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Translating WolfRPG games using WolfEditor

Re: Translating WolfRPG games using WolfEditor

anyone can help?

i tried to make a partial for a wolf game using the wolfeditorE 2.10

but whenever i try to copy the text on the editor for the TA to translate

the text becomes gibberish

[￾UŒ‚] <--- the text becomes like this when i copy it.. i pasted it on notepad

my desktop is already on japanese locale

this happens to all wolf rpg games i try to translate

you need change your default keyboard input to Japanese IME

Re: Translating WolfRPG games using WolfEditor

thanks for the help :)
Re: Translating WolfRPG games using WolfEditor

Does anyone know how to change the amount of characters that cause text to move to the next line in a specific box? I'm trying to translate a game where the box for item description allows 14 characters. Obviously since English characters are half the width of Japanese, I want to change this so it allows 28 characters before moving to a new line. Any ideas?
Re: Translating WolfRPG games using WolfEditor

If I were posting a patch for a WolfRPG game which files would I need to include? Where's all the script/event/DB data stored? BasicData and/or SystemFile? Naming structure is a little less direct than RPG Maker...
Re: Translating WolfRPG games using WolfEditor

If I were posting a patch for a WolfRPG game which files would I need to include? Where's all the script/event/DB data stored? BasicData and/or SystemFile? Naming structure is a little less direct than RPG Maker...

In the DRAGON PLANET one I just did, BasicData had all the databases, common events and so on and MapData had the individual maps.
Re: Translating WolfRPG games using WolfEditor

Re: Translating WolfRPG games using WolfEditor

There's a specialized tool for extracting .wolf files called DXExtract: himeworks.com/tools/dxextract/

arc_conv source can be found on dsp2003's GitHub and all official releases of the tool, including the latest/last one are in arc_conv author's (w8m's) shared folder which is: mfi.re/?muchdnunw5z70

Unfortunately, w8m didn't write a proper English manual for arc_conv as far as I know, but Google Translate produces a readable output of the original manual in Russian, which is available at gist.github.com/roxygen/f0f694e2f2f51710178b
I'm adding it for the reference. Pay attention to the last line mentioning license.txt
Instructions for use:
Used without parameters, the program will display a file open dialog, if the selected file is an archive that is supported, its contents will be unpacked in the rar archive without compression. Graphic (and some other) files found in the archive will be converted into a more convenient format for viewing (tga).
In the process of unpacking the archive is displayed in a window which shows the current progress, unpacking can be stopped if you press Ctrl-C or Alt-F4 when the window is in focus.
To open some archives have to file a mandatory indication of the type and / or other options on the command line.
Main options:
All options have the option, if it contains a space character, then it must be enclosed in double quotes.
(--out, -o) Reference output format: dir - unpacking the files in a directory (default c 46 release), rar - rar without compression, tar and utar - tar Container shift-jis, or utf-8 encoded filenames .
(--fmt, -f) To specify the type of file or module name.
(--conv, C) converting the file management: 0 - disabled; 1 - enabled (default); 2, 3 - conversion of files in the specified folder, specify the options --fmt necessarily (2 - without subfolders).
(--dest) Or override file output folder, the default folder is used for the original file name plus a "~", the extension is added to the archives.

Wrapping: arc_conv.exe --pack <format> <in folder> <out archive> [format specific options]
Options and the list of supported formats can be found at the end of "formats.txt" (after "arc_pack formats").
(Password for extracting executable file from the archive specified in license.txt, it is in the archive and no recovery record.)
(You can find password for executable files from archive in "license.txt", it is inside archive and not passworded.)
That Russian manual also contains links to specific versions of the tool which I can't post here due to forum restrictions. Feel free to check them on your own.

As for rebuilding .wolf DX archives, Wolf RPG Editor can do that. It has an unofficial English version available at moddb.com/engines/wolf-rpg-editor/downloads
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