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ULMF Directive OOC

Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

"An everyday story of genetic manipulation gone wrong-at least on the bright side he’s resistant to most common crop diseases."

Also, how do I put stuff in spoiler tags?


  • The_Freak_TSFP.jpg
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Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Holy shitting dick nipples that thing is horrid! If you can come up with a good explanation of how they created it/came by it then you can add it.

Just been informed by Lurker, you do it like this; (spoiler)(/spoiler), though you replace the () with []
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

There are worse things, although I may not be taking it seriously since TSFP is such a not-serious-in-any-way game. Thanks to you and lurker, and I will go think up some way of them creating the Freak, may be hard since I'll probably just end up on the TS wiki, which says he was a genetic splice between human and TimeSplitter genes.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive


I fucking love the Timesplitters series, Jo-Beth Casey FTFW! A shame they seem to be making her some kind of ass kicking nun in the new TS game. And I make the best goddamn sniper levels in TSFP. Period. Though I haven't played it in a loooong time, hell, I haven't played on my PS2 in ages. Ooooh, I may have to make Jo-Beth a sample character!
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive


I fucking love the Timesplitters series, Jo-Beth Casey FTFW! A shame they seem to be making her some kind of ass kicking nun in the new TS game. And I make the best goddamn sniper levels in TSFP. Period. Though I haven't played it in a loooong time, hell, I haven't played on my PS2 in ages. Ooooh, I may have to make Jo-Beth a sample character!

I made a glitch map (completely by accident) where if you stand at your spawn point, against however many CPU's you want, as long as you are looking through the scope of a Vintage/Sniper/Sci-Fi Sniper then all the CPU's simply stop moving, allowing you to rack up your kill-streak, kills without deaths and headshots. I also made a long alley-like one with the concrete blocks at either end, its great when you have everyone with Plasma Autorifles, you gotta hide behind the blocks, popping up every now and again to slam a few rounds down the range to try and hit an enemy while a wall of plasma flies at your face.

TS4 was put on hold this August, as they are developing other games with higher demand.

Jo-Beth as sample character=win

Maybe put in Candi Skyler or Corporal Hart :p
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Oh wow, thats an awesome glitch xD And the Sci-Fi Sniper was always my favourite rifle. You know the snow level? I cant remember its name, but there was a wide open icy space with I think two jeeps and two bases at either end. Well, the Mag Charger, or whatever it was called was perfect on that level. I stayed at my starting point and switched the to the secondary view with the Mag Charger, the one that lets you see through walls, and I had a perfect kill count without dying once because there was so few walls to penetrate.

And I think I may add Jo-Beth as a sample character for those who want to run a small game of their own. And that sucks that TS4 has been delayed.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Well, still working on a char, but if ya wanna borrow anything from GenX (or use GenX as a part of the ULMF Directive) just asks, I'll be glad to provide anything ya may not have thought of
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Sure, feel free to post them, though we can have GenX referenced in the RP but not an actual part of them. Hell, the Umbrella corporation is referenced xD
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Should people who want to make researcher characters use the same sheet or a slightly different one?
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Use the same sheet, as once things get going they may end up getting raped as well ;D

Here's two sample character's I've come up with as well. These most likely wont be used as actual characters in the main game but people can use them for their own RP's if they so choose to run any.

Sample Characters

Name: Alexis Matthews
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Alexis stands at 5’1”, she has a slender frame and her breasts are an A-cup. She is a brunette whose hair comes down to her waist, though it is often tied up into two side ponytails, her bangs come to rest just above her eyes and she has two strips of hair framing her face that come to down to her shoulders. Alexis’ eyes are a deep purple hue.
Bio: An all round average girl, Alexis led a dull and boring life only punctuated occasionally by school and work, and the odd sexual adventure. Her grades as well as her performance at work were of an acceptable level though she didn’t take any interest in either one, merely working because she needed the extra cash.

Though unknown to her, Alexis’ parents were researchers at the ULMF Directive, and she was the result of an experiment. Whilst still human, Alexis has the unconscious ability to draw the arousal of any person or creature if in her company for longer than 6 hours. Whilst she was deemed a failed experiment by the Directive executives her parents secretly smuggled her out of the building so that Alexis may have the chance to lead a normal life.

Due to her ability it led to some awkward moments for Alexis, from her friends suddenly making advances towards her to her pet dog raping her during her sleep. Though not one to shy away from events that punctuated her boring life she happily accepted what was happening.

Reports had found their way to the Directive executives that Alexis was alive and well, angered by her parents act the executives had them killed. Shortly after that the ULMF Directive sent out some of their field operatives to retrieve their failed experiment, though not to destroy it, instead to push her to her limits to see how many experiments they could perform on her before Alexis broke.
Kinks/Fetishes: Rape, group sex, multiple penetrations, dog sex and sex with similar animals
Turn Offs: Monstrosities (monsters that lack any definitive humanoid shape or feature such as tentacles and the like)
Special Note: Alexis’ ability activates once someone has been around her for 6 hours or longer. This affects both people and animals, though the time limit is reduced to 3 hours when it comes to monsters who wouldn’t normally attack her on sight.

Name: Samantha Alison
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Appearance: Sam stands at 5’7” with a fairly slender frame however hips and bust are quite developed for her build, her breasts are about a Double D-cup. A brunette, Samantha’s hair comes down to her shoulders her bangs come to rest just above her eyebrows. Sam has hazel coloured eyes. Unlike other women Sam also has a penis as well as a vagina. Her penis is ten inches in length and one and a half inches thick when erect. It is also a greyish hue as it once belonged to a zombie though she has no idea how it came to be hers.
Bio: Samantha was a university student, and was supposed to be meeting up with several classmates to discuss and work on their current project when a zombie outbreak hit their city. Whilst trying to protect herself Sam was attacked by a group of zombies, who, instead of hungering for her flesh they hungered for her sex. After several hours of satisfying them she passed out from exhaustion.

Waking up after a couple of hours Sam had noticed that everything had gone eerily quiet, as if everything had just stopped. She had also noticed that she felt extremely aroused and only when she looked down did she notice that she had somehow grown a penis. Though after a quick inspection of it she came to the conclusion that it was one of the zombie’s that she had sex with, though Sam had no idea how it got there, only that she was starting to go crazy from the lust rush she was feeling.

Stumbling around the mall desperately looking for a way to relieve herself Samantha was set upon by several people dressed in full combat gear. These field operatives of the ULMF Directive decided that she’d be an excellent addition to their test subjects and so they subdued her and took her back to be experimented on.

Due to Samantha’s increased sexual drive she has to be drugged so that she doesn’t continually pleasure herself and wear her body out completely. When she isn’t being experimented on she has to be connected up to a machine that monitors her state as well as injecting her with sedatives to keep her subdued. It is noted that the drugs continue to affect her for several hours after being taken off the machine. It is recommended that she is taken off the machine several hours before experimentation so the drugs can work their way out of her system.
Kinks/Fetishes: Oral sex (both penile and vaginal oral sex), giving oral sex (penile only), zombie’s, group sex, bukkake
Turn Offs: Violence, being restricted (bondage and the like)
Special Note: Samantha’s penis acts like any other normal penis, though outwardly she lacks testicles even though she can still produce sperm. However this sperm cannot impregnate other women. Also, due to Samantha’s increased sex drive her orgasm bar starts off initially at 50% though because of her condition her stamina bar drops at a slower rate than usual.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Count me in for this shit.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive


Name: Sen Traviere


The daughter of one of the Directive's scientists, Sen has been helping out and the facility doing minor jobs since she was eight. Although when she was younger these jobs consisted of being a messenger and carrying about small packages like file folders or small packages of non-sensitive chemicals which would be okay if she dropped them, as she grew older and closer to majority the jobs started involving more of the less public tasks like observing and taking note on experiments. Given her long running history with the Directive and her work quality, Sen was formally hired as a research assistant shortly after her 17th birthday. Recently, she has, to her great joy, started getting assignments where she actually gets to run experiments herself as opposed to just helping someone else do it.
Experimenting on people, Voyeurism Given her history, all of Sen's exposure to sexual activities has been watching test subjects have sex with various devices or creatures. As such, she's developed a bit of a fetish for simply watching people and, if you're sneaky, can sometimes be found masturbating as she watches test subjects when her notes on the experiment are complete. Also, for the same reason, she finds something of a kinky pleasure in being the person who is controlling the experiment, either by directly injecting chemicals into the person, or by releasing creatures to 'play' with the test subject.
Turn Offs:
Blood and gore, watersports, scat.
Special Note: Given her sexual tendencies, Sen will often be carrying around various chemicals, either in syringes or spray bottles, in her lab coat pockets. The most common of these involve lust inducing chemicals and breast enlargement chemicals (Which she finds is better than pepper spray to keep off unwelcome men, plus the looks on their faces are hilarious).
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Looks good to me. Also, Burrito will also be playing as a researcher, so if the rest of you could, would you be able to make test subjects to try and balance out the playing field.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Name: Dr. Michael H.O., also know as Doctor O or Doctor Michael
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Appearance: The good Doctor has very pale skin, stands at 5'7", has black hair that is normally found hanging down on his chest or back, reaching down to below his shoulders. He wears fairly thick prescription glasses, and normally wears black pants underneath his white lab coat. He does have a silver ring with an octopus design on it, worn on his right ring finger.
Bio: Doctor Michael was a particularly gifted geneticist before being hired by the ULMF Directive. When they told him what they did, he quickly left his private research practice to join them and perform all the perverted fantasies he could think of. He often has a smile on his face, thinking twisted and dark thoughts.
Kinks/Fetishes: Michael tends to find many things sexual intriguing, as such, most types of sex are major turn-ons.
Turn-offs: Michaels only turn-off is acts of homosexuality, be it male or female.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Name: Lila M-3210
Age: 5 in robot years 19 in 'human years'. more explained below.
Gender: female
Appearance: She has black hair that when positioned in certain lighting, is almost a lunar like dark blue. She wears a white top that fits over her bust and slim tummy and deep blue skirt. She wears white stockings and black 'classy' shoes. She looks a bit unreal at 3'11" tall.
Bio: An escapee from an interesting experiment from a corrupt scientist. Her only assistance robot used to be anything but human. In the experiment, it is intended that she becomes a human experiment via use of science and magic. With this said, she can be a little awkward as a human, forcing the directive to take her.
Kinks/Fetishes: Bondage. Nipple play. Breast stimulation.
Turn-offs: Guro. Scat stuff. Mind control. Body modifications. (breast enlargement's okay, but has to come with a consequence of having them more sensitive.)
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Approved, also, all the test subjects will be wearing medical gown-type things. Not the ones that leave the ass showing, they're full body. Though they can/will be dressed up in a variety of other clothes in experiments.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Ooooh Monster/Experiment idea!

Name: Carnage
Description: The "Carnage" would appear like a human at first sight, assuming you are looking at it's front. They were humans once, but were modified by the ULMF Directive for use in their experiments. They have longer fingers than one would normally expect from a human, and have pretty rough skin. It is when you get to their back that one would see the monstrosity it is. Out of a patch on its back, the "Carnage" has a mass of long tentacles, added by the ULMFD to both catch, and violate test subjects. Their minds have also been tampered with, effectively turning off their personalities. They tend to be aggressive when attempting to take down a target. This also means that they will not necessarily go for the specified target. They will tend to penetrate as many holes as their tentacles can get to once a target is restrained, and continue their assault until ordered off, or the victim looses conciousness, in which case they will back off. They have softer bones than normal humans, and as such are more vulnerable to blunt attacks, such as a fist, or a club. These bones are also lighter than human ones, and a "Carnage" possesses agility above what you'd expect.

'sgood? Anything else I need to add? I couldn't really think of a better name for it since its inspiration was Carnage from Spiderman, but meh.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Possible serum ideas:

Lust serum: obvious use

Lactation Serum: Temporary breast enlargement with milk and increased sensitivity

Siren Serum: grants to user the temporary ability to use their voice to mentally affect all those hearing it. A permanent form is not yet developed. (Likely used by monsters)

Slow Serum: Slows down the user's time sense and ability to think making everyone seem much faster. As a note, sexual pleasure will affect them at the same rate, but will feel like they are reaching orgasm much faster than normal and more powerfully than normal.

Speed Serum: Speeds up the user's time sense and ability to think making everything seem to move in slow motion. This can help the user judge how they are affecting a lover more easily as they will effectively have more time to read their lover's body language to see if what they are doing works well and thus waste less time engaging in an activity their lover doesn't gain much pleasure from. While pleasure grows at the same rate as normal, it will seem slower and weaker to the user.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

I have one.

Name: Test Sample U-9

Description: When a human is injected with test sample U-9, their eyes turn an orangish shade, and resemble reptilian. On the inside, however, their body is constantly devolving. Within the first six hours, the subject begins to sprout black tentacle-like appendages, and within 8 hours, their body begins to break down until nothing is left but a humanoid body structure, and a mass of black tentacles surrounding it. It does not possess cognitive thought, and has only the instinct of lust and pleasure. It will openly chase any female that it senses, and will do anything to mate with her, even go so far as to kill someone. So long as a female is not within it's line of sight, it is quite docile.

Yeah, yeah. I couldn't think of anything else.