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United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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The United Kingdom, a decent sized area consisting of several countries. England and Ireland are amongst these, and England, specifically London is home to the second largest, and the oldest Sanctuary on the planet. It is filled with places one can hide for short periods of time, and the general feel is of a welcome atmosphere. An often times area of drizzly rain, it is often times easier to travel at night than during the day.

((Bartnum, Oni and LDF, your up here. Please be sure to include roughly where your character is, and where they go to should the general location change.))
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Pushing his way through the busy streets of Glasgow, Max nervously looks around for any signs of the police or anyone else suspicious, his baggy eyes frantically flick from face to face as people pass him. Sweeping his shaggy black hair out of his face the odd passerby stares for a moment at his dirt-covered, gaunt features, though a second later the sound of heavy footfalls startles the young man and looking behind him Max spots a group of three men walking quickly towards him. While they were dressed in civilian clothes Max wasn't going to take any chances, and turning back around he quickly breaks into a sprint before darting into an alleyway.

Seeing Max flee the three men give chase, roughly shoving anyone who gets in their way. As they turn into the alleyway that Max ran into the middlemost officer is struck by a trash can, sending him flying back into the main street. Pulling their pistols out the two policemen rise and aim them in the direction that the bin came from.

"Come out now and we wont shoot," One of the men call out to Max as his partner slowly made his way towards the boy.

Cowering behind a dumpster Max morph's his steel-coated arm into a large hammer head, ready to smash into the dumpster should they get too close so he can continue to run from them. "How can I believe you?" He calls out, his voice crackling. "I've killed too many already, I know what you do to killers."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Before either man could reply, there was a sudden screech of tires as an unmarked van suddenly peeled around the corner, trapping Max in a position where the only way out was though the van, or the officers.

Within several moments, a couple of armed people wearing masks stepped out, and the words spoken would send chills down everyone's spines.

"Toss down your weapons and surrender the boy to us, or we will open fire. You need not know why we want him, or who I am, only that I will give the order to shoot to kill you if you intervene."

As he spoke, the men with guns trained their weapons on both Max, and the two officers still standing, red pointer dots from laser sights visible on their chests. It was pretty evident that if they did fire, they wouldn't be missing.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

The two officers stare in disbelief as the masked men pour out of the van and make their demands. Looking at each other they silently lower their weapons to the ground and put their hands in the air.

Max on the other hand wasn't going to be so easy to deal with. Frightened beyond belief by the new arrivals the young man panic's, and pulling his hammer arm back he violently swings it into the dumpster, smashing the container sideways so it fills the entire alleyway. Then, morphing his arm into a blade Max rushes towards the wired fence. Slashing at it Max runs through the opening, hoping to put enough space between him and the masked men before they begin their pursuit.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

The sounds of curses, probably from both sets of men filled the alley way as the other armed men dove for cover from the flying dumpster. Behind Max the sounds of several shots being fired could be heard, though he had no idea if they were aimed at him, or if a shootout had started.

He wouldn't be sure how far he got, or how long he'd been running, but he could faintly hear running footsteps behind him even as he turned one way.

Suddenly an arm reached out and yanked him into a side alley, and before he could react a man's voice spoke, quietly and with what sounded like genuine concern.

"Don't be alarmed Max. My name is Declan Anderson, I'm here to help you. If I told you I could get you out of here, away from all of these people chasing after you, and give you a place to stay where you wouldn't have to worry about needing to be on the run again, would you be interested?"

Max might note by this point the man had released his arm, and just simply stood there as he spoke. What might register is, unlike the police who had shown fear at his forms, Delcan here showed absolutely no fear. It was almost as if he not only had known about Max, but perhaps was used to dealing with such oddities.

Another sudden thought might strike him. How had this guy known his name?
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Max lets out a yell as he is suddenly grabbed, it happening so fast he doesnt have time to react. Though as he is released Max enters a defensive stance. "How the hell do you know my name?" Max demands, one foot shuffling slightly behind him, ready to run if need be. "And how can you help me?" The look in Max's face would show that he doesn't trust the new arrival any more than he trusts the police or the masked men.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Declan shifted to lean against the alley wall before replying.

"I work for a network of people who's sole purpose is to help people like yourself who are hunted out of fear for what they can do. Our mission is to give them safe haven, a Sanctuary if you will from their former on the run lives. We've known about you for some time, just had a little trouble tracking you down. We've monitored the radio chatter among the local police, and have struck a deal with the government. Right about now they should be getting called off the chase so we can do what we need to, though if we fail to bring you in they'll likely rescind that order. I'm very hopeful it won't come to that, you have now idea how many strings I had to pull for that."

There was a pause as they both heard rushing footsteps coming at them, and from the sounds of it, they were the masked men again.

"Long story short, I can offer you a place to stay where you won't have to be on the run, and at the very least a way to get far from these other folks chasing you. They're like us in a way, they seek out people like you with gifts, only instead of offering them safe haven, they want to exploit you for their own gains. They don't give a crap about you as a person, and they won't hesitate if you don't prove to be useful to kill you outright. I would know ... I've seen too many friends killed by them, so you can imagine I have a sort of personal grudge involved."

Again he trailed off, then frowned.

"Damn, let them get a tad too close, excuse me one moment."

He pressed a button several times on a radio in his hand, which until now Max hadn't seen. After a few presses he nodded.

"OK, that should bring a couple of friends out to help us. Oh, hello there."

These words were spoken as a single masked man came around the corner, gun pointed at them. As he opened his mouth to call for his comrades, a sudden wall of something jumped off one of the alley walls in front, and literally threw the masked man half through one of the other walls with a thunderous roar.

Max would have just enough of a view before the lumbering behemoth was out of sight to register what it had been. The attacker had been a goddamn Yeti.

Declan spoke quietly from behind, reassuringly.

"Don't worry about the big guy, he's a friend and won't harm you. Those guys on the other hand ... well they killed his mate so I think you can imagine how mad he is with them. So, what do you think? Come with me and actually be free, or try running and most likely be tracked by those folks again? Choice is yours."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Max stood still, listening in disbelief as the man explained everything to him, though as he finishes Max couldn't help but think it all sounded too good to be true. But, he thinks to himself, this could be the only chance he could have to leave the life he's been living for the past several years behind and start afresh.

Demorphing his arm, and then releasing the steel from his body the fatigue suddenly hits Max as his adrenaline wears off, and as the giant beastman tears into the masked man the young man drops to his knee's. "Alright, I'll come with you. But if you're lying...I wont hesitate to attack you."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Declan nodded once.

"Fair enough Max. In your shoes, I think I would do the same thing. We must move quickly, there's a truck two blocks from here, we can get to that and go. The big guy will meet up with us later I'm sure, trying to get in his way now would be ... well, suicide."

Declan would indicate the direction they needed to go, then when Max started moving, break off into a run with him. As they ran he spoke.

"When we get to where we're going, we'll meet up with two very close companions of mine. Perhaps you've heard of one of them, her name is Helen Magnus."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Uh, no, I haven't heard of her," Max says as he easily catches up with Declan despite his fatigue. "This is the first time I've even heard of people being different like me."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith looks around at the inside of her unit. She had been here for... how long? A few months? Her being station here was for the purpose of being a diplomat, and she had been afforded a decent living space. However, she had still preferred to live in the cold, metallic cockpit of the walker.

She leans back on the seat, resting her head on the pillow she had taken and put into the small space, there was a few empty boxes of food she had eaten, as well as a box of spare clothing she had brought along. Beside that was a small box of clothes she needed to wash, she would get around to it eventually. She looks at a few photos that were hanging around and looks at a watch that she hung by a thread from the top of the cockpit and glances at it before sighing, no doubt the sanctuary people would realize that she's been sitting in the unit the entire time soon...
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Declan answered after a moment.

"Well, then I think your in for a pleasant surprise. Helen knows quite a bit about beings with abilities of all sorts. Hell, she ought to, she's a hundred fifty plus years old. Ah, there's our ride."

A decent sized van, plain as day and inconspicuous sat parked with a single man behind the wheel. He was short, but built powerfully, giving off the impression of one with hidden strength.

"There you folks are. We'd better get going, Big Guy just radioed and told me a few more of the baddies are coming, so I doubt we want to be here when they arrive. So your Max huh? Nice to meet you, name is Henry Foss. Ready to make a beeline for safety? Hop on in anywhere in the van, won't take long to get where we need to be."

Edith's quiet was suddenly broken by a radio going off nearby, possibly the same one she was supposed to use but probably didn't bother.

"Edith, this is Julia, do you copy?"

((Julia is a random human NPC that probably will never show up again after this.))

Elsewhere, in the main med lab of the Sanctuary, John and Sarah suddenly appeared in a swirl of flickering red lights.

Removing his hand from Sarah's shoulder, John took a step back.

"Ah, welcome to London, and welcome to one of the many Sanctuaries. We should be joined shortly by several other people. Your welcome to use whatever supplies you need in here before we go to meet our company, I suggest you tend to those burns. Let me know if you need any help."
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Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith picks up the radio, her hands moving idly as she uses a small amount of arcane to keep the auxillary functions powered, something that took little, if any, energy to sustain. She looks at the device then responds with a small yawn, "Yes Julia? Am I needed somewhere?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"No no, I just wanted to let you know that Declan appears to be on his way back, which means we'll probably be getting another guest soon. Just thought I would let you know so if you ran into someone, or multiple someones it wouldn't be a total shock. That and we have no idea if they know anything about your species, not quite sure how ... intrigued they might get, you know how some of them are with wanting to ask you a ton of questions. Is everything alright? You sound tired."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith leans forward as she looks into the radio, listening quietly, her mind wandered a bit as she thought of the dream she had before waking up, she had seen what her people had left behind when they decided to go into isolation, and in truth, she longed to experience for herself what it truly was to live like her ancestors. Still, this was not the time nor place for such thoughts. She had things to do. Important things, "Only those that we choose to allow to know of us will know of us. Any idea what he's bringing back this time? And... well..." She thought of her dream, then shook her head, "I just stayed up a little late last night calibrating my unit."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Sarah would blink a bit at the sudden unexpected change of scenery. "Um, sure," she replied to him, quietly looking around whatever room she had found herself in and working on treating her burns with supplies she found. "Still, there is one question I wanna ask you- what are ya wanting from me?" She wasn't an entire idiot- odviously they wanted her for SOMEthing, even if they didn't quite know. Considering they seemed to have come across the globe and knew who she was allready, there had to be a 'why' somewhere.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec sits at his desk in his room at Nottingham Uni, a pen behind his ear and a half finished physics paper sitting in front of him. As he takes a sip from a glass of water, he suddenly loses interest in the paper and puts the glass down on his desk, focusing on it. Soon, bubbles begin to form in the water and steam starts to rise from the top. Before long, the water is boiling.

Satisfied, Alec puts the water aside to cool and returns to working on his paper.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Over one hundred and fifty?" Max thinks to himself as the van comes into view, shocked that there's someone who could well be that old.

"Uh, um...Hi.." Max says quietly to Henry as he climbs into the van after Declan.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

John shrugged at her slightly.

"Well, all I was told was to offer you Sanctuary from those people who had you, nothing else. You'll have to ask Helen when she comes in, because to be honest with you, I have no idea. I can only assume part of it was to save you from there, it's what she does after all. Beyond that, your guess is as good as mine. I can tell you this though, the people who were holding you ... Your not the only person they've captured and done things to. In fact, their network is nearly as widespread as our own, and they're into some rather ... ugly things. Murder not being the least of them. It's possible she wants to find out if you know anything about their work there, it would help to shut them down in the long run, though I doubt they'll go nicely."

Julia's reply came back after a moment.

"Not really sure what it is they're bringing back. Oh, John just arrived with that girl from Ohio we talked about earlier. And you know, even you need rest dear, don't neglect that. Is there anything you want or need that I could get for you? I'd be happy to, really."

Not soon after Alec went back to his work, the phone in his room suddenly rang. The ID on it came up as Unknown.

After they were in, Henry pulled the vehicle out and drove off. As he drove, Henry spoke with a light chuckle.

"Hey man, you don't have to be shy, I don't bite."

As promised though, within about ten minutes they were pulling through the gates of what seemed to at first be a warehouse of some kind, then they passed into a sort of underground tunnel. Moments later, they passed back into an area above ground, and Max got his first view of their destination.

The place was gigantic to say the least, and appeared to be of a very old design. If he knew anything about the old buildings , Max might realize the design was similar to that used well back into the 1800's, which meant this place was very old. He also noted that despite the lack of any guards, it seemed to be very well fortified and defended, as a few things stuck out as likely being a form of sentry defense weapon. He also might get the impression that the place had more defense than the royal army combined did.

Declan now spoke as they pulled up to what seemed to be an entry door.

"Welcome to the London Sanctuary. Dr. Magnus should be meeting us shortly."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith sets down the radio as she pops the hatch sighing as she steps out and transmit the radio to conference on her portable radio, "I'll be fine Julia, anyway, guess I'll go see the newcomers. After all, I'm interested in seeing what John dragged in today. I'll get some rest later."

She walks towards where she figured John would be, humming slightly to herself as she looks down briefly, wondering if it was okay to see the new girl while wearing her military flight suit...
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