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TPD Station Brilliance

Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"It was a rather tragic end, but society has higher expectations for them and they are suppose to uphold them. I know that may seem cruel, but that's just my opinion on the matter." she was admittedly shocked that he seemed so interested in her. She had never seen herself as all that interesting. "If...if you must know, my name is Meera and I'm to serve as this crews hydrenic engineer. I come from a fairly respectable family and the first in it to pursue a career in science and not politics, like my siblings. I love them dearly, but I did not feel their path was suited for me. My parents said I was too much of an optimist to be in politics.

The last comment however, caught her off guard. Mate?! Was...was that even possible? She could feel herself grow flush at the prospect. "W...wait...so you mean to say that you...and him...are...oh my god." she took a moment to gather her thoughts. "I had...no idea! I just assumed it was platonic. Nothing like that! I like to think myself more open minded...but it is still a difficult" thought to imagine." And she could imagine quite a bit.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Uh, my names Ko." The figure standing behind the other begins.

"Yes yes... It won't stop saying that. This is my ko-pilot slash minion slash pack rat etc. Lemme send those cords... *ungff* " Kars interjects, raising his forearm mounted computer display and grunting lightly as Ko punches him on the back of the shoulder. He simply continues taking no notice of it, spare perhaps a faintest chuckle, and clears his throat as he accesses the co-ordinates, and finds the place to send them.

"Nice to meet you." Ko continues.

"As you can see my assistant is rather defective. Would you consider a trade perhaps? I've always thought a SAI for the Hell Strafer might be handy." Kars jests further, causing Ko to cross her arms behind him and frown invisibly.

Listening to the Klarr exchange for a bit he leans back against the table edge and raises his arms to rest them on the back of his head. Raising an unseen eyebrow at a point or two. "Do, warn us... if you're about to start trading bodily fluids or anything..."

In addition to the blushing Klarr in the room Ko also couldn't help but blink and blush just a little when she finally grasped what was being said.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Taavan bit back a sarcastic retort and instead pulled a palm sized data padd out of his jacket pocket, "I don't think that's likely to happen but I could really use those coordinates." he held the device out to Ko since Kars seemed to be a little busy with the other ones. He was deliberately ignoring the conversation going on behind him though Deelin was probably going to get yelled at later.

Deelin's expression grew fond as he looked over at Taavan, "He doesn't like to have it noised about because our obvious caste difference, but he is the mate of my heart," he turned back to her, "We'd never be able to formalize it within our society so we got... hitched, I think is the Terran term, on a Terran ship. The captain seemed pleased when he preformed the ceremony." It was totally obvious that he was smitten with Taavan. "Anyway, a Hydrenic Engineer? Considering that we don't know the state that the Dividing Line is in, your skills will be very useful, Meera. Glad to have you with us."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

As soon as Reno receives the data from Kars, she turns on her heels and scurries away in the direction of the hangar, shouting a quick "Thanks!" over her shoulder.

At Kars' suggestion of a trade, Talen flashes a smirk. "Not likely, unfortunately. I doubt your ship even has space for all her gear; she's even more high-maintenance than your average female." He points over his shoulder with his thumb, in the direction that Reno ran off in. "Then, of course, there's all the shit I'd catch from my boss..." Talen was only partially aware of the conversation between the three Klarr going on behind him. Being a cyborg meant that sexuality was virtually a moot point with him. He did laugh at the Kopak's remark, however.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

P...Please sir, no need to be so crass! We're adults and we should not discuss such things in the presence of others. You sound like a child right now! She said to Kars as he turned his attention elsewhere and trying to turn the attention away from her clearly uneasy expression. But Deelin at the very least was being mature about the subject and addressed the issue in less crass terms. "An understandable concern, sir. It would be difficult for many back home to accept a union such as this. But it is good that you are following what your heart tells you and not what others tell you. Part of me wishes I had that courage, but my family expects more of me...' She mentioned with a tiny hint of defeat in her voice.

"B...But anyway, yes. I do hope that my skills will at least be of some use on the Dividing Line. I figure they had some means of growing fruit and vegetables on their ship to balance their diet, so I hope to take advantage of such systems. Fix them up or build them if need be. I'm use to working with less. Also, before I forget, I'd like to ask something a little more personal when you have the time. Nothing urgent, just a question."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Deelin laid a hand on her shoulder and shook his head silently telling her to leave Kars's comment be. At her second remark about his maturity, "Well... I wouldn't go that far. I haven't yet told you how it feels when he rises above his caste status and dominates me in Zero G." He grinned at the blush that would undoubtedly form on her face and his mate's at this statement. Though he sobered quickly and nodded at her, "Proceed with your question. If we're to have any sort of unity on this mission we need to be honest and open with each other." A smirk, "Speaking of open with each other, I'm sure Taavan wouldn't mind if we invited you back to our ship."

Taavan rolled his eyes, pretending he couldn't hear his mate flirting. Anything with a post code... he thought with a fond sigh.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Oh good heavens!" Meera looked in shock at the rather lewd words of Deeling. Had he ever learned of decency in his time away from the homeland? She turned away from the captain for a moment and took a few deep breaths, trying to gather her thoughts despite the mans words. Turning back to the captain, she let out a huff to indicate her readiness for any answer."I...I'd much rather speak of this away from prying eyes. At the very least can we go to another room? It may very well concern your...friend..." She tried not to use that word, her mind still not use to idea of the two...mating...
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Not having expected to be offered the data pad, Ko takes a couple of seconds on the uptake, glancing to Kars and then back to Taavan before cottoning on that it was pointed to her. "Oh! Uh yes, I can do that." She rasps in reply, stepping forward to take the pad, before looking it over a second, and working on transferring the co-ordinates to it. Despite being caught off guard, it doesn't take her long, and she soon hands it back.

"Shame. Oh well then." Kars replies to Talen with a nonchalant shrug, before receiving Meera's response. His shrug changing to lift his palms upwards in a sort of mock defensive "What did I say?" gesture, turning to Ko and speaking in a more hushed tone, "She called me childish..." Despite the small act of being affronted by the accusation, it was plenty clear, even despite any racial boundaries, that the Kopak didn't actually care. Behind his visor he wore his rarely seen signature grin.

He was frankly finding Deelins teasing somewhat amusing. "I'm not at all bothered by whatever you lot get up to, so long as you don't go laying any eggsacs on my ship." He comments idly again, switching his attention to a small holographic display that he brought up from his forearm, and tapping at something or other. "And I've actually had that problem before. You wouldn't believe the things some races do."

Ko ends up blushing again and peering between the orange aliens, raising one lightly cupped hand to cover her helmets front vent and looking ever so slightly awkward for a second.

"Ko. There's a uniformed teran poking around near the Hellstrafer. Go figure out what he wants or what he's up to." Kars says flatly not looking away from his forearm display.

"Ah! Y-yes, on it boss!" She replies, before quickly dashing off towards the hanger.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Taavan took the tiny padd back with a smile of thanks, and chuckled a little as she tore off back to the ship. He swiveled in his seat to watch how Deelin would handle Meera's request to speak to him alone.

"I assure you, anything you want to say to me can be said in front of my mate as well," Deelin said, a steely edge to his voice. "Unless," he lost the steel and that flirty tone crept back in, "you wish to speak to me in private for... other reasons. A man can get bored with the same thing day after day. I like to... dabble."

Taavan snorted, "Oh yes, his dabbling is innovative and borders on the avante garde." He was uncomfortable with the situation and that made him snarky. He knew why Deelin was discussing it in public and his training insisted he let it lie, but his mate was in for a fight later.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"I...I assure you, no such thing will occur, sir! We are a more civilized people then that! The flustered Klarr responded to Kars. It almost seemed like they were ganging up on her! It was like she was back in school and all the kids were teasing her again. "T...That is what I'm trying to say. It's something that concerns both of you. Or at least something I think should concern you...I assure you, I would not try and harm the bond you two share." She did have to admit, Deelin's flirting was somewhat charming. But those two were bonded. She couldn't violate that trust.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The amused grin was plastered firmly on Deelin's face, "Then quit dancing around the subject and tell us already. The anticipation is driving me crazy, I'll have to go take Taavan against a wall somewhere for this. Unless you're volunteering?"

Taavan buried his face in his hands. He was going to kill his mate for this. "Oh, star of my heart?" Taavan said in a deceptively sweet tone, "Meera is probably beginning to take you seriously. You might want to knock off the flirting."
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Ah! Nonononono! That is not what I meant at all! Oh god, why can't I just say things. Why do I have to talk in circles like this!?" She placed a hand on her forehead and sat down on a chair nearby. This was too much. Was he really insinuating something? But as luck would have it, Taavan stepped in and provided a voice of reason. "You...you mean this was a...Oh my..." She took a deep breath, trying to digest the situation. "W...Well...as any concerned member of our proud race...I was wondering if you'd considered...offspring. Either natural or adopted...Oh god what am I saying? This is crazy."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Well, again, if you're offe- oof!"

Taavan stood and elbowed his mate in the side, "We hadn't. Not quite yet. Still getting used to the idea of there being an us first." He smiled, "I had considered finding someone who would agree to surrogate, but there aren't many of our species near his caste that are opened minded enough for it. Maybe in another cycle* someone will end up less hidebound and be willing."

Deelin eyeballed Meera and gave his mate a significant look once he'd recovered. Taavan responded with a look of his own that plainly asked, "Are you serious?"
*About 100 terran years
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"W...Well. That is something..." She paused for a moment, thinking what the implications of what she said might mean. But she shouldn't be afraid of something that needed to be done. "If at all possible...I wouldn't be opposed to being that surrogate. I'm a healthy, smart and of a good caste. Deelin and I would be quite compatible. If people are opposed to the idea, then they are just afraid of change. And I also wouldn't be opposed to you either, Taavan. You're a good man and that's all that should matter. I mean...how many other of our people will we encounter on this mission?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Kars issues the little gang of Klarr, or, Deelin mostly, yet another sideways glance from behind his visor. He opts to get up from his lean without saying anything and heads leisurely back to the canteen counter. "Just a tiny bit of water please. For cleaning my straw." he would request, taking the small drink and doing just as he said, before placing the cup on the counter and carefully re-securing the straw. For something so trivial seeming, it was very important to keep that little straw sealed correctly after use. Having your face sucked out into the vacum of space through your drinking straw would be a ridiculous and embarrassing way to go.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Deelin and Taavan shared a long glance. "We'll... have to talk about that."

"It's not a bad idea though. You're probably the only one would be willing."

"You're right. But you know how I'll want to do this. InVitro is not an option."

Taavan kept silent at that. "So we should get moving? We've got the coordinates. Meera, I'm sorry. That's something we'll really have to talk about. I'm sorry." he was growing more uncomfortable by the second and it showed.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Talen followed Kars over to the cantina. Speaking to the tender, he said "A shot of the strongest liquor you have." After listening in to the conversation between the Klarr trio a bit more, he added with a laugh, "Make that two." He downed the shots with barely a flinch.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Attention all personnel scheduled for departure to The Dividing Line. You have been cleared for start in 30 minutes. Please move towards the hangar. I repeat. Attention all personnel scheduled for departure to The Dividing Line. You have been cleared for start in 30 minutes. Please move towards the hangar for final preparations."

The announcement was repeated in other languages a few more times.
Fletch raised his head as the announcement rang through the hangar. "30 minutes is plenty of time. Here, catch." The large man slid the leash bracer off his wrist and tossed it towards Maria. "The big dial regulates distance." Lemmy followed the bracer with his head, probably following the slight whistling it made as it cut through the air, and dashed towards Maria when it landed, his short tail wagging at the speed of sound, his powerful front legs lifting off and placing his paws on the arms of her chair.

Meanwhile, Fletch made his way towards the engine. Grabbing a wheelboard, he pushed himself underneath the FTL drive and got to work, humming an ancient tune to himself. "Oh, give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which desire..."
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Keep those in the back. Here, let me get the ladder." Moving the small ladder she uses to climb into the ship, she wheels it around to the rear of the ship, setting it up properly for her 'assistant'. "Go nuts, big guy. See if you can't find anything."

Draven nodded to her, climbing up into the ship. Climbing inside, he poked around for a few minutes, cursing slightly as he heard the announcement. He wouldn't have long to repair her ship, assuming he could find the problem at all. Wait, what was that?

Peering closer at one of the relay centers, his trained eye gazed over it and the circuit pattern. There, his eye and scanner detected faint micro fractures within some of the sensor equipment that regulated the shunt and safety valves. Essentially, the sensor was on it's way out, and probably had been for some time. Most problems like this were caused with extreme age, which led him to believe the sensor probably was an original part. After checking to be sure she wouldn't be able to see him, he began working to bypass the sensor. It would eventually have to be replaced, but that could be done once they had secured the space station and had time to properly do so. For now, a bypass would provide a temporary fix and allow her ship to fly. Finishing the bypass, he withdrew himself from the immediate area of the systems, and hollered down to Annika.

"Try firing up your systems now! Faulty sensor I think, I bypassed it for the time being, so everything should work. Won't be a permanent fix, but it'll last until you can replace it."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Maria commenced to spoiling Lemmy rotten with hugs and pats and kisses to his head. She cooed and cuddled and crawled out of her chair to lay on the floor with him. Acting childish is perfectly allowed around something as sweet and affectionate as Lemmy.


"Ah. There we go." Taavan said with a distinct sigh of relief. "We need to get back on board and make sure that we have everything ready to go."

"We will talk about this later. The mission is our first priority, however. If we decide to take you up on your offer..." Deelin shook his head, "If there is a war with the Nnyarthall..." he sighed and reached his hand up to rub at the scar around his neck, "I'll not be raising my children in a time of war." he said, finally.

The two waited for Meera's response before making their way back to the hangar silently, their thoughts in turmoil.