Jackson said just as he reached the door and saw what Siphon did. He the waved back to the others to get on the boat.

"Well whoever is going to pilot just tell me when to start it up." He said before turning back to the bow of the boat and notice weapon dock. This thing must have been used by some military. Now he was really questioning how Matt got this thing.
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Re: Town

"So you're all just going to climb in, huh..." Emily says quietly to herself though Jonathan may or may not pick it up. Walking tentatively closer to the boat Emily readies herself before leaping into the vessel, landing with a clatter onboard. Once comfortable with being on the boat Emily slowly makes her way to the gathering of misfits.

"Jeez, he's even stronger than me..." Emily thinks to herself, a look of slight disbelief on her face as the young girl see's the damage caused by Siphon. "Right, so where's the delicate package going to be stored?" Emily asks aloud, emphasis put on the word 'delicate' though whether it was sarcasm or just pointing out her weakness would be up to the individual.
Re: Town

Grace grimaces a little as Siphon snaps the lock, sighing and shrugging,. "Well I'm not taking the fall for that part at least. You'll have to hug him yourself if he wonders where his lock has gone." She jokes whilst stepping down into the cabin area. "Hey there's booze in here. Best not touch any of that..."

"There should be just about enough room for all of us in the cabin if required. You should be fine down there Emily." Ellisia says beginning to untie some of the ropes so to be ready to leave.

"It looks simple enough in here I guess."
A voice calls from inside once more, the front side door then opening up from inside as Grace pops her head out. "She's all yours skipper." said directed at Ian.

((I think that's the naval term. If it's not then Grace thinks it is anyway. Not meant to be a dodgy Aussie impression. :p
And Matt has many things, but a 50.cal machine gun on display at a public jetty might just be a bit much... I'd leave that to Darkfire at least.))
Re: Town

Jonathan thought for a moment he heard Emily speak, but he couldn't understand the words. Before he even managed to ask, the girl was already on board. The boy hesitated before deciding that whatever she said, she'd have made sure it was heard clearly before jumping. Following everyone else, he leapt from the dock, landing on the deck and standing up, stretching a little. "So... You think he keeps guns on this thing?" He didn't ask seriously, but the looks of the boat could make one think many things.
Re: Town

Sho joins the others on deck and actually stays there. She eyes the cabin with some degree of trepidation and promptly finds herself a place to perch outside, be it at one of the old gun terminals or near the rear.

Ian waits until Emily's on board before climbing on himself and heading in to stow their supplies. "Aye, for the love of all that's holy: don't touch Matt's liquah. That's a death sentence right theah." He chuckles, moving on to examine the controls. "Should be able ta do somethin' with this. Ah hope. All aboard, then." He waits for the others to climb on board before looking into getting it started up, either with Jackson 'hot wiring' the thing or if the controls let him do it.

Once everything is set and settled, he runs through a quick preliminary check-up to make sure the boat is in working order and to refresh his memory about what button and lever does what and barring any last minute issues will coast it out slow for the moment, until they're on more open water.

"So, where to first?"

((Very true. Matt is rather careful about his guns. And no worries on the nickname. Makes sense on Ellisia's part. And not trying to rush things at all. Just gearing up so we're not puttering too much with the boat.))
Re: Town

Siphon nodded.

"Inside the cabin would be best Emily. Once we get going there's no telling if a stray wave will spray over the side or not, so best not to tempt fate there. I want to avoid injuries to you folks where possible. Harrel, your the one who had a last reading on our target, think you can direct Ian to where you last picked him up? We can start from there."