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Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Nice! Thanks for all the help. Can't wait to get back and rest so Lior can switch her spell slots and start her ill-advised research. Think we could do the questions in sort of a rapid fire PM sess and then compile them in a post later oh great GM?

You can throw me a pm of nine questions, thats how many rounds you can maintain the spell, rather than making nine posts yeah, think that'd work better for everyone. ^^ Keep in mind that you both have to grab and use up a fifth level slot you just gained for that though. Also:
The entities contacted structure their answers to further their own purposes. If you lag, discuss the answers, or go off to do anything else, the spell ends.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Hrmnn ok, hate to do this buuuut.. I feel like we are down to three players and it beats letting the campaign completely stagnate. Roll call!
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Blue Leader, standing by.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Sorry, my post is half done, I'll get it fixed. I hit a major burn out but I'll do it.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

*flails at all the response-worthy threads accumulating when one isn't watching*
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Trust me, I know that feeling :p
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Trust me, I know that feeling :p

and I work on sat and I should be hammering on gaem update too. Eh, each at their own pace!
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

We all know the feeling. So many things I want to post, or post better in.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

We all know the feeling. So many things I want to post, or post better in.

I've learned long ago that its better to give proper posts and have people wait for good quality than try to respond to everyone as fast as possible, Fastfood vs fine dining, I guess. :p Its easy for me to 'just hammer something out', but hard to get the feel right, thats why I can usually easier respond to fighty scenes but struggle with long, thought out story moving bits, or sexytimes

@Corrutpive: Eldritch mountain has both and is disointled so that explains that. :p
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

For the most part I would agree - the exception being when writer's block is preventing anything from being written. Then it is often better to just hammer something out to get the ball rolling again, or to get through a hard narrative spot.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

It's ironically harder for me to write/respond to naughty-ish scenes, 'specially when dommey... I like them, but I need to be in a specific mood. I can write creatively any time of the day, but erotica needs a certain.. mood. Plus, also gotta inject lewds into my game,
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

waiting on poor, blue balled Lenas post, in the meanwhile, dun be afraid to roll initative in on your attacks.

Be aware that, without finding a way to recover, this is likely a 'can't win' scenario fight, not with Ventus gone and most powerful abilities used up for many of you. This is by design. Not everything goes according to plan! ^^
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Dasyra got a 15 on initiative.

These 2 enemies are that powerful eh? Will any of my attacks deal damage?
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Well the ice golems seem to be hurting them. If there's more waiting in the wings then retreat will be fine but if it's just those two we can probably slow them down enough that they can't play hit and run.

7 Init
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

These 2 enemies are that powerful eh? Will any of my attacks deal damage?

Attack and find out.
That said, whilest you and Kaila are pretty much good to go, everyone else just came of a pretty challenging battle. With Lior having saved something major you have a fair chance, but I just like giving heads up when I present encounters that aren't ment to be fair. You roll bad, the enemy rolls good, things go lewd in all the wrong ways. :p
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion


I'll post it in my next post... Just assume I go last lol.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

It literally just now occurred to me that I'd forgotten to roll initiative last night when I wrote out my post. I got a bit distracted right as I was doing the attack rolls and stuff that I Totally forgot by the time I'd posted, apologies. >_<

Just for the sake of having an initiative, I shall post it here, unless it's too late that is, since Pervy already posted and stuff. .

Edit: Also does Lena need to make a constitution check against the cold with cold resistance? Just curious so I'd know for my next rolls and stuff.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

's all good, if you dun roll I just bump you down unless theres consequences to that.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark ~ Out of Character discussion

Don't forget the combat actions for Dasyra @Bloo