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Re: Town

"And if I do end up dying I'll come back to haunt all of you," Emily add's as Siphon finishes talking, a playful tone in her voice. Moving past everyone she slides into the cabin.
Re: Town

Jackson steps from side to side to get around everyone so he could enter the cabin and get a look at the controls. His eye quickly came to see the wheel and so he walked over to it. He looked about the area of the wheel looking for the ignition. Once finding it he places his hand to it and "feels" out the lock thanks to his ability. While to anyone watching him is might seem like he wasn't doing anything at all for a few minutes, in Jack's head everything blacked out as he only focused on the lock.

He knew the ignition was just like that of a car... Hell it was the same thing as a car. A pin-tumbler lock was far simpler then he thought was going to be on a boat like this but Jackson stop himself.

Can't look a gift horse in the mouth... Can I? He thought to himself as a smirked showed up and his face as he started to set the pins in place. Once they wore all in place he pulled his hand away from the ignition and turned his hand like a key. At the same time the pins all turned and caused the boat engine to start up.

"...And here I thought this might have been hard." He said to himself aloud before turning back to the door of the cabin.

"Ready whenever you guys want to get going." He called out quickly after. The first in the cabin might notice a slight gleam of gold to his green eyes but they wouldn't get time to make sure as he turned to look out the window on the other side of the cabin.
Re: Town

Al had been trailing behind a little, but the boat starting up was all the excuse he needed to speed up and jump on board.

"Not getting left behind is a good start."
Re: Town

"Nice one Jack." Grace says with an approving smile, stepping out of the drivers cabin area and moving to sit at the bow of the boat.

Harrel looks out over the sea for a moment before leaning down at the door to speak, "Ok. I've got a vague idea of the direction he took, so lets head out over to the opposite shore first. Then we can head south following the coast line for now."

Ellisia finishes up with the ropes and signals that she's done, whilst quietly watching over the group, checking that everything is in order, nothing forgotten and the like.

((Got to the point where I'm not sure what comes next. So down to Oni and Siphon now I believe.))
Re: Town

((I'll make a new thread for them nearing the shore of where they'll be getting off once I've gotten up because I'm heading to bed now.))
Re: Town

((Roger that. Winding down here.))

Ian watches Jackson as he works with the machine, giving him a quiet thanks before he takes over on the controls. Listening to the suggestion of his navigator, he follows Harrel's directions and cruises the boat in the direction of the mainland, veering a little southward to start with.

"Why do Ah get the feelin' this is goin' ta be like playin' hot 'n cold?" he asks with a chuckle.