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Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
It has come to my attention there has been a movement towards banishing our lovely forum of one of it's structures. In such a movement, I believe a few members, mainly directed by Cappy, had caused irreversible defamation to our rep system. As such, I deemed it only necessary to defend, in a most precedent manner, the system and it's standing.

Would you care to defend yourself, or would you like a lawyer to defend you?
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

We need an impartial judge!
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

*Raises hand*

I've gotten my share of good and bad rep, so I have a good understanding of both sides.

(Haha, if you look at my avatar, it totally looks like I'm raising my hand.)
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

I am willing to offer my services as an attorney. I'm opinionated, good at bullshitting, and have the make your own objections site bookmarked, all of these things make me wonderfully qualified.

I can also speak in a fake Spanish accent, but you can call me blue.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

*Raises hand*

I've gotten my share of good and bad rep, so I have a good understanding of both sides.

(Haha, if you look at my avatar, it totally looks like I'm raising my hand.)

The way your hand is makes you look like you're just sheepishly volunteering.

I realize some of you may have been confused by the title, but I didn't mean I'm suing Cappy so I can get rep ... but thank you
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Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

OBJECTION!!!! *slams hands down on desk before pointing and wagging finger* The only thing raptors do involving sheep is either eating them or violating them, perhaps both! They are never sheepish sir!
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

I'd say it's quite a confident gesture, rather than a shy one.

violating them

I'm married to Toxic's rectum, sir. I've not heard any screams but hers since our marriage.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

D'AAAWWW, you big ol' lizard, you :eek:
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

This may have been the fastest derail I've ever seen.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Don't think that the Dinosaur can be considered impartial if his wife is involved.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

I don't believe Cappy is aware he is being sued.

Am I to issue the summons?
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

*Slams hammer*

Court is adjourned until the defendant is found.

If the defendant does not show up within a weeks time, a warrant will be issued for tentacle law enforcement to seek his painful, and degrading rape, followed by a 10 year sentence to the Pit of Lost Virginity.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Not to question your honorship, but how would the pit of lost virginity work if he was already raped?
Or are you only viable for the pit once you've lost your virginity?
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

The name pretty much implies that, if you're a virgin when you enter the Pit of Lost Virginity, it's guaranteed that yer gonna lose it. (100% chance of rape with a 75% chance of bukkake)
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

The prosecution rests.. preferably way over here... away from the hole
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Eh wot? You can only issue punishment (tentacles or otherwise) if you've sent me a summons, which you quite clearly haven't!, either way it's not like one opinion over Rep is going to change much if several people disagree, so suing me over it is rather pointless.

Besides that, I only saw this because I stumbled upon it in the .... Archive? How bad at summons must you have been for me to only find it because it's the last post made in the ARCHIVES.

I think the court should re-consider their system, and those who are in charge of it, a Court summons is necessary for people to show up, you know.

And before you ask, no I have yet to be attacked by tentacles, or thrown into the pit of lost virginity, I checked, it's still there, I left it in my other pants pocket.... But, it doesn't make abit of difference guys, The balls are inert.

(I just insinuated that I was infertile for the sake of comedy, oh joy)
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Then we raped the wrong man.

Oh well, now that he's here, GET HIM NUNU.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Then we raped the wrong man.

Oh well, now that he's here, GET HIM NUNU.

The court case has already been dismissed, it's in an archive thread.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Actually, it's in the Archive because the entire sub-forum 'Court Cases' was (I'm guessing) thrown in here due to inactivity. The case could still go through.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Actually, it's in the Archive because the entire sub-forum 'Court Cases' was (I'm guessing) thrown in here due to inactivity. The case could still go through.

I already made a pretty good argument as to why it doesn't matter that I brought it up, if it gets voted that the rep system be taken down, it's because more people voted that way, not because I mentioned it while I was pissed at Alias for being a dick.

Which I apologise for causing all the drama for by the way, but stress has been getting to me lately.