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United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

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Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"I've not heard of it. Is it close? Both of us are students here, we'd need to be able to get back for our studies."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith pauses on her wanderings as she looks at Declan and nods her head politely at the question, "Yes, I am actually free at the moment, well, I was planning on going back to continue modifying my walker, but if you need me for something else..."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

John shook his head.

"It's at the far north part of London. And my boy, I'm afraid your not going to be able to come back here, she may not be able to either. Those men, their organization ... they will try again. While you may be capable of defending yourself for a time, they will eventually figure out a way to contain and capture you if they force you to use your abilities enough. As for her ... she's a liability. They won't hesitate to kill her the first chance they get. This is of course assuming she survives to begin with, she may have internal injuries, she may not. The choices are yours to make however, though I would strongly recommend you consider all your options carefully."

Declan paused for a moment.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd be willing to check something out for us. We've got our hands full here with a bunch of new folks seeking shelter, and not enough people power to go around. Now, we've got reports that there might be a minor outbreak of Lazarus just south of London. I was hoping you could take the device Henry constructed and get close enough to confirm or disprove that, before it has a chance to make it's way here. We know it burns itself out, so we need to contain it if there really is an outbreak. Just ... be very careful, it could possibly be a setup."
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Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith had a hard time trying to hide her glee at finally being able to deploy but tries to mask it as she coughs and nods slightly, trying to maintain her usual expression, "Sounds good. I'll go wait in the hanger for Henry, make sure that this time he has instructions on how to operate the device." She listens to the part about the possibility of a trap and shakes her head, "Setup...? Are you suggesting the Cabal might be behind this? As that would be very foolish of them..." She briefly thinks about the fact that Cabal had approached the elves with talks of alliance, but that was higher up politicking, something she wasn't too interested in.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Declan shrugged.

"We're pretty sure the Cabal is responsible for releasing the Lazarus Virus actually. And ... Henry's back in Calgary right now. At the moment, it's just you."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec is silent for a minute, thinking.

"We've both made a commitment to study here. Hell, we've got plenty of other commitments too. We've got responsibilities, we have friends and families and other important people. I can't speak for her, but I've pretty much got the rest of my life planned out. You're telling me we've got to leave all that behind us, perhaps permanently. I don't want to have to make that decision. I don't even know if I can. And I'm certainly not making it on behalf of someone else who shouldn't ever have been dragged into this. Whatever 'this' is."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

John slowly nodded.

"I can appreciate that young man. However, be aware that these plans may get wrecked by the Cabal anyway if they decide to ocme after you again, which they almost certainly will. Now I doubt it will be a permanent thing, but one can never tell. Hmm, isn't there that lovely thing called temporary online classes though? It's rather hard to sort out the things that have changed in the last hundred or so years."

That likely there gave away to Alec that John clearly wasn't 100% human. Of course, humans couldn't teleport, so it was kind of already given away.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Online classes might work as a temporary solution, but even if we can make the arrangements they won't be enough in the long term. The classes are more than just theory, after lectures we normally go to the labs and try to put things into practice. We need the facilities here to do that."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

John thought for a moment before replying.

"If you had the proper facilities, could you perhaps manage it outside of here? I know a place where you can run just about anything, that and they'd have to make exceptions if your placed into protective custody. Believe me, I know all about protective custody. But enough on that, regardless, we need to get her the hell out of here. Are you ready?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith nods and shrugs, "Alright, I'll get right on it then." She walks away from Declan and heads towards the hanger, mentally excited about finally being deployed. She gets into her walker and awaits launch clearance, "Edith Heathers, requesting launch clearance."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

The reply came over the comm systems in short order.

"Permission Granted. Happy hunting, and be safe."

With that, the hangar doors opened up.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Yeah, in theory we could do do it somewhere else if we had the right facilities."

Alec sighs.

"I still don't know about all this, but I'll have to do it your way for now. If we go now, could we come back later to get our stuff? I don't really want to head off with a stranger to an unknown place with nothing but the clothes on my back."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"I tell you what. Let's get her some place safe, and I'll come right back here with you so we can get your items, that way they don't have time to set up another ambush. Sound good?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Hmm. That'd work for just me, but I imagine she'll want some stuff too. Hell, she's only half dressed as it is. And I don't think she'd appreciate either of us going through her belongings. We might have to make another trip once she's back on her feet again."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith takes a deep breath and begins to concentrate, shifting and manipulating nature to direct power into her unit, namely creating combustion in the engine and powering up the various mechanics of the machine. She grunts as she forces the unit to move, the thrusters suddenly releasing a powerful blast as the unit catapults itself out of the hanger and into the sky. After a few moments of drifting in the air, the unit lets out a dull thud as it catapults itself again in the direction that it needed to go relying more on powerful but short bursts of arcane in order to conserve energy.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

John nodded.

"Fair enough. Let's focus on getting her to safety, then getting your items. Where is your room, what number?"

Soon after Edith made her launch and settled down for the trip, her equipment began to go nuts. Warnings popped up alerting her to the detection of some kind of disturbance less than a mile under the ground, seeming to come from a building not far from the airport itself.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith frowns and looks down at the ground, she shifts her arms, manipulating the elements again and cutting her unit away from the catapult armor, letting the bulkier equipment break off as she enters free fall, waiting until she neared the ground before flaring her unit's thrusters a few times, landing on the ground with a dull thud as she checks her weapon and loads up her ammo cache before doing a preliminary look around and turning on her radio, starting to slowly scan the airwaves for foreign signals as she approaches the building.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"It's in the next building. Second floor, Room 3-15."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary other than the strange reading as Edith approached the building. However, there was a faint hint of some foul smell to the area, as if something had recently died and was decaying rapidly.

John nodded, then placed a hand on Melissa's arm.

"Stay put, I'll be back in a moment."

He then vanished along with the girl, only to return perhaps two minutes later.

"She's being tended to as we speak, let us get your things and leave. We have reason to suspect those soldiers may be returning shortly with more armed people. While I love a good fight, perhaps it would be best not to take any chances."

Placing a hand on Alec's shoulder, he suddenly found himself standing inside the main entryway of his room.

"Get what you need, and let me know when your ready. Let us hope they still think we're back at her place if they are truly on their way."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith checks and aligns her mech's arm with the facing wall of the building and starts to concentrate again, causing a thin sheen of water to appear on her mech's cutting track as she pushes the arm forward, the highly pressurized water beginning to do it's work as she tries to cut a hole in the wall for her to fit through.
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