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ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Shrike blinked when Burrito raised his fist to strike at her, but didn't flinch. There was no flash in her mind, so she felt safe to assume he wouldn't actually swing. that didn't stop her from breathing a bit of a sigh of relief when he turned and bashed through to the bots, however.

She dropped to a crouch when Rapture yelled out, raising a shield towards the door as well as she did so. She nodded at the battle plan, following Grave out the door and facing the opposite direction. He'd carve the way forward, and she'd make sure they didnt get peppered from behind as they went. To this effect, she made a V in front of her, shunting the incoming bullets to either side and into the walls. Stopping them dead with a flat surface would be a better option, but would use more of her focus, and she had the feeling she'd need to conserve her strength a bit if she wanted to keep it up the entire way back...
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

((Really REALLY sorry... I got swept up in college work, relationship stuff, and the Space Race. But I am back, and will be back for a while.))

Shade looked at the demon, annoyance clear in his eyes. "I could have used that meatbag, you know," he said, dropping down as the bullets flew in. He stared at the cyborg, noticing the others knew him and hoping he wouldn't be targeted as the newcomer. He sat in silence as things got chaotic, clearly lost in his own thought, and staring at the computer screens.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Burrito copped a good deal of lead before joining battle, but the cyborg’s insanity prevented him from really taking notice, and his robotic form was sturdy enough to weather it. Demonstrating only the shittiest in AI, the group of bots continued to stand still firing, even as Burrito started caving heads in with his bare hands. Using the distraction their enraged commander provided, Grave was able to leave the room with very few bots actually trying to gun the mage down. A few hits in the small space he had to work with were inevitable, and the impacts jostled Grave somewhat, but his armour managed to hold against the, admittedly rather minor amount of flack he copped. In the crowded intersection off of the control room, the darkness wielder didn’t have the most optimal room to fight in – but at the same time, his enemies were much more cluttered. A swing of his magically enhanced longsword didn’t just break the bot he aimed at, like it was some kind of metal piñata; its junky torso shattered with enough force that the debris knocked over two different bots behind the first. Burrito’s fists might be going through bot armour as if it was tissue paper, but Grave had the lead in sheer devastation.

Host rose with his secured trophy, the head of the former tech, swallowing the last bitten chunk from the human’s neck, his face and hands almost entirely red with still-fresh blood. “You and me both, elf.” He answers Shade, his MP40 suddenly existing again in his free hand. “I plan on picking his brain, I just don’t want to haul around the rest of his meat. As much of a shame as it is to waste food…” the demon says, before heading out into the fray with everyone else.
Previously, the consoles in the control room might have held some potential help, from turning off the bots, to shutting off the countdown (“twenty minutes till self destruct,” the voiceover informs), or perhaps at least extending it. Now that the bullets had started flying, however, there was little enough that looked to be workable, let alone important. That said, there was one terminal that was showing a normal screen, which made Shade’s investigation much simpler. The elf was at least vaguely familiar with the technology in use; at worst, it would take barely a second to try to turn off the self destruct, or order the bots to stand down.

The scene was hectic. Sinful, Suri and Rapture kept behind the barrier, laying into any groups of newly arriving bots with assault rifle rounds, helping to keep the pressure off the psychic. Shrike’s barrierless back was to their direction of travel, and at the moment only Host was present to take shots at the bots along that path. Grave and Burrito were both smashing into the last of the bots that had been in the intersection, now just outside the curved barrier Shrike was emitting. New bots were constantly arriving from each of the four available avenues in the cardinal directions; with the random button pushes in the control room, the machines were swarming like a pack of enraged ants. The enemy forces now included the wraith bots that they had found earlier. While more advanced than the other machines, they had apparently terrible engines; they moved and acted slowly, despite a more advanced AI that allowed them to at least attempt to use cover. Other than that, their only contribution to the battle was to make it more morbid, with the emotionless, unconvincing covering of fake-skin each one had.

Tactically speaking, the ULMFers were in an alright position; the control room was just off of a four way intersection, and bots had been sporadically arriving from each one, but Shrike’s barrier would let them push out fearlessly. Grave and Burrito would presumably be able to carve through bots in the un-guarded path… presuming that Burrito actually decided to go in the direction of the exit with Grave, instead of deeper into the soon-to-explode complex. This, of course, was fairly minor a problem – at least, when considering the new problem that came roaring towards the group.

A cartoon grin and two playfully malicious eyes marked the nose of what was otherwise a fairly bog-standard green rocket; a presumably explosive, fist-sized bulb propelled by a fire-spitting engine behind it, with a ring of little red lights around the engine compartment, apparently just for decoration. It traveled down the barrier-less corridor, on a course to blow the squad's psychic into bite-sized chunks. She could be forgiven for failing to notice, though - Shrike’s precognition was pre-empted when, without even slight hesitation, the group’s token Lurker shot the flying explosive, detonating it without any effect beyond a thunderclap and a thin cloud of smoke. There was a small group of bots visible through the particles, though it was impossible to tell just which one might have the expected rocket launcher needed for the prior attack, despite the normally quite obvious profile such weapons make.
“Rocke-” Host begins to warn, as if it hadn’t become self-evident… but immediately stops, needing all of his focus – there is the Woosh of another rocket propelled launch, and three more of the things pierce the mist of the first explosion…
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Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Shade watches the demon for a moment, muttering: "I'm only HALF elf," before turning to the monitor remaining and placing his hand on the screen, eyes closed for the moment. Hearing the threat of the rocket, he spins throwing up a quick shield in front of the rocket, trying to at least slow it down. He mutters in irritation, hating being interrupted, and turns back to the monitor, beginning to sift through the unique language of computers.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

(Time for a pathetic attempt at a battle-map!)

At the first press of a key, the monitor immediately spat out total gibberish. So much for being undamaged. Still, after a moment, the data stream ended. The characters on the screen began in a jumble of unintelligible symbols, with exceptionally short periods where a coherent word or two started to form - the most notable of them being "restricted". Further down the screen, a large chunk of text had retained its coherency.

Great promise.
Software is archaic and almost impossibly warped. Translation seemingly impossible, but required by Toonpimp. May need Programmer.
Hardware intriuging, many unused data input/output paths. Potential workaround for Software limitations?
Addbot displays typical behaviour, restraints continue to be nessesary.
Software team is

And then the paragraph simply trailed off into indecypherable characters; any further attempt to use the machine simply resulted in a low-key explosion behind the screen, rendering it as inoperable as the others/
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Shrike was focused on the barriers she had thrown up, the pair of shimmering, transparent blue walls requiring most of her attention as she tried to focus more on the spots getting hit, and conserving energy. The thunderclap caused her to jump, it being significantly louder than any of the other multitude of explosions happening in all four directions.
"Shit, what was that?" She called out as she craned her head around for a look. "Focus on the direction we need to be going, I'll be fine if we can keep moving." She informed the squadmates who were shooting in the same direction she was shielding from, shrugging in the direction of the more deadly enemies.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

To say that Grave wasn't enjoying himself would be like saying that grass isn't green. Even in a tough spot like this, he savored the brief moment of combat insanity, relishing the way bots exploded into pieces anytime he hit one. Granted, he had little room to work in, but he could get around that. Those few hits he took didn't harm him, his magic armor holding up quite well, though he had to devote a moment of concentration to restoring it to full capacity in between strikes. Against enemies this slow and stupid, however, who didn't even bother to revise their attack pattern in spite of it's ineffectiveness, he could afford a few seconds of delay, especially with Burrito drawing fire. Especially when the darkling's attacks kept knocking multiple bots over like bowling pins. As he smashed into one of the last enemies standing in the intersection, he heard a strange noise, followed by the familiar sound of a powerful explosive being detonated not too far away. 'Grenades? Rockets?' This was a bad sign. Taking care to remove the last of the nearby enemies, Grave took a look around the corner in the direction of the exit, paling as he saw the missiles. "Oh shit." Pointing his left hand towards the incoming projectiles, he let loose a blast of dark power, hoping to hit and blow up least one of them.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Letting out a sigh, Shade muttered about technology. Looking out and surveying the situation, he notices the darkling smashing his way through. The explosives didn't bother him nearly as much as the busted computer. He sat and thought for a minute or two, showing disturbing indifference to the battle raging around him. To a casual observer, it would appear as if he wasn't paying attention, but a closer examination would show he was completely focused, muttering to himself about bot physiology.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Burrito's eyes shoot towards the origin of the rockets, and his mouth opens before he fires a pin-point sized laser blast from said mouth downrange, growling as he tries to fire another blast, with the same effect. "BASTARD!" he yells, then takes off in a thundering bound towards the smoke, his speed much slower than when he had burst through the door. He began to remember something as he bounded through the smoke. He remembered that he had people to get home alive, but he couldn't remember who.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

The very NPC-like Sinful and Suri didn’t need Shrike to tell them where the biggest threat was coming from, nor did they need Rapture to. That didn’t stop her, of course. “Sinful, Suri, on our unshielded side!”
With Grave and Burrito following suit, the absence of anyone killing bots behind Shrike’s shields meant two things. Firstly, the lack of anything killing bots was leaving her shield more taxed, and the constant but sporadic arrival of one or two more wasn’t helping things; if they could get moving before too long ,there shouldn’t be a problem, but if whatever was firing rockets kept them up too long…

The other thing was one that Shade noticed... eventually, after he was done mentally running through the nature of his opponents. Bot physiology was an interesting field to study, most of which was due to the influence the addbots caused. The rest was due to the strange way technological things seemed to react to bots – some things worked fine, others failed to perceive the bot, others just broke. Nothing in their physics compliant construction should have given them that ability, and trying to find out where it came from had been the subject of several scientific investigations. It wasn’t something totally physical; bot parts could be put onto normal robots, and the robot wouldn’t have the bot ability. It wasn’t something totally software-related, as a copy of bot programming in a normal machine’s processors wouldn’t give them the ability either. What Toonpimp was doing here – using addbot parts to repair damaged addbots – wasn’t the first experiment of its kind, though it was the first large-scale attempt to do so; only someone who had quite thoroughly researched the topic would know that, though. As the factory was showing, it seemed to work pretty well.

The influence addbots had on the design of all bots was an obvious one. Bots could feasibly be constructed in the same way as any normal machine; bipedal, quadrapedal, wheeled… the potential bot forms were near-limitless. And yet, every single bot after the addbots had mimicked their humanoid, skinned design. The reason was obvious – the addbots ruled the world, making them the most successful thing imaginable; why wouldn’t you want to make your bots in exactly the same way, if you wanted them to achieve that kind of success?
The answer: because addbots were designed to advertise. Sure, they took over the internet, but they weren’t made for it; they had several strategic flaws, and managed to win mostly by force of numbers. The speed-bot that had hunted them down earlier was a good indication of what a bot properly designed for combat could be.… but good luck trying to get a programmer to understand that, these days. It didn’t help that the advent of the addbots had seen most of the already-uncommon programmers and hackers die off, leaving only an uncreative few to continue the craft. By now, the humanoid-bot phenomenon was so prevalent that a good deal of people believed bots needed to be bipedal – to the constant frustration of invested historians.

It was about at this point that Shade would notice the unusually large number of bots outside the control room. There had been a few before, then the others had cut them down… and now there were several again. They were mostly pre-occupied shooting at something to the left of the exit, but it probably wouldn’t be too long before one of them changed target to the half-elf. The ULMFers had begun moving out, and if Shade didn’t get back, the swarming bots might just cut him off, without particularly much hope of being able to catch back up. Being trapped alone, in a self-destructing complex containing a small army of hostile bots… well, there were better ways to spend an afternoon.

Slightly through the wall to Shade’s left, in the space of a second, most of the squad had tried furiously to stop the mildly worrying possibility of being blown up. The first, quick but uncalculated shot of Sinful and Suri failed to hit a rocket; not unexpected given the difficulty of the shot. Host managed to only brush the side of a missile with his next shot, though it was enough to throw the missile off course and into a wall. Rapture’s hit was cleaner, and the second missile fell after the first. The last one got close enough that, when Grave’s dark shot destroyed it, the smoke-cloud was tickling Host’s nose.

-then there was the sound of rocket propellant igniting.

They might have been in trouble, if, (with a dramatically appropriate cry of fury,) Burrito hadn’t fired a line of blue light down the hall. It wasn’t exactly the powerful blast that his previous compatriots would remember him for, but it certainly blew up the oncoming missiles – and cleared the smoke, too.

Unfortunately, the three things that had been launching the missiles proved to be more sturdy… despite their appearance. Indeed, it would be hard to imagine the creatures that Burrito was running at could withstand a water-pistol, let alone beams of glowing death; they appeared to be made out of cardboard boxes, spray-painted sliver for that dashing faux-mechanical look… you can even occasionally see brown spots where the paintjob had been a bit thin. The only thing marring that image was the roaming, red blip on the “machine’s” head; even with that taken into consideration, it still looked like a ten-year-old’s attempt at making an original-series Cylon, with a pair of small doors in the machine’s chest. It was quite possible to imagine a child inside the handicraft creation, making robot noises… But any suspicions about Toonpimp using child soldiers were quickly dashed; as the squad’s former commander bull-rushed them, the nearest of the three things attacked him… by opening the ‘doors’, and unleashing a large number of black cords, which seemed to autononomously flail at the cyborg.

Not one to retreat, and not able to dodge the omni-present wires, burrito took them head on… and for his trouble, had enough electricity unloaded into his body that the cyborg’s charge was stopped flat. Like any good machine, Burrito’s body had been designed with fail-safes in place to prevent electrical surges; his physical systems simply shut down under the level of current these cords were putting out. Thankfully, the berserking cyborg’s systems righted themselves as soon as the flailing cords lost their connection… but still, getting close to the robots without suffering crippling levels of electric shock was going to be a problem.
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Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Shade sighs, making a mental note to look into these bots, and sets off with a high powered burst of speed no human could hope to match without having a catastrophic asthma attack. He set his sights on catching the others, letting his instincts take over, knowing that in a situation like this, they could well save his life. Still moving quickly, he allows his hand to move to his sword hilt, readying so it will be quick to draw, scanning the path ahead quickly along his headlong dash.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

"Oh god damn it!" Grave swore as he charged forward, moving towards Burrito to support him. He had no intentions of engaging the weird bots in melee. Despite their strange appearance, they seemed to be quite deadly. He had no hope of avoiding all the wires and he doubted his magic would shield him against that kind of voltage for long. And unlike the cyborg, he didn't recover from massive electric shocks that easily. Rather, he intended to stay out of their reach and just blast them with lances of dark energy, hoping to punch through their armor with focused firepower. They had to get through those guys, one way or another.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Shrike frowned a bit as the bots in the hallways she was covering slowly increased in number. She spotted Shade making a dash for them from the control room, and made a gap for him to jump through when he arrived. with the entire group together, she changed her tactics a bit, moving back towards the exit hallway as far as she could without crowding the rest of the group into whatever was stalling them behind her, trying to slim the barrier's profile against the two side passages. the ones directly in front of her would hit a bit harder, but it should relieve the pressure somewhat. Slowly, she started to feel the smallest of headaches forming in the back of her head...
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Burrito seems to jitter as he stands up, his system resetting and the mechanical portions of his brain rebooting from the shock. When that was all said and done, his right eye had changed to a blue, to match his left. "That hurt quite a bit." he says calmly, staring the machines down and running several calculations through his brain as he did so, also turning to look about at the old members of his squad. "Grave, flank behind them. If we hit them in a pincer move, I doubt their AI will be able to handle the stress." he says, fully aware of Grave's powers over darkness. "Someone give me something to shoot these assholes with!" he yells, a tell-tale tone of 'Hurry up' and 'I don't give a shit about what YOU'RE doing, help me' kicking in.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Shade nods his thanks to Shrike, handing Occam his revolver after his outburst, muttering: "I was always better with a sword anyway." Noticing what Shrike is up to, he lends her a bit of his energy, which while very alien, also has a rare quality hard to pinpoint and is surprisingly easy to integrate into the workings. Drawing his sword, he grins as he notices the electrical discharge of the bots, an idea springing into his brain.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

"Easier SAID than DONE, damn it!" Grave eyed the flailing cords. He tried to get a bit closer, without much success - those damn wires were freaking everywhere. At least Burrito seemed to be going back to normal, which meant he wasn't likely to kill anyone on the team too soon. Focusing, the darkling summoned more power, preparing himself for a dangerous stunt. First, he intended to launch himself with a big burst of energy OVER the bot's heads. He reinforced his armor in case he got hit, but he wasn't sure if it would be enough... Which is why he was also storing power for a second burst, one that would hopefully knock the wires away from him. Destroying them would take too much time, so he decided to use a wave of pure magic power to keep them away from him.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Grave’s initial bolt of darkness at least knocked the machine down; doing damage was another matter. With a hit that should have turned any metal bot into scrap, the strange bot’s armour was somewhat dented as it got back up with a whirr.

The cords that had been assaulting Burrito coiled back into the machine he backed off, regaining himself enough to start giving orders. “That might work, except they’re not bots!” Host shouts quickly over the combat, before Grave could follow through on Burrito’s plan. “They’re Creations, of Toonpimp’s – they may look like machines, but Gods only know how they actually work!”

The demon had been trying to shoot out their eyes; even though his rounds hit their largely immobile target, the eye apparently has the same unnatural protection as the rest of the ‘machine’, and his adversaries remained intact.

“Goddamnit, the difficulty of these things is ridiculous!” Host complained, no longer wasting his time making shots at a bot he can’t damage. ”How the hell is something like this even supposed to be fought!? For fuck sake, give us a chance here, Toonpimp!” Almost as soon as the words had left his mouth, one of the rear-two bots attempts another missile strike. This time, Host shot at the missile well before launch – detonating it inside the Creation’s chest, launching a small cloud of smoke rather than an explosive. The machine didn’t blow apart, but it certainly sparked, and its single eye dimmed as its head drooped.

“…Aha.” You didn’t have to see Host to know he was grinning.

Sinful followed through on the moment of serendipity, racing at the odd creations with her sword in what seemed to be an incredibly inadvisable move. The closer one opened its chest cavity, a bundle of cords twisting out – until sinful’s blade punctured it, stabbing the armoured creature in its exposed inner workings. A few still working cords thrashed and whipped her as she attacked, cutting slightly with the exposed metal at the ends of the wires, but she seemed to be unharmed by the electricity – or perhaps she had gotten lucky and damaged its ability to send a current through the cords. Its attack ended slowly as the mercenary carved up its guts with her blade, until the creation fell dormant.

Unfortunately the attack also put her next to thethird,and last active creation. Being in close range, the unnatural construct opted for cables again, unwinding to kill the girl. Sinful had hoped to destroy both before they could properly defend themselves, but still attempted to finish the job anyway. Shesliced at the cables as she approached the last creation, cutting through some – but far from enough. More than a few bared wires zapped her in quick succession, each one stinging and numbing the mercenary – but somehow not killing her, the cables seemingly carrying far less charge than when Burrito had been attacked. Still, that only made things more complicated. The black cords wrapped Sinful’s arms and legs without issue, her ability to protect herself hindered by the localised currents disrupting her ability to control her limbs. Before anyone could really try to disentangle her, Sinful was pulled directly in front of the creation, effectively totally covering its only weakspot with a human shield. While the thing was also simultaneously unable to attack with anything barring its unoccupied cords, that only extended to people who weren’t Sinful. The wires at the end of the cords slowly extended, piercing the skin and digging in, worming about against muscles. As much as the proud woman gritted her teeth, her agony came through in less than muffled screams – ‘weak’ or not, a current hurts a hell of a lot more with a direct line to your internals, as if the entry wasn’t painful enough.

“You stupid- if someone can, kill it, it would be good to do so before it gets any further!” Hissed Host, trying to find a way to make the nigh impossible shot without killing Sinful.To make matters worse, a pair of formerly-wraith bots walked into view at the end of the corridor the group was trying to travel down, noticing them at much the same time. Shrike might be defending all but one path from wandering bots, but one was enough.

The telepath was almost having an easy time of things compared to the group – most of the bots in the facility were apparently the formerly wraith owned ones, and they had a fairly constricting flaw – their programming was designed to fight with wraith stunners, not human weapons. While the layout of a gun and a stunner was quite similar, the alien weapon had a cooldown of about two seconds between shots – and the bots were, of course, designed to take that into account…leaving them pulling the trigger on their automatic riflesonce every two seconds.While the other varied bots at least knew how to use human weapons, there was only so much room in a corridor for the bots to be able to attack her in – and they had effectively reached saturation, some of the machines tripping up each other with poorly thought out movement decisions. While the threat of the bots weren’t exactly going away, they wouldn’t be getting any more dangerous for the ULMFer.

Frag Out

She heard the tinksomewhere down the right-side passage, almost after the robotic voice announced the attack, though the telepath hadn’t felt it impact her psionic projection.It took Shrike a precious second to see the grenade, rolled right against the inside wall - and certainly close enough to reach her with the blast.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

Shade steps next to Host, a faint trace of a smile on his lips as he watches the struggle. "Why do they always use electricity," he mutters to no one in particular, raising his hands in front of his body. He clenches his hands into fists, and the dim outline of a shield appears around Sinful, before a faint creaking noise emanates from his hands as he tightens them, slowly solidifying the shield in an effort to slice through the cables.
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

The strain on Shrike's abilities was no longer increasing, but it was also not getting any easier. Her headache had grown to include most of her forehead as well. Every so often, a bullet would hit more squarely, the energy required to stop it instead of deflecting it feeling like someone was flicking a finger against the inside of her skull. She hazarded a glance back just in time to see the first two of them fall, and the third take hold of Sin. There was nothing she could do though, unless the whole group wanted to deal with a crossfire situation, which would end up much worse. Speaking of much worse...

The grenade tinked and thunked it's way down the hall, landing just a few feet away from her, near the wall. "Fuck, grenade!" She yelled, moving back fully into the hallway they were trying to head down, pressing people back towards the bots if necessary. She ran her shield from the corner Nearest the grenade in an angle into their corridor a bit, hoping to keep most of the blast from affecting her too much. She herself pressed against the wall, holding both hands up to touch her newly placed and reinforced shield, bracing as best she could for the incoming blast...
Re: ULMF the Third (RP Thread)

"Oh for -" Grave let out a string of curses, some of them entirely inhuman as he lapsed into a dark language again. He hesitated when Host informed him of the enemy's nature, something he probably shouldn't have done. While the reptile's sharpshooting and Sinful's charge managed to kill off two of those things, now they had to deal with the last one without killing Sin, and from the looks of it there were more enemies waiting for them down the corridor. On top of that, Shrike was being forced back. He briefly wondered about going all out, but reconsidered. His endurance was really good, but not good enough to sustain prolonged usage of that form and leave him with enough strenght to escape quickly. On top of that, he'd probably hit Sin while attacking anyway. Lovely. "Screw this shit!" Grave lunged forward, sword in hand, armor of dark magic materialized around him. He planned to get around the armored one and strike him from behind if possible, where he wasn't protected by a living shield. Afterwards, he'd probably have to occupy the incoming bots...