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King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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A writing project started by myself and four people, and written by myself and two other people. Credits go to Hotaru, The Minstral Knight, Leid von Kopfshmerz, Mist of Shadows and myself for writing.

Sex and Violence are the meat and potatoes of this story. It's mostly plot driven, so it's isn't just an excuse to have sexy things going on. Reviews are of course welcome.


A Starter. A Starting Tamer's first Pokegirl. A slave warrior given out for free to a young human man so that he could start hunting wild Pokegirls and make them his slave warriors to hunt more wild Pokegirls, and so on. That's what she was now, and it was a rather humiliating.

Granted, it wasn't too much of a step down from her previous state of life. A Drow Zee of nearly half a century old, Truffles used to be a peasant of the Glademallow Queedom, a peaceful Elf Court hidden deep in the forests. That is, until ElfQueen Glademallow herself was beheaded by her sister. The ElfQueen Napaea wasn't of a very peaceful mind, and after over three centuries of leaving the humans be, the new queen decided it was time to continue with the mission the Creator had given them all those years ago.

The Elf Court fissured at Glademallow's assassination, and though a deadly blood feud nearly broke out, Glademallow's daughters rallied those that would have died for vengeance and left in self exile. After weeks of travel far beyond the court's domain, the exiles reached a human run facility that raised Pokegirls for integration and use in human society. A Ranch the human owner named after himself.

After some negotiation, the exiled elves and kin were integrated into the Ranch's breed stock. They needed a suitable place to set up a court, and due to the proximity to the ranch, the ElfQueens deciede to join the humans completely instead of remaining wild and open to capture from any human that wanted to.

Before the end of her court, Truffles was training to become a hunter; an Elf kind that would patrol and protect the Court's borders from the animal Pokegirls that would other wise eat everyone. Truffles aspired to earn a Sun Stone and with it the privileged of evolving into an Elf, an extremely rare occurrence in the court, since only three Sun Stones remained. Because of her training in combat, archery skills tracking, the ranch owner determined that she was a suitable girl to be sent to a town and stored until she was given to a tamer as his starter.

She wasn't keen on being 'stored' away or working for a human, but she understood that being sacrificed to the human society that the court now paid service to was in her courts best interest.

She didn't like Pokeballs. While there wasn't anything uncomfortable about because her body would be in stasis, the fact that she wasn't aware of where she was or what was going meant that all she had was her own thoughts to keep her company. Mostly, it allowed her to focus on how dearly she missed the rule of her Queen.

Suddenly she had vision again, the all encompassing red flare that was the effect of re-materializing. It was time for her to meet the human that she would have to call 'Master'. Hopefully, he wouldn't change her name. She liked being called Truffles. Her mother gave her that name.

Truffles glanced around the taming room with distaste, not that it was the man’s fault. Well, He was more or less a boy, if she was being honest with herself. Although,he was probably almost as tall as her, a good six feet, two inches. Sadly, he looked like he was as nervous as if he was walking into the most important interview of his life.

The kid couldn’t be much over the minimum age required to be a tamer. Though, his purple eyes and stark white hair tended to confuse the issue. His suit, while of a business like cut, didn’t sit well on the kid‘s skinny and lanky frame, making him sort of look like a kid wearing his father’s suit for a costume party. His hair cascaded down to his shoulders in a way that gave him a little bit of a feminine cast to his features which she liked. He was sort of cute in a slightly geeky way that, all things considered, was a bit of a relief.

She smiled and decided to take the initiative, “Hi, I’m Truffles.”

The kid blinked, “Aren’t I supposed to name you?”

Truffles blinked, “No, didn’t they tell you I already had a perfectly good name? I mean you wouldn‘t like it if I called you Dick now would you?”

He blushed, “Erm my name is Richard…”

She blushed causing her tanned skin to turn darker, “Well, in that case, I guess I can call you Richie yes?”

The newbie tamer was just starting to protest when she pulled her shirt off revealing nothing but tanned flesh and nicely sized breasts beneath.

She smiled as she derailed his thoughts, “Ah good.” She reached out and guided his hands to her chest, “Left goes here and right goes on the other one, I expect a lot of kissing as well.”


Truffles frowned, “So the only reason you’re a tamer is because you want out of the house?”

He gestured to the suit that was now lying rumpled on the back of the chair, “Mom’s idea of what a proper man should wear.”

She winced, “So how do you expect to get along as a tamer if you can’t actually hold a pokéball for more than a minute without it shorting out?”

He sighed, “No clue, but I picked the one thing I knew would piss my “pureblood” mother off.”

The Drow Zee smiled sardonically, “Okay, I’ll carry the supplies, and you just look pretty for the camera, deal?”

He grunted in resignation, “Fine.”

She thought about his Short Circuit Blood Curse and flashed a grin, “This is the start of a beautiful relationship.”

“So what’s first?”

She shrugged, “How much money do you have?”

He groaned in response.

“That bad?”

“Mom stole my allowance before I left…”

“Okay… let’s go out into the woods.” She muttered under her breath, “And see if any ferals will eat you.”

He blinked, “What?”

“I said let’s see if we can catch some ferals.” She grinned as she collected the electronic gear and walked toward the door.

Truffles mused about how to deal with her new tag along. Technically, she belonged to Richie, but it didn’t feel like it with just how permitting he was. She didn’t know whether to be pleased or disappointed. He was easy enough to fast talk, so at least it wouldn’t be too difficult to get her way. What do you know, things are looking up.

“KITTEN, the Feline Pokégirl,” spoke the cool voice of the pokédex that was peeking out of the backpack’s pocket. She glanced down at the device. She wasn’t familiar with human technology due to the environment she grew up in, but the ‘dex was easy enough to use with the assistance of the automated voice.

The passive scanning function picked up a Kitten hiding out in the underbrush about 100 meters away. Truffles didn’t need to listen to the drawl of the machine to know how to deal with the nuisance. She may not be a particularly powerful pokégirl, but she could easily enough confuse and overpower the awkward Kitten.

The only question was did she want to let Richie boy get eaten so she could return to the ranch? That might be a good excuse not to get handed out to another tamer. Oh, the little Drow Zee couldn’t even handle one little Kitten! With a black mark like that, who would want her? Then again, she might get circulated into the open market and just be kept in storage until someone was stupid enough to buy her. He or she might not be as lenient or malleable as this guy.

“Richie,” she called out in a hushed whisper. ‘Richie’ was about to protest his nickname but was shushed by his Drow Zee. “There’s a feral Kitten eyeing you up behind that brush over there,” she whispered, pointing over to the hidden cat-type. “I won’t be long.”

Truffles shrugged off her pack and disappeared into a nearby shadow. The cat-type didn’t even notice her in the shady canopy of the tree behind her. She knocked an arrow and let it fly into the sinew of her thigh. That ought to slow it down. Confident in the damage dealt, she powered up a basic, lightning based spell and let it fly. A feline yowl was heard from the distance that caused the greenhorn tamer to wince. There was a slight hum of magic in the background and another feline screech before the telltale cacophony of a pokéball making its capture.

Truffles shadow teleported behind Richard and covered his eyes with her hands. “Boo.”

The tamer let out a girlish yelp that gave her a good laugh. “Don’t worry, Sugar, I’m not going to eat you.” She leaned in and nibbled on his ear. “Of course, if you’re into that…” she trailed off before disappearing and reappearing in the shadow of the tree that she left the pack in. She winked at Richard before shouldering the pack and marching off deeper into the woods, leaving Richard slightly confused.

Hunting the other ferals went in a similar manner as the Kitten. Truffles led Richie around the woods, and either the Pokedex would detect a girl with it's passive scan, or Truffles would pick up a trail, track the feral down, and beat the crap out of it. After a few hours, the Drow Zee and her tamer strolled back into the PokeCenter with the five free Pokeballs filled with fresh captures: Two BunnyGirls, a Titmouse, a ChikenLittle, and a Cutiepie.

"Hey, Nurse. Get these girls a healing and cleaning cycles," he ordered the attendant with a smile as Truffles placed the balls on the counter.

He started to turn to say something to, but she got the feeling it was going be some sort of order, so she quickly started talking before he did. "We need to expand the team. If we sell off the ferals we caught, it should cover getting one of the nice girls from the ranch. I know a few that didn't pass the grade to become starters, but are good fighters. And which ones are pretty." She was thinking of a few of her Elf and Drow Zee friends, but also of some of the ranch girls she became friends with; some of them had expressed a desire to have a tamer, and she was confident she could convince Richard to buy one.

He blinked a bit, his mind catching up to her. "Whoa, slow down," he responded. "I'm sure those girls are great, but that Kitten should be perfectly good. With a bit of training, she'll be decent, and evolving into a Catgirl will bring her up to par."

"The ranch has some decent Catgirls, Richie. And they still have their intelligence. The Nothing hasn't take their mind and soul away, unlike the poor Kitten."

"The Nothing?"

"Sorry. I meant the girls at the ranch are not feral. This Kitten will be difficult to manage, only having the mind of a beast."

"Well, yeah. Unless I tame her."

Truffles eyes went wide at that statement. "Did you just say you would have sex with that animal?" Interloping with the wild Pokegirls was looked down upon by the elf court, it was considered a sign of an out of control libido. There wasn't any benefit to it beyond carnal pleasure.

Richard blinked again. "Uh, yeah. Grab her ball when she's healed and we'll go to a taming room."

The whole walk to the taming room, Truffles had a worried look on her face, and kept shaking her head, believing Richard to be some sort of sexual deviant. She did enjoy the show, however. But what surprised her more than anything else in her life was that after Richard had tamed the the Kitten, she noticed a very significant change in her. It wasn't just the way the feral born acted, there was also a look in her eyes of wonder and awe, like a child learning something new.

"See? Not feral anymore," Richard bragged.

Truffles glanced over the girls with a frown. She dismissed the chickenlittle out of hand. There was no way she was keeping her. One of the bunnygirls had a snout and didn’t look at all with it in the mental department. The other looked more human like with the exception of her rather cute ears. She also seemed a bit more with it mentally. After hearing the girl’s story about how her parents had been going to sell her for pokechow after she finished thresholding, she would give the girl a pass on her otherwise insane run into the woods and hide plan. Hell had it been her, she probably would have ran off as well. She flipped through the dex entry on titmice. She glanced over at where a blissful Richard was sprawled with the naked girls they had collected. “Fire stones aren’t too expensive, we could probably pick one up to use on the titmouse for a cheap fire type. It would help tide us over until we found something better.”

He nodded, “Sounds good.”

She smiled as she looked over the cute almost human looking kitten; she looked fairly young though as the pokeball had caught her she was probably legal. The girl’s bright red hair fell past her shoulders, while it looked much better after a cleaning cycle than it had, it would still need trimmed. The girl’s long legs gave her a height almost comparable to her own. She had been surprised that she was as bright eyed as she was after being fucked, normally the animal types took a bit longer and weren’t worth it, or at least that was the way the elves viewed the girls.

“Keep Fluffy, she can help keep the titmouse and cutie pie in line while I go sell the other bunnygirl and the chickenlittle. I’ll take Mizzy the kitten and get her outfitted.” She quickly returned the two girls to her balls and left.

Truffles led the kitten toward the pokecenter to take advantage of the center’s special offer of a free use of their speech T2 and their cooking T2. She smiled as the kitten opened her eyes after being processed, “I’m your alpha. You know what that is?”

Mizzy blinked, “Yes.”

Truffles grinned, “Good.”

“Do you have a name?” The kitten shook her head, “Your name is Mizzy. Now follow me. Wait, on second thought walk in front.”

The naked kitten shrugged before walking in front of her alpha, giving her alpha a perfect view of her cute tush as she walked.

Truffles walked up the girl at the desk, “I’m sorry to bother you but my master told me to sell off a bunnygirl, and a chickenlittle, who do I talk to about that?”

The nursejoy blinked, “Ah, normally the tamer does that.”

She rolled her eyes, “Yes, well he’s got the short circuit blood curse and so I have to do it, plus he’s fucking the new ferals and couldn’t be bothered, you know the type.”

The nursejoy grinned, “Yes, let me see what I can find.” She looked through the list . “I can take those off your hands.”

Truffles grinned, “Thanks.”

Richard laid there in a pile of the three remaining pokégirls. If there was one perk of the tamer gig, this was it. He let out a content sigh as the Bunnygirl snuggled into his side. She was letting out her breed name now and then as a sign of taming shock although she was the only ‘girl doing it.

Just when his pleasant aches were about to lull him to sleep, Truffles stood up from seemingly nowhere next to the bed. The startled yelp he gave roused his bed mates and gave Truffles her hourly dose off Schadenfreude.

“Sleepy?” she asked with a cheeky grin.

He leveled a scowl at her and said, “Not any more.”

“Good! In all the excitement you forgot little ol’ me.” Before he could protest, she had already pulled him out of the mass of grumbling pokégirls and set him on a more free space. “Mizzy, I think I’ll need some help holding him down.”

“Mizzy?” he started in confusion, “who’s-“ he paused when he saw his new Kitten respond and glomp onto his legs. “But I’m supposed to name-“ Richard gave up with a sigh. “ Oh never mind have your fun.”

The next morning, Truffles walked out of an electronics supply shop and met Richard who was dejectedly standing outside, not wanting to get saddled with the bill of all the things that would short circuit if he were to enter.

“Did you get it?” he asked her, not really enthused. It wasn’t like he could actually use the devices himself.

She nodded. “Yes, it’ll really help.” She pulled out the anti-capture chip to show him but yanked it back when he got to close.

He sighed as he remembered himself. “I still don’t see why you need it more than any of the others.

She raised her nose into the air. “Yes, but I am the alpha and need it to enable me to perform my duties more securely.” She didn’t add that she knew herself to be better suited for it.

Richard shrugged. “Whatever makes your job easier.” He yawned. “I still don’t see why we couldn’t have slept in.”

That comment received him an exasperated stare. “So that we can break in the newbies and catch all the good ferals while they’re still milling about.” She shook her head. “Third time I’ve told you.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, but I still don’t get the point.” He feigned pain as his Drow Zee play punched him in the shoulder. “It’s not like we won’t run into ferals anyway.”

“You’re not taking this seriously.”

“Never do anything.”


“I’ll just come along and look pretty like we discussed the other day.”

With that, Truffles’ exasperation faded and she was back to her cheeky self. It was time to see what the newbies could do.

Once they were into the forest limits, she released the other four ‘girls and looked them over. Much to her delight, the Kitten was bright and alert, taking in her surroundings and sniffing the air. The Bunny was on a similar level, though mostly curious, and the Titmouse and Cutiepie were more or less milling around. She grimaced at the sight. Those two would either need a lot of work or serve as good distractions.

Which lasted until the Titmouse and Mizzy made eye contact. The rodent type's instincts kicked at the sight of the feline type, and she froze in fear. The Kitten's own instincts kicked in at that, her muscles tensing in preparation for a pounce. The Titmouse shrank back and the Kitten made a savage grin, as silence resonated between them.

They bolted, Mizzy chasing her harem sister at the next sound. Which happened to be Truffles starting to instruct them, "Now we are- Hey! Stop that, right now!"

Oblivious to her alpha's commands and the Kitten just a hair behind, the Titmouse ran right past Fluffy unnoticed, leaped over a bush, around a tree, under a large root, bounded over a rock, zigged around another tree, jumped at a tree trunk and leap back over the bush in a flip, zagged around Fluffy who was recovering from being used as a spring board for Mizzy, and jumped for a low branch before being recalled to her ball. Mizzy followed the Titmouse the whole time, and was in mid pounce when her prey was absorbed. Confused at the lack of pray, she was unable to adjust for its disappearance, and Mizzy collided with the tree.

Merely stunned, Mizzy got back up just in time to have Truffles grab her arm and shove her against the tree. "Mizzy! This is not a time to play around. It is very important for you to listen to me for the next few moments and do what I tell you to after wards, do you understand?"

"I'm sorry. I will listen," responded Mizzy, looking at the ground in shame. Truffles released the Kitten, then proceeded to do a repeat performance with the Titmouse.

Satisfied that she now had the other girls' attention and their understanding that it was time for business, Truffles started her instructions again, "All four of you were easy to find and beat up for capture. Which means you are not sneaky enough or strong enough to help me hunt ferals. So we are going to do some training games to fix that."

She spent the next few hours gauging the other four girls abilities to come up with a suitable training regime. When she thought they were ready, she would take each one in turn to hunt ferals with her and build practical experience. She herself had spent decades becoming competent at the skills she was teaching these young girls in a much shorter time frame. But she had a few advantages now, most prominent of all was the magic Healing Cycle, which would allow her to push the girls, and herself, much harder than she could have before. She found signs of a Tigress, and capturing that girl was challenge she couldn't do alone.

The Titmouse was proving to be a problem, however. She couldn't put any heart into attacking at all, no matter how many things Truffles tried. She decided the little rodent would have to be replaced. Perhaps one of her sisters would be more suitable. After being captured and tamed, of course.
Re: Truffles

Truffles smiled as Mizzy instantly stopped walking as she gently pulled on the girl’s leash. After the whole cat and mouse game had gone out of control she had decided to keep Mizzy on her leash. Not that the girl couldn’t have simply reached up and unclasped the furry collar but that wasn’t the point. “Heel,” Mizzy took three steps back and stood still at her mistress’s side. Truffles smiled as she reached out and rubbed Mizzy’s head with affection. “That’s a good kitty.” Truffles turned and looked at Richard as a fat young man stepped out from behind a tree, “I challenge you for your catgirl.”

Richard frowned, “What are you offering?”

The man grinned in a sleazy way, “My tigress against your catgirl.”

Truffles blanched as Richard started to open his mouth, no way no how was that a fair deal. “Feral behind you!” The man reacted almost instantly out of reflex, the idea of a feral being behind him overruling his otherwise better judgment. He had almost managed to turn his head sideways to look behind him when Truffle’s arrow struck him in his ear.

Richard blinked as the man dropped like a rotten sack of potatoes. “What?”

Truffles shrugged, “Taking care of a problem.” She glanced back at where her tamer was standing stiff as a board in shock. “Fluffy, Rat stay with him.”

Fluffy nodded, “Of course.”

The titmouse nodded nervously as she glanced around fearfully at the woods looking for the feral that Truffles had said she saw.

Truffles walked over to where the man was crumpled, she quickly looted his dex and pokeballs. She glanced around, “Hmm no pack and no girls out… his camp must be near.”

Mizzy nodded.

By the time Truffles was back from looting the man’s camp Richard had almost recovered from the fact that his alpha had just killed a man in cold blood. “You’re not supposed to do that…”

She set the man‘s e-pack on the ground, “Mizzy is family, I’m not going to let some idiot take her just because he has a tough girl that we can’t win against. “

He glanced at the kitten in confusion, she had a girl’s body tossed over her shoulder, “Is she dead too?”

Mizzy shook her head, “No, found her like this. No pokeball.”

He frowned, “She was tied up?”

Mizzy nodded gleefully, “She’s cute.”

He sighed, “What is she?”

Truffles pulled out his dex and pointed it at the purple haired girl, “Witch. Looks like the fat ugly guy got off on bondage… I knew a couple elves back home that had similar tastes, we tried to avoid them.”

Fluffy walked over and held out her hand, “Can I have the guy’s dex?”

Truffles frowned but handed the other tamer‘s dex over, “Sure.”

Fluffy grinned as she tapped the dex a couple of times, until it asked for a password. She walked over and placed the dex against Richard’s head for a few second before stepping back and hitting enter. She smiled, “Password accepted, great.” She flipped through the entries.

Mizzy frowned as she thought about the couple of lectures Truffles gave on technology, “I’m feralborn but even I know that shouldn’t work.”

Truffles shrugged, “Probably not.

Richard paced back and forth in worry. Earlier, he saw Truffles disappear away into the thick of the woods with the rest of the ‘girls except Mizzy, hauling the dead fatso away tied up in his own bondage equipment. He didn’t know how having the guy with barbeque sauce slathered on him helped the process or where they got it, but he was unnerved nonetheless.

What were they doing? By the thousand, he hoped that they weren’t just dumping the body or something. He really needed to talk with Truffles about this. The Jennys would be so far up his ass for this. The young tamer’s mind conjured up more and more disturbing images and he steadily worked himself up. Mizzy watched bemused as he ruminated until he worked himself into a full blown panic.

“We’re back, Richie!” Truffles chirped from behind him. He let out a strangled scream and his legs buckled. He then righted himself and whirled around to face her.

“Whatever you did, you shouldn’t use nail polish and bolt cutters to do the job!” he cried out frantically.

Truffles blinked dumbly at him before turning to Mizzy, who had been watching Richard amusedly for the past fifteen minutes, for some much needed answers.

The Kitten gave a halfhearted shrug. “Master has been acting funny since you left.”

Richard was taking in short, quick breaths, and looked ready to have a coronary at any moment. Truffles cast a small spell, the magical equivalent of a Beta-blocker, on him and waited for him to calm hopefully before his heart gave out.

When he finally calmed down, Truffles spoke clearly and calmly to him. “What’s going on?” she asked, clearly baffled.

“Whatever happened, I better not go to hell for it.”

“Hell, Richie?” Truffles asked.

“Yes, hell. There are more than a thousand gods and other higher beings in the church, so I’m sure at least one of them will damn me for this.”

She shook her head and cleared her mind before looking back at her tamer. “Care to elaborate.”

“I’m sure your magicky stuff is capable of a lot of things, but you need to be careful.”

She raised a confused eyebrow at him. “What happened with my ‘magicky stuff’?”

Richard opened his mouth to speak again, but Truffles took preemptive action and covered it with her hand. “I think we need to talk, Richie.”

He pulled her hand down and said, “Actually, I was about to say the same thing.”

Truffles nodded, feigning some comprehension of the situation, and left to make sure that the rest of the harem had something to occupy them. Setting up the camp should suffice. Once she delivered all of their instructions, she came back and sat on a nearby tree stump and motioned for Richard to join her, pausing only to chastise two of her harem sisters for attempting to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Richard sat down next to her and took a calming breath. “Okay Truffles,” he began as calmly as he could, though the calming spell may have contributed, “I think I need to explain to you how human society works.

Truffles frowned as she thought about some of Richard’s points from his lecture. Not that she thought the league made sense but she figured he had a point with a couple of his warnings. Mostly that the league valued humans over pokegirls. Still despite the “talk” she was pretty happy with life currently, not only had she smoothed things over with Richard by honestly listening and promising to be careful, she was currently enjoying watching Fluffy and Mizzy doing their morning training while she cuddled a lap full of naked witch. She was just glad that Rat and Applina the cutiepie were on guard duty as she was too distracted to keep watch as she was enjoying watching the two naked girls doing jumping jacks. Fluffy was especially amusing at the way her tits bounced up and down. She smiled, “Okay, Fluffy and Mizzy you can stop and work on your sex battle stuff.”

Mizzy grinned, she liked this part of training, well at least she did with all of the girls but Rat, everyone kept telling her she wasn’t allowed to chew on Rat, it was a little frustrating she made the most delightful squeaking noises. She dropped to her knees on the soft ground in front of Fluffy and started running her hands over the other girl’s butt.

Fluffy giggled as Missy started playing with her tush. She played with the kitten’s ears and slowly brought the girl’s face to her crotch.

Truffles snickered as the poor bunnygirl lost control of her legs and fell over backwards, something Mizzy was quick to take advantage of. She grinned as she slid her own hand up and along the witch’s leg until she could reach around and start playing with the girl’s bits.

Applina tried to ignore where Rat was giving her tamer a blowjob not too far from where she was standing as she glanced around the forest checking for signs of ferals. Not that she objected to the act itself, and not that she didn’t want to do the same, or have him fuck her up the ass until she screamed, but that’s what safe locations were for. The fact that Rat had very little concept of that was a liability as far as she was concerned. She rubbed the necklace Truffles just gave her, it was a welcome reminder that at least her alpha liked her more than Rat.

She noticed a flicker of motion as something flew at her. She managed to dodge by mere inches as a log flew out of the woods. She winced when she heard the log hit Rat in the back of the head with a sickening crunch. She frantically flipped the release on the captured Tigress Truffles had loaned her for emergencies. While she had been held down by the harem and fucked by Richard a couple of times she didn’t trust her, but she was all she had. She winced as the cat type formed only to be hit with a mental attack that caused her to scream in pain as she collapsed. “Fuck, so much for that.” After some frantic searching Applina noticed the stupidly large breasted bitch that was stalking toward her with a gleam of menace in her eyes. She shot at the girl with her string shot and was rather disappointed when the girl swatted it away with little mental trouble. She winced as she was slapped hard enough across the face to break her jaw in three places. She was on the ground looking up at the lady as the lady hit her with a psychic attack that broke three of her ribs. Applina couldn’t help it as she cried out in pain. She screamed in fury as the bitch started heading for her tamer.

Richard glanced fearfully at the Ka-d-bra as she advanced. He was so focused on his impending doom that he almost didn’t notice when Applina’s sky crystal burst into shards of light that surrounded his girl as she changed and altered form. Sadly the psychic type grinned as she turned around and telekinetically tossed a large rock with enough force to crack Applina’s skull. His mouth dropped in shock as Applina dropped like a sack of wet potatoes. He started praying to the thousand to save him from the manic look in the feral’s eyes. Sadly the wrong gods must have heard him as a large powerful and black as night clawed hand reached out of the darkness and grasped the Ka-D-Bra’s neck in one hand and twisted... He looked in shock at what had become of the tigress.

Richard froze in terror. With the bulky feline in front of him, only one thought repeated through his mind: He was going to die. All reason vanished, and he burst into a dead run away from the lumbering beast. The menace noticed his disruptive behavior quite easily and gave chase. Richard, not being the most athletic of individuals, couldn’t maintain his pace and eventually was taken down by the dark feline.

Elsewhere, Truffles and her ‘training’ with her subordinates was interrupted by Richard’s mangled scream of agony. All fun was forgotten, and the three ‘girls leapt to their feet and darted towards the source of the noise. The sight that greeted them was not a pretty one. The Beserker Panthress straddled Richard’s body and rode him for what he was worth while mauling what her claws and fangs could reach on the rest of him.

The dark feline was distracted from her chew toy by a flying molten piece of rock. She stood and roared out her hate of the situation. Meanwhile, Truffles appeared in Richard’s shadow and teleported him away along with a missing digit. Unable to contain its fury, the Panthress bellowed and charged towards the thief.

Truffles, after having appeared in Fluffy’s shadow, motioned for the bunny and Mizzy to follow her and flee. “I can only take one person at a time,” she said, “You two are going in your ‘balls, and I’ll transport Richard with what’s left of my energy. That Geomancy spell took most of my strength.”

The two subordinate pokégirls nodded and silently obeyed. After disappearing in a flash of red light, she prepared herself to disappear into the darkness when, without warning or any prompt, the Panthress disappeared herself. Truffles glanced around the clearing worriedly and looked for any signs of movement.

An unknown figure limped out of the brush and gave Truffles a bloody grin before collapsing and letting what remained of its blood out into the forest clearing. Truffles approached cautiously and grabbed the pokéball she had and scanned it. She nearly dropped it when it registered as the Panthress. Had the Panthress been the Tigress? She did give the Tigress’ ball to…

Grimacing as she realized who the collapsed figure was, she whipped out Applina’s pokéball and recalled her. Breathing a sigh of relief when it worked and recalled her before she could kick it, Truffles prepared herself to transport herself and Richard to a place where he could get help. The good thing about closets was, they were usually dark. The supply closet of the last pokécenter they stayed in would do.

A startled Ingenue squeaked and dropped her basket when the closet she was about to open burst open on its own, and an elf-type carrying an injured person leaped in front of her.

“He needs some help,” she said wearily. “Panthress.” Truffles passed out as she handed Richard off to the civil service pokégirl. It wouldn’t do for that idiot to die now of all times. He had grown on her.

Richard stared at the ceiling, thinking about his predicament. Before becoming a Tamer, he had a habit staring up and thinking. Mostly about girls, and mostly about sex with them.

Now he was reflecting on what happened in the past day. He thought about the Tigress, and the late Tamer his harem looted her from. A couple days ago, after the fatso's death, he had taken Truffles aside and tried to explain to her what a terrible thing she did. He spent almost an hour trying to explain the solid human morals society was built upon, only to find himself fumbling horribly with circular logic, and Truffles finding all the flaws in the explanations he did find solid.

What stuck, however was the simple question she asked at the end, "Would you really be okay with that fat, greasy, lard ass touching Mizzy, let alone fucking her?" then pleadingly starring at him. Back then he only frowned in disapproval, but after knowing that his Tigress was on the verge of becoming a Panthress, and the broken Witch... Now, he would have ordered Truffles to do it.

"All done," said the unusually cheerful NightNurse attending the damage to his lower regions. "You're all regenerated, good as new. You'll be painfully sensitive for a few days, but I'm prescribing a powerful anesthetic that will shut down the nerves long enough for you do any Taming." She gave him a polite and professional smile.

"Thank you," he responded.

She responded with a genuine smile and winked. "I'd offer to show you how to apply it, but you have some visitors."

Meanwhile, Truffles was back in the woods looking for Rat. With Richard safe and the Panthress with human authorities, she wanted to make sure the last member of her team was really dead before writing her off. Luckily, the Titmouse hid in the immediate vicinity in hopes of someone coming along and finding her, and spotted Truffles appearing from the shadows.

She approached in view of the agitated Drow Zee. "You're still alive. I'm glad," Truffles greeted. "How are you?"

"I'm not hurting, but I'm still dizzy from being hit in the head," the smaller girl reported, a hand on her head.

"I'm sure a healing cycle will make you feel better," responded Truffles, "so I'm balling you to go."

"Mistress Truffles... I'm not sure I'm cut out for being in the harem," interrupted Rat. "I don't like fighting, or getting hurt."

Truffles pursed her lips. She wanted all the girls to be warriors, even if they were filling the non-combatant slot. This attitude wouldn't do. "If that's how you really feel, then we can discuss it at the center."

With a red flash, Rat was recalled. Truffles surveyed the area before walking back to the shadows, spotting the Ka-D-Bra still barely breathing, pale and sweating. She captured the downed feral with a frown. Something about the psychic gave her a bad feeling. Without a sound, she returned to the shadows and disappeared.

Truffles glanced at the nursejoy a little fearfully as the Ka-D-Bra‘s ball was returned to her after being ran through a healing cycle. “How in the hell is she still alive?”

The nurse shrugged, “Don’t know, with as many internal injuries as the girl had she should have been dead. Several times over as a matter of fact. You were very lucky, that you managed to capture her at all.”

Truffles plastered a smile on her face, “Yeppers.” She smiled as she placed the ball in the e-pack just to make sure the creature inside wasn’t going any where. “So about the boss’s meds?”

“Yeah, don’t give him too many of the pain meds other wise he’ll be out like a light. He really should rest though… if you know what I mean.”

Truffles nodded, “So in other words, you’re saying it would be better for his health if we kept him sedated?”

She smiled, “Yes.”

Truffles thanked the Nurse and collected her tamer and walked out to flag down a ponytaur taxi girl. She smiled as the taxi took Richard, Applina and Rat back to his family mansion. She was going to take care a little shopping. Luckily, while relations were strained between him and his mother, his parents were out of the country for three weeks on business. That should be plenty of time to rest up and then make sure they were long gone before their parents got back. She checked her tamer’s account, after collecting the bounty for the panthress. “Yep plenty of money for a bit of shopping.”


Truffle wanted to scream in elation as she leaned against the wall of the alley outside the stone shop and reached into the bag for the sun stone that would make her dreams come true. Mizzy stopped her from grabbing the stone at the bottom of the bag. “No, the rest of the girls will want to watch.”

Truffles sighed, “Fine, but let’s hurry.”

Mizzy giggled as Truffles impatiently hurried toward the Richard’s parents home. She was still giggling slightly as they were led through the grounds of the large estate by a Maid Yvette. She had to stop herself from reaching into the fish pond and snacking on the fish that were just floating around in the pool like an all you can eat buffet.

Truffles blinked as the maid opened the door, the room was fairly impressive, all stone and nicely finished wood.

The maid gestured inside, “Sir Richard will be upstairs, second bedroom on the right.”

Truffles stepped inside with Mizzy on her heels. Her mouth dropped open as she noticed an extremely cute girl sliding along the polished floor in nothing but purple socks. She was dancing and singing to the music that was playing softly. Truffles shivered as a warm happy feeling went up her spine as her eyes drifted over the girl’s nearly naked body. “Hot damn.”

The girl blinked as she swirled around and noticed Truffles and the cute naked kitten. “Meow.”

Truffles blinked, “Hello?”

She smiled, “You must be Truffles and Mizzy, I’m Sarah, Richard’s sister, welcome to our home.”

Truffles could see the resemblance but while Richard wasn’t bad looking, his sister had gotten the lion’s share of the family’s beauty. “Fuck me sideways, he didn’t say you were this cute.”

Sarah grinned, “No wonder he was hiding you… so… damn. Got any plans? Because I want to fuck you both.”

Truffles grinned at Richard’s younger sister. “Hell yes.”


Truffles scowled as she looked around the bed room later, “Drow Zee.” Truffles’ scowl increased as she tried again, “Truffles is not amused.”

Sarah smiled as she patted Truffles, “Should pass in a bit.”

Mizzy giggled, “Kitten.” She giggled again, “Kitten, wants more fucking.” She pulled Sarah to her while Truffles tried to sort herself out.

Outside the door, the family Maid Yvette listened in on their activities and scowled to herself. Sarah always was bringing the family down. It was too late now, but she could always throw a wrench into things to teach Richard’s pet to not mingle with the upper crust.

Later that day, Truffles found herself alone with nothing to distract her from her own thoughts. She was at a loss. She had gotten herself and Mizzy bonded to the sister of her Master. Oh, and how annoying it was. The nagging itch in the back of her skull telling her to follow Sarah around and make sure she was alright at every waking moment was getting anguishing. Unable to pull her mind from the subject, she sat and brooded about how to continue onward.

How could she have been so careless? Then again, an alpha bond would fade with time, if it didn’t receive proper ‘upkeep.’ And, Sarah didn’t seem the type to really care one way or the other. Yes that’s it; she’ll stick with her current tamer and ignore the bond until it went away. How hard could it be?

She steeled herself and entered Richard’s room where he lied in bed with Applina curled up against him. The rest of his harem, with the exception of Rat, was sitting in the corner playing a card game that Richard had gotten them hooked on.
The young tamer blinked somewhat drowsily and smiled up at Truffles. “Hey, how are you?” he asked in a sleepy tone.

She looked at him somewhat exasperatedly. “Didn’t the Nurses say that you were supposed to rest the majority of the day?”

“I’m resting now, aren’t I?”

Ignoring that comment, she sat on the side of the bed and ruffled his hair. “What do you think about the situation with Rat?”

“I can’t disagree with what we went over earlier today. She is rubbish in a fight, but I will miss that wicked tongue of hers.”

“And, I don’t have a wicked enough tongue?” she asked, pouting her lip slightly.
“Of course you do,” he added quickly.

“You can’t trade a Titmouse for a pokéball, so I figured your sister would be a good choice.”

“Oh, you’ve met her already?” Richard asked incuriously. She nodded. “Have you slept with her yet?”

Truffles’ eyes bulged as she somehow managed to choke on her saliva. A brief coughing fit later, she rasped out, “What?”

He shrugged noncommittally. “As you probably can tell, Sarah seems to like taming girls more than I do, so I’d be more surprised if she didn’t pounce on you the moment you walked in. She can be rather forward.” Truffles mumbled something under her breath. “Yes, that too.”

Richard sat up completely and stretched. “Cheer up. I plan on putting some of those e-stones to good use today. I figured you didn’t want to stay a Drow Zee forever.”
Her eyes shot open, and she looked straight at him. “The sunstone, today?”
Seeing the gleeful look on her, he didn’t have the heart to tell her that he originally intended to turn her into a Dark Elf. “Sure.”

The soon-to-be Elf kissed him and bolted through the door before he could say anything else.