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UN to ban yer hentai

Not sure if I would consider UN running out of money nay. It's a symptom of the current world order falling apart, and unless if you are someone rich and powerful, you are about going get screwed by someone rich and powerful.
UN running out of money? UN "aid" trucks that have crashed just happened to be filled with tons of blood diamonds , gold, and other minerals being smuggled out of various countries. Its a criminal organization meant to serve the rich and powerful
Still better than any country in the middle east or continental asia.
Lol remember when the top UN guy trying to ban loli/shota got caught for 5 accounts of child rape? This is called cognitive dissonance
That's a psychological effect, happens with a lot of things such as rape too, for those who think about the recent 'everything is rape!' ideologies
Because they feel self-conscious, they go extra hard on making it seem like they're strongly against it in public

Not everyone is like that of course, but there's a large amount of people who are
It seems as if censure is everywhere nowadays. We need to stay alert and mobilize or we might end up like in india where porn is illegal. :-S
It seems as if censure is everywhere nowadays. We need to stay alert and mobilize or we might end up like in india where porn is illegal. :-S

I love it when Indians defend the ban by claiming that porn is evil. Well, the ban certainly hasn't stopped the rapings.
I doubt this will go anywhere. It's called an "Optional Protocol" for starters, so it's almost certainly going to be non-binding. And you may remember a UN feminism committee writing an open letter to the manga/hentai industry in Japan to try and stop shota/loli/ryona/etc.

A group of Japanese women in the industry wrote a letter back basically telling them to fuck off and mind their own business.
Ha, like hell they're going to be able to police this. I'm pretty sure it's another bill passed for show and nothing more.

For example, I believe a year ago the EU put forth a ban on internet memes or something along those lines. That shit just hasn't even attempted to be policed and I haven't even heard of it since.
Ha, like hell they're going to be able to police this. I'm pretty sure it's another bill passed for show and nothing more.

For example, I believe a year ago the EU put forth a ban on internet memes or something along those lines. That shit just hasn't even attempted to be policed and I haven't even heard of it since.

Look, on the first I agree.
But the second ... on Article 17 of the Copyright Directive, I have a serious doubt that it is a show ... and I hope that Poland wins the case against this shit (the decision should be this year or next).
Just for the record ... Article 17 goes into effect on 7 June 2021.
The UN is toothless if the component nations refuse to uphold the laws it passes. Turns out giving unlimited veto powers to a few countries wasn't a great idea!