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Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Partly why I thought it would be so easy to find. What with the new posts being shown in full view, even when you finish everything on the EE page
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Eh? Irrelevant anyhow, if you have a rebuttal, use it, if not, victory has been sweet.

Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

I don't understand the logic. Are you saying it's pointless to sue you because disagreements won't change anyone's mind? I never said I was trying to change your mind, I'm talking about damage done sir. That's like if you went out and beat up a black guy and said, "Disagreements about racism will always exist, so this behavior will always be ok."

You sir, are a racist.

And I object on the grounds that four previous supreme court cases have already established the taste of victory is, in fact, salty.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

I don't understand the logic. Are you saying it's pointless to sue you because disagreements won't change anyone's mind? I never said I was trying to change your mind, I'm talking about damage done sir. That's like if you went out and beat up a black guy and said, "Disagreements about racism will always exist, so this behavior will always be ok."

You sir, are a racist.

And I object on the grounds that four previous supreme court cases have already established the taste of victory is, in fact, salty.

Well either way, at least I won. And what I was saying is that my put-in didn't do any damage, at least not particularly lasting, to be honest your Suing is rather pointless.

And about victory tasting salty, so do many a meal in a fine restaurant , and quite frankly I was quite hungry, I rest my case.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Overruled, the judge has not declared a winner as of yet. And though in this court, not worthy enough to be called a banhammer, it will still hurt if I hit you with it.

If the defense continues to dismiss charges made against them then I will have to rule in favor of the prosecution, as well as bonk Cappy in the head with my small hammer.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Your honour, please ignore my client, especially if he claims he's not my client, he's had a stressful time lately due to this wanton attack on his character and it's affecting him psychologically.

It's fairly safe to say that my client is the victim in this case, the victim of a ruthless attack aimed to undermine his reputation in this great community. These proceedings are incredibly stressful for him, and quite unnecessary, no where in the ULMF constitution does it say that one is not permitted to slander the rep system. I move that this is an unconstitutional trial and should be thrown out immediately, to save us all the grief it would cause.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Your client is free to sue the one who attacked him, but he still suggested the abolishment of our rep system, which has become a religious power in these forums. So, to suggest that the rep system be thrown out can be considered a violation of the Constitution.

However, if the rep system's messiah were to declare that rep is not a religion, then Toxic's case will be dismissed.

You have until I get bored to obtain this declaration, else I'll have no choice but to rule in favor of Mrs. Shock.

Court is adjourned. *slams hammer*
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Oh look at that, a court case. I wonder what happened here.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

The two court cases are irrelevant to each other, I suggest you make your presence known in the right thread sir "Toxicshock" of anti-perversity.
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Oh I never said I wasn't perverse, but that's only in reference to a state-of-mind. I sort of coined the phrase "innocent, not ignorant" when talking about myself

I'm a gamer at heart. You notice no other hentai sections involve me. Just games.
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Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Your client is free to sue the one who attacked him, but he still suggested the abolishment of our rep system, which has become a religious power in these forums. So, to suggest that the rep system be thrown out can be considered a violation of the Constitution.

However, if the rep system's messiah were to declare that rep is not a religion, then Toxic's case will be dismissed.

You have until I get bored to obtain this declaration, else I'll have no choice but to rule in favor of Mrs. Shock.

Court is adjourned. *slams hammer*


...Who is Cappy and why is he bothering trying to make sense of this forum?
Re: Toxic Sues Cappy for Rep

Cappy is a person that thinks he's important, and that he can change things. And make things better.

He is also wrong.