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United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

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Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith stares at the bomb for a few moments, before suddenly turning around and using all the arcane that her body could produce to manipulate the elements around her, trying to quickly coax the thrusters into turning on as she wills the armor to plow away from the explosive device as fast as she could, it was something she hadn't felt in a long time, fear. She was fairly certain her armor could protect her against a blast from a distance, but from this range...
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

As she turned, Edith could feel a sudden charge building in the air, as the device began to beep loudly, and more rapidly. Taking off as fast as she could, the beeping still sounding in her mind, she reached the point she had come into, passing outward ...

And then the entire building behind her erupted into a massive explosion, literally hurtling her away from the place at an impressive speed. She would survive the explosion, even as the building literally was vaporized behind her. However, there was now a new problem. She'd been thrown into the air as well, and now gravity was kicking back in. Which meant the ground was now rushing up to meet her face.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith gives a scream as she was propelled out of the building at unusually high speeds, her basic instruments telling her that she was going slightly faster than was recommended for the unit.

Looking down at the rapidly approaching ground, Edith struggles to maintain her calm and attempt to first activate her left thruster to turn the unit around, then try to force as much of the elements into both her thrusters as she could, hoping that the increased thrust would allow her to stablize herself, or at least not crash into the ground in a crumpled heap...
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

The boosters seemed to struggle to 'catch the air', letting out small metallic like groans of protest. Still, the ground came at her, far faster than she'd like.

And then, at the last moment, the boosters seemed to catch. They didn't completely stop her fall, however she was able to land in a semi-awkward position on her side, the shock of hitting the ground resonating throughout her body with some slight pain. Luckily though, save for maybe a few bruises, she was unharmed.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Groaning, Edith slowly rights her unit and tests her systems, rubbing her head as she slowly starts to head back to base, if not by thruster, then by walking, in the meantime trying to establish contact with the Sanctuary, "Heathers reporting... was some kind of lab where they were playing God... and it kinda exploded."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Much to her surprise, all Edith got in reply was massive amounts of garbled static. A quick look at her radio confirmed that part of it had been damaged, which meant the human device simply wouldn't work at all.

((Dunno if she has comm systems in her suit. If she does, those would work.))
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