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TP forums: Aftermath


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
TP. One of the few people who can animate flash good enough to be recognized on sight. Many of his followers once flocked to this forum. Many more hated those of the LM forums. Both were just the same, people who love Hentai. What was once a fairly respectable forum now lays in ruins.


The gates of the TP forums begin to swing open, one large man opening the gates from the outside. He would then enter and look at the devastation "Dear god. Why would they attack people like this, who are defenseless?" Burrito says, his right hand on his chin as he waits for the rest of his group to enter the forums "The bots hit them harder than us. Of course, we had time to prepare our defenses. And we had someone with a giant warship to defend us from them."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

An unusually tall woman clad in torn skintight leather strides in behind him, surveying the devastation.

"Maybe they weren't fans..." She said half-jokingly. "I'll see if I can get a better view."

She sprints off towards the nearest building and climbs up the side at a remarkable pace, using windowsills, cracks, and eyen the remains of a banner ad for hand and footholds on her way up.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

A creature that could only be described as part human and part bug moved in behind them, yellowish eyes surveying the utter devastation. "This is bad. I'm not even sure anyone could have survived this, and if they did that they would still be around."

Something was bothering him though, something he knew he should be picking up on and wasn't. It took several moments, but finally he did. "Hmm, strange. There's a distinct lack of an appropriate number of bodies here. I mean there are SOME here but.... where are the rest of them? Where are the bot bodies? I find it very difficult to believe a place like this would have just rolled over without a fight and not have killed at least some of them. So what the hell happened to all the bodies?"

He moved over to scan some of the debris, and after several minutes let out a low whistle. "Ok, that might explain it some. These readings are TOTALLY off the charts compared to the hive that hit us. Sir, I think another hive hit them, one separate from the one that hit us. A much stronger one too, these energy readings from the debris are over ten times stronger than the ones we were hit with. Maybe this wasn't much of a fight after all, would explain the low body count. Most of them may well have been vaporized."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Copper's pale skin stood out against the dark colors that she wore. Pulling her sunglasses down her nose, she let out a whistle, not an easy thing to do with a pair of fangs. "So you're saying there's something out there more badass than what hit us? Shit." She paced around, not moving too far away from the rest of the group, head tilted upward and her nose twitching. "Siphon's got a point, though, I think. I don't smell any blood, human, bot, or otherwise. And devistation on a scale like this, and all over like this, you'd think I'd pick up on something." She tosses a small bit of rubble at the Wraith. "Unless your gamma rays are messing up my brain."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Burrito sighs and sits down on a large chuck of rubble from a nearby building, his head resting in his right hand "They must have thought we were the enemy and sent the last of their soldiers to kill us. Pity they didn't make it over the mountains." he says, looking around "We can at least gather their tags. I want these men remembered. They may have been our enemies once. But they now stand against our common foe. Gather any of the soldier's tags you can find." he says, standing and walking along the street "I'm going to their palace to find their records. And, if we're lucky, some of them may have hid inside from the bots."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Do we HAVE to?" Lurker muttered, calling forth several Necrons to line up behind him. "If you see anything that looks like computer coding, blast them!"


Lurker facepalms.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Right. Bag the tags. Will do, boss. Be careful, though. Survivors might not be the only thing hiding around here, aye?"

If there's even any tags to find...I don't think vaporization is very discriminant...

She looks to the others. "Anybody got a plan on how we should do this? Line sweep or grid? And how's it looking up there, Shrike?" she calls.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Shrike shows up on the near edge of the building she had climbed. "Pretty much more of the same as far as I can see, they hit this place hard. How worried are we about ambushing bots? Should we split up to cover more ground?"
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Siphon continues to look over the area, not really finding anything. "Hmm, I'm beginning to wonder if ANYTHING remained intact here."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Only one way to find out, I guess. Why don't we spread out but keep a sprintable distance between us. We're all radioed up, so we can holler if we need help. Then we can cover more ground and still keep tabs on one another."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Not entirely radioed up." Shrike reminds from the rooftop. "But I can keep in touch anyway, so it isn't a problem. Other than that, sounds like a plan."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Burrito begins walking up the stairs to the palace, flipping his radio on "I'll be keeping my radio on while I'm inside the building. If anything happens, you'll know." he says, looking around and stepping up onto the landing of the palace before noticing something to his right. Movement. But very weak movement. A set of legs barely moving. "I think I've found something. Stand by." he says, walking towards the source of movement and crouching down to look at the body attached to the legs, that of a barely alive bot "Why did you do it? What's your issue with us, anyway?!" he yells, grabbing the bot by the collar and lifting him up "We only live...........to destroy....." the bot says, clearly able to be heard over the radio before coughing and dying right there in Burrito's hands "Did you all get that?"
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Indeed. So looks like we were right, they were specifically made to kill. Which means there may be a way of re-writing their basic protocols later on. WHOA."

Siphon had by this time ascended over a particularly high mound of rubble, and something glinting in the fading sunlight had caught his eye. Instantly he had turned to look, and seen the shattered remains.

"Ok.... well... it looks like our 'friends' here at TP did in fact do some damage before getting taken out. I've got the shattered remains of what I THINK is a cruiser here. Rather.... what's left of it. Little more than time and a half size of Daedalus I'd guess when it was fully intact. Not picking up any energy readings, but I think perhaps I should go in there and see if we can salvage anything from it's memory banks."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Permission granted, Siphon." Burrito says, dropping the corpse of the fallen Bot and sighing as he starts walking into the building, blood everywhere. Walls, computers. Not a single life spared. "The next one of these bastards I see. I'm going to tear him to shreds with my own two hands." he says over the radio, stopping and bending down to grab a set of tags off a fallen soldier "The deserved a better fate than this."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Got a point there, man, even if there was bad blood between us... it's all blown to shreads..." he muttered.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Siphon moved out and began sifting through the remains of the Cruiser, searching for anything that could be used. Eventually he found their data core, surprisingly intact. "I've located the data core. Attempting to extract it now."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Shrike ran across the rooftops, looking for anywhere that was saved from the devastation. Everywhere she went, it looked like a tornado had gone through, destroying everything in it's path. She stopped for a bit, perching on the ruins of a wall, and watched the rest of them wander for a moment, collecting her thoughts. Her friend had given her directions to his vacation home if she ever stopped by, but with the place such a mess nothing looked like what she had expected. Sighing slowly, she slid down the wall aways before leaping over to the next building, continuing her search.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Burrito walks through the halls of the palace, blood dripping and pooling in corners. Multiple random forumites laying dead on the floor, a look of both anger and sadness plastered on his face as he stops, opening a door and jumping back as a dead bot swings down and slams into where his chest would have been had he not moved. He then grasps the corpse by the waist and yanks it down, then tosses it to the side, the room behind it open to him now. What would be seen there was nothing short of horrifying. Severed bot heads lay scattered everywhere, bodies with bite marks all over them, missing their heads, hung from the archive shelves, as well as other Forumite bodies. All were missing their heads. Burrito drops to his right knee and dips his left index and middle fingers into the blood, the blood reacting like water. Fresh blood. "Everyone. Get clear of the palace." he says over the radio, walking deeper into the archive, a low growl coming from above the door "He-llo." is all that is heard before multiple shots and a loud groan come over the radio, part of the wall of the palace shattering, a body flying out. If someone looked closely, they would see the outline of Burrito fly several hundred feet from the building before landing and skidding to a stop "Everyone, stand back. He's mine." burrito says over the radio, standing and looking at the hole in the wall of the palace, a grin in his eyes as a loud roar emanates from said hole.

What emerged then was something no one would ever believe. An eighteen foot tall, Digitigrade white being, clad in a suit covering it's legs and arms, climbed out of the building, it's knuckles dragging on the ground as it began to walk slowly towards the now standing captain. "Come on, you filthy cur!" he yells, charging at the beast and being met with a long arm punching at him "Not today!" he yells, catching the fist with his left hand and pushing the beast back. The beast itself retaliated by punching with it's other free arm, which Burrito also grasped, pushing with all his might, the beast beginning to roar as the armor it sported began to glow, Burrito slowly losing ground.

As Burrito was pushed back, his eyes close, then shoot open, a fiery glow in his gaze as he himself pushes the beast away, releasing it's arms and then dashing towards the beast at a speed one would associate with a phantom. "This is for my fallen comrades!" Burrito yells as he jumps and tackles the beast to the ground with an extremely loud thud, also causing the ground to shake as the beast hit the ground, dust being stirred up around them from all the flying rubble from the shockwave of the being hitting the ground. If one could see through the rubble, they would see Burrito throwing punch after punch into the beasts deformed face, deforming it even further. No words are heard from him until he stops mid-punch and stands up, looking up at the sky and sighing "God damn that felt good." he says, hopping down from atop the beast, then falling over on his stomach
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Copper slowly picked her way through the rubble a street or two over, listening to the chatter on the radio, remaining silent for once as she heard the bot's voice transmitting.

"Just don't bring another whatever when you start screwing around with their scrap again, okay?" she teases Siphon, though a lot of the humor in her tone is lost.

Now and then, the blood she'll pick up will have been forumite, though most of what she's finding out here is civilian, not soldier. Still, she gathers personal belongings, tags, anything for ID she can, so proper respects can be made.

Thankfully, when Burrito's call goes through, she's nowhere near it, but that, of course, only makes her want to get a closer look. A toppled building provides the perfect purchase and she literally runs up the angled side, perching near the roof in time to see the wall collapse. Knowing radioing isn't going to do a damn bit of good, she turns and slides down, pounding her way over to where she can hear the confrontation going on.

When things fall silent, she tries to radio him again. Oi, boss? You all right? Better answer me or I'm about to disregard a direct order and come find your ass.

From Burrito's last transmission, she's assuming victory, but she's still being as cautious as she can. Eventually finding him and the fallen mega-bot, she heaves a sigh and shakes her head. Boss' out for the time being, it looks like. Anybody wanna come give me a hand moving his big ol' heavy metal butt?
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Not having a radio, Shrike missed most of this, and she was too preoccupied to look into it at the moment. She had wandered into the residential area looking for her friend's property, and she may have found it.

The building was fairly short, maybe a main floor and an attic, and it was on a rather large plot of forested land. Or rather, it used to be forested. The entire estate was more of a blasted plain, with only scorched stumps where trees once stood. The house itself had a hole gutting it from front to back, and part of the roof had collapsed. The larger building in back seemed mostly intact, however.

Built like a telescope observatory, this other building was about sixty feet in diameter, and seventy or eighty high, with a collapsible dome roof. Once Shrike got closer, she realized that the building itself must have taken a direct hit from one of the Hive Ship's big guns. Built from metallic alloy and likely two feet thick, the entire structure looked as if it had been welded, and the ground in a twenty foot radius around the building had actually been glassed by the extreme heat, and was still smoking lightly.

Shrike walked up to the door and placed a hand on it, trying to stretch her senses to inside of the building. Not sure what she felt inside, she slowly created one of her shimmering blades and began to cut her way through to the inside...