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TP forums: Aftermath

Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave looked in the direction of the ship. He wanted to go and kill someone. And he didn't have a radio - he couldn't recieve the order. When the pilot spoke, Grave was grateful - any reason to go there would be good. "So, what are we waiting for? Let's raise Hell!"
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Apart from the weapons and shielding, which look modular and quickly replaceable, Tsuki finishes repairing the ship, closing it up and making it ready to fly. With the possible exception of any hole in the building large enough for it to exit from, with the only entrance person-sized and manually cut open by Shrike, the normal entrances welded shut by the shot that turned it into a pressure-cooker.

Shrike was still sitting up against the outside of the building, head back and eyes closed.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The pilot shook his head. "Not yet, we need to formulate a plan, a ship like THAT has to be fairly well defended. Does anyone have any...."

He was cut off by a massive explosion from the East of them, in the area the hive had gone towards. Massive enough to shake the entire ground around them, and crack a huge hole in the side of the hangar. Large enough to BARELY squeeze a small ship through, but presenting the chance to open it wider if someone could muster the strength.

After a moment the pilot muttered, "well, that can't be good."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave glanced at the pilot, frowning. "You think?" He growled and shook his head. "This is a f***ing battleship. I bet that their sensors are good enough to identify us among the rubble, so sneaking is not an option. I bet they've tried to hit us right now. We can't escape, and we can't hide. Our only option is to break through their defenses and attack from the inside. We will need a lot of power and speed." The warrior looked at all of his companions. "Any ideas?"
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Tsuki sighed and dismissed her drones. Then flinched as the wall collapsed. "Ooookay, I want out of here... preferably before it collapses and I'm in a body bag." She headed through the new hole and peered out. "Hellloooo?"

She hoped that that hive ship wasn't nearby.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The pilot didn't say a word for a moment, listening. Finally he turned to Grave and spoke. "I don't think they just tried to attack us. I think something attacked THEM, or something on their ship blew up. It hasn't repeated, and if they had seen us, they would know a shot like that didn't hit us and try again immediately. They haven't, so the question is, WHY?"

He paused then nodded. "Alright, lets say we do rush in there. We need something capable of cutting into their hull to board the ship first. A cutting laser or perhaps Shrikes blade? Once we're in we'll have to move fast, and we're not sure where they'd be holding him. Splitting up isn't a good idea since there's got to be thousands of the bastards in the ship."

At Tsuki's words he added, "come out of there for now please, one death here was enough for now."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave shrugged. "There's only one way to find out. We should move. Even if we don't engage, we can't stay here. This area isn't safe at all." The warrior sighed. "I wonder... If that wasn't an attack... What the Hell was that?"
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"An explosion perhaps? Sounded like one. Maybe something on their ship blew up. God, maybe the whole damn ship did..."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave laughed. "If that was the case, we'd be f***ing dead because of the blast wave."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Ah, yes that's probably true. Ok, so not the whole ship then, but a section perhaps? Either way, we still need to figure a way in first. Let's have that in place before we get too close."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Burrito comes striding out of the building, his shotgun clutched in his right hand and resting on his right shoulder as he notices the dead beast "God damn you guys. I told you not to fight anything big when I wasn't around." he says, jumping from piece of rubble to piece of rubble, making his way to the corpse of the monster "What's the plan?" he asks, stepping on one of the tentacles with a loud squish and smiling
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The pilot looked to Burrito then snapped to attention. "Sir! Don't know if your aware, but the hive that just landed over there may be carrying Siphon aboard. He was taken by some kind of beam from the one surviving dart."

He indicates over the hills.

"We're trying to come up with a way to get him out of there. According to information Copper gained from a dying wraith, they intend to either extract information from him, or forcibly convert him to their side. Likely some kind of torture and brain washing."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Then let's get a move on." Burrito says, placing his shotgun on his back and then grasping a few tentacles in his hands "I'm going to give these bastards back their monster." he says, beginning to shift his weight and spin the large creature around over his head with a chuckle, tossing it precisely over the mountains as if on instinct "Let's go."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Shrike has spent the last few minutes scaling the side of the building to where the crack had appeared. looking carefully and seeing that it was on the opposite side as the ship within, she yelled down a warning to Tsuki and started cutting the opening wider, dropping sections of ceiling in four foot chunks.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Copper did look a little drained, but better than she had been. Her attention was mostly on the pilot, given that it would seem the Embrace takes rather quickly here. Not that she minded. She remembered hers taking the better part of the day. Better that he would be up and active.

She listened to the debate about getting into the Hive. "They already know we're here or they wouldn't have sent the ships or the beasties. Provided we can use that explosion as a distraction, that's likely about the only element of surprise we're going to get. That, and they might not know too much about Pale. Maybe some of her magic can trump their technology. Good to have you back with us, by the way. And, for the record, I was just the scout. It was them that left you." She points at the others.

As Burrito emerges and gets near the monster, she starts to warn him about it still being at least somewhat alive, but it doesn't seem to matter after his hammer toss of the thing. "Just be ready to do that to more of them, chief. According to the wraith I," cough, "talked to, there's more of them. In case you missed it, they were designed by the wraith's queen and commander, oh, and one more bit of information: according to the wraith, the bots are just shock troops they're sending in to weaken us and our defenses so they can sweep in and scoop up the spoils.

Given that the order was to move out, she stood up, dusted herself off, and made ready to do so. "Hey," she said to the pilot, "I take it you're coming with. Don't try to push yourself too hard. Not sure how much the vampirism will kick in for a newborn, so be careful until we figure it out, okay?"

Something else crossed her mind. Now that the ship was out of orbit. Siphon? Hey, Siphon? Can you hear me?
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Understood. Let's go."

Copper did get a reply, but it wasn't truly something she wanted to see. She could see in her mind countless humans or something being killed by something very strong and fast, and the voices she could hear didn't make sense at all. It was almost as if Siphon's mind was a total wreck or had she somehow tapped into the enemy psychic network?
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Tsuki blinked and nodded. She looked up at the sound of Shrike's... before quickly scrambling out of the way.

"Wait... so... we're just going to go and walk up to the ship just like that? So I just fixed the ship for no reason?" A sharp exhale, before Tsuki pouted. This whole thing was so confusing and rather irritating.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

After a dozen or so blocks, Shrike had widened the hole large enough to make it easier for the ship to pass. She carefully dropped herself down to the ground floor, then grabbed a crate holding the ship's weapons and started dragging that one up the ladder. "Not useless, I still plan on flying her." She said, dropping the crate off on the platform and starting to mount another weapon. "We're going to need a distraction of some sort. Now, come on, have a couple of your drones grab the crate with the shield generator, it's a bit too delicate for me to be dragging up that ladder."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Ah!" Copper stops, putting a hand to her forehead, doing her best to pull her thoughts away from what she was seeing. "Okay," she mutters, "that's out."

Shaking her head, she puts her attention on Tsuki. "Well, Shrike's the only one that can fly the thing, so I'm definitely going to have to hoof it over there. And not for nothing. Still gives us a little flyer to use when we need it." She picks up on Shrike's words. "And she seems to think we'll need it." She chuckles, though the sound is definitely flat.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave was beginning to feel better. Finally, a battle - perhaps the decisive one. If Siphon was really sent to this Hive, the enemy wouldn't leave him in the hands of a simple officer. No, it had to be someone with a high rank. The warrior licked his teeth. "Let's go... And Burrito, may we organize a little genocide after we win?"