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United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

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Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

The wall seemed to offer little resistance to Edith's cutter, however several disturbed smaller animals bolted in terror at the sight. Before long she had her entry point, and a rather large shock.

The room she had cut into was filled with what seemed to be dead abnormals, dozens of them, and all of them had serious combat injuries that would appear to be the cause of death.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec nods and runs off into the room. He grabs a couple of bags and begins filling them with all manner of clothes and other possessions. A few minutes later, he returns to John with the two bags now full.

"I hope I didn't take too long. I'm just not the type to leave anything behind if I can help it."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

During the time he'd been waiting, John had thought about what to tell the young man. He likely would want to leave London for now and go to the main Sanctuary, but would he be willing to do so this soon? He was left with little choice when the man returned, and he shook his head.

"No not at all. The coast appears to be clear for the moment, however I have been thinking about something. If your willing, I think perhaps somewhere other than the U.K would be a bit more ... prudent for you to stay for now. If your willing, I have an idea on that."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith covers her face as she starts to transmit back to base what she was seeing. She slowly urges the mech forward, which seems to hesitate, before taking a careful step inside. She concentrated fire into the mech's forward lamps, shining a bright light across the room as she slowly picks her way through it, quietly loading a single electrical charge into her mech's gun arm.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec sighed as John mentioned leaving the UK. It seemed every new development or suggestion brought him closer to simply leaving his whole life behind him. And the closer he became to doing so, the less point there was in arguing against it.

"Alright, let's do that. Might complicate the uni arrangements a bit though. 'Some criminals are after me, so I have to go hide abroad'."
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Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

John shrugged slightly.

"Let Declan handle that. I swear the man should have been a politician, he fits well at it, but he is a good head of house member. Ah, never mind, you won't understand what I'm saying without knowing the Sanctuary Network. If it is at all possible, I will do my best to see to it that someday you can return here. Regardless, my suggestion is actually to take both you and ... what was the young ladies name again? Take the two of you to the main Sanctuary, which is in Calgary. The Cabal as of now dare not attack such a heavily fortified structure."

As Edith got further inside, she could see that some of the dead abnormals were missing limbs, some were missing their entire heads, while some appeared to have been cut in half. Most of them had what seemed to be surgical scars on them as well, and a few of them appeared to have been female. Two of the female ones appeared to have been pregnant at the time of death, indicating whoever had done this hadn't cared about the unborn life within them.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Calgary? That's... that's in Canada, right? And her name's Melissa, if I remember right."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith continues to cover her mouth as she picks her way through the bodies, moving along the floor as she tries to look around the area, trying to find if there was anything living of interest around here. She tries to figure out what the hell the humans were doing here...
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

As Edith pushed on, she saw something that caught her eye. If she looked closer, she'd spot the faded, but telling symbol of the Cabal on one of the walls.

About then, a grunting noise could be heard from outside the room she'd cut in to, one of either pain or surprise, it was impossible to tell.

John nodded.

"Yes, it is. It's quite well populated there, and trust me when I say you won't have any shortage of interesting people to meet there. In fact, you'll get to meet the daughter of the man who got the Sanctuary Network started in the first place. As for your friend Melissa, she can likely recover with a greater chance of not being disturbed there."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith starts to move towards the sound, her water weapon and her gun still at ready as she slowly investigates the sound, killing the lights on her mech.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

As Edith approached the origin of the sound, a large, badly injured abnormal of an unknown species staggered around the corner. It saw her, and tried to run, but fell to the ground, unmoving.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith resumes the use of her mech's searchlights as she tries to shine a light on the creature, calling out using the external amplifiers, "This is Edith Heathers, Elven Representative of the Sanctuary. Identify yourself."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec nods.

"Right, sounds good. I'm ready when you are."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

John nodded, and then they vanished, appearing back at the London Sanctuary long enough to pick the young woman back up again, before vanishing once more.

((Will post an arrival for them there in Calgary with my next post there))

Edith's only reply was a feeble attempt by the creature to crawl away from her, followed by what sounded like a death gurgle.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith looks over the dead creature, trying to identify what it was, she also begins to write down a few notes on a notepad she kept inside the cockpit, wondering what was going on as she swivels her mech unit around, looking for any other doors or entrances in this place, also, whether or not there were any machines or tools that could explain what had happened...
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

As Edith conducted her observations, she noticed what seemed to be surgical wounds on the now dead creature. A closer inspection revealed that this creature in fact seemed to have been surgically altered somehow. Perhaps it had been intentionally been worked upon to become a new species, though a though now would cross her mind. She might recall a report from several months ago when one of the Sanctuaries own folks had been captured by the Cabal and experimented on. He'd been changed into a freakish abnormal, and they had barely been able to restore him. Could this creature too have once been a human?

There seemed to be one door, which was obviously where this one had come from, though now another thought might hit her. What if there were more of them? Could any of them be saved? Or was it, like it had been for the one at her feet, already too late?
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith jolts down a few more notes onto the writing pad before slowly giving more juice to her mech, leaving the twisted creature to it's death as she plods around the room, turning the floodlights back on as she continues to search, trying to see if there were any other survivors that could be brought back. She thought about using this as evidence against Cabal to present to the elven council, but she frowns as she realized their answer would likely be that they should remain neutral and not enter into any human based conflict...
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

As Edith continued her search, she found more evidence to suggest that this place was some kind of experimental lab. There were a number of papers littered about that seemed to indicate the Cabal were trying to make something work, but it was unclear what or how close they were. However a closer inspection revealed that there were documents containing information on several members of several Sanctuaries, as well as something regarding her own race, but half of it was missing. It seemed someone had cleared the place out in a hurry, and left a ton behind. And that was when she noticed the blinking light on the table.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith picks through the information that was being picked up by the scanners, she paused, wondering what could have caused them to leave in such a hurry that they left so much behind. Turning her attention to the table, she approaches it, trying to delicately pick up the shiny object with her mecha's manipulators.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

As she reached out to pick it up, she noticed the small device with the light seemed attached to something via a cord. If she followed it, she would discover some kind of contraption that after a few moments, she would realize was a bomb of some sorts. To make matters worse, it was clearly armed, and there was no telling how much time was left on it before it would go off.
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