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ACT [ Ultramanbo ] ウルトラマンボー Guild Meister ギルドマイスター RE097938 RJ097938 (ROR)


Jungle Girl
Jan 30, 2011
Reputation score
Info: dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ097938.html
Makers Web: uruman.sakura.ne.jp

The demo is HUGE filesize wise, but after messing around with it I've noticed a few things that might warrant a look.

-Enemy Combinations (Only thing iffy about it in the demo is that some enemies aren't universally compatible. One type must grab you first before the other, or they won't work together. Otherwise seems to work well.)

-Enemies turn around (Instead of the usual sidescrolling RoR single directional wave of enemies, most of them will turn back around if you happen to dodge them and chase you.)

-Art Design (The artwork and animation remind me of the Caryo games I adore, so that was an instant win in my oppinion)

Unfortunately in the demo there's a Floaty Feel and I can only hope that's improved upon before the games release. (The game was obviously not designed to be fast paced but after getting hit or jumping.. I don't know.. it feels like slow motion.)
There's also no fullscreen or screen resizing option despite the games massive filesize.


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Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

This looks great! I'll try it soon.

Edit: Animation is really good. It's really short though it shows a lot of promise.
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Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

Masurao is somewhat a similar studio to Caryo, that is right.... Caryo also always has similar feel to their work.... both studio's have great games btw....

I already played this demo a while ago, wasnt sure if I should make a tread for it though...... but guess someone did now.... ^^

I liked the demo, the size is way big for how much you can do I guess... dont know why, maybe the sound files or because of how it plays...

The enemies can combine, but only 2 of the same enemy from what I have seen so far.... (although I might be mistaken...) :rolleyes:
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

This is a great game when is it coming out or is it already out :cool:
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

Masurao is somewhat a similar studio to Caryo, that is right.... Caryo also always has similar feel to their work.... both studio's have great games btw....

I already played this demo a while ago, wasnt sure if I should make a tread for it though...... but guess someone did now.... ^^

I liked the demo, the size is way big for how much you can do I guess... dont know why, maybe the sound files or because of how it plays...

The enemies can combine, but only 2 of the same enemy from what I have seen so far.... (although I might be mistaken...) :rolleyes:

Sample image show a bee + octopus, so I guess there's more to it.
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

yeah, bee and octo, octo and lizard. The filesize might be attributable to extra resources already being in there, just you can't get at them. Sound's a good idea too, depending on the quality those fuckers make a game huge fast.
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

Wow, that trial was REALLY short considering its file size.

Still it was a pretty promising game. Some of the monsters don't pair up though (Lizard guy + Bee thing doesn't work) so maybe it won't pan out in the final version? *shrug*
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

The game's art isn't bad looking. Characters look pretty well defined, and the animation is fair. Much better than others I've seen, anyway.

The gameplay, however, is very sluggish. It gets the job done, but I agree with the OP: it just seems very slow.

But this is a hentai game, and they wanted to show people just how much of a forced deviant this girl can be! ^^
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

I'm reminded of another game called "Fighting Yuna" which also had enemy attack combos. Both are also Multimedia Fusion games that, for some reason, want to eat up more than a gigabyte of memory before loading a level.

I'm actually surprised that both of these games were made by different developers. Of course, the animation of this game is much more improved in comparison to Fighting Yuna's.
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

Of course, the animation of this game is much more improved in comparison to Fighting Yuna's.

Actually I thought it was the other way around. Nonetheless there's still much to hope for and I'll probably buy the full version when it comes out on eng.dlsite (and should I have to...).
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

Played the demo and all I have to say is: "EPIC WALK IS EPIC!!!!", which in civilized english means I actually like the walking motion+speed so I really hope they just add a run on/off button instead of simply making her go faster. Anyways, from what I see in the animation, art, and gameplay, its already on the top 3 RoR list for me. (also, like everyone said, it can be heavily improved, etc, etc, etc...)
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

Demo keeps getting stuck at the now loading screen on my system. System is running on Ryonanai XP.
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

Just played this yesterday. As Rayearth mentioned, this game is quite similiar to Fighting Yuna, especially the multi-enemy grabs and the animations of getting hit, etc. Actually, the more I think about it the more I feel this is like some sort of spiritual successor to Fighting Yuna. Instead of a charm move, you get some sort of Area of Effect bomb that kills all enemies near you. Also, getting orgasm'd is a lot quicker in this game too.

Not bad to say the least. If you were a fan of Fighting Yuna, then definitely give this a try. Just be ready for more clunky and slow attacks.
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

Something seems off about her stomach but besides that I like the character design. It does seem off as people have said how it was slow though, unless she's trying to look empowered. Then yea sure, epic walk XD
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

I like how you can get raped by everything and pretty much still have health to spare.. Also, there was a lot of enemy combos.

This game looks pretty good, but the whine she makes when they orgasm is kind of annoying..

I'll keep an eye on this.
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

Nice little game/demo.Kind of reminds me of that "Fighting Yuna" game.This one is better though.
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

As always from Masurao the animations are very high quality, but if the gameplay won't envolve further than it is now, it will end just being "another" RoR out there.
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

As always from Masurao the animations are very high quality, but if the gameplay won't envolve further than it is now, it will end just being "another" RoR out there.

True, however considering how many Meet&Fuck games, or GoR games there are, in which you have to put up with so much in order to see one mediocre CG, "just another" RoR game surely won't hurt...
Re: [Masurao] Guild Meister [RoR]

When is this game coming out?